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The Breath Movement

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24.01.2022 I just want share the biggest of 's to everyone who has been attending my groups over the last few months. The turnout week in week out has been incredible and the sharings afterward have been so beautiful to hear that I can't put into words the gratitude I feel in my heart Thank you all for your vulnerability... Thank you for showing up to do the work Thank you for trusting the process Thank you for facing your shadows Thank you for allowing me to live my purpose And most of all Thank you ALL for trusting in me to hold space for you while you navigate such sensitive terrain. There is no greater honour! Together we are not only changing the way we interact with the world but also how the world interacts with us. To a more WonderFULL Life! Jake

23.01.2022 Two people come across a dog barking in the middle of the street and one of them gets nervous/scared and the other gets excited and wants to pet the dog. Even though it's the same event, one person would leave having a negative response and the other a more positive encounter. That poor dog probably didn't notice either of them and was barking at his tail yet both people had different stories based upon their inner emotional landscape!... It's safe to say that our outer world is a total reflection of our inner world If we want to change the way we see the world and interact with more positivity, love, peace, courage, then we need to tend to our inner landscape and start integrating our old wounds so we can truly live our best life. Because we deserve it, right!!! Breathwork is that tool to move towards our inner freedom I still have a few spaces left for Thursday night and would love to see you all there

22.01.2022 Nov 6th Breathwork Journey

22.01.2022 Let's get real! Our bodies intelligence knows what's up and we've been ignoring it for way too long... Looking back at my journey all the signs were there but I was so disconnected from what was going on in my own body I missed all the taps on the shoulders saying "hey buddy, sort your shit out!".... I was having constant lower back and shoulder pain (nearly went ahead with operations on both shoulders) obvious other signs like anxiety, depression, nervousness eating in public, an unhealthy body image, I could go on... Something was obviously up! The amount of massages/chiro I was having is pretty funny for a guy in his mid 20's and it was such short relief as the tension would return like clockwork a few days later. Who's knows this all too well? That tension was coming from my bodies intelligence trying it's best to keep a lid on ALL of my unresolved emotions Fear/Anger/Grief. You know that saying "They're a pain in the arse/neck" it's legit... The muscles in that area will tighten to 'contain' the emotional energy that this person evokes in you. This containment is your friend in a way holding hands with your ego. It stops you from looking like a crazy person every time you get pissed off. It's keeping that everything is "A-OK mask" firmly over your face when really you want to punch someone. Now think of this containment on a larger scale! Think every inch of your body holding onto some sort of trauma keeping you on the straight and narrow. It's so draining always having to keep a lid on our emotions. The same shit pissing us off all the time like a broken record and the frustration that follows when we wonder why does this stuff keep happening what is wrong with me. WE CAN HEAL THE HURT! Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release allows the old stories contained in the muscles to finally have a chance to release, our muscles to relax, our flexibility to return, emotions to be regulated, joy to enter and a sense of space to make responsive decisions rather then reactive. The reason I share this work with everyone is because I don't want others to struggle like I had too. I dont want people to suffer emotionally. I don't want people to suffer physically. I don't want people to have to get to a place of near suicide. I found something that works for everyone in some capacity whether it be emotional, physical, spiritual and the joy I get knowing I'm helping others get back on track can't be measured. This is my purpose ~

21.01.2022 The Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release training is back in Australia for 2019! This training is suitable for aspiring and existing practitioners, as well as anyone wanting to purely experience this powerful work for their own growth and self healing. I loved this retreat last year, met some great people and had so many breakthroughs emotionally and physically so I can't wait to go back and support

20.01.2022 Beautiful Breathers, I hope you have all been able to find the positives in and amongst the current situation we see ourselves in. I know it may have been challenging to navigate at some stage, emotionally and spiritually but as a community we will emerge stronger and wiser then ever before. Due to the restrictions now being eased it's time me to reconnect with you all by launching this new event - Heart Flow Journey ... This event will pair Soul Nurturing Music and Gentle Breathwork together to allow our body to intuitively unwind, shift and release the tension we hold in our musculature. When allowing our body to move with presence and breath we start to integrate old layers of body armoring; releasing emotional and mental blocks, physical tension and limiting belief systems. This is one of my favourite techniques to de-stress and move forward positively through life. A great tool to take home and use as a daily practice or whenever you feel the need to re-connect with your Heart once more. I hope to see you all there. Jake ***Be mindful spaces are limited due to the venue and restrictions still being in place.

20.01.2022 Only a couple of places left for this week's Breathwork Journey if you feel the call to join us and reconnect to your wisdom

18.01.2022 Through vulnerability lies a path of mystery A huge thank you to my brother Lachlan Samuel from the Open Up Podcast for inviting me to share my story a few weeks ago! This was HARD!... I had so much self doubt after our chat it was full on... I wish I said this, why did I say that! Ahhhhhh it was tough. I weathered the storm and i'm so glad it's out there! Although challenging to be vulnerable to such a wide audience, I have gratitude for being here to share my story and I hope it has an impact on someone’s life who may feel imprisoned by their emotions

18.01.2022 When we breathe consciously and move our body with intention we create a perfect environment for healing and insight to take place We brought together Yoga + Breathwork over the weekend and it was everything we thought it would be and then some!... Thank you to the amazing men and women who showed courage to release what no longer serves them Also a big thank you to Luke Smith and The Swan Effect for being the best humans to work with and to Yab Yum Yoga for the beautifu...l space to work from. Gratitude glass is full

18.01.2022 A MUST LISTEN I really enjoyed listening to this podcast discussing how some of the trauma we carry may not have happened to us during this life time and that it may have been passed down through our family lineage. I'm a BIG believer in this and the science is now proving that intergenerational trauma exists. ... Just as we inherit certain looks from our parents we can also bring through aspects of our parents/grand parents/gg parents trauma. A lot of this fear/guilt/shame/anger becomes our personality and steers us in certain directions in life potentially limiting us from experiencing all the good stuff life has to offer. And who doesn't want more of the good stuff right? To all you brave souls showing up week in week out facing your shadows, doing the work and feeling the un-felt, I see you and I love you.

18.01.2022 Thoroughly enjoyed this Podcast with Dr Shiva and Pete Evans and encourage everyone to have listen... A real eye opener to say the least! This guy really explains the immune system's' in a way we can all understand and make sense of. I particularly like how Dr Shiva mentions the fact that the severity of symptoms people may experience by getting the "exact same pathogen" is related to their own "individual" immune response and environment of their inner bodily functions e.g. ...are they emotionally stressed, is their immune system already over worked, microbiome, diet. This is why some people may experience nothing and others a more severe response. Does that mean 1 shoe fits all when it comes to immunity I think not! Some people may need to start looking at what they can do to help heal their body and accept that some undesired health outcomes may have been exacibated due to life choices that they have control over. We also need to consider that the system of "peer reviewed science" is limited and is placing academics in a position where if they want to get their research published they need to tow the majority consensus of the science religion and to not shake the apple cart if they want new research grants. How do we cover new territory when our our boat is only given enough fuel to explore the harbour? Interesting times to be alive at the moment. A lot of people asking questions and a lot of people being proactive doing their own research. We are awakening to how the systems in place are failing us and we deserve better! How many laws are going to passed to take more of our freedoms away after this "pandemic"? I can assure you there will be some... We need to stand up and speak out! No more being on the fence letting others do the work. We need to break the shackles of fear and the illusion of power that keep us chained. We are the key to unlocking a better way of life and connection. We need to stand up as individuals and be fucking fierce! Do we have a revolution on our hands? I think so. I'm up for it!

17.01.2022 Our breathing and our emotions are intrinsically linked If you notice when fear arises in the body our breathing usually changes to a shallow breath or in the case of fright we may even hold our breath. Although!... When we feel happy we breathe deep and full and can't get enough of the good stuff in our lungs. So it would be fair to say that the more we breathe the more we feel right! When I first started breathwork I was in such a state emotionally that I was praying for anything to make me FEEL BETTER!! Which it did, it saved my life! But as I move along my journey I can now see that "FEELING BETTER" was just a by product of practicing Breathwork. The biggest gift I see now is that I have become "BETTER AT FEELING". I now search for uncomfortable situations to see how my body responds and I allow my self to be vulnerable instead of closed off in the hope to create more of those good feels... I'm so blessed to be on this path with Breathwork as my compass Feel to Heal - Heal to Feel

17.01.2022 Being apart of The Uplift retreat this weekend was so rewarding for me. It really brought home the need for community and being surrounded with like minded individuals wanting to improve the way they move through this world. So much respect for the level of depth each person went into and their willingness to be vulnerable, hold space and be held was something to be admired. Forever grateful #upliftretreats #eaglebay #thebreathmovement #feelittohealit #biodynamicbreathwork #bbtrs #breathwork #deepwork #grateful

16.01.2022 Our Release workshop is back!!!! It ticked all the boxes and was so beautiful to be apart of last time... looking forward to doing it all again this Sunday

16.01.2022 Truth bomb! This is exactly what I have found on my own journey. The more we work with our unprocessed emotions within the body the more our mind drops away. The stronger the emotional charge within the body the more our overactive minds will take hold.... "The primary cause of our unhappiness is not our thoughts. The monkey mind is not the source of our anxiety. It’s a symptom of it. Forget the monkey mind. The mind is not the enemyunhealed pain is. Men have been blaming... the mind for their neuroses for centuries, while deftly avoiding that which sources its maladiessomatic constrictions, and unprocessed emotions stored in the body itself. It’s like losing your keys somewhere in the house, and looking for them in the car. Useless, useless, useless. Until they stop blaming the mindand recognize that its neuroses stem from the unresolved emotional bodythere will be no liberation. Shifting out of unhappiness is not a cerebral processthat’s just another ineffective band-aid. It is a visceral full-body experience. It’s the monkey heart that’s the issue: the state of inner turbulence and agitation that emanates from an unclear heart. The more repressed your emotional body, the more repetitive your thoughts. Flooded with unhealed emotions and unexpressed truths, the monkey heart jumps from tree-top to tree-top, emoting without grounding, dancing in its confusion. Often misinterpreted as a monkey mind, the monkey heart is reflected in repetitive thinking, perpetual anxiety, and negative imaginings. All of which are emanating from the emotional body. Bottom line is that you cannot heal and resolve your emotional material with your mind. Knowing our issues is not the same as healing our issues. Your emotional material does not evaporate because you watch it. I have known many who could watch and name their patterns and issuesas if they were scientists, researching their own consciousnessbut nothing fundamentally changed, because they refused to come back down into their bodies and move their feelings through to transformation. It’s safe up there, above the fray, witnessing the heartache without actually engaging it. Yes, you may be able to get so skilled at a witnessing consciousness that you can overpower your triggers. But that’s not presence. Real presence comes through the open heart. The key to the transformation of challenging patterns and wounds is to heal them from the inside out. Not to analyze them, not to watch them like an astronomer staring at a faraway planet through a telescope, but to jump right into the heart of them, encouraging their expression and release, stitching them into new possibilities with the thread of love. You want to live a holy life? Heal your heart. That’s the best meditation of all." Jeff Brown

16.01.2022 Our long awaited Mandurah Breathwork group is here! Starting next Thursday night at the Mandurah Wellness Centre. I'd love to see you there!

15.01.2022 "Any behavior we resort to in order to avoid feeling what we are really feeling in any given moment is an addiction" Michael brown

15.01.2022 We found King Jarrah Today we walked through the Dwellingup bush to challenge ourselves physically and to get back to nature! - Zero phone reception ... - Zero hassles - Deep convos - Meeting great fellas Walking for me is how I self care. It gives me time to think, reset and blow off any cobwebs from the previous days. Thoroughly loved today fellas! Even though I lost my voice Looking forward to the next one gents #mandurahbrotherhood #wewalk #hiking #menswork #kingjarrahtree #brothers

14.01.2022 Breathwork, early morning cold plunge and community! Can it get better hmmmm not much Come down and join the magic on Wednesday morning

14.01.2022 Breathwork will help you to feel, heal and let go of old emotions you have been holding onto.. and put you in touch with your spiritual Self; to feel the Love and wisdom within! Suppressed emotions don’t just go away; instead, they become toxic. They will keep showing up in your life, in some form of dysfunction or unhappiness, until you resolve them. Throughout life, feeling your feelings is one of the healthiest and most productive things you can do.

14.01.2022 Highly recommend this FREE online Breathwork Introduction for those wanting to dip their toes in to this medicine from the comfort of your home.

12.01.2022 Hi Everyone As some of you may be aware we've skipped a couple of sessions due to having little girl Sunny enter our lives and we've been spending all of our time and energy getting to know her and loving her up However! ...Continue reading

12.01.2022 It's happening! Smooth Flow Yoga + Biodynamic Breathwork together in one workshop Through the use of yoga and Breathwork we will free up the tension held in our muscles and fascia. This will allow space for anything that are no longer serves us to arise and deliver feelings of connection back to our authenticity.... I'm really looking forward to this one Luke Smith Anna Swan

12.01.2022 Free Breathwork Journey for the 23rd My way of giving back

11.01.2022 This Saturday! I'll be sharing with everyone the power of Breathwork at the EXPAND YOUR AWARENESS event! How through the natural process of conscious connected breathing we can release long held emotions and muscular tension so we can live life to the fullest once more.... I would love to see you all there

11.01.2022 Such a powerful message from my brother Lachlan Samuel!!! Please watch this video and tag those men and women in the towers, let's push this message out there and make a change in people's lives!

10.01.2022 It's so great to see this amazing work booming all over the world and getting some mainstream media air time I'm holding my last breathwork group for 4 weeks this Monday night in Mandurah. I would love to see you all there ...

09.01.2022 Souls, With the current climate being the way it is at the moment what better way to help relieve some stress and come back to center then with a FREE online breathwork session. Everyone loves a freebie! One of my amazing Breathwork teachers whom I cherish deeply is holding a FREE online Breathwork group this Saturday at 9am for anyone feeling the need to recharge and align once more.... The link is below and it's will be a great introduction to the work for many who are yet to grace it's path. Big Love Jake

09.01.2022 I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my brother @luka Reedy on his Woke Man Podcast the other week. What a legend you are brother, asking the tough questions and doing some great work for the Men in this world. We dived deep into how I perceive my reality, my history and what's alive for me at the moment. It always brings up a little anxiety doing a podcast and then having to listen to it haha, something I'm leaning into and moving through This poddy is pretty epic fo...r all the fellas wanting to hear from other men about their journey travelled thus far and how they are working towards becoming a better version of themselves.! A few of the fellas interviewed are Perth based as well and share some amazing knowledge and stories. I hope you all enjoy them

08.01.2022 Hi Breathers! 2 days to go until our first Mandurah Breathwork Group, hopefully the first of many We have 3 spaces left so if you are feeling the call to explore your inner emotional world and to de-stress then check out the event details below. For those who have already signed up, I can't wait to see you on Thursday! ... This Thursday from 6-8pm Tickets are $55 Located at Mandurah Wellness Centre Jake xx

08.01.2022 I had the absolute pleasure of bringing Biodynamic Breathwork to 50 souls over the weekend. Being able to give this work back to so many people wanting to heal and explore their inner dynamics, knowing how much it has done for me is truly the most heart warming gift. #breathetofeel #feeltoheal #expandyourawarenessevent... #breathwork #biodynamicbreathwork See more

08.01.2022 Traumatised children being raised by Traumatised children.

08.01.2022 If you aren't already following this amazing lady and her family get on board! So much REAL information around trauma informed parenting and life in general

08.01.2022 "Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your thoughts to your body" - Thich Nhat Hahn - We still have a couple of spaces left for tomorrow's Breathwork group. This is beautiful work and I extend an invitation to anyone wanting to connect back to there inner healer and release what no longer serves them. Click on the event below to secure your spot.... See you tomorrow - Jake

07.01.2022 This week's event is sold out Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night

07.01.2022 Thank you Dunsborough! Creating a space for different souls to come together each with their own story to heal past wounds fills me up with so much joy. Thank you Luke Smith and Yoga South West, looking forward to the next time we create magic together

05.01.2022 It’s not all in your head. It’s all in your heart. It’s all in your feet. It’s all in your hips. It’s all in your shoulders. It’s all in your breath. It’s all in your body. Anything unattended to, unresolved, unhealed, and unprocessed lives in your tissues, your cells, your musculature. It may be manifest in your stinking thinking, but it doesn’t begin there. The mind does not source itselfthe body does. The trick is to not try to shift the thinking from within the mind itse...lf. You can’t. You may be able to subdue it there, but you won’t be able to resolve it. Because the troubling thoughts are merely a symptom of the deeper issues. They are a reflection of our emotional holdings and constricted musculature. They emanate from the fleshy trauma tunnels that we dug in order to survive this world. Many of us sit in the waiting room of awakening for decades, waiting impatiently for our new birth. And it never arrives, because we are looking for it where it isn’twithin the mind, itself. Babies aren’t born that way. You have to go down into the depths of the body to bring a new birth to life. Down, down, down. into the alchemical chambers of new thoughtYOUR MAGNIFICENT BODY. This is where we are born again. Jeff Brown

05.01.2022 To all my teacher friends! Come join us at this wonderful Self Love workshop led by the awesome @shaunkay1 This event is going to be a beautiful cup filler I look forward to seeing you all there. x

04.01.2022 Dr Jacinta Di Prinzio is bringing her fantastic workshop The Mind Massage to Mandurah this Thursday night! I've been looking forward to this event for awhile now and how lucky we are for it to be held right on our doorstep!! Tickets are normally $45 but this lucky man was given 8 FREE TICKETS to give away! Woohoo! ... Below is some more info regarding this event. Send me a message if you feel the call to come along and would like a FREE TICKET. First in first serve beautiful people Jake

04.01.2022 I couldn't put it better myself

03.01.2022 November 13th Breathwork Journey

03.01.2022 Thank you to my boy Matt Bruce @thrivingwithptsd for sending me a copy of his newly published book Warriors War, really looking forward to this one. I know it's going to assist so many people suffering with PTSD and provide them with some tools to help intergrate their inner landscape P.s. you are officially my first Author friend #PTSD #innerwork #feelittohealit #breathwork #authorfriend #dotheworktofreethehurt @ Mandurah Dolphin Quay

02.01.2022 1 week to go You don't want to miss out on this little beauty of a workshop. Yoga + Breathwork! This is going to be such a special event and I can't wait to share it with you all. Tickets are going to sell quite fast and they are limited so if you are feeling the call don't leave it too late

02.01.2022 We are back, recharged and returning to our fornightly THURSDAY slot! Woohoo!! ................................................................................. I will be facilitating another beautiful Breathwork Journey for anyone feeling the call to release some stress and come back into emotional alignment ... This week we are going to explore the Pelvic Belt and open up areas around our pelvis that may be holding onto any stress and tension! This can be a profound session for many people, especially those with any lower back pain... I'm excited for this one! I can't wait to see you all again.... Let's get breathing

01.01.2022 I know there's a few of us in need of a recharge and reset during this 2020 rollercoaster ride. Well here's the opportunity you've been looking for! Uplift Retreat - Eagle Bay ... Sooo Excited to be apart of this epic event coming up in September! With these legends steering the ship @shaunkay1 @drjacintadiprinzio @the_earth.blessings And myself, be prepared for nourishing meals, Breathwork, Yoga, fun and games, Cacao ceremony, sound healing, expeditions, camp fires (who doesn't love camp fires haha), meeting new like minded souls and amazing accomodation in the beautiful South West! If your soul is being drawn towards joining us you can check out the link below or contact my brother Shaun Kay for more info Email: [email protected]

01.01.2022 FREE WORKSHOP For anyone wanting to dip their toes into Breathwork from the comfort of your own home, the team at BioDynamic Breathwork are offering a free online Breathwork session in the coming week "Join us for the upcoming FREE Online BBTRS sessions to experience the extraordinary gift and healing benefits breathwork can offer during these extraordinary times! ... Our team are offering two more sessions next week, one for Europe & US and one for Australasia & US. For Australasia & US, September 25/26 with Chetana, register here We look forward to breathing with you!"

01.01.2022 Hey Breathers! Have a listen to this amazing interview from one of my beautiful teachers Chetana Lauren Barkan about how the Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release system works and the profound effect it has on our nervous system and in turn our outlook on life. Enjoy

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