Centre of Movement in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Centre of Movement
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5636 9458
Address: 3/328 Scottsdale Drive 4226 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.centreofmovement.com.au
Likes: 3735
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25.01.2022 Jump onto the Zoom chat happening now
25.01.2022 Visual motor integration! Visual motor integration is the communication between your eyes and your hands. It is crucial for fine motor skills such as writing. The ability to process what you are seeing in the visual environment and how to coordinate your hands to complete the task. Our Occupational Therapist, Anna, loves incorporate visual motor skills through play during therapy sessions. Apologies for the radio silence on our social media pages. We've had some majors changes and plans both in clinic and online. Please watch this space and get excited for some new development.
25.01.2022 Over 4.4 million people in Australia have some form of disability. That's 1 in 5 people. As a society inclusion is about providing each and every citizen with the same rights and opportunities as the rest. The Conventions of the Rights of Peoples with Disabilities follows the decades of work by the United Nations to change attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities. Australia has adopted this in policies however children like Sam still face this injustice. Share this story, share your story, be the voice for change. Be the change that you wish to see in the world - Mahatam Gandhi
24.01.2022 The "superman" was a crowd favorite during the intensives! Kids loved swinging themselves back and forth and they'd always asked to have a turn after the other. This movement prompts their grip strength, upper body and provides them with vestibular input. #superman #vestibular #gripstrength #upperbody #universalexerciseunit #spidercage #exercisephysiology #occupationaltherapy
23.01.2022 Posted @withregram @okethelabel The only way to start your day a big Sammy Smile @itssamuelsstory getting it done as always @thecentreofmovement #goldcoast
23.01.2022 Milestone Monday! Little mason wrote his name for the first time Mason was one of Anna’s first client and together they have been working on attention, letter recognition, pen control, core strength and posture. All of Mason’s hard work has had him reaching goal after goal and he’s finally accomplished his next goal to write his name. Well done, Mason!
22.01.2022 Did you hear the good news? It's Friday! Have a wonderful weekend everyone. The clinic was busy full of amazing superstars this week and everyone is ready for a well deserved weekend. Friendly reminder to call and book ahead as we have limited availability over the coming months.
22.01.2022 Identity vs person first language
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone This Saturday we are doing a 15km walk to raise awareness for the rare genetic condition STXBP1. Research is moving ever so close to finding a cure and clinical trials are set to begin soon. The STXBP1 global community are all participating in a walk this Saturday and our Gold Coast community will begin 8am at the Runaway Bay Marina and finish with a BBQ at The Spit around 11.30. Come for a walk or meet us at the Spit, we would love to see you. Donations for Ashana's Journey can be made following this link https://runsignup.com/Race/78014/Donate/NjPdglXvd2fwXieM as always thank you in advance for your support. Hope to see you Saturday
21.01.2022 This sweet beautiful girl needs your support, help out by donating at the link in the on the post or join us this Saturday walking from runaway bay to the spit.
21.01.2022 I spy with my little eye, something that makes the sound... Looking for a fun and challenging fine motor activity? Sophia and Anna played a little game of "I spy" introducing letter sounds and pincher grip tongs. Different letters were pressed against different colored playdough and they each took turn finding the letter based on it's sound. You could use tongs or finger at home depending on how challenging you would like to make the game.
20.01.2022 I could watch this all day. Repost at @okethelabel . .... . #inclusion #inclusionmatters #sportsmanship #teamwork #cerebralpalsy #values #joy
20.01.2022 Here's an activity to boost creative thinking, visual motor and literacy skills. Have a range of letters scattered and ask your child to create the longest/funniest/unusual word they can imagine. If your child is not spelling yet maybe ask the child to find a word that begins with the sound? Make it funnier or harder by making a sentence using a range of letters give. For example, I was given the letters: t, w, o, c, t. This could make the sentence, "The wombats opened cans together" or "They were orange caterpillar tears?" These sentences do not have to make a lot of sense. The process of associating words with the right sounds is a fun and creative way to test and develop a young mind. Sit back and enjoy your child creativity and humor.
20.01.2022 Every one put your hand a up! Week two of intensives has begun. #intensives #cerebralpalsy #exercisephysiology #occupationaltherapy #schoolholidays
20.01.2022 .. , , , , .
19.01.2022 Riding a bike is a common and important milestone. The simple pedaling motion has many physical benefits: increased joint motion, body awareness, split attention, core strength, balance and so much more. Learning to ride a bike can foster confidence, gross motor skills and social skills. Whether they are riding adaptive or traditional bike, the opportunity to learn a bike and be inclusive in the community is an important skill. If this is a NDIS goal for your child feel free to discuss bike riding is with one of our therapist at Centre of Movement.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to Chris Nikic on making history as the first person with Down Syndrome to complete an IRONMAN triathlon. Watching his live stream from IRONMAN Florida was incredible I am a person with Down syndrome who will complete the Ironman. I am going to make history by crushing it, wonderful
18.01.2022 Posted @withregram @okethelabel NEW GUEST ALERT - Ashana is 23 months (2 at the end of August) - Ashana is 1 of only 400 in the world missing chromosome- Stxbp1 and is the only one to ever have both STXBP1 and Alexanders Disease which is terminal.... - We are based on the Gold Coast but spend our weeks between GC, Brisbane and sunshine coast for therapies for our little sunshine - $5 From every purchase will be given back to Ashana and her family for whatever they may need. See more
17.01.2022 Milestone Mondays! School holidays are finished and so are the intensives. Heres the cutest little highlights video from the last few weeks. #intensives #cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsykids #chromosomal #chromosomallyperfect #exercisephysiology #occupationaltherapy
17.01.2022 Join us this Saturday or jump onto the link below to help Ashana and her family find a cure
16.01.2022 I see you taking your kid to therapy while your friends take their kids to football or ballet. I see you sneak out of the conversation when all your friends boa...st about achievements and exam notes. I see you juggle events and meetings. I see you sitting on the computer for hours investigating what your child needs. I see you make a bad face when people complain about what looks like nonsense. I see you disappear little by little but you keep going beyond for your family. I see you pull strength from weakness with a force you didn't even dream you had. I see you showing respect for teachers, therapists and medical professionals who help your child and help you. Watching you wake up early in the morning to do it all again after another chaotic night. I see you when you're on the edge of the precipice struggling to live. I know you feel invisible, like no one notices. But I want you to know that I see you. I see you push forward always. I see you choose to do everything you can to give your child the best care at home, school, therapy and the doctors. What you do matters. It's worth the struggle. On those days when you wonder if you can make it one more minute, I want you to know I see you. I want you to know that you are beautiful. I want you to know it's worth it. I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that love is the most important thing, and that you are the best at it. And in those days when you see an improvement, those moments when hard work has its reward, and you can taste success, I'll see you then too. And I'm proud of you. Whatever day today... ...you're doing it right. And I see you. Alethea Mshar John Walker / Flickr
16.01.2022 WELCOME TO OUR NEW PHYSIOTHERAPIST BEN KOOIMAN Ben believes there is nothing more satisfying than watching children achieve a new skill which they can then utilise to play and explore. He believes in encouraging children to progress along their natural neurodevelopmental pattern (crawl before walking, walk before running etc.) utilising the child's intrinsic movement patterns and curiosity to optimise their physical potential throughout the lifespan only using braces/assis...tive devices as a last resort. Ben watched how the use of reflex integration 'unlocked' his daughter's potential and is now heavily invested in learning and utilising this skill to help other children. Being continuously amazed at children defying the odds and achieving infinitely more than they were told they would considering their diagnosis, Ben is extremely passionate about assisting children to push their physical and cognitive boundaries. From having a child with Down syndrome Ben understands the highs and lows of having a child with a disability and therefore, is extremely invested in helping children and their families to reach each child's potential. He is acutely aware of the physical, emotional and mental strain of having a child with additional needs and therefore, aims to provide simple strategies and tips that will assist with the child's development that are realistic given the families limited resources. For children to be able to reach their full potential and live life to the fullest they should be able to experience all the world has to offer. Childhood is a unique season where we get to lay down the building blocks of a fulfilling life and explore the world through fun and play. Play is not a break from learning. It is endless, delightful, deep, engaging, practical learning. It’s the doorway into the child’s heart! ~ Vince Gowmon
16.01.2022 Milestone Mondays - Table top time fun! Nathan's attention has developed and he is enjoy table top time more and more. He is slowly developing his pre-writing skills and is loving kindergarten. Well done, Nathan!
15.01.2022 The team at Centre of Movement value a welcoming environment. We want each child, parent and coworker to feel accepted and appreciated. Making happy memories is equally as important as achieving goals. What's your favourite memory at Centre of Movement?
15.01.2022 Family holds everything together . Big brother helping Ashana at therapy yesterday @netey_simpson . . .... #family #specialneedsfamily #specialneedsparenting #support See more
14.01.2022 Shoulder Girdle, Fine Motor Skills & Handwriting You will often hear therapist talk about 'proximal stability for distal mobility' Observe your child during a pencil-and-paper task and ask yourself these questions:... Can you see the shoulder move as your child colors, draws or writes? Does your child use whole arm movements when coloring or drawing (instead of hand and finger movements)? Does your child tire easily during fine motor tasks? Does your child tense up the neck and shoulders when attempting to cut with scissors, draw/write or use a knife and fork? Swimming, play dates at the local park, obstacle courses, or anything that involves pushing, pulling, clambering and crawling rather than just having them sit down and practice 'fine motor' skills
13.01.2022 Our local superhero gang Last day of the school holiday intensive program
12.01.2022 We are so grateful that the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, acknowledges the value of intensives therapy and allowing children like Hugo to receive 250 hours of therapy. The NDIS has supported most of the children who participate in our TheraSuit intensives and the children's progress speaks for itself. Max Sherman and his family were the forefront of this movement. Find out more in the Herald Sun article: "Calls to pre-approve 250 hours of therapy through NDIS"
12.01.2022 Brain has 4 different lobes, and each lobe plays a crucial role in performing simple day to day actions such as hearing, speaking, visualising, processing infor...mation or even remembering information. More information - www.neuphony.com/EEG Image credits - Burger, C., 2014. A novel method of improving EEG signals for BCI classification (Doctoral dissertation, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University). For more information checkout the Link in the BIO . . #neuphonybypankhtech #neuphonyformentalhealth #fitnessgearforyourmind #cognitivedevelopment #memory #cognitivepsychology #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #brainstorming #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthawareness #brainhealth #brainhealthawareness #memorymonday #brainhealthmatters #cognitive #brainhealthcoach #brainstorm #memorykeeping #brainhealthy #brainfood #brain #brains #memorys #brainhealthissexy #cognitivescience #mentalhealth #memorylane #mentalhealthmatters #cognitivedissonance @ Munich, Germany
11.01.2022 Milestone Mondays! Little Charlie has improved so much over the last year. Look how independent Charlie is when he take each set and balances as he steps up. He shows great spatial awareness and depth perception because of the change in height between some of the steps. Charlie has grown so confident to be able to do this activity all on his own. Well done, Charlie!
10.01.2022 We are swinging into school holidays! Everyone is so excited for school holidays intensives to begin. A friendly reminder to everyone to that we are fully booked over the next two weeks and school holiday intensives will take over regular morning sessions.
10.01.2022 Milestone Mondays: Hugo was a superstar during our June/July intensives and look how far hes come! We are so proud of Hugo and all the effort it took to achieve this. Well done Hugo!
10.01.2022 Grip strength! Grip Strength is a predictor of muscle strength and endurance. Developing grip strength positively influences forearm strength, hand strength, hand endurance, and dexterity. We use the trapeze as a fun and enjoyable way to exercise grip strength. The bungee cords assist Ellis to pull himself up confidently by reducing his body weight. You could try this on the monkey bars or flying fox at the local park. Try tug-a-war in the backyard with a beach towel! #gripstrength #grip #strength #finemotor #fitness #cerebralpalsy #downsyndrome #autism #development #exercisephysiology #occupationaltherapy
09.01.2022 DOWN SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH - CORRECT VERSION Written by our own physiotherapist Ben Kooiman As I was writing this little segment, I was interrupted by a man who enquired as to what I was doing this weekend. I responded that since my wife was working both nights requiring her to sleep during the day, I would predominantly be spending time with my daughter. Oh, you have a daughter, great, how old is she?! He asked with great excitement. 17 months, I replied. Oh, nice th...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Milestone Mondays! Another success from the June/July intensives. Look how great Ellis is at dressing himself! What an amazing show of independence. It almost brought a tear to Anna's eye. We are so excited to watch Ellis's independence continue to evolve and grow. Well done, Ellis.
08.01.2022 Milestone Mondays: Look at Superman Sam! The first video was from his very first school holiday intensives in April and the second is from his session last week. Only a 3 month difference, INCREDIBLE! Well done, Sam!
06.01.2022 This fun contraption is the iGallop. You may recognize it from it's hilarious segment on Ellen but did you know it can also be used as a therapeutic tool? Hippotherapy (horse riding therapy) has been proven as a therapeutic method to improve balance and posture control. Studies have suggested that Hippotherapy has a positive impact on children with Cerebral Palsy. A study in 2014 compared hippotherapy and horse riding simulation tools for therapeutic use. The study concluded that horse riding simulation tools, similar to the iGallop, proved to be a useful alternative to improve static and dynamic balance, posture control and provide vestibular input when compared to hippotherapy.
03.01.2022 Drawing on a vertical surface puts the wrist at a natural extension promoting a better pencil grip and fine motor control. This is also an engaging activity for children who dislike sitting for long periods of time. Try taping parchment paper to the wall or using chalk on a wooden fence in the yard! Be experimental and most of all have fun.
01.01.2022 Phoenix is as excited as we are for reaching 1.1K followers on Instagram. Thank you to all the people who have followed us on this journey. Thank you to all the people who have just joined us. And thank you to all the hard working clients that allow us to share their inspiring story. We love to share all things Occupational Therapy, Exercise Physiology and paediatrics. If youre looking for heartfelt progress videos, exercise ideas or education regarding our different modes o...f therapy, you are in the right place! What kind of post would you like to see more of? #yay #cute #downsyndrome #finemotor #occupationaltherapy #exercisephysiology #1100followers #thankyou #watchthisspace #welldone
01.01.2022 Milestone Mondays! This momentous milestone goes out to our clinic celebrity, Sophia! Sophia works so hard and we are so absolutely proud of her participation at her school's sports day. We also want to acknowledge the inclusiveness of Gold Coast Christian College. Thank you for providing Sophia and her peers with the opportunity to celebrate each and everyone's differences. "Inclusion is not simply about physical proximity. It is about intentionally planning the success for all students" - Tim Villegas
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