The Carers Foundation Australia | Businesses
The Carers Foundation Australia
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25.01.2022 Making a difference in someone else's life is what drives The Carers Foundation Australia & we know its infectious. Alot of carers that go through our wellness programs want to help other carers. Most of our volunteers were carers, and have experienced the benefits of The Carers Foundations programs and wellness days ... They understand what carers go through and they want to help and inspire others to reach out and get the support they need With NO COSTS to the carer, The Carers Foundation's runs wellness programs, daily retreats, massages, hair care and much more. Are you a carer or do you know someone that is? Reach out and register at #wecareforcarers #whocares #icareforcarers #carersfoundation #tcf #who #icare #whocaresmovement #thebighug #live #facebook #monday #motivation #caringrole #carersweek #carersqld #carersau #carerslife #support #supportacarer #mentalhealth #caretoday #careforacarer #wellness #supportingcarers #love #carerscandle #whocarestshirt #donate #richardbranson
24.01.2022 It's Black Friday All over the world shoppers are clicking and paying for gifts for their family and friends We are offering you an amazing feel good special... When you purchase from The Carers Foundations online store you are encouraged to ADD 20% of your purchase total in the way of a donation. Purchase a WHO CARES tshirt and donate $6.00 or more Purchase a CARERS CANDLE and donate $7.00 or more Or simply donate any amount Give the gift that keeps on giving, the gift of supporting carers #onlineshopping #blackfriday #shop #shopanddonate #donate #donating #donatetoday #thecarersfoundation #wecareforcarers #carerstshirt #carerscandle #carerslife #support #thebighug #carersqld #carersau #carersweek #tcf #ronnie #givingback #raisingfunds #giftthatkeepsongiving #website #frenzy #click #whocares #whocaresmovement
22.01.2022 Which Comedian CARES? Ben Knight does! Ben has joined our WHO CARES? Movement so a massive THANK YOU Ben ... Which other comedians will join Ben to help us support unpaid Carers; that are the hidden hero’s in the community... including children as young as 8 DM us to get your own tee Link in Bio #Repost @bigredbenknight Go check out the amazing work my mates at @carersfoundation are doing! . . #wecareforcarers #whocares #comedianscare #wecare #funnypeoplecare #itsnotfunnybeingacarer #helpushelpcarers #community #support #caring #compassion #kindness #actors #comedians #funnypeople See more
22.01.2022 Which GOGGLE BOX people CARE? Tim and Leanne! @timeatsandtravels Thank you for your support to help us raise awareness for @carersfoundation and unpaid Carers. ... We would love to see other Goggle Box families join to show they care #Repost @timeatsandtravels Unfortunately, we have family and friends who require full time and constant care. It is only through the blood, sweat, tears and generosity from their carers that they can have any semblance of quality of life. Very often we forget about those who sacrifice their all for those who have almost lost their all. I CARE DO YOU? I am supporting the @CarersFoundation who support unsung Carer Heroes in our community. JOIN THE WHO CARES? MOVEMENT WITH ME @CarersFoundation. @thedaltons_au @holly_dalton @kate_dalton00 @milliedalts @isabellesilbery @thedelpechitras @anastasia_and_faye @kaday_and_chantel @lee_and_keith #wecareforcarers #whocares #wecare #goggleboxerscare #realitystarscare #helpuscare #helpushelpcarers #giving #charity #kindness #givemore #feelgood #itsgoodtogive #nonprofit #donate #love #help #volunteer #giveback #ngo #education #dogood #hope #socialgood #change #family #givingback See more
17.01.2022 WHO CARES if @hothusband_ wears a tee shirt? SORRY * NOT SORRY @hothusband_ is wearing our WHO CARES? Tee for a great cause! Thank you Celeste Barber and @hothusband for joining our WHO CARES? Movement to help us support @carersfoundation and unpaid Carers! ... #Repost @hothusband_ Carers foundation do amazing work supporting the unpaid Carers taking care of their loved ones at home with disabilities or illness and with no pay or time off. Check out their page and get involved. @thecarersfoundation @celestebarber #wecareforcarers #whocares #whocaresmovement #comedianscare #arboristscare #standupcomedianscare #celebritiescare #weallshouldcare #disabilities #hothusbandscare #icare #goldcoastcare #brisbanecare
16.01.2022 tis the season.... This week Ronnie is busy stuffing stocking and gift bags. (she is always giving) But she needs some ideas! What do you fill your stocking with? Do you have "stand by gifts" for those last minute xmas invites? ... Please share your tips to help us all make this silly season a little easier If you would like to give the gift that keeps on giving, please go to The Carers Foundation Australia's website to purchase a Carers Candle or a WHO CARES tshirt for someone special, or make a donation to help a carer. #christmastime #wecareforcarers #thecarersfoundation #tcf #ronnie #tistheseason #whocares #icare #letscare #supportacarer #carersqld #carersweek #carerau #celebrate #xmas #carerscandle #carerstshirt #partytime #carersfoundation #thebighug #live #facebook #love #givingback #charity #brisbane #wellness #mentalhealth
16.01.2022 Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for workers and the day when they received a special Christmas box. However in Australia Boxing Day is about; Shopping and sales Cricket... Sydney to Hobart which will not happen this year Rest and watching movies Our retreat cat is exhausted after all the Christmas activities, so she has chosen to rest and recover. How unusual? What have you done today for Boxing Day? . . . #wecareforcarers #whocares #boxingday #whatdidyoudo #shopping #sales #rest #recover #movies #cat #retreatcat #exhausted #christmasisover #Nosydneytohobart #goawaycovid
16.01.2022 WHO CARES ? The beautiful Jodie Speers @jodiespeers does Jodie is a journalist on @channel7, wife to Ben @benfordham9 and proud mum.... Thank you for Jodie joining our WHO CARES? Movement to help us raise awareness for @carersfoundation foundation so we can support more unpaid family Carers You can join as well by contacting us or purchasing your own tee Link in bio #Repost @jodiespeers This one goes out to all the incredible carers! Some are as young as 8 - some are over 80. They are unpaid, many don’t choose to become carers, and they often don’t get a break. I’m supporting the @carersfoundation Who Cares movement #wecareforcarers - would love you to join me . . #wecareforcarers #whocares #wecare #journalistscare #tvpresenterscare #weallshouldcare #supportus #charity #bekind #compassion #whocaresmovement #nfp #raiseawareness #raisefunds #helpushelpcarers #unpaidcarers See more
14.01.2022 We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone We love this and often ask for everyone to help someone especially if you know they are alone or struggling It’s been a tough year and one positive is that many have prioritized their values, been more grateful and appreciative for what they have, and many have been helping others more... It costs nothing to be kind and even the smallest gesture can make the biggest difference to someone . . . #wecareforcarers #whocares #bekind #helpsomeone #caremore #helpmore #youarenotalone #reachout #everyonecanhelp #support #offerhelp #hugs #hugshelp #hugsheal See more
12.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you all. We hope you are able to spend the day with the ones you love. We are very blessed to have our family here (except for one thanks to Covid) ... We just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and hope you have a wonderful day. Please reach out to those if you know they are alone. If you are need support please reach out to get support. You are not alone.
10.01.2022 We are very excited to be operating from our new office space at the Samford Community HUB Officially opened last week by Hon Peter Dutton Peter Dutton Mayor Peter Flannery Mayor Peter Flannery and Councillor Cr Darren Grimwade ... Please feel free to pop in to see us to say hello We will have our first big event here on Dec 11th for our Facebook Live The BIG HUG with our Christmas Trivia Party Please let us know if you would like to attend in person #wecareforcarers #whocares #thebighug #facebooklive #christmas #trivia #communityhub #community #charity #fun #together #connection # See more
10.01.2022 Started in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first-ever global health day. World AIDS Day, observed each year on December 1, is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people with HIV, and remember those who have died from an HIV-related illness. 2020 World AIDS Day theme is ... Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience & Impact Are you a carer or do you know someone that is? Please reach out to #carersfoundation #wecareforcarers #worldaidsday2020 #wad2020 #aids #thecarersfoundation #thebighug #caring #carers #carersweek #carersau #carersqld #tcf #ronnie #wellness #mentalhealth #wellnessretreats #carerslife #brisbanecharity #donate #givingback
09.01.2022 The Big Hug Ep. 23 (Nov 27) Another great episode, Ronnie spoke about our new office space at the Samford Hub, our upcoming events and Movember Australia Special guest Angela filled us in on the new Samford Community Hub which is an amazing facility for the area. ... John YES Entertainment QLDhad his usual DAD jokes, however they seemed to be worse than ever this week! Lucky the Trivia was better! Lots of new WHO CARES? celebrities helping us raise awareness for The Carers Foundation Australia and our unpaid Carers. Thank you to Jay Laga'aia - Music for Kids Ben Knight @BenLawson Natalie Bassingthwaighte GogglBoxers Tim and Leanne and journalist Jodie Speers. We have next week off then our big TRIVIA Chtistmas Part on the 11th DEC so please join us for load sof fun and celebrations. #wecareforcarers ##whocares #whocaresmovement
04.01.2022 Our gorgeous Carers from a wellness retreat 2 years ago
01.01.2022 How exciting to meet Chloe @chloemaxwell31 and Elerrina @elerrina_the_great this morning on @juice1073 . Talking all things mental health and Carers Thank you for Caring ladies and we will look forward to revisiting soon... #Repost @juice1073 Mental Health Monday on Good a taste Brekky this morning with founder of The Carers Foundation, Ronnie Benbow and Ambassador Janelle where they spoke to Chloe & Elerrina about the importance of raising awareness for Carers in our community. If you are needing help or would like to support the foundation, head to www.the Carers . . #wecareforcarers #whocares #radioheadscare #breakfastradiocares #community #radio #goldcoast #wearourtee #joinus #whocaresmovement #mentalhealthmonday #mentalhealth
01.01.2022 Ham, pudding, custards, and more....... Who over indulged over the silly season? So now whats the plan? Is it to early to start a New Years Resolution? It was a fun time, we may of over indulged, but hey, its Christmas. Lets start the New Year with a healthy plan.... Are you a Carer, or do you know a Carer that is not coping? Would you like to support a carer to assist them on starting the New Year with the support they need? Please donate today: #wecareforcarers #whocares #whocarescampaign #icare #icarecampaign #adollarforacarer #newyear #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #healthy #healthylife #supportacarer #supportingcarers #donate #donatetoday #thebighug #carerslife #carersqld #carersau #caringforcarers #carersfoundation #tcf #newyears #givingback #helpingeachother #newyearnewstart #monday #mondaymotivation #mondayvibe #thankyou
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