The Cleansing Mumma | Public figure
The Cleansing Mumma
Phone: +61 409 825 188
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21.01.2022 Short hair don’t care!! Thanks Kimbo for the new cut and fab blonde. It’s getting shorter and I’m absolutely loving it. Happy Thursday people sending lots of LOVE
17.01.2022 WHO LOVES A BARGAIN?? My favourite word is discount!! My second favourite word is these products!!... Put them in the same sentance.... BOOOOM!! DISCOUNTS!! 25% plus a further 10% off for new peeps This is your time, stop overthinking it and do it it's been the best 5 years EVER..!!! I can send you your discount link and you’ll be on your way in no time. I’d love to support you towards your goals. From Monday 15/09/20 until Monday 21/09/20 2pm Not happy at the end of 30 days... I’ll give you back your cash! Love it... I’ll show you how to get $600 worth of products a year for free, just for being a loyal customer! #resultsGuarnteed #RevolutionWellness
16.01.2022 Looking forward to a SWEET weekend! #smoothiebowl Have a great day people! X
15.01.2022 Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF, I am a big believer of this saying. It’s taken me many years to learn to trust the journey. I have always put self doubt in my head before actually believing I can do something. I have recently learnt to trust and love myself and now feeling the best I have in many many years. We can all do this and I also send you the positive vibe to achieve this also. X
15.01.2022 A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life. Coco Chanel. Loving my new do!!. @hairelegancebykim is amazing with her colours and scissors Thankyou obsessed I think Marshall likes it to.
15.01.2022 Yesterday we kicked off our 5 day breakfast challenge in our private support group. We have some great breakfast ideas rolling in and in all honesty... Real talk. We know how breakfast can actually go for a few people. Breakfast skipper 101!! Right here (well I was ) I’ll be posting some great ideas here so you can see how easily they are to prepare but making sure you get the goodness you need Swipe ~ to see our overnight oats. #BetterBreakfast
14.01.2022 2020! THE YEAR THAT HAS CHANGED MY MIND. HEALTH AND LOVE FOR MYSELF.... crossing of another month and a freaking HIGH FIVE proud moment. I am so close to reaching my goal. Like so close I’ve lost and continue to lose... I might even frame this calendar for future memories of the absolute determination I have told myself daily... I WILL MAKE MY GOAL I set out for myself for January. ... Consistently is key, I’ve learnt the hard way over the years but it’s taught me a lesson and that is to just keep going and push through even when it feels like you want to quit. Eating food for fuel, not satisfying cravings! Cravings are just little tiny voices that want you to fail. Shut them out and turn that music up See more
13.01.2022 To face your biggest fears, your weaknesses, your raw emotions and find out who you really are and whether that's who you want to be or not, is scary. Let's admit it, we all tell ourselves we are certain qualities.. But the qualities aren't what make us who we are, we are what we believe. Once we stop creating stories to live by and face the raw truth.. Change happens. Change is not negative, it is necessary for human growth. Stand in integrity and decide who you want to become, and be just that person! Time to forget the fears and start doing!
12.01.2022 Hopefully my purpose on social media is obvious, in that I want to provide value to you guys, while also sharing bits of my adventures in life with my family and experiencing yours too! If you’ve been following me for a bit you may know that sharing my love of health & a hole lot of Wellness, is something I can’t shut up about! Mostly because within a week I felt like I swallowed a rainbow What these products have done is helped me look better, feel, move better, and eat better every day for the last 5years. Which is why I want EVERYONE to truly experience how their bodies were designed to feel! It’s totally your turn and I would absolutely love to help you find your rainbow x See more
09.01.2022 Did you know .... From mid 20’s collagen production begins to slow? Liquid Marine Collagen... Loaded with 5g (yes dose matters!) Pure and potent Ethically and sustainably sourced 100% recyclable packaging Single-serve dose to minimise oxidation Double Nutri technology to optimise absorption Helps with firmness & hydration of ageing skin Helps with hair and nail growth Helps with joint health too! It is good for you and the environment Want to know more? Flick me a message and I’ll hook you up! LIQUID MARINE COLLAGEN Is where it is at BABY! Forget the powder and the pills take a shot instead! See more
09.01.2022 So many people will tell you no "you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them watch me. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong Be unstoppable Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.
06.01.2022 There is a reason I getting this box at my door every month and so do thousands of others! What it's done for me and my life, my family and COUNTLESS others is unexplainable!! Whole body nutrition that improves the way you feel, look, think and sleep. Confidence. Community. Your goals. Your dreams..improving YOURSELF it's a total package!!! The BEST part about it is that we all get to help introduce others to this same BOX and that is so REWARDING! ... When you choose to have this brown box dropped at your front door, be ready as it will change your life! get in touch I can help you and I will promise you one thing I will be there to help you, guide you and cheer you on!!!
05.01.2022 Today something is happening with this hair!! But can I also just say Hair win for this Mumma! You may not know but I have struggled with my hair for many years. I generally have super fine hair and really lack fullness but since I have been taking our Marine Elixir Collagen I have noticed quiet a bit of change and noticed it after a short few weeks, my hair is growing quiet quickly, it is shinier and feeling so much thicker. Now that is a fist pump moment!, but did you kn...ow that collagen plays a vital role in achieving that beautiful, luscious hair we all dream of. The best natural and safe way to rebuild and strengthen your hair is by working on your inner health, and a lot of the time healthy eating alone isn’t enough to regenerate and strengthen it and I'm happy to share with you that I have the solution we all have been searching for. See more
04.01.2022 How freaking good does this look and what we can do with our shakes!! This looks like a tropical badass get in my belly shake! For anyone who thinks shakes are boring I’d love to hear how you can tackle this one! Stop writing and seriously get in my belly....
04.01.2022 A good friend of mine who would like to remain anonymous {for now} took a few years to say YES to try some of my products. She kept telling me "it was too expensive". I showed her how to get started & receive an instant 65% rebate.. It's been 6 months & I laugh because now she says "I told you it's expensive, I have to keep buying new clothes"
03.01.2022 Have you ever searched for an opportunity, not knowing exactly what you are looking for but knowing it has to be out there. After being presented so many opportunities, sifting through similar plans then getting to that one where you just say ""THIS IS THE ONE". Knowing there is nothing like it out there, never being able to find one that even compares... yeah .... I got it... #daretotry #riskitforthedream
03.01.2022 Anyone out there with PCOS? Rachael’s words... I had given up wheat, corn, dairy, gluten, soy, sugar, caffeine, I had juiced, I had fasted, I had gone full keto. And NOTHING worked.... Sometimes a few kg came off, only to turn around and magically reappear. And sometimes I gained weight. Fun right?! I share this, because it’s what got 19.5kg off me in less than 4 months and I’ve kept it off for a year. It’s balanced my hormones. My PCOS is basically non existent! I have ENERGY finally and for someone with hypothyroidism that’s huge! My face is CLEAR, my hair isn’t falling out, I feel fantastic! And that’s why I share it! Because I’ve struggled for most of my adult life. And I want you to know you don’t have to! I shout this from the mountain tops because it’s something that’s transformed my life, and when you whole heartedly believe in something, you have to tell the world! It’s my obligation to share this with all the women who have PCOS, who have hypothyroidism, who are on a postpartum journey, who are so tired of yo yo’ing, who can’t figure out what they need to be eating to finally feel their best and have confidence. Why? Because I’ve been you! I know you’re overwhelmed, I know your frustrated, I know you feel hopeless because that’s exactly how I FELT! Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachael, such incredible life-changing results
01.01.2022 ACCOUNTABILITY & SUPPORT That is what so many of us need, are looking for, and thrive with. I often explain to my new clients, the ones who are most successful are the ones who use me and our community for accountability and stay plugged in. When they get started with me, they have me in their pocket all day everyday . Literally. I am a few buttons away at any given time. They also gain a Facebook health & wellness community of over 12,000 on our team with someone always available for whatever support they need. I know exactly what it’s like to need both accountability and support. I have accountability buddies to who supports me daily, but I also like to surround myself with extra support and accountability to keep myself honest, to keep me pushing forward, and to keep me striving for new goals. But what has become the bigger winner for me is the closer bonds with friends, new friendships you create. If you’re ever interested in joining us, let me know. Id love to be your accountability & support!! x See more