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Raelene Joyce : The Balanced Coach in Clyde North, Victoria | Therapist

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Raelene Joyce : The Balanced Coach

Locality: Clyde North, Victoria

Phone: +61 488 112 222


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25.01.2022 1 hour Remedial or Relax available THIS Wednesday at 2pm. . Comment here to claim it as yours

23.01.2022 Its MYOTHERAPY awareness week. And given Im just a few weeks away from being a qualified Myo, theres no better timing! . So what is Myotherapy? Im glad you asked. .... The assessment, treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions, which may cause muscular dysfunction and pain which affect movement and mobility. Thats the official line. . Basically, Myo = muscle. And given that joints need muscles to be able to move, and those muscles to be balanced, creating the correct force on your joints, its pretty much the basis of moving well. . Over the course of Myotherapy awareness week, Ill give you some more info on the types of conditions I treat and how I go about helping your body heal. See more

22.01.2022 :: upcoming appointments :: Just two spots left this school holidays; * Wed 10th at 9am (1 hour) * Sat 13th at 1pm (45 mins)... Did you know that you can book online up to 3 months ahead of time through this link :

21.01.2022 Its the second week of the new year already! . That thing you vowed to do this year, to achieve, experience... has anything changed to bring you closer to reaching those goals? . Soon itll be next month, then a new season. And before we know it, another new year will be before us. ... . Dont let that thing your heart most desires go past you in 2020 xx See more

21.01.2022 Golly Im seeing a lot, and I mean a LOT of not very strong bodies right now. Under-stretched, too. . Muscles move joints. Under-utilised muscles make for a lack of range of motion, stiff joints, and a cycle of dysfunction begins. .... Its quite common for me to see walkers and runners with shoulders that are painful and dont move well. Or tradies who perform repetitive tasks and nothing else to balance it out. . To keep your body functioning as it should, look to balance out your movement. If you walk or run, can you add some strength training, Pilates or yoga in to balance? If you use one region of your body a lot, how can you move to include more muscle groups? And if youre into weight training in a big way, can you add some body-weight resistance and stretching into the mix? . Balanced bodies are less likely to break! See more

21.01.2022 FAQ: Should I get a massage before or after my long run?. . This is SUCH a great question! .... When I used to run long, my default was to visit my Remedial Therapist across the road from work on the Monday after a half marathon. Which, back in those days was roughly one a month. Coz... thats just what everyone was doing. . Knowing what I now do after almost 3 years of study, if I was still able to run now, heres what Id do; . Rather than taking a post-run recovery mindset, Id book in on the Wednesday or Thursday BEFORE a big event. . Heres why; . A good therapist will be able to address any muscle imbalances and pre-injury states, meaning that your legs will take to the event feeling fresh and be better equipped to go the distance with less discomfort and a quicker recovery afterwards. . When runners come in for post-event treatment, yes, it is effective in helping recovery, but in my experience, often theyre too tender and tight to get the best from a session. . Do you run? Whats your default; pre or post? See more

20.01.2022 Last week I posed the question ; How would you feel about bringing your own towels along. And BOOM it became a thing! . So I wanted to explain a bit more of the why (coz its not that I dont love doing loads of laundry ). . Our Code Id Conduct dictates that, for hygiene and infection control, we change linen for every client. Thats 2 big towels and a hand towel for each person.... . But... its not as though the towels get dirty from you laying on them for 30, 45, 60 minutes. And washing something that can be re-used in your home without being washed seems to make so much more sense to me, rather than using water, power and cleaning product unnecessarily. . Im pretty delighted that so many of my regulars have BYOT this week but please know its totally optional and I understand that toting towels into a treatment isnt everyones idea of a good time. . p.s. Im donating $1 to a water related charity for every BYOT client. So far were at $12 . Win, win, win! See more

20.01.2022 As the sun sets on the year that was... . 2019 was a year of reflection, deep inner work and healing, of release, of discovering much about who I am, and equally who Im not. . I cant remember a year thats had as much impact as this one. ... . What will come forward into the new decade? And what will be left behind? . . I hope 2020 is full of kindness, love and happiness to all See more

19.01.2022 Just would you feel about a BYO towel policy at my little clinic? . Each week, a lot of resources go into laundering the linen I use. Power. Water. And although I make my own tox-free washing powder, it still has an impact on our waterways. . What do you think? Would BYO be the way to go, or no?

19.01.2022 How fitting that this was one of my fav bedtime stories. A parallel to the way I treat. A softer touch feels so much more than overly firm pressure. . Sure, theres times when a firm and sometimes bloody uncomfortable pressure is warranted, but thats not my default. . Every single client I see is different. And deserve to be treated as such.... . There are so many factors that affect soft tissue; muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments. . Your age, activity levels past and present, the way you eat, amount of sleep, stress levels, hydration, emotions, and hormones all have a huge impact on your muscular system. . Each client can (and usually does) change every time I see them too. . Theres no standard treatment on my table. Each and every one is different and tailored to give therapeutic benefit. To find the dysfunction at its root and address that, rather than putting a bandaid on a tummy ache. . After all, theres no point having these super sensitive hands that can feel a tiny grain 4 layers deep if I dont use them to full effect! . . . What was your childhood bedtime fav? See more

18.01.2022 Never underestimate the power you have to change your thoughts. The more you flip your mind from negative to positive, the easier it becomes

18.01.2022 Remedial treatments available this week; Wed 1:30pm (1 hour) Fri 4:30pm (45 mins) Sat 11am (45 mins)Remedial treatments available this week; Wed 1:30pm (1 hour) Fri 4:30pm (45 mins) Sat 11am (45 mins)

16.01.2022 Absolutely love the responses to my last post! The comments that have come through show that so many of you are challenged in similar areas. That making change seems so huge, and difficult, and overwhelming. Which is true. It is all of those things and more. But I can also say that taking those first few steps towards creating new habits - the kind that support who and what you want to be - are the start of the rest of your life. The best of your life.... Writing and recording the first newsletter (if you can call it that) is well underway!

15.01.2022 Thanks to Facebooks recent jail term, I realised that Ive been under-utilising my voice, staying quiet on topics and not giving you, the people who have supported me, the best I have to give. . All because of fear. "Ill upset someone", Id say to myself. Or, "Im no expert on that topic - someone will shut me down, or worse, expose me as a fraud". Not being able to say anything has made me realise that I really havent been saying much at all for the past few years. ... And yet, I have so very much to say. On a lot of things. . I truly believe that most people are not living their lives to their full, or even half potential. I truly believe that health is the greatest asset we have, and also the most taken for granted. I truly believe that most issues we have can be mitigated or reduced, through lifestyle choices, such as better sleep, eating better and moving regularly. And I truly believe that most of the people I talk to, listen to, treat, have no idea how or where to start making changes to their lives. Thats a lot of truly. And a lot of wasted days, weeks, months, years, existing rather than living. ******* I want to publish more content that helps us all to live a better life. A happier life. You happy. So Im going to start putting my fingers to the keyboard more often. Not on Facebook, coz its flooded with total crap (and Im still pissed at being in Facebook jail). I want to come directly to you, and deliver you the information that you want and need. Not to boost my business, coz tbh, Im pretty heavily booked with massage clients already. But I know a bit about quite a lot, and Im keen to share. I love to help. ******* Everything Ive done, felt, learnt, experienced, has brought me here. And Id like to share what I know, with those who can benefit. So please do tell... WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE, READ, HEAR, WATCH from me? Ive done up a little form to make it easier for you to share, and then receive. Here :

12.01.2022 -New Dec / Jan appointment times released- Eeeekkkkk... Just realised Im fully booked for the rest of the year, so Ive opened up some new days + times over the Christmas break to look after my regulars. Online bookings are available on;... Monday 23rd December between 12 noon and 5pm Monday 30th December between 9am and 1pm Friday 3rd January between 2pm and 5pm Just hit the BOOK NOW button and secure a time that suits :D

12.01.2022 Myotherapy Awareness Week . Myo means muscle. And muscles make us move. .... Before I started studying anatomy and biomechanics of the human body, I actually had never thought about how we move. My knowledge was pretty much limited to your hip bones connected to your - leg bone. . Our muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Some muscles cross one joint, and some two. For instance, your quadriceps group (4 muscles in the front thigh) extend your knee joint, swinging your leg forwards when you walk. One of those 4 also crosses the hip joint. . Because all 4 connect straight into the patella tendon (knee cap), when the muscles on the outside of your thigh are significantly stronger or tighter than those on the inside of your thigh, your knee cap kind of jumps off its track. Thats likely the clicking sound you hear when getting out of a chair or walking up stairs. . Your knee joint cant move on its own. Its the muscles that made movement possible. . Knee pain would make up around 20% of my clients symptoms, yet a muscular imbalance treated early enough, can save a lot of snap, crackle and pop! See more

12.01.2022 Lets fill each others FB feed with an image of something that made us happy this full-moon-emotionally-charged weekend! . You can tell us about it, or just post the pic. . *******... Mine was taken today in my Sons backyard. Its not often your adult offspring let you play. So I savoured every moment of helping him paint his front verandah a restful, calming green. Not many words were exchanged. Just comfy silence in his serene slice of country. See more

11.01.2022 Its getting harder and harder to squeeze all of my wonderful clients into time slots (thank you so much for your faith in me). So, to free up my treatment days a bit and give you more opportunities to book in, Im running a June trial, bringing the space between bookings down from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. . Dont worry! Youll still get your full hour on the table, coz this is VERY important to me. But we might have to rein in the lengthy chats afterwards ;) and Ill be tapping my watch as you skull your glass of water . If it works out okay, this will be the new norm. If not... slow sipping of water will resume in July :D

10.01.2022 With the HUGEST apology to all of my clients who trust me to help them heal, and a whole lot of tears, I've decided to temporarily cease offering the Myotherapy and Massage treatments that I love so much. It's not been an easy decision, but given my recent illness and depleted immunity, plus the close proximity that hands on treatment requires, it's a risk that I don't feel comfortable taking for myself or for my clients. When I feel fully healed, I'll reopen online bookings ...if the current world crisis allows. Again, huge apologies. Please do take care xx

10.01.2022 The struggle is real

10.01.2022 Meditation :: Happy one year streak to me . Confession... I have a really hard time of just sitting still, in silence, with just my racing mind for company. It goes allllllll over the place. And tbh, its not a fun time. .... But guided meditation. Now thats a horse of a different colour. Having someones calming, soothing or uplifting voice in my ears gives my thoughts focus, keeping them corralled rather than galloping off into the sunset. . If youve never tried it, give the app Insight Timer a go. Its free. Pretty user friendly. And if you download it today, this time next year you could be sitting on a 12 month streak too See more

09.01.2022 A mid-week, mid-December thought... If you could look into the future, would you want to know what lies ahead? Or can you trust that everything will unfold as and when its supposed to?

09.01.2022 A few weekends ago we snuck away for a mini-break down the Bass Coast, getting familiar with our one-day-neighbourhood, which was such a perfect way to spend a few days. We called into the little township of Wonthaggi on the way back for a meeting and of course, we were super early. Perfect timing for a coffee break really! . So this is like a smallish rural town. Nothing particularly funky or hipster about it. But I noticed the coolest thing. Literally everyone walking i...nto the coffee shop had their re-usable cup with them. Not just one or two. This was morning tea peak time. . Now, Ive been out of the external workforce for a few years now, but up our way, its definitely not a thing. At least I dont think it is. And it might be a thing in the city where I used to work. But when I hand my cup over at the cafe outside Uni, Im pretty much going solo. . Id like to issue a challenge... If you have a reusable cup, take it out of the cupboard and pop it somewhere that youll remember to grab it. And if you dont have one yet, theyre literally just a couple of dollars at KMart (or you can order a lovely glass version through joco). . I swear, coffee tastes better when you know youre not contributing to the landfill sitch! . (do I need to get out it a thing around here??) See more

09.01.2022 Were building again... Come on in . This time its a super energy efficient, passive solar optimised, fully custom job, and given that theres not that many built this way, yet, I thought there might be some fellow-minded folk on here that would like to follow along. . Weve blogged the last couple of builds, but this time its all about the gram.... . You can find us at @scape2thecape on Insta. Just in the very early planning stages See more

09.01.2022 Last minute massage spot for TOMORROW at 1:30pm 1 hour. $70. Relax or Remedial. First in, most calm ... Post below if youd like to claim this as yours. See more

06.01.2022 Have you heard the news? parkrun is coming to Berwick Waters!!!!!!! . If youre not a runner but youd like to be, or if its been a while since youve hit the pavement, you might like this little plan Ive put together. . From 0 to 5km in 8 weeks :D... . Theres a training plan, a stretch / exercise plan too (coz just running without working on your body is a fast-track to injury), and a checklist for those who like to tick boxes and keep streaks alive. Gold stars on your homework, anyone? . Please download or share, and reach out if you have any questions. . Oh... when does parkrun start? SATURDAY 9th November at 7:45. So if you start this plan next Monday, youll be ready in perfect time. See more

05.01.2022 - 6 reasons to try OAT MILK - I love convos that lead to great discoveries. This one (with my very dear neighbour) started with coffee, and led onto non-dairy milk or mylk. . Now, Ive long been a fan of almond milk, and often make my own. But... almonds are exy to buy and the long soak time means youve got to be organised a day in advance.... . Not so oat milk. . I made my first batch last night, and I have to say, Im in love <3. Heres why; 1. QUICK - it took less than 15 minutes from raw ingredient to fridge ready milk. No overnight soak needed. 2. CHEAP - oats are so so much less expensive than the almonds Ive been using. $7.50/kg vs $48. 3. PACKAGE FREE - Now that most councils are no longer recycling, all of our waste is going to land fill. Yuk. I buy my organic rolled oats from The Source Bulk Foods, bring them home in a glass jar, and then the milk can be stored in a jar too. 4. LESS CALORIES - theres a difference of 200 calories between 100g of oats (379 cals) and almonds (579 cals). Not that I want to open up a discussion about reducing calories here, but if you do count them and youre hesitant to use almond milk because of this, then oat milk could be worth investigating. Its worth noting that full fat cows milk comes in around 45 calories per 100g. 5. HIGH PROTEIN - Per 100g, cows milk has 3.4g of protein (the build / repair / restore macronutrient), oats have 13.15g and almonds 21.2g. Again, if you avoid dairy due to intolerances and almond milk because of cost, time or calories... 6. TASTE - I was fully surprised. It actually tastes creamy, and as my neighbour said, it has the least affect on the taste of coffee out of all non-dairy milks. If youre trying it straight from cows milk though, youll likely want to sweeten it with a bit of honey or rice malt syrup. . Convinced to give it a go? Theres heaps of recipes on the internet. Just google it. Or try 100g organic rolled oats soaked in water for 10 minutes, drained, and added to a high speed blender (or thermi) with 750ml fresh water, a pinch of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of sweetener (if using), then process for 1 minute on high, strain through a nut milk bag or muslin cloth and youre done. Keeps in the fridge for 4 days, and give it a quick shake before use. Oh, and you can use the pulp in a smoothie too for even less waste! See more

05.01.2022 Were taking a little time off at the end of September, which means theres only TWO (make that ONE) {now NONE} appointments left from now until October 1st; -booked- TUESDAY 17th Sept at 3pm -booked- WEDNESDAY 18th Sept at 1:30pm... Things are also getting squishy around Melbourne Marathon time, so if youre keen for a pre-event tune up or a post-event recovery, please jump on ASAP to secure your time: Take care, Raelene.

04.01.2022 Sooooo, Im in Facebook Jail. And it doesnt look as though a resolution is coming any time soon! Lets see if I can outsmart them by sharing from insta

04.01.2022 Q: is your online booking system working? I cant find an appointment space. A: sure is. Incredibly well. Next available is Tuesday 21st May ... If youre one of my regulars and you have an urgent need, please message me to go on the cancellation list and Ill do my best to fit you in

04.01.2022 Weekend brekkie yumminess. During Iso, I’ve been keeping a low profile, walking heaps, building up my strength and will be officially RE-OPENING for Myo and Massage treatments soon. Thanks for hanging in here with me.

04.01.2022 Duck bums, lower back pain, weak abs, shallow breathing and pelvic floors were the topics on focus at Pilates last night. In fact, it was the relationship between these seemingly unrelated challenges that most females face that had the groups full attention. . Through gentle movement, we explored the effect of pelvic position on breathing, and the way our diaphragm directly impacts our pelvic floor. . When we think of this as an internal cylinder and move our body to support... this theory, massive gains happen. . Which of these postural pics looks most like you(theres no right or wrong answer!) See more

03.01.2022 ***UPDATE - both taken** Two spots free tomoz Relax, Remedial or Myo. $70 for 60 minutes ... Text me on 0488112222 v missing the M

03.01.2022 Fitting in... . I think, in this Social Media focused life we have, that so many of us have lost our own identity. Our sense of who we are. We see a celebrity on instagram wearing something, or styling their house with something, and we want that for ourselves. We might buy it. We probably do. But its not right for us. We go to wear it out, or place it in our home, but it just doesnt fit with anything else we have and it doesnt make us feel how we were expecting it t...o. Another purchase to tuck away in the back of the cupboard. These people that we scroll past or take a screen shot of, works for them, because its who they are. And as much as we might want to be like them, were just not. Its their very uniqueness that we try to copy. How could we be ourselves when were trying to copy another? Im all for fitting in, as long as thats who I am. But if Ive learnt anything over the years, its that acting as someone youre not just wastes too much energy. Here I am. Grey hair. No make-up. Lined skin. Making the best of every day. (most of the time). Be you. Find your uniqueness. Be (long to) you (rself).

03.01.2022 Words of wisdom for the weekend

01.01.2022 THIS Pretty much sums up my weekend We snuck away for a 3 night mini-break by the coast which was pure perfection, albeit a little cold in the beach shack we rented. Nothing that chicken noodle soup and an early night couldnt fix. ... Rugged up wanders next to a spirited ocean, watching red dog explore new smells. Chats with locals and a cuppa around the kitchen table of our one-day-neighbours talking all things passive solar design and energy efficient housing. (Their home was 20 degrees with no heating needed). This little break filled my cup, which was already pretty close to the top. So many blessings to be thankful and grateful for

01.01.2022 Brushed off the run coaches whistle today for part 1 of a 5 week technique and injury prevention workshop today... which was awesome! . We started with head, shoulders and arms today. Their role in efficient running motion, with some silly mind-sticking tips to take out on their runs during the week (homework!) . Big changes and better body awareness just from one session. Cant wait to see them all on week 5!!!

01.01.2022 Mothers Day Gifting ....... Ive popped together two new offerings for Mothers Day. 30 minute back relax 30 minute lower leg + feet... Just $40 . Its really simple to grab one of these vouchers. No need to come and collect it. Just message me and well make it happen! . Need to drop hubby a hint... ? See more

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