The Healing Butterfly Touch in Chapel Hill | Counsellor
The Healing Butterfly Touch
Locality: Chapel Hill
Phone: +61 411 654 207
Address: 3 Atlas Place 4069 Chapel Hill, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone Alan Watts Wait and see how things take their course in their own time. Have you tried this in the past? How did it work for you? Would love to hear about it in the comments ... #muddywater #flow #wait #bepresent #dontforceit #patience #trust #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch #alanwatts
25.01.2022 Some gift ideas! Come and visit us and choose a gift of wellness for your loved ones. You can choose accessories, crystals to enhance your environment or gift vouchers to cover for any services or products in our offerings ... Looking forward to seeing you soon #christmasgifts #giftsofwellness #wellbeing #giftvoucher #giftideas #thehealingbutterflytouch #brisbane
24.01.2022 Today is 22/11/2020 If we see the year as a 22, we have 22/11/22; a palindrome. Meaning that, whatever way you look at things, you’ll obtain the same result. Today we look at the world from the point of view of a 22/4. 22 can be stubborn, set on its ways. Make sure the ideas you birth today are coming from your inner guidance and not from your pain, so the changes generated by a new vision you could access today, are uplifting and support you on your path to truly being who y...ou are. A key today is to open your heart. To listen carefully to the messages it has for you, so you can follow its direction. This is all part of our preparation for the next stage. Take care, be compassionate with yourselves and enjoy the journey. #change #anewvision #alignment #growth #numerology #esotericnumerology #thehealingbutterflytouch
24.01.2022 Do you know about the added benefits of bringing Rosemary into your life? #rosemary #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch
23.01.2022 Mythbuster Monday Yoga is thought to have started pre-Vedic tradition in India around 3000 BCE. There is mention of this practice in the Upanishads and it’s original purpose was as a spiritual practice to help people achieve balance between body and mind and expand their awareness of the nature of their being. Throughout the years, the many benefits of Yoga have been demonstrated and include not only the physical attainments of improved flexibility, strength, cardio and circu...latory health, and so on, but also focusing on the breath helps reducing stress and anxiety. Latest research has found Yoga is highly successful for brain regulation in people who have experienced severe Trauma. However, Yoga is not a religious practice and you don’t need to afíliate to any group or sect in order to include this modality in your life. If you have been avoiding Yoga due to this myth, be aware that this is not truly the case and feel free to give it a go. #yoga #yogapractice #benefitsofyoga #yogalover #mindbodyspirit #balance #breath #breathwork #awareness #thehealingbutterflytouch
23.01.2022 Remember this is happening tonight! Do not miss Eliana Olaya’s inspiring talk and the beautiful meditation we are going to share. I hope you can make it either face to face or online... #meditation #bethechange
23.01.2022 Some people say they can multitask. Some even say this is a gender related skill: men can’t multitask, women do. However, multitasking is really a myth. What we do when we think we are multitasking is switching tasks quickly. We can only focus on one thing at a time. We can only be here or there. Neuroscientists have found that when we do this often, we reduce our efficiency and performance, as well as our IQ. In addition to this, we increase stress levels in the body.... It is best for us to focus on one thing at a time when possible and leave task-switching to when it is absolutely necessary. #multitasking #wedontreallymultitask #multitaskingisamyth #stress #onethingatatime #relax #focus #thehealingbutterflytouch #mythbustermonday #brisbane
22.01.2022 Very interesting insights about the solstice on the 21st of December from the Astrological point of view by Cristiana Caria
22.01.2022 Whatever is going on in your life today, you can take charge and by doing little changes, you can transform a ugly looking day into a miraculous day. Here are some simple tips you could choose to implement and see differences in your life. There are plenty more, but see how by shifting our daily habits slightly, you can make a world of difference in your life.... What are you doing today to make it a joyful and fabulous day? Would love to hear about it in the comments #joy #smallchanges #miracle #expectmiracles #shifts #gratitude #thehealingbutterflytouch
21.01.2022 About Numbers as Consciousness
21.01.2022 If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change Wayne Dyer
19.01.2022 Stay in the center, and you will be ready to move in any direction. Allan Watts Find your centre #findyourcenter #balance #resilience #presence #allanwatts #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch
18.01.2022 Colours and energy of year 2021 by Cristiana Caria
17.01.2022 Even when it feels you are stuck and not making progress, you are. It is all part of the journey. Each little bit helps build up and strengthen you to be able to do what you are here for. Take a deep breath and Trust! All is well!... #trust #alliswell #youaremakingprogress #change #growth #transition #shifting #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch
17.01.2022 A lovely and helpful chat about the angel gifts
15.01.2022 Today, the world has 3 new Reiki practitioners. Congratulations to these beautiful healers. Many blessings on your journey and thank you for trusting me and honouring me with being your teacher #reiki #reikipractitioner #reikicourse #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch
13.01.2022 Myrrh is one of the oils that the three Wise Kings gifted Jesus on his birth. Hystorically used as an incense to be burned in religious ceremonies, is also commonly used for its anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. But, did you know that Myrrh is a fabulous oil to help us reconnect and nurture our relationship with our Mother line, including our relationship to Mother Earth? It supports us on grounding, feeling safe in the world, rebuilding healthy ...attachments. Myrhh assists with letting go of fear and strenghten our Trust. You can apply it topically directly on the skin, it can be diffused and even can be taken internally by adding a drop under the tongue or adding it to water. Bring Myrrh into your life! #myrrh #threewisekings #gifts #motherline #nurture #grounding #trust #healing #essentialoils #doterra #thehealingbutterflytouch
12.01.2022 Today is a big day in many ways: Solstice (Summer for us in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter for those in the Northern Hemisphere), Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that will allow us to see the star of Bethlehem and the activation of the Magic Box at Uluru. Whether you are sensitive to energy or not, you may be feeling a sense of excitement within or at least some movement like fluttering butterflies.... Take some time for going within, do some silence, meditate, be aware #shifts #solstice #anewvision #newstage #aquarianage #thehealingbutterflytouch
11.01.2022 A snippet from a performance with the traditional dance group I’m part of
11.01.2022 2 powerful workshops coming up in January, for you to bring clarity to your life. Go to our event page for more details and to register. Send us a message if you have any questions ... #numerology #onlinetraining #consciousness #healing #thehealingbutterflytouch
10.01.2022 This is the cave underneath the Connaissance School of Numerology and the Cave Shop. You can now do virtual tours.
10.01.2022 Welcome to 2021! The year of bringing your gifts out into the world! If you've been thinking of learning latin dancing, this is your opportunity. Our classes are held in a very friendly, relaxed environment, where the objective is to have fun while moving our bodies.... This is a very dynamic class, a fabulous exercise. We dance to different Latin Rhythms throughout the class. Classes are held in Chapel Hill. Contact us for further details! Monday 6:30pm class resumes on 11/1/2021 Thursday 9:30am class resumes on 21/1/2021 See you soon! #latindance #exercisedancing #joy #joyousexercise #fun #moveyourbody #thehealingbutterflytouch #chapelhill #brisbanewesternsuburbs
10.01.2022 We are all cyclical. We naturally flow through life cycles. Some are easy to navigate and others present more challenges. Challenges are there to help us grow and we all need to go through them, whether we are spiritually minded or not. So, going through ups and downs is not an exclusive characteristic of people who are not very aware. What makes a big difference is the way we face these challenges;the tools we use, the spiritual practices, routines and the outlook on what l...ife is putting in front of us and our choices. Keeping a regular meditation practice, for example, helps us quiet the mind and open space for us to receive guidance and see what the next step should be. In general terms, a spiritually aware person will learn how to flow with more flexibility through these times of crisis and use them to expand and align to their purpose. We are all a work in progress, continuously growing, expanding and moving towards our soul’s path. No judgement required. Only compassion for self and others. So grab your tools and keep on working on being YOU! #beingyou #mythbustermonday #spirituality #consciousness #growth #compassion #thehealingbutterflytouch #healing
09.01.2022 Today is the day! We are moving through the celestial alignments of the Winter Solstice along with the potent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn! Can you feel th...e electricity in the air? These impactful alignments will help us usher in a new timeline that supports us in transcending the old societal structures and ideologies we have personally and collectively been a part of. Although the seeds had been planted years ago, these alignments are ushering us into a new age known as the Age of Aquarius. 2020 has been a year of asking ourselves what we were ready and willing to let go of, and what we desire to bring forward with us. Now, we begin a cycle of Saturn and Jupiter being in air signs, which will remain until 2159. This is significant, because it shows us that over the next decade and the next hundred-year cycle, there will be tremendous growth in humanity’s consciousness and way of life. It reveals to us that there will be a priority shift in the direction of increased good will for all life. We will see this occur both in technological innovation and ideological transformation. As we move forward, we will be guided to step up and do our part in anchoring a peaceful and heart-centered reality for all humanity to step into. Our next collective chapter is about making sure that every living being has their basic needs met in a way that honors them and all of life. We are all in this together, which means that we are all equal. No one will be left behind. We are in some of the most exciting times in human history. We have been through a lot to get to this point, and this is the time many of us have known about and been anticipating. Happy Solstice! Emmanuel
08.01.2022 As mentioned last week, there are many different meditation techniques, so if you don't like to meditate, because you think you need to close your eyes, I would like to let you know that there are some techniques that don't require for you to close your eyes. Have you ever heard of active or walking/moving meditations? Tai Chi and Qi Gong incorporate this as part of their practice. Also, you can do a walking meditation where you are very mindful of all the sense perceptions,... or you can walk a labyrinth to rebalance your body and mind. Like these, there are many other ways of meditating without having to close your eyes. So, I invite you to investigate more into this topic and if you have been avoiding meditation because you don't like closing your eyes, you don't have an excuse anymore. Give active meditation a go and let me know how this went for you. I'm curious to know if this serves you or not. #activemeditation #meditation #benefitsofmeditation #healing #rebalance #stressrelief #thehealingbutterflytouch
05.01.2022 Last night, we held the last meditation night of the year. Our guest @ladyeli07 gave us a fabulous talk about the issues our environment is facing and practical tips to help being part of the change and protect our planet. This was preceded by a fabulous meditation that got us in tune with the fact that we are one. Thank you to all who were able to make it and enjoy this wonderful talk and thank you to Eliana for the passion she shows in taking care of Mother Earth. #motherearth #environment #protecttheenvironment #bethechange #consciousness #thehealingbutterflytouch #happytreeproject #brisbane
05.01.2022 Rose holds such a high vibration, it supports us in connecting with divine love. It is also a powerful healer of the heart. In these times of radical change and having to leave so many things behind, Rose can help us experience and become aware of the unconditional love of the Divine. A love that can heal any pain and any wound. It can be diffused or applied directly on the skin diluted with a carrier oil. You can apply to the heart area or to the joints.... #essentialoils #doterra #rose #unconditionallove #heartbrake #healing #love #compassion #thehealingbutterflytouch
03.01.2022 Insights about the coming Full Moon in Gemini with lunar eclipse by Cristiana Caria
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