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The Birthing Tree
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25.01.2022 We are delighted to give you a little further insight into the Smoking of the Babies ceremony held by our beautiful friends at Waminda last month. From Mel... ... "Birthing on Country - Waminda Smoking the Babies Munja Munja Murawandha - The Red Thread Minga Goodjaga - Mother’s and Babies Bringing The Oldest Living Birthing Cultural Practices back. Our Ancestors Country. The importance of culture in pregnancy, birthing and parenting enables women and their families to feel connected to country whilst feeling safe and empowered." x
25.01.2022 A systematic review has shown that vaginal birth, breastfeeding and mother-baby contact do not increase the chance of a baby being infected with SARS-COV-2, eve...n where a mother has confirmed COVID-19. "Early reports of COVID19 in pregnancy described management by caesarean, strict isolation of the neonate and formula feeding." The authors of this systematic review asked, "is this practise justified?" They wanted to estimate whether the chance of a baby being infected with SARS-COV-2 was affected by the mode of birth (vaginal birth or caesarean), the type of feeding and whether the mum and baby stayed together or not. They searched the medical literature for relevant studies and found, "49 studies which included 666 neonates and 655 women where information was provided on the mode of delivery and the infant’s infection status. Their findings and conclusion? "28/666 (4%) neonates had confirmed COVID19 infection postnatally. Of the 291 women who delivered vaginally, 8/292 (2.7%) neonates were positive. Of the 364 women who had a Caesarean birth, 20/374 (5.3%) neonates were positive. Of the 28 neonates with confirmed COVID19 infection, 7 were breast fed, 3 formula fed, 1 was given expressed breast milk and in 17 neonates the method of infant feeding was not reported. Neonatal COVID19 infection is uncommon, uncommonly symptomatic, and the rate of infection is no greater when the baby is born vaginally, breastfed or allowed contact with the mother." Walker K et al (2020). Maternal transmission of SARSCOV2 to the neonate, and possible routes for such transmission: A systematic review and critical analysis. BMJ For birth information updates, follow @drsarawickham and/or subscribe to our free monthly Birth Information Update at #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #covid19 #covid19pregnancy See more
25.01.2022 Yes! I am so excited to be booking my first recovering from Covid calmbirth course in June! It is such a daunting time for expecting parents but I am looking forward to spending the weekend with a small group teaching how you can birth without fear and with confidence!... Send me a message if you have any questions!
22.01.2022 Perineal Tearing:
22.01.2022 Don’t cry over spilled milk said no one who has ever painstakingly expressed milk only to see it lost. Or in my more recent experience- milked out the goats or the cow only for a misplaced foot to tip the whole thing over. Devastating... But time does go on and only now that I can look back and actually tell myself not to cry over it- how ever many years later! #spilledmilk #expressingmilk #ebm #goats #housecow #noooooooooo
22.01.2022 I saved this photo a while ago but just saw it again and thought - how amazing is #vernix!?
20.01.2022 Did you know that amongst multiple mums only 1 in 7 will get 6 hours sleep in the first year. I have some expectant multiple families booked in to learn about how #Calmbirth can help prepare them on their unique birth journeys and prepare them for transitions into parenthood. Multiple families in covid has been missing out on lots of education so I am working on some resources to make sure multiple mamas and dads can access the information the need to make informed choices. #ongoingsupport #calmbirth #twins #higherordermultiples #nobirthlikeacalmbirth
19.01.2022 Reposting this for those that haven’t seen it! WANT AN EASIER LABOUR AND BIRTH? TAG a pregnant friend - she needs to know this! . 3 separate studies have sho...wn that people who eat six dates a day for 4 weeks leading up to their due period have better labour and birth outcomes than non date eaters. . Date eaters had: 77% shorter first stage of labour 43% lower caesarean section rates 51% lower rates of vacuum/forceps . They also were: 74% more dilated than non-date eaters at admission to birthplace 38% more likely to have intact membranes 21% more likely to go into labour on their own 28% less likely to use protein/oxytocin (pitocin) to induce labour 68% more likely to have a successful vaginal birth after labour induction . Research suggests this occurs because dates have an oxytocin-like effect on the body, leading to increased sensitivity of the uterus. They stimulate uterine contractions and reduce postpartum hemorrhage, the way oxytocin does. . Keep in mind that they are high in sugar - if you have blood sugar levels go easy on them in early pregnancy. . 6 dates a day is the magic number if you’re eating Deglet Noor dates. Medjool dates you only need about 3 (70 to 75 grams). Either date is fine to have. Don’t like dates? - add a little nut butter and sea salt to them or add them into your fav recipes! . I did this during my pregnancy and my labour and birth was epic! I also exercised daily and chose to birth at home with a private midwife. Curious to know if others out there are dates when they were pregnant? Check out evidence based birth for a full list and review of the research that has been done on this . #pregnancy #pregnant #birth #labour #birthwithoutfear #pregnant_world #pregnantbelly #pregnancylife #pregnancyadvice #midwife #midwifery #homebirth #motherhood #postnatal #postpartum #mumsofig #momsofig #aussiemum #studentmum #mumsofinsta #mumsofinstagram #fitmum #fitmom #pregnancyexercise #healthypregnancy #birtheducation
18.01.2022 I have 2 spots left for my september (26th/27th) @calmbirth weekend so if you are planning on attending let me know as numbers are reduced to keep everyone #covidsafe
18.01.2022 When women push spontaneously they naturally allow the perineum to stretch thereby reducing perineal trauma. Look at this beautifully stretched perineum! What does this mean? Stop telling women how/when to push!
17.01.2022 Last year, a review published in the British Journal of Medicine showed that universal antenatal screening for group B strep may cause more harm than good -universal screening would have led to the over treatment of 138 583 (99.75%) of women in labour -go to to get up to date information about evidence around screening and prophylactic use of antibiotics in labour for the prevention of early onset GBS disease (EOGBS)
17.01.2022 A reminder that, earlier this year, expert researchers at Oxford Brookes University brought together research on childbirth, birth setting and the use of water ...immersion in labour and shared key points which highlighted the safety and benefits of the use of water for labour and birth, during and beyond the coronavirus pandemic. Their points included that: Water immersion for healthy women is associated with a number of beneficial maternal outcomes with no known adverse risks to the neonate. COVID-19 is not a waterborne virus, therefore, the water environment dilutes respiratory droplet and faecal contamination potential. In the Coronavirus context, water immersion presents a lower risk of contamination risk for midwives compared with bed birth because it promotes the use of social distancing without interrupting normal midwifery care. Burns et al (2020) The authors also noted that: "The birthing pool environment presents a natural barrier between the woman and her midwife. Supporting women in the water reduces droplet, aerosol and faecal contamination, presenting a low-risk transmission activity for the Coronavirus. Water immersion for healthy women is associated with a number of beneficial maternal outcomes with no known adverse risks to the neonate. For primiparous women, birthing in midwifery-led settings (AMU/FMU or home) water immersion reduces transfer rate with the greatest benefit seen at FMU. Water immersion for labour and/or birth should be supported and encouraged as an effective method of analgesia." Burns E, Feeley C, Venderlaan J et al (2020). Coronavirus COVID-19: Supporting healthy pregnant women to safely give birth. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University. Loads more birth information at #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #covid19 #covid19pregnancy #water #waterbirth #waterbirths See more
16.01.2022 Come and join me for a face to face weekend learning how to calmly and confidently birth your baby! Book @ Dates for the rest of 2020 out now! Limited spaces due to covid restrictions!
16.01.2022 Cause Calmbirth with Lyndal Scerri shares awesome info!
16.01.2022 See here to book
15.01.2022 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth.....
14.01.2022 ** Survey Link Hannah Dahlen and her research team are conducting a research project (through Weste...rn Sydney University) into women’s experiences of being pregnant, giving birth and parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. We have already conducted in-depth interviews and we are keen to learn more by releasing this survey. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Follow the link and add your voice to this study OR pass this on through your Facebook networks. All completed surveys where an email address has been provided will be entered into a raffle where 100 women will receive a $30 voucher See more
14.01.2022 Last night it was my absolute pleasure to see so many amazing colleagues at the screening of #birthtimeworld #birthtime looking forward to working with some amazing women to transform the future of birthing in this country!
13.01.2022 When I was nursing my first little one, we had a black Chevy Nova and there was a hole lot of milk spray on the dashboard. It was clear that milk didn’t just out from one single hole. You may have noticed this, too. But years ago, midwives at The Farm in Tennessee, enrolled in nursing school, were told by an OB that it does come out of just one hole. Amongst them, several were breastfeeding, so they showed him it’s a spray. It's easy to be convinced that the person in the white coat knows more about how your body works than you do. But you know your body better than anyone else. You are the expert, you are the authority. What I love about this story is that it reminds us that it’s the experienced women - the mothers and grandmothers who have done this before - that can often teach us the most. If our own bodies are the library; each other's are the university. If you are a pregnant or new mama I encourage you to reach out to the experienced mamas, the grandmothers, and aunts, the healers, the wise women and sages in your circle. The women who have walked this path ahead of you - sometimes three, four, five times - so that they can tell you where it gets steep, where the pitfalls are, where to stop, rest, replenish. You don't have to carve your own trail when there are hundreds and thousands of footsteps to follow. I’m here for you, too. And what if your milk isn’t coming out in a spray right bod - because you’re struggling to produce enough? It’s so emotionally wrenching to be worrying about your baby’s weight while trying to establish feeding your baby and can be filled with so much anxiety and dread! Often I’m asked about herbs. These are my top 3 from my own wise woman basket: Fenugreek Silymarin, an extract from from Milk Thistle Moringa And please continue to turn to the wise women for support. Happy #worldbreastfeedingweek, mamas @leocarvajal See more
12.01.2022 Ahhhh this brings back memories
12.01.2022 For Lithgow folks...
11.01.2022 Want to learn the #truth about #birth? With the relaxing of covid restrictions I will be starting to open up some extra spots for my upcoming Calmbirth courses! Woohoo! Also completely stoked to be able to go to Monday’s screening of the new documentary #birthtime #birthtimedocco #midwifeoutings
11.01.2022 A big Thankyou to the 5 wonderful couples who I spent the weekend doing the Calmbirth course with. Pretty happy with how my little COVID safe morning/afternoon tea packs turned out!
09.01.2022 So much knowledge to hold onto in this. Much love to Jo and Jerusha
09.01.2022 Sometimes midwives are #withwomen sometimes at home I’m with animals but most of the time they just free birth without my knowledge! Beautiful little heifer calf this morning <3
06.01.2022 I recently got my copy of Grantly Dick Read’s Childbirth Without Fear whose findings in 1942 ring truths today:
02.01.2022 I love this quote by understanding the physiology of labour and encouraging birth without interventions and raising awareness I love Midwifery and I am loving my @calmbirth education classes and thanks to a little encouraging from @melaniethemidwife I am back at uni next year to get endorsement as a midwife #privatemidwifery here I come!
01.01.2022 We know exactly why women choose homebirth and freebirth... it’s not because they don’t know or understand the risks of birth... it’s because they DO know the r...isks, AND they believe that the hospital poses more risk to their health and wellbeing then being at home to give birth My PhD research and the subsequent paper I wrote about this (link in bio.) showed that women will choose what they believe is the best and safest option for themselves and their babies... hospital and publicly funded options are avoided because they are not perceived as better than homebirth or freebirth... it’s no surprise that women will do what they think is best and safest! My research found that if women are given any option they want and they are treated well by their care provider that they will be less likely to choose birth outside the system... it’s not that bloody hard to treat women like people and give them what they believe is best and safest. Come. On. #birthoutsidethesystem #birthingoutsidethesystem #transformativebirthwork #freebirth #homebirth #hospitalbirth See more
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