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Wally Salinger in Balmain, New South Wales, Australia | Consultation agency

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Wally Salinger

Locality: Balmain, New South Wales, Australia


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25.01.2022 #hindsight2020 It arrived as a #bitoffun but there is probably much more to it than that!

25.01.2022 You can take your greatest struggle and turn it into your greatest success!

24.01.2022 What advice can a former Navy Admiral share on life?

24.01.2022 The global pandemic has business owners and many clients struggling to find stability and the focus they need manage the chaos they find themselves in every day. It is time to find an anchor. Coming soon is a 3 session program to allow you to anchor your life. Details will be given on a first in - first served basis. Watch this space. . .

23.01.2022 The true cost of the current pandemic is wellbeing. For some, it is physical wellbeing, even death. The greater, unmeasured, and certainly unquantified or successfully funded is our mental health. Hidden from view, taboo in everyday conversation, a sign of weakness, no excuse for taking time off work: it is little wonder millions suffer in silence. Are you one of the silent suffers? Start here, in private until you are ready for the next steps. Please share this short cou...rse with your network, on your preferred media. If only one person who has lost a job, loved one or is suffocating in isolation benefits, you have made the world a better place. See more

22.01.2022 Dr. Andrew Huberman can't get through this breathing technique ... Without cracking up. But it's not really his fault! You'll find the purpose for this technique in the #1 New Release on Amazon - Move! Your brain needs it. Now available on Kindle as an Ebook.

22.01.2022 Change may be easier than you think .... #alphapotential #changeahabit #FridayFunny

20.01.2022 Have you ever felt 'furious' at something in the media? Unleashed a tirade to ensure that the driver of the vehicle which just cut across your path knew they almost killed you? It's about YOU right? Yeah, well about that ....

19.01.2022 The Pivot Your Life is a 3-step program that will change give you clarity in all aspects of you life, relationships and business in a time of global chaos. It will be delivered live online over 3 consecutive days with a 30 minute session each day. To allow guests from around the world we have set times that suit European, Asian and Australian invitees. As a special offer, each invitee may invite a friend or colleague to join us at a special rate. The Pivot Program covers a ...meditation-based program for your mind, physical environment and feelings and emotions. WHAT IS COVERED IN EACH SESSION? After the first session, you will experience a deep sense of security, calmness and stillness. You will notice a change in your breathing, sleep and control of your situation. In the second session we use the anchor from the previous day to create a physical space in which you are focused and gain clarity for your decision-making. When we engage your feelings and emotions, your loved ones and colleagues will witness your mastery of day to day circumstances. In our meditation we learn how to identify, engage and eliminate our fear. Humans fear change, yet strangely chaos always leads to clarity. This 3 step process accelerates you to mastery. Dont stress, we dont need you to be a Yogi on a rock who meditates for days on end. We schedule up to 15 minutes of content to explain the process and answer a few questions you may have. This leads us into a guided meditation and a sort conclusion.

19.01.2022 Our mind will select fear as a default position. When we isolate individual case studies, we fail to respect the dignity and privacy of that individual. It is never ok. What does it look like when we view the larger picture? Where will you allow your mindset to lead you in a time of global fear? ... How do you bring your own mind under your control? At the Alpha Potential, we recognise the power of your heart in controlling your runaway mind. Book a free online consultation: [email protected] UNBIASED DATA ON CoVid-19: Why our fear response projects a different picture to reality The experience around the globe in the current pandemic may not be anything like reality. The human brain hates two things: the unknown and change. "The worst advisor here would be panic." The cost of social isolation may be higher than any current death rate. The impact of being in the same enclosed space with the same people or totally alone brings a different set of illnesses. Depression, insomnia, heart disease, stress related illnesses even suicide.

19.01.2022 Many of us are navel-gazing, focussing on the here and now. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Peter Drucker Every year, my clients review, analyse and "Clear the Decks" before launching into our planning. Rather than try to change the system, we are applying the same strategy for #2020. Ok, so we have added a single sub-question:... "What is the best thing that has occurred only because of the pandemic?" After allowing the shock to subside, the breath to return to normal, and the mind to look for positives in a year that has upended innumerable Small Businesses and individuals, the answers are mind-blowing. So I began to ask why? Why is the shift this year so dramatic? What are the universal factors that I have missed? Why now? Here are a few thoughts that are bigger than you or I, and began by asking whether the fable of Newton's apple occurring in the grounds of the university, or as some suggested, from his parents, home outside of London. In the grip of the Great Plague, it is said that Newton fled the city for the orchards of his childhood. The Gravitational Apple struck him it is said as he was forced into 'thinking time' without the pressure of everyday life. I don't mind where the discovery took place, it merely highlights what occurs when our routines are sufficiently disrupted to clear our schedules of life's tasks and begin to think. Are greater forces at play? You decide. See more

19.01.2022 One of the most influential things done by Nobel Laureates is missed by most of us. For a lucky few, it changes their life's work and passion. What is the most important thing you have gained from a Mentor? A. Specific skill set or system B. A particular way to lead C. A passion or focus D. How to treat competitors or opponents... E. Empowerment to achieve your dreams Leave an answer below. Herbie Codbake this one's for YOU! #nobelprize #mentoringprogram #smes #coaching

19.01.2022 So stoked for the work being done by our client Aman.vas . Not only did hard work and persistence meet June 2020 goals in tough economic times, but sharing that success through the KIVA Micro Lending program helps others help themselves. Check this out:

18.01.2022 A Message of Hope for our Planet in a Bottle. First you drink the contents, then dress in the bottle for your next flexibility class. Working with @amanvas reveals product authenticity.

18.01.2022 Stimulus help is on the way for SMEs. This one's for you #QonBrunswick Simon Ryan Employer with employees who have been stood down without pay. Zahrah runs a beauty salon in Melbourne. Ordinarily, she employs three permanent part-time... beauticians, but the government directive that beauty salons can no longer operate has required her to shut the business. As such she has been forced to stand down her three beauticians without pay. Zahrahs turnover will decline by more than 30 per cent, so she is eligible to apply for the JobKeeper Payment for each employee, and pass on $1,500 per fortnight before tax to each of her three beauticians for up to six months. Zahrah will maintain the connection to her employees, and be in a position to quickly resume her operations. Zahrah is required to advise her employees that she has nominated them as eligible employees to receive the payment. It is up to Zahrah whether she wants to pay superannuation on the additional income paid because of the JobKeeper Payment. If Zahrahs employees have already started receiving income support payments like the JobSeeker Payment when they receive the JobKeeper Payment, they will need to advise Services Australia of their new income.

18.01.2022 What occurs in your brain muscle when you exercise? Do you feel we need a Strong Confident Nation?

18.01.2022 Take the time to listen to "Demons" embedded here. Every life and death moment in this young life is carried in the haunting words. #donttakeitforgranted #gratitude

18.01.2022 #sharethelove tell someone you care and are thinking of them today.

16.01.2022 The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. - Voltaire

16.01.2022 The heart of the matter

15.01.2022 Your regeneration begins from the energy and life force buried within. "Roses will bloom again" Allow it to begin in the potential that has lain dormant in the current, often overwhelming year. #habitsofhealth #inspirational #alphapotential #coaching #nurture

15.01.2022 The #canadian government reminds us all what really matters.

15.01.2022 "Finally, as exceptional as Beth’s chess skills are, it’s worth considering, too, that all of us have a sliver of genius inside us. Indeed, part of the life journey is to discover what one is good at, to work at it, and then to offer it to others."

14.01.2022 Your job should bring you joy. Are you working with your passion and dreams every day.

13.01.2022 #exercise #habits #study #brainhealth #neuroscience

13.01.2022 A year 9 student presented a 'radio-controlled tap in the male vas deferens as his groups answer to 'safer sex' in 1990 whilst I was a student-teacher. Underprivileged students, groundbreaking ideas. The group received an "A". It has taken until 2018 for others to think this 'dumb idea' may have merit. #GatesFoundation #MicroCHIPS Students at Greenhills High School were considered the 'dumb leftovers' the 'not smart or rich enough' to attend 6 local private schools. was appalling. Kids found Sex Ed boring, meaning teaching was terrible. Science became fun for 10 weeks as we threw books out and created a new type of examination. 3 - 5 students were to create a commercially viable birth control method. They presented their concept to a peer group, all of whom were given 5 x $100,000 to invest in any or all of the projects they felt would be useful in their community, targeted a specific sexual myth, disease or situation locally or internationally. Not only were presentations hilarious they drew the principal, teachers with free periods and passing parents into the room. Each product revealed whether the group understood human reproduction. Other ideas that are yet to be brought to market were: 1. The "Anti Date Rape Device" not unlike a rabbit trap, it was designed to protect females by ensnaring the male penis and requiring surgical removal. Its appeal was not only the instant arrest of the offender but permanent behavioural change. 2. "The Party Condom" attached to designer underwear, the responsible party goers carried, literally in their pants, instant birth control. "Get an erection with protection." was the marketing slogan set to music. 3. "The Radio Controlled Tap" was designed to allow a couple sexual freedom without the pill and its effects. Should a couple decide to have a child, they made the choice of when, who and where. 4. "Cum Clean" provided instant barriers not only to unwanted pregnancy, but tackled the difficult issue of sexually transmitted diseases. A rubberised compound with antibacterial properties was applied to the penis prior to going out. It formed a protective barrier like a condom and was easily removed with Cum Clean Remover compound.

12.01.2022 The key to starting a new business is to be frustrated with a simple problem. Here's what clever tools can do for tradies and DIYs alike.

11.01.2022 "Old keys don't open new doors." Get your new keys in a new economic world @AlphaPotential

10.01.2022 #wfh is wearing just a little thin in some sectors. One must question the impact on #mentalhealth given the length of time and the lack of any change for many who crave the #escape to a daily job in the #office

10.01.2022 Can you get tired of doing nothing? Or even very little in a small space called 'home' ? The quick answer is yes.

10.01.2022 I've experienced many #abilities in years of teaching PE. Adjusting to the ability before you requires you to be flexible, creative and have fun with the #kids in your care. Thanks to the great Dr. Jeff Walkley, #RMIT a leader in inclusion, PE graduates were immersed in easy processes to provide skills and games including all. It is horrifying to see the impact of negativity via social media bullying. The drive to ensure it doesn't happen again makes this mum a very, very special, resilient person. How soon will we see #quadenslaw applied and written into our legal framework to celebrate difference, individuality and inclusion?

09.01.2022 When your psychologist has a sense of humour.

09.01.2022 Go on, you know you want to... Even if it is just because you are time rich and cash poor. [Please Do Try This At Home] Isn't it time you applied for your share of Dr. Bakare Tunde fortune $15,000,000?

07.01.2022 This looks like a great offer. If you are sure it is; buy shares in the company!

07.01.2022 Will you succumb to the Pill or the Change of #habit?

06.01.2022 Enrich your heart. Give. - Victor Hugo To keep pace within the frame of daily pandemic changes; frustrations, changes, updates, personal hardship, the impact on business profits, balance in life, often we neglect that which will matter when, 'this to, is past.' #growthmindset #change #newnormal #mindsetcoach

05.01.2022 School curriculums are missing an important reality. There is not even such a subject. . . Steal just one idea for your family.

01.01.2022 This #nye where will you decide to fly? #travel has changed forever. #spreadyourwings Stretch your horizons. If it's all too hard, grow your own. You choose. Your #goals your #dreams. Your #destiny ... Happy New Horizons on your journey. See more

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