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The Captain Coach

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 418 117 118


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23.01.2022 If we believe in what we do, why we do it and our role in it, then regardless of the rapidly changing environment we are faced with, alignment, high performance and ultimately achieving the goal is more likely. Whats your version of a premiership (why are you doing this)? What will that feel/ look like? What will that mean for you/ your family? How long is the season? How soon do you hope to hold up the cup.?

23.01.2022 Unique Selling Proposition (Niche) What is unique about your product or service? Why should/ do people buy from you? How do we ensure that your audience or fans and supporters if you like know about this outside of our own environment or clubrooms?

22.01.2022 If you do something once without writing it down, you are destined to repeat it forever, so the key to leveraging yourself out of your business is to have written systems and processes that enable it to happen. How can we automate our performance? Require less effort to get the same output in our business?

21.01.2022 the self-employed experience their work as more meaningful and report higher work autonomy as well as higher [wellbeing] than wage employees.

21.01.2022 Leadership during crisis. Discipline. Self awareness. Energy. And having fun. Great podcast with Justin Langer, Australian Cricket Coach.

20.01.2022 My kids seem to really like reality tv Ninja Warriors, Masterchef, Survivor etc. The closest I tend to come is watching live sport cant be more real than that surely? Anyway, I saw a promo for the Bear Grylls hosted (the boys like this shows/ read his books) program on Amazon Prime and given its actually a race (sport!) we sat down together and started to watch. What blew me away from the very first episode was not only the sheer enormity of this eco-challenge, but the incredible competitors personal stories and motivations for competing in the event. Must watch. Inspirational.

20.01.2022 While the sporting analogy works we are rarely treated to leadership and teamwork such as that demonstrated by high performing sporting teams. There is no doubt that the busy, changing world we operate in creates challenges for teams to remain aligned or high performing, but surely they should never lose sight of the goal?

19.01.2022 Time mastery How many hours are you spending on your premiership aspirations? Athletes and sportspeople cant train 24/7, but many Captains are getting close! How can we ensure that you have time to train and time to recover spend time with your loved ones, go to the footy, or watch your kids play sport?

19.01.2022 Niche:With the fundamentals in place, we move along our premiership season to the next building block niche. How is what we do/ our team/ style of play different to everybody else? What gives us the competitive edge?

19.01.2022 How integrating sports into your workplace can improve the mental health of your teams.

17.01.2022 Guarantee (Niche) How do you back this USP up? Whats your commitment to your supporters? What kind of guarantee do you offer: Lifetime, Free Trial, First-Time , Lowest Price, Happiness or Fun? What is your brand promise, and do you and your team believe in it?

15.01.2022 Got time to read this ? #bizowner #goalassist #timemanagement

15.01.2022 Mastery: No organisation or team can win the flag/ cup if they dont have the basics, or foundations in place. Competency of these basics is referred to as MASTERY the first step in the premiership season. Control of what is happening. Eliminate the chaos. Consistency of performance day to day and week to week.


15.01.2022 Think of yourself as the Captain of your business or company. On-field performance always needs off field support. Who is supporting you on your premiership quest?

15.01.2022 Most businesses are driven by either a supply or demand opportunity: Supply being people & process & resources Demand being sales & marketing What things do we do every day? What things do we do many times a day? Week, month?... How do we systemise these so you and your team know theyll occur regardless of the opposition or the score, so that you can keep spending time on improving? See more

14.01.2022 1. Working hard vs competing 2. Controlling the controllables during a pandemic 3. Getting older in great condition 4. Getting the teen out of the house 5. Biz re-opening bandwagon jumping... Youll find all of the above in this weeks #YourStarting5

14.01.2022 Coaching Technique Im Using An experienced school educator alerted me to this TedEd blog post. How can we encourage kids to think critically from an early age? Through an activity that every child is already an expert at asking questions of which these 4 examples are simple to execute with a potentially massive upside to my teaching/ coaching outcomes (and not just with kids!).

14.01.2022 Balance boards & Charles Darwin make the lineup in Your Starting 5 for this week. Enjoy!

13.01.2022 The silent return of tennis, agile families, Bear Grylls racing in Fiji, mindfulness running & the future of the Olympics make up Your Starting 5 this week. If youd like a copy sent to you, drop a note in the comments. Stay healthy and look after yourself and your loved ones. BD

12.01.2022 Busy Fools Syndrome: What goes hand in hand with trying to do more with less is learning what to take off the priority list. Whats more important than having a To Do list is having a To Dont list.

12.01.2022 Captains (Business Owners/ Directors): R U OK? Many in Victoria unfortunately arent going ok at the minute, but Im here for your call/ message if you want to talk about ANYTHING - not just your business. BD

11.01.2022 Destination mastery Do you know where youre going? What does your particular premiership look like or represent? How will you know when youve won the flag? No team wins by focusing only on the short term (one week at a time) kind of thinking. Do your team members know this goal also? Do they share in your vision for the journey towards that goal? As the Captain of your organisation Its your dream, but youll need others to help you achieve your desired success.

11.01.2022 How has running a business during a pandemic been like for you? Anything like the scenes in this video? Sometimes you just never know what will come next... ... Hang in there, keep fighting and the scoreboard will reflect your efforts soon enough. #businessbounceback #smallbiz #bizcoaching

10.01.2022 What types of businesses are well-positioned in 2021? - Companies that are doing well in local markets. - Companies who ride on the back of platforms. - Companies whose brands revolve around reducing cost. - Companies big enough to fight the ecosystems.... How is your business positioned?

10.01.2022 Target Market (Niche) Do you know your ideal customer? What do they look like? Old, young, families, retirees, where do they live, what do they need what problems do they have that you know how to solve? Who are your best customers now how do you find more like them & where might you find them?

09.01.2022 Your Starting 5 - 3rd August 2020. With most elite sports now having returned to competition, if given an opportunity to reboot sport, what would you keep and replace? Growth mindsets, health & happiness and reflecting on a postponed Olympic Games I hope this lineup provides some inspiration and brain nourishment for your week ahead. As always in these times, be healthy, and do the right things for yourself and others. BD

08.01.2022 Leverage One of the biggest challenges that Captains have is that their business never truly runs without them being there on a day to day basis. If your business doesnt run without you, then you dont have a business, you have a job. Learning to leverage your time can make a huge difference to your business.

07.01.2022 Walking & Wolverine. How to brighten someones day. Its all there in Your Starting 5 for this week.

06.01.2022 If youd like a copy of Your Business Premiership Season ebook, email [email protected]. The strategies within are proven and have been for over 20 years in businesses worldwide. Theyre the Vince Lombardi, Ric Charlesworth, Alastair Clarkson of business principles and if you think you might benefit from being coached after youve read through these, lets discuss how that might work for you.

05.01.2022 Delivery mastery The final basic building block is a consistent performance. Knowing what your team is going to play like. Repetition of the minimum requirements to be in the game. Can people always find you (easily)/your product or service when they want to buy? Is it easy to transact? Are you happy with the quality every time? Do you deliver on time? And does everyone on your team do it? Does everyone on your team do it EVERY time?

04.01.2022 Charles Darwin apparently once said: A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of life. Given how much more time many of us have had of late, this post from 2019 was worth reading and checking back in since I last came across it. For those about to read it for the first time, its got some great tips about how to best capture those things that we learn each day, so that we might refer to them again in the future. Simple, but effective stuff.

04.01.2022 We (generally) play sport to win cups, flags, or premierships. People go into business to do the same theyve some kind of motivation or goal in mind at the beginning, but do you know what success looks and feels like? In business, like sport, theres some fundamental strategies required to enable the team to climb the ladder to success.

04.01.2022 Money mastery Whats your break even? (how much per week or month do you need to sell/ earn to keep the doors open?). What profit margin are you making (or not?) Having basic reporting in place like KPIs, P&L, cashflow a budget! If the Captain doesnt know the score, then how do they know whether theyre winning or losing?

04.01.2022 "When an online course tells you how to make money in real estate remember they are making money by selling online courses. When a conference covers how to build an online business remember they are building an event business. Learn from what people do as much as what they say."

04.01.2022 Getting better at something is uncomfortable and frustrating. But if you keep trying despite that, you will improve.

03.01.2022 So often sporting analogies are used in the business world - it seems apt: in a sporting team everyone must know their role, commit to maintaining and building their skills, always be there to play their role in the game, recognise the strengths of others and provide opportunities for them to be optimised, operate selflessly, communicate continually, reflect on performance and opportunities for improvements, and always remain focused on the goal- in this instance the premiership.

02.01.2022 Offer (Niche) What motivates prospects within your target market to buy your product or service? Why? What can your offer to them to ensure they purchase from you and not your competitors?

01.01.2022 The best use of your time as a business Captain is not troubleshooting, being the number one contact for your customers or sorting out the mess your team have made, but is in seeing new business opportunities, providing leadership to your team and mapping out the future of the business.

01.01.2022 Get up and about on this Monday with Your Starting 5!

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