The Bevelled Beat in Newcastle, New South Wales | Professional service
The Bevelled Beat
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 411 490 330
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24.01.2022 I hope everyone is set up for an amazing festive period and your all enjoying some horse time over Christmas **** I have a very limited afternoon appointments for tomorrow contact me asap to book in*** After Monday I'm taking a bit of a break I'll be back trimming on the 6th of Jan and again January spots are booking out so please think ahead! I will be responding to messages when I'm free and of course my regular clients can always contact me for emergency advice and help!
24.01.2022 I have some availability to take on some new clients who are committed to their horses hoof care. Covid-19 restrictions allow me to continue to care for you equine friends so if your looking for a new trimmer or wanting to transition to barefoot check out my business page and give me a call or inbox to discuss options.
24.01.2022 Just giving this one a boost... please remember I will go above and beyond to calmly assist your horse to be cooperative with me whilst I use extremely sharp tools under a 500kg+ animal but I do need to know before I arrive that it may take extra time to get your trim done... If I feel that i can't meet your horses needs whilst keeping you, the horse and myself safe I will recommend you seek professional training I have a special trainer who I will happily refer you to,in the... event you wish to use a different trainer I will need to talk to them before coming back out for the next visit or possibly agree on a time where they can be present depending on the situation which led to a trainer being recommended.I value all my clients and their horses dearly and only want the best out come for you and your horse whilst keeping myself safe in the process See more
24.01.2022 We are back from the great western! We just completed 50 odd kms as a team completely barefoot all the gravel roads were not a problem, I love being being able to practise what i preach now Miah has a couple of days of well deserved rest I don't though and I have limited availability this week so inbox or call me to organise you trims happy riding
23.01.2022 When you ask your horse a question what answer are they giving you? We all hear about a need for forward moving horses, collected horses , uphill movement etc etc but do you as an owner, handler or rider think about the importance of the stop, parking your horse and asking them to wait and be still? There is many training techniques that can be used to achieve a perfect stop halt or park and it's important that the correct methods are used for the type of personality and t...hinking your horse uses. Weather your horse is a performance horse a trail horse or a paddock ornament stop is THE MOST important gate you will ever teach them. Here I'm on my close friend and trainers horse and he has been asked to park and he willingly stood still while I got this photo with no lead rope out in the open at elcho park what you can't see in this photo is that there is a 3 year having a melt down in the float next to him along with a thousand other things going on including the dogs across the road going off, you see it really doesn't matter what's going on around your horse at any given time they should be able to focus on you and the task at hand. Ask yourself about what your horse tells you when you ask them for still and think about the options you have to achieve a better result if you are un satisfied with the answer you get from your equine partner. All your horses service providers will thank you for taking this into account. The Bevelled Beat
23.01.2022 What a great time of year for horse lovers, spring is here! Hopefully everyone is managing to keep their chubby little ponies off the grass and keeping on top of the hair coming off our malting equine friends my personal equine diary is filled with competitions, pleasure riding and clinics which will be making squeezing you in at last minute challenging although I do always manage to get you booked in, booking on the day of your current trim will make life easier for involved and ensure your horses don't fall off their trimming cycle! From the 4th-7th of October I'm heading off to The Great Western pleasure ride entirely barefoot for 50 something kms of open trails and amazing views followed by open fires and and great company.... picture of " Cointreau on the rocks" and I after another amazing legeretè session... I hope everyone is set up to have a great weekend and maybe I'll see some of you at the CMPC show this Sunday... I am out and about trimming everyday this week finishing up on Thursday for my " neigh neigh vacay" so get in quickly if your needing work done this week
22.01.2022 I always put 110% into every client but getting a thank you after a bit of extra effort is required at a trim has given me a massive smile and I feel very appreciated thank you lovely
21.01.2022 I'm back at it!! Mostly recovered from my injuries and ready to help you out with your equine hoof care requirements.... apologies for disrupted contact I have have had phone car and medical issues given my current commitment load booking well in advance or on the day of your horses service is most appreciated!! To all my regular clients thanks for sticking it out now it's business as usual!
19.01.2022 This has come up time and time again I just don't use pallets.
18.01.2022 You know you've heard it before. The trim appointment rolls around, and an owner looks at the horse's feet and says "they don't LOOK long." Sometimes they extending the cycle, or waiting another week or two. The professional is put in the position of explaining our reasoning for why we suggest the cycle length we do. In my opinion, hooves should never "look long." The feet help support the joints, soft tissue, and movement and comfort above the distal limb. Added length can affect each of these things; for example, additional length at the toe affects breakover, adding tension or strain to the deep digital flexor tendon and surrounding soft tissue. When I come to a horse, I watch movement and hoof landings, as well as observe the way the horse wears its hoof and consider the horse's environment to make trimming decisions. To avoid setbacks in comfort and movement and to stay ahead of distortion and pathology, I prefer to make minor changes as needed to keep the hoof in balance. Would you rather your hoofcare provider remove lots of wall length, which can result in soreness and drastic changes to joint balance requiring soft tissue adjustment, or would you prefer a light, considerate trim to balance and keep the horse performing its best? As a professional, our job is to know what to leave on the foot as much as what to remove. We are paid for the knowledge and education we have received to this point, to know what the horse needs to remain comfortable and sound. That might mean a small tweak, or bigger adjustments. Please trust us if we suggest a shorter cycle, even if that means you might not think the horse "looks due." It is better to maintain balance and soundness than to chase pathology.
18.01.2022 Another day out trimming some of my smaller equine clients... These boys give me all the smooches!! Now for a cup of tea and a chat before I hit the road, love my job
18.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME!!! It is with great pleasure I introduce the newest member of The Bevelled Beat team!! She is my new trimming buddy and full of love and playfulness! You will see her out and about on the road with me The only thing left is to decide is the spelling of her name!!! So why not make a competition out of it... The prizes will be a combo of my fave supporting businesses ... a custom made roller of my favourite happy oil an amazing calming essential oil blend made by my good friend @ I use it on myself and my horse how awesome... A bottle of the amazing Wonder horse supplement from the crew @ 50% off an equine integrated body work session conducted by Using an interactive method for alleviating soreness, strain and tension in the body. Winner to choose one of the following offers from the lovely Khloe @ 50% off an ear clean 50% off anal gland suppression or $10 off their first canine kenesiology appointment (travel fees may apply out of geelong area) LS Rugs by Design has also offered one free bib to the lucky winner & a half price hoof trim by yours truely!!! Woo hoo!! To enter the competition you need to do the following: 1. Vote in the poll found on my page 2. Share this post 3. Like The Bevelled Beat Facebook page 4. Tag 3 friends on this post 5. Comment complete All who follow these steps will be put in a random draw and a winner will be chosen For every extra 3 tags you get 1 extra entry so start tagging!! The draw will happen on Sunday the 16th of June xxx -This competition is for The Bevelled Beat and in no way related to Facebook-
18.01.2022 ****150 likes giveaway**** To celebrate The Bevelled Beat page reaching 150 Likes, and to say thank you to all my valued clients, I have decided to do a giveaway! The prize? An amazing full sized 8mm rope halter AND a 12ft training rope from Kandy Cord and Rope in RAINBOW ... As I have had people asking me all the time about where to purchase good quality halters and training ropes I will now be stocking limited sizes and colours of Kandy Cord and Rope quality products for your convenience To enter the comp you must complete the following Like the page Like this post Share this post Tag 2 people for 1 chance to win this amazing halter and lead combo multiple entries are welcomed!
17.01.2022 This gorgeous little pony greeted me at the gate, excited for his pedicure this morning! I love my job
16.01.2022 New and updated price list effective december 2020
15.01.2022 ******* WORMS****** This really explains the reasons for encouraging the use for your local vet service or even one of the postal services available online for a Fecal Egg Count to be completed before worming.
14.01.2022 Finally had my business details drawn up on the float looks amazing give me a toot if you see us out
14.01.2022 Often, I see images posted of hooves on social media, and an owner asking for help with a lame horse. Too often, whether or not there is sufficient information comment on the work that was done, soon comes a barrage of comments saying things like "fire your farrier!," or berating the job or the professionals working on the case. I want to address this judgment of others' work on social media a bit. Pictures of a hoof can only tell us so much. Yes, they can show us the current health of the external hoof capsule and give us clues to what is going on inside. Pictures can even give us an idea of how we might approach a similar case, or things we might want to change. But what do pictures NOT show us? 1. Pictures don't tell us how long ago the horse was seen for hoofcare, and how consistent of a cycle the horse has been on for its feet. 2. Pictures don't tell us what the horse is getting nutritionally/diet wise, which can largely affect the health of the foot. 3. Pictures don't often tell us the environment the horse is in, and how much movement they get. 4. Pictures don't tell us how often the horse is ridden, or HOW the horse is ridden. 5. Pictures don't tell us how the horse is moving biomechanically, how it is landing and loading its feet, or any issues higher up that might affect limb loading. 6. Pictures don't tell us what the current hoofcare provider and/or vet is thinking in their decision making, how far into rehabilitating the foot they are, and why they have chosen to do what they have done with the foot. 7. Pictures don't let us know how the horse stands for getting its feet done - does the horse fight, yank, kick, lean, rip the foot away, hate the hoof stand and not allow a finish, leap around, shy away from hoof tools, etc? All of the above factors affect how professionals approach the foot and can affect how the feet look after the job is done, or even midcycle. There is a real person behind the work shown in pictures. Are there inexperienced hoofcare providers out there? Of course! Is ANY hoofcare provider out there to harm horses? Absolutely not. I KNOW most of us have at least ONE horse on our books that if photos of the feet were plastered all over social media, we would be mortified. So why do we do this to each other? Why do we tear others down, or throw their work under the bus? It has to stop. Are there times someone might need a nudge in a different direction in how to approach a foot? For SURE! This is true of me too! Can we do it without being rude, hurtful, judgmental, and condescending? Definitely. We all approach horses trying to help, doing the best we can with the information we have at the time. Most of us are continually seeking out ways to learn and grow and be better. None of us are seeking out ways to harm. Rarely anyone changes their approach by being bullied into it. We don't create more skilled hoofcare providers by belittling them. And often, people have very specific reasons for choices they make when they approach a foot. So let's encourage each other and seek to understand each other instead of tearing each other down.
14.01.2022 Hey guys Just a message to let you all know I am still available and trimming. I have taken into consideration appropriate health measures for yourself and me. I'm following health and social distancing advice from WHO. I will be bringing my own lead rope to clip to your halter. (Can provide my own halter also if this would make you more comfortable) If you find yourself needing to quarantine or self isolate please send me a personal message and If I can I will help and go ...visit your horse on my own and can do welfare checks on your horses by arrangement also if your unable to get to them. As most of you have seen in most cases I'm able to trim your horse on my own if we can arrange for money to be left in a spot and your horse left in a yard (if they are a challenge to catch this would be preferred) I understand these are difficult times for many and you may be stressed but I am here to make sure your trims are done, your horses hoof care aswell as client/ practitioner health remain my top priority. Thank you Jess The Bevelled Beat
13.01.2022 My barista keeping the positivity up this morning, love you too xx
13.01.2022 Just a quick note to say that although my new price list is going up in the next week and there is a slight increase to some of my clients that this slight difference to you will enable me to continue to provide you all the same great service I already give each and every one of you.
12.01.2022 The page has officially hit 150 likes and to celebrate I'm doing something a bit special keep an eye out!
11.01.2022 Last of tomorrow's booking are filled now! That's a wrap for 2019 I will see you all in the new year
10.01.2022 It must be about 11-12 years ago when this photo was taken. I remember this pony. She taught me a thing or two about horsemanship(). And about keeping horses ...on a grassy knoll(or flat). Dont, would be my advice. Dont subject your horses to vast amounts of grass if you dont have to. Its just not worth all the potential pain, dis ease, dis comfort, injury and or grief. Feed a species appropriate diet or graze in adaptive environments. Its worth the effort!
10.01.2022 Had trouble finding a good farrier and now not sure how to keep them? Keep having farriers come once and then never return your calls again? Or maybe you're del...ighted you've had the same farrier for 10 years but you don't understand why they won't return your neighbors calls? Consider the following tips for how to keep your farrier happy! 1. Be at the appointment and have your horses caught and tied up before the farrier arrives. (Like this wonderful model client has!). If you can't have them tied up, have them yarded and quick to reach. You might think it only takes 10 minutes to put one back and grab the next one, but that's a whole hour wasted every 6 horses! 2. Monitor your horses behaviour - do they snatch, lean, bite, kick, walk in circles, run backwards? If you're not sure how to best keep your farrier safe and manage your horses unwanted behaviour - ask them! For minor cases they probably have some great tips for you, for serious cases they may recommend you consult a trainer who specialises in manners for farriery. 3. Don't set your horse up to fail! Concentrate on what they're doing - don't be on your mobile and telling your friend about that girl you don't like while you sit on a camping chair holding the end of a 6 foot lead. We will tell you off. Or if you're lucky enough to have me I will make it super awkward by stopping all my work and staring intently at you until you hang up, or over-dramatically mimicking you. If you were unlucky enough to have my old farrier as a kid, he would pick you up and carry you to the poop pile and drop you in it. Make sure you don't do silly things to upset your horses, like separate paddock mates, or putting the 2nd last horse away while the farrier is half way through the last horse, or feeding horses etc. 4. Pain and personality management - If your horse misbehaves due to a pain issue perhaps you need to discuss pain management with your vet. Likewise if they're just a little stiff or have ADHD perhaps you need to to exercise your horse prior to the appointment so everyone has a more enjoyable experience. 5. Keep cancellations to a minimum with appropriate notice as per your farriers terms and conditions. Repeat offenders often start to wonder why they don't get rebooked. Clarify if you're asking for THAT appointment to be moved, or skipped, or all future appointments to be cancelled. 6. Keep your horse on your farriers recommended schedule. Do they live far away and only come to your area every 5 weeks? Do the serve a couple of small horses off the back of your large barn visit who might miss out if you cancel to have ANOTHER brunch date with Deborah? Did they recommend a certain cycle length because alternatives will not get the results your horse deserves? 7. If you call your farrier and they don't call back, please wait 24 hours before trying again. If its THAT urgent you can't wait a day for a call back - you need a vet, not a farrier. There are some exceptions to this. But you really don't need to call them 8 times per day to change your appointment 4 weeks from now. 8. Please provide a clean, dry, firm, and ideally shaded or sheltered area for your farrier. Grass like this is totally fine if its not muddy! This place also has a lovely shelter in the rain and a shady tree in the summer. But if you're going to provide shelter make sure its safe! And that your horse feels confident being in that area. I don't really want to wedge your horse between the expensive motorcyle and the pointy dangerous lawn mower in the low-roofed garage with the slippery floor where they can't see their friends who are snorting in the rain - I'd much rather come back on a dry day! 9. Communicate. We can't fix things if we don't know there's a problem! And even if you're leaving your farrier for a new one your feedback will allow them to improve for other clients. If you need extra help with something - most of us are happy to oblige! Don't understand why we've done something, ask us! :D Your farrier should be happy to answer your questions! (Also consider if you've followed their contact instructions! I've had people waiting for me to return their voicemail even when my voicemail had said its not being manned please text or email! Or text daily when my auto reply says I'm on holiday for the week. Is there an instruction you've missed somewhere?) 10. Pay them! Find out their preferred payment method and pay them that way at the appointment. Please note some farriers expect bank transfers prior to the appointment so it has cleared by time of service, OR a screenshot of the transfer for proof its in transit. Please don't take 3 weeks to put the transfer through. If you can't pay on time tell your farrier before the appointment and ask if you should reschedule. If they're happy to help you out they will offer their solutions. Also, don't pretend you never got the invoice if you did - in many of our programs the farrier can see when you've opened if from the back end ;) What are some of your tips for keeping your farrier coming back? Farriers - what do you need from your clients to want to return?
09.01.2022 It's a rainy Sunday here, looks like rain till Wednesday/Thursday so just getting my colour coded pre made feed bags done up for the next 2 weeks. What is everyone else up to today? I find it so much easier to do up multiple feeds at a time it makes feeding the supplements I like to feed so much more user friendly this is how my boy stays so shiney
08.01.2022 This is spot on
07.01.2022 who would take this deal?
06.01.2022 Laminitis is rife at the moment. Trying to prevent rather than cure is always the best, but it doesn’t always go to plan. Remove the insult (usually grass, us...ually improved pasture) with restriction or muzzle. Get the horse/pony comfortable with soft bedding. contact your farrier. Laminitis is painful and the hooves need to be trimmed a certain way to take pressure and leverage off the inflamed laminar. I use a grinder with a sanding disc on most laminitis cases. This is because most laminitic horses and ponies really resent the chatter action of the rasp on their sore hooves. Contact you equine vet for examination and drugs- pain relief. These horses need to move and yes, they do need proper pain relief. Many other things to address and apply as an ongoing treatment/preventative. The above is the immediate recommendations
05.01.2022 My new price list is effective as of the 1st of March 2020 this slight increase to some of my clients will ensure I can continue doing the job I love!
05.01.2022 Hi guys just a quick shout out if you are due to be done between the 2nd and the 8th of june your appointments will be pushed back starting from the 9th I'm taking a mini holiday with the children if your wanting to bring your appointment forward instead please contact me ASAP as I have limited availability to get you in before then but will make it work if its required
05.01.2022 I love when clients get a happy snap of me doing my thing... With this colder beanie weather I always appreciate an equine snuggle while I'm working I Definatly felt the love
05.01.2022 Getting my morning power up vanilla late and toastie before I hit the road trimming !! New location in Waurn ponds... congrats on the new store guys love it
02.01.2022 Let's see some "beautiful and graceful" photos below
01.01.2022 Hey everyone I have sustained an injury and will be unavailable for the next fortnight at this stage. If your horse is or was due please contact me and Ill reschedule appointments sorry for any inconvenience caused.
01.01.2022 Hey guys due to demand I am creating a route out to navigators and Ballarat covering the following areas on the way there or back Lethbridge She oaks Meredith ... Elaine Lal lal There is slight room for me to go off route if you book ahead of time this route will go ahead every 4 weeks and 6 weeks from now on. Thanks for the continued support in growing the areas I cover and the commitment my clients have to keeping their horses on schedule
01.01.2022 This is so accurate