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The Ashgrove Spinal Centre in Ashgrove, Queensland | Chiropractor

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The Ashgrove Spinal Centre

Locality: Ashgrove, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 3366 7988

Address: 48 Ashgrove Avenue 4060 Ashgrove, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Matilda is running in her School Fun Run to help raise money for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, please help out if you can by sponsoring her at the link below!

24.01.2022 Read Renee's article in the new addition of the Hot and Healthy in Business Magazine. This jam packed edition is featuring Women and Body Image, such an important topic for all of us. Renee's article is focusing on FAT in your FOOD. Do you think FAT makes you FAT? Read the full story here:

23.01.2022 What is Spinal Decompression therapy? Read more:

22.01.2022 At The Ashgrove Spinal Centre we make your safety our first priority at all times. Therefore Dr. Bailey recently completed Australian Government - Department of Health training program on 'COVID-19 Infection Control Training' to assure that we were doing everything in our power to protect our patients and the community. But we also strongly believe that 'Knowledge is Power' and therefore the better educated we are as a community the better we can manage the COVID-19 pandemi...c. Therefore I felt that it would recommend the 'COVID-19 Infection Control Training' module to any member of the community seeking to play their part in managing the spread of COVID-19. It is extremely well written using common language and open to anyone interested in completing the module. Let’s face it there is already considerable misinformation circulating and in some cases border line hysteria starting to appear in the community. Register by clicking the below link and allow approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the module. You even get a 'Certificate of Acknowledgment':

21.01.2022 Dr Robert J Bailey is being interviewed on The Hot & Healthy Women in Small Business "FREE Webinar Series"! Tickets are FREE so please book and join us tomorrow at 12.30pm Ergonomics for the Home Office - Getting Set Up Right.... Recent weeks have seen an unprecedented number of Australians working from home in improvised home offices. The corresponding increase in these people seeking assistance with a range of injuries associated with these compromised workstations has been observed by a range of health professionals. This indicates a clear and, in some instances, urgent need for simple, clear and concise education to assist people to optimise their working environments to prevent home based work place injury. In this Webinar Dr Bailey will cover: How to improve your seated posture. How to adjust your chair and other workplace equipment. (desk, keyboard, monitor, mouse, telephones, etc.) How to avoid strains and sprains by varying your work tasks and improving your workplace ergonomics. The importance of keeping active in the workplace. Simple exercises to ensure ergonomic adjustments are beneficial for your long-term health.

19.01.2022 It's that time of year again, make sure you are fitting your child school bag correctly!

18.01.2022 Are you Working from home and need help setting up your work area? Don’t wait until you are in pain, get set-up for success today. Give us a call to book an appointment, done live online.

14.01.2022 Happy " World Spine Day"! How are you taking care of your spine today? We have some appointments available, give us a call.

11.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE - KEEPING YOU SAFE COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on our community. The Federal Government recognises the important role Chiropractors play in the Australian Health System and therefore we will continue to provide health care to our community. But with this responsibility comes an obligation and we will be taking extreme measures to ensure you are as safe as possible from the potential transmission of this virus. The following practices are now in Establishing a thorough and regimented cleaning process for all areas of the office, including the waiting room, reception area, exam rooms and restrooms. Leaving at least a 10-minute gap between appointments to ensure only one (1) patient* is present in the clinic at any time and to provide time to perform cleaning process after a patient leaves and before the next patient arrives. Prohibiting any staff members who are sick, have been sick or have sick family members to come to the office. Have a detailed conversation by phone with new patients asking: a) If they or anyone in their family has a fever or has had one in the last two weeks. The incubation period can be up to 24 days. b) Have they or family members had any symptoms of a cold or flu? Symptoms including fever, tiredness and a cough that isn’t necessarily productive. They may also have or have had aches and pains, runny nose or nasal congestion, and vomiting or diarrhea. c) Have they traveled abroad in the last two weeks? d) Have they been near anyone who has potentially had the virus through their own family or work contact? People can be contagious without symptoms. Asking you as a current patient to please call and reschedule if you can say yes to any of the above questions. Taking extra precautions for high-risk patients or asking them to consider delaying if possible. High risk patients are those who: a) Are undergoing chemotherapy. b) Are immunocompromised. c) Are diabetic. d) Have heart disease. e) Have high blood pressure. f) Have asthma or another respiratory issue. g) Are over 70 years of age. Asking patients to wait in their car (rather than the waiting room) until it’s time for their appointment. Ask anyone accompanying the patient to wait in the car during the appointment if possible. Remove magazines and other printed reading material. Removing the train set and other diversions that children might find difficult to avoid touching. *Patients who reside at the same address may come together and do not have to leave cleaning time between their appointments. While we understand that some of these changes will make things a little more difficult in the short term. It is important we all do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The reality is we may never know how many lives, our decisive action to prevent the spread of COVID-19, could be saving.

08.01.2022 Around this time every year we see in an increase in the number of scoliosis patients at the clinic. Scoliosis is usually detected when the children are sized for new school uniforms and other clothing. I would encourage everyone to consider doing a quick scoliosis check on their children who are aged 10-15. Especially girls, as 90% of reported scoliosis cases are seen in females! For more information and our guide for Early Detection please follow this link -

06.01.2022 Be a bright spark and #getadjusted. Call today to schedule your appointment (07)3366 7988

05.01.2022 Coronavirus (COVID19) is a new virus that has caused a global outbreak in 2020. It is currently difficult to open and internet browser, newspaper or even walk past any monitor without being exposed to information regarding the Coronavirus. While the management of infectious disease is outside of the Chiropractic scope of practice the promotion of community health is everyone's responsibility. Every day awareness of the growing spread of COVID19 becomes more prevalent and wi...Continue reading

01.01.2022 A contact for those vulnerable in the community: Support Hotline opens for vulnerable Queenslanders in COVID-19 quarantine Queenslanders in home quarantine as a result of COVID-19 will be able to access advice, information and support through the Queensland Government’s Community Recovery Hotline.... These Queenslanders are now able to phone the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349. Qld Govt staff will be able to work with partner organisations to arrange non-contact delivery of essential food and medication to people in quarantine who have no other means of support. The Community Recovery Hotline may also be used by people who chose to self-isolate to ask for social and emotional telephone support. The Community Recovery Hotline was currently intended to help the most vulnerable Queenslanders in quarantine. Queenslanders who require health advice or information while in quarantine or self-isolation should call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit For more information visit

01.01.2022 Chiropractic & Immunity It recently came to our attention that a minority group of Chiropractor's were advocating that Chiropractic treatment boosts immune function. These claims are at the very least false and misleading but in the current environment potentially exploitative. But worse still in these claims are likely placing the Public and potentially lives at risk.... We would like to categorically state that there is no credible evidence to demonstrate that Chiropractic has a positive impact on immune function. If you become aware of any health professional making these or any other claims that you suspect are false or misleading you might consider reporting this conduct to the regulator. More information on this process can be found using the below link:

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