The Bub Brigade | Brand
The Bub Brigade
Phone: +61 490 057 327
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25.01.2022 THE 1ST OF JULY! What’s happening on the first of July? Well, I’ve been MIA around here lately working my butt off making all my orders up! It’s been a REALLY crazy time! ... I sew every morning, Teach full time and then sew all afternoon/ night! I’m exhausted to say the least. I’ve also been planning some pretty BIG and AMAZING things for my little business, up leveling and changing things up quite a bit, so in order for me make all these changes I’m closing our online shop from the 1ST of JULY! I’ve had Over 60 orders in the last month and it’s just nuts for one person to do all that work! So! I’m closing our online store, only for a month but it will give me a bit of time to prepare for this next phase! I AM SOO EXCITED AND I CANT WAIT TO SHARE IT ALL WITH YOU! Watch this space! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team P.S THANKYOU to all my lovely customers who have been so patient and supportive during these extremely busy times! Sending you all lots of LOVE! #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswings #australian #australianhandmade #withlove #australianhandmadeforkids #nurserydecor #babyfever #mamatobe #handmadebabygifts #handmadebaby #thankyou #1stofjuly #closingforabit #planningsomethingbig #nextlevel #nextchapter #watchthisspace
25.01.2022 QUALITY These days I am all about QUALITY! I have had SO many people ask me why I won’t just get swings made overseas and just sell them? ... 1. I LOVE making them too much! 2. Because HANDMADE is always better! My business is based around handmade product 3. Quality is my priority - the most important part of this business (along with looking after my customers) 4. Quality over Quantity - in every aspect! 5. I know my products are quality because I personally handmake them! 6. They come from the heart and are made with LOVE! 7. Quality trumps everything! That’s one thing I really pride myself on, the quality of my products, and it’s something my customers tell me is what makes them purchase my product! You are always going to get QUALITY HANDMADE AUSTRALIAN BABY SWINGS from us here @thebubbrigade Hope everyone has had a lovely Monday! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #babyswings #toddlerlife #toddlerswings #handmade #australian #australianhandmadeforkids #australianhandmade #sewnbyme #personallyhandmadebyme #quality #qualityoverquantity #safetytested #safetytestedbabyproducts #safetytestedandcertified #ilovewhatido #comesfromtheheart #madewithlove #handmadewithlove
21.01.2022 PROFESSIONALLY SAFETY TESTED This is something I am sure you have heard me talking about before! I go on about it abit because it’s something I am VERY PROUD of and consider to be VERY IMPORTANT! All of our swings have been professionally safety tested and certified by a third party safety testing authority! ... The reason I’m really proud of this is because it was a VERY LONG PROCESS! It look me over a year to get our swing safety testing and certification! All our swings are weight tested to over 80kgs because that’s all the testing authority would test to , so we did our own test! We weight tested our swings to 235kgs and only stopped because we COULDNT FIT ANYMORE WEIGHTS IN THE SWING! They are STRONG! We couldn’t be more PROUD of our little business and the safety and quality of our products! You can’t copy that! Illustration by @thebubbrigade Hope all of you have had a lovely Saturday! -The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswings #swings #weighttested #safetytestedandcertified #safetytestedbabyproducts #babyproducts #safetytested #wecouldntfitanymore #illustration #handmadewithlove #australianhandmadeforkids #australianhandmade #handmadegoodness #kidsdecor #nurserydecor #babynurserydecor #babyshower #mamatobe #handmadepregnancygift
20.01.2022 THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! From the 1ST OF JULY we will be closing our online shop for around a month to plan and prepare for the next stage of THE BUB BRIGADES Evolution! We are SOOOO excited to be finally making space for this NEW crazy adventure! ... We will not be taking any orders from the 1st of JULY. So please make sure that you have your orders in if you need them during the months of JULY + AUGUST! (Just to be safe!) Hope everyone has had a lovely hump day! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerlife #toddlerswing #swingset #swings #handmadebabyitems #handmadekids #handmadedecor #australianhandmade #australianhandmadewithlove #murwillumbah #july #gettingready #planningtime #evolution #transformation #somethingnew #somethingamazingiscoming
19.01.2022 ITS MA BIRFFDAYYY! 25 Today. Which means ALOT of Cake (Chocolate, of course ) and way too much Coffee... YOLO, they my faves! What do I do on my birthdayy?! I make swings of course! In Bub Brigade HQ (a.k.a my living room ) trying to get on top of all these orders! It just doesn’t seem to be happening! ... I CANT keep up! Every time I get an order out one comes in I do LOVE it though! Doing what I enjoy doing is what a birthday is all about! Happy birthday to all my fellow 19th of May birthdayers! Hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswing #swing #swingset #handmade #australianhandmade #itsmybirthday #itsmybirthdaybitches #theolderyougetthebetteryouget #unlessyoureabanana #happytuesday
18.01.2022 ALL THE SWINGING BABIES Look, you all know I LOVE a good song lyric mashup and who doesn’t love a bit of Queen Bey! Now put your hands up ... If you’d like us to feature your little Swinging Babe on our feed! We love sharing snaps of little ones using our swings! So if you would like us to post up some pictures of your baby send them in! Either email them to [email protected] or do them to us on Facebook or insta. You can also tag us and we will share them on our pages! We can’t wait to see All the swinging babies (all the swinging babies) Happy Hump Day! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #babyswings #toddlerswing #australian #australianhandmade #handmadekids #thirdpartytested #safetytested #safetytestedandcertified #happysnaps #snaps #memoriesforlife #photosoffun #babiesofinstagram #babyshower #babygiftideas #happyhumpday
18.01.2022 SO MANY SWINGS! It blows my mind that I have made over 700 swings! My brain can’t comprehend how many hours of manufacturing that is. I often think about how cool it would be to see all the swings I’ve made in one place. This is my Orders Book, I book that I’ve kept since I started this business. I’ve got every order in it! It’s the best. I love looking through it and remembering the people I’ve met or been in contact with. I love remembering the pictures of the that have come from those orders! It’s magic! Such a good feeling! I’ve completely filled this book and am on to a fresh new orders book at the moment perfect time, just when we are changing things up! Can’t wait to have a stack of these in the future, showing all my hard work and business growth! It will be amazing! Happy Weekend Everyone! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswing #orders #handmadeorder #ordersbook #handmadetoorder #handmade #handmadewithlove #businessgrowth #businessstrategy #onwardsandupwards #watchmego #youcantcopyquality #youcantcopyoriginality #therealswinglady #originalaf #qualityovercoping #youcantry #happyweekend
11.01.2022 CUSTOM HANDMADE We just finished this gorgeous Horsey Swing for a lovely customer! And I’m in LUVEEEE Made of a heavy duty canvas fabric it is the ultimate gift! Amazing quality and handmade! ... If you are after a certain fabric or would like a specific print, all you’ve got to do is purchase our ‘Custom Handmade Swing’ and we will work with you to find the fabric you would like! It’s that easy! Head on our to our website and have a looksie! Have a lovely rest of your week! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #baby #babyswing #qualityhandmade #handmadebabyproducts #handmadebaby #handmadekids #handmadewithlove #babyfever #customhandmade #custombabyproducts #aussiehandmade #aussiehandmadebusiness @ Murwillumbah, New South Wales
08.01.2022 A PRICKLY CACTUS! We have sold lot of these little cacti over the years! Since our sale we have completely sold out of them! So I thought I’d share one last ‘Prickly Cactus’ Swing picture! It’s such a beautiful fabric! ... You’ve got to LOVE bright happy colours! it’s a beautiful print made up into our swings! Let us know in the comment below, what fabric is your FAVE! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlersofinstagram #toddlerlife #toddlerswing #swings #swingset #cactus #cacti #cactiofinstagram #imcactus #handmade #handmadegifts #handmadebabygifts #australianhandmade
07.01.2022 HERES TO ALL THE MUMS! The first time mums, The step mums, The bit yet mums,... The should be mums, And those without mums! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! We hope that all of the beautiful Mamas our there had a lovely Mother’s Day today! Hope you got the most important thing that the moment - some time with family! Happy Mothers Day from all of us here @thebubbrigade - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #thebubbrigade #mothersday #herestoallthemums #herestoyou #youaretheabsolutebest #mumsareextraordinary #mumsmaketheworldgoround #allthemums #yougotthismama #mamasaresuperheros
06.01.2022 ESTABLISHED in 2017 3 YEARS on and still LOVING every second! I started this business while studying at uni full time and job on the side! I was 20 and had absolutely no idea what I had gotten myself into! ... I worked hard, with a hell of a lot of trial and error involved And solved SO MANY issues on my own! But I’m pretty happy with what I’ve created, I’m grateful for the joy it brings me, the people I have met and connected with and the personal growth I have received in return for all the hard work! I am grateful for the orders and for the happy smiling faces that light me up each day! Here’s to the many years to come! ThankYOU for following along! Hope everyone is having a lovely week! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswing #smallbusiness #smallbusinessgrowth #upleveling #established2017 #establishedin2017 #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesssupport #businesswoman #handmade #handmadebusiness #handmadebusinessaustralia #australianhandmade #thankyou
04.01.2022 HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! We’ve had a whole lot of new peeps join in and follow us in the last couple of weeks so I thought I’d jump in and say HELLO! I’m Shae! The creative and hand maker behind The Bub Brigade! and I guess you could probably say #therealswinglady ... I was born and breed in Murwillumbah, NSW and have now built my little biz in this beaut town! I’m 25 in two weeks and I have two little nephews that I love to bits! I’m obsessed with sausage dogs, I don’t have one, just really like their sausageness and want one SO MUCH! I started this business 3 years ago with $100 in my bank account and made a swing for a family member. Ended up with $20 to my name after that and built my business from there! That’s a pretty epic way to start a business! Now I’ve nearly made 800 swings and holey moley what a learning curve it has been But that’s just a bit about ME and THE BUB BRIGADE! Welcome to all our new followers, and thankyou for following along! Have a lovely week! Shae X - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerswing #itsme #hellofromtheotherside #heyheyhey #therealswinglady #handmade #thebeautybehindthebusiness #thebrainsbehindthebrand #handmade #handmaking #handmadetoorder #australianhandmade #est2017 #qualityhandmade #handmadekids #thankyouforfollowing @ Murwillumbah, New South Wales
03.01.2022 FINALLY MAKING UP NEW SWINGS I’ve had a stack (I mean like 20 metres - ALOT) of fabric for new swings sitting in my sewing room to be made up into new swings for MONTHS! And I’ve finally had some time to make some of them up and take some pictures! ... How cute is our new Galah Swing!? So cute! We completely sold out of these in our recent sale! It’s such a good feeling to sell out of some of our stock! We are making room for bigger and better things! Onwards and upwards! Keep an eye out in the coming months for some exciting new things! Hope Everyone has a lovely weekend! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #babyswings #toddlerswing #swings #handmade #australianhandmade #businessgrowth #onwardsandupwards #biggerandbetterthings #newandexciting #galahs #australiahandmade #smallbusiness #shopsmallshoplocal #newbeginnings #challengingmyself #breakingthroughbarriers #upleveling #handmadegoodness #watchout #keepaneyeout @ Murwillumbah, New South Wales
01.01.2022 TWINNIESS! How gorgeous is this ‘Fairy Garden’ Twinnie?! These pictures don’t do it justice, it’s stunning!... This beautiful Twinnie went out to its lovely owner last week! I just haven’t had time to post with all the orders at the moment! Did you know we make ‘Twinnies’ our of any of our fabric designs?! Well, we do! We are closing our online store - which means we won’t be taking any orders for the month of July + Longer if our behind the scenes magic demands it! So if you need an order for July or August, make sure you get them in ASAP! Shutting the doors on the 1ST OF JULY! Happy Sunday LOVES! - The Bub Brigade Team #thebubbrigade #thebubbrigade #babyswing #toddlerlife #toddlersofinstagram #handmademarket #handmade #australianhandmade #fairydecor #flowerdecor #handmadewithlove #handsewn #handmadekids #safetytestedandcertified #twinnie #twinnies #forthetwins #doublethefun #happysunday
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