The Confident CEO | Personal blog
The Confident CEO
Phone: +61 438 593 295
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25.01.2022 I wish more people fundamentally understood this simple yep powerful concept.. . You don’t need to cut those around you down to shine, you just need to focus on growing . .... . . #beyourself #loveyourself #loveyourlife #stayinyourlane #workonyourself See more
22.01.2022 One month into our quarter and already crushing it! Our daily target have risen to be 100% higher than this time last year. Definitely going to celebrate the win! . Why are we crushing it? There’s a few hidden gems I want to share with you and they are so important to not just running a business but running a SUCCESSFUL business. I can’t emphasise that enough. Too many people are running hobbies and pretending to be entrepreneurs . PLAN - you need a plan. In order plan you need to know where you’re going. What does life look like in 5 years time, 5 months even. What does your business look like. Trace back the steps that need to happen in order to make that a reality. That becomes your plan. . DELEGATE - Prioritise your time and delegate what you can. If you don’t have a team it could be helpers or family. It could be of sourcing to someone with expertise. If you have a team use their strength! Every person has their strengths and weaknesses. Use them to the advantage of the plan. Delegate the things you don’t need to be doing so you can focus your energy on the things you do well. . ACTION - nothing gets done without a little action. This doesn’t mean slave away until midnight and have zero quality of life. It means find the balance to create consistency. Doing smaller things consistently will create bigger outcomes than tackling bigger things with no consistency. Bite sizes pieces! . Keep on crushing it . . . #womeninbusiness #outbackbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset #livingmybestlife #dothework #crushingit See more
21.01.2022 One thing I absolutely adore about living in the outback are these incredible sunsets! Talk about stunning . Embrace the beauty of life. You only get one chance to experience a moment . .... . . . . #beauty #livingmybestlife #outbacklife #westernliving #sunset #lifeisbeautiful See more
18.01.2022 Officially only two weeks left and I feel GREAT!! Not only have I pushed my body, I have pushed my mind and it feels amazing to know I’m in control . We get so caught up in life, work, struggle and realities that we forget the most important thing in life - health. Without being healthy we can’t live our lives to the full potential! Slowly but surely clawing my way back and it feels amazing . .... . . . . . #healthylifestyle #livingmybestlife #makingtime #noexcuses #inspiration See more
15.01.2022 Good haul from the garden . Pretty sure @heinz are going to want shares in my tomato crop . .... . . . . #vegetablegarden #tomatoes See more
15.01.2022 From where I’d rather be . When I was in my early 20’s, life consisted of fishing, hunting and drinking just about every weekend. It was all I could think about, just itching for 5pm on Friday and condemning Monday mornings.. . I also remember living pay cheque to pay cheque. Always worried about money and whether I could afford to pay rent or fuel my ute. Dreading any kind of bill and living in a constant state of worry and chaos. ... . This photo represents the first time I’ve wet a line in salt water for over 4 years. I learnt the hard way that it’s all about give and take. Sacrifice a little and gain a lot. I’ve spent the last 4 years sacrificing my life of fun to hustling, building and growth. Personally and financially. I still want to enjoy trips away and the ‘fun’ things in life but I don’t want to worry about how I’m going to fund it. So here’s to the daily grind, the hustle and growth that allows us to live a life we love, cherish and don’t need a holiday from . . . . . #womenwhofish #womenwhohunt #womenofthewest #entrepreneur #thehustle #livingmybestlife #sacrificeforsuccess #workhard #dontgiveup See more
13.01.2022 What if I told you that you have the power to create the life you’ve always wanted to live? One full of abundance and prosperity? . And no this isn’t some MLM sales pitch either. I’m talking about universal energy. Your ability to vibrate at the right frequency that in turn brings you things you’d once wished and hoped for . It can be as simple as turning your ‘ I cant’s’ into ‘I cans’ or ‘I don’t know how’ into ‘I’m learning how’. As simple as catching yourself in a stat...e of self pitty and having the positive people talk and seeking ownership. It’s having a higher level of awareness and accepting that everything in your life is your own fault. The good, the bad and the ugly . I haven’t perfected it but I sure am proof that it works . . #prosperity #womeninbusiness #countrywoman #womensupportingwomen #ownyourlife #ownyourstory #livingmybestlife #youdoyou #stayinyourlane #countryallure See more
13.01.2022 Preach . Your vibe attracts your tribe
12.01.2022 Embrace what makes you YOU . . . .... . #loveyourself #dowhatyoulove #beyourself #youareenough #youareworthit #youareunique #youareyou See more
07.01.2022 Today Nik and I did the most beautiful 8km walk through the botanical gardens in Emerald! I am doing a 4 week fitness challenge to push myself way out of my comfort zone. After spending the first week with a lung infection I’m so glad to be back on track and fighting fit . This honey by my side is great at keeping me on track and I’m so blessed I’ll be video logging my journey for a mini YouTube series so stay tuned if you’re interested .... . . . . . . . . #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #inspiration #motivation #livingmybestlife #lifeisgood See more
04.01.2022 When you wear pyjamas to work for national pyjama day but your 2 months too late.. . What workplace whoopsies like this have you had? . .... . . . #whoops #pyjamaday #countryallure #peteralexander #anotherdayattheoffice #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #entrepreneur #womeninbusiness See more
04.01.2022 Are you playing small? . . . .... . #livingmybestlife #stopplayingsmall #entepreneurship #yourbestlife #levelingup See more
02.01.2022 I think the true testament to building a successful business and brand is the people who surround you. I have always employed for culture, it is the MOST important thing in my business and these girls as with the others in our team are what makes Country Allure what it is. Personality, strength, character and self awareness are super important, everything else can be taught . If more businesses could adapt this model I believe we would have so many more HAPPY people. People... who are willing and wanting to push themselves and the business they represent. Living with purpose and breaking through ceilings. What a world . Ps: you’re welcome for the crazy hair day inspo . . . . #morethancolleagues #livingmybestlife #lovewhatyoudo #dontbeafraid #culture #teamworkmakesthedreamwork See more
02.01.2022 Here’s to embracing wholehearted living . Framed perfectly in @brenebrown ‘s Ted talk. Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I AM ENOUGH. It’s going to bed at night thinking, YES, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also br...ave and worth of love and belonging . . . #youareenough #wholeheartedliving #countryallure #loveyourself #outbackaustralia #contentcreator See more