COSV | Community organisation
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25.01.2022 This year our community Rabbis and Rebbetzins deliver like never before. A community apart, closer than ever!
25.01.2022 The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria (COSV) is working concurrently with the RCV, MBD and JCCV in light of todays announcement of alterations to the restrictions put in place for the communitys safety from COVID-19. We ask that you please be patient while we are working through the guidelines, that will be communicated to you as soon as readily available. Thank you for your understanding at this time.
24.01.2022 Tonight is the eve of Yom Hashoah. While the current situation prevents us from coming together physically as a community, we must all the more so come together to remember. Throughout Australia, there are several online communal events:... Today, Monday, 20 April, 2020 1. From 5:15pm - 6pm on 87.8FM and online here, the Jewish Holocaust Centre supported by J-AIR will be running a special community broadcast Together We Remember. 2. At 6pm the Jewish Holocaust Centre together with LaunchPad are hosting an online interactive event "Turning Memory into Action", where you'll have the opportunity to light a candle. More information here: 3. At 7pm The Jewish Community Council of Victoria in conjunction with The Jewish Holocaust Centre will be screening testimonials by Jewish Holocaust Survivors. More information here: 4. At 7pm The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies will be live-streaming their Commemoration. More information here 5. On Yad Vashem's website you can access photo galleries, videos of the torch-lighters, educational materials and related online exhibitions and information pertaining to this year's theme: "Rescue by Jews during the Holocaust: Solidarity in a Disintegrating World". Tomorrow, Tuesday, 21 April, 2020 1. Museum of Inherited Memories Follow @museumofinheritedmemories on Instagram to view photography, film and media art, writing and performance, songs and stories from artists around Australia and the world who have each responded to their own inherited memories and stories of the Holocaust. More information here. 2. At 6pm, there will be a communal conversation with Holocaust Educators Matti Borowski and Ricki Mainzer along with survivor Guta Goldstein on Zoom, ID 445 081 2397. 3. At 7:309pm, the Jewish Holocaust Centre and Jewish Museum of Australia host another special event "Cohesion: Building Community in Challenging Times" featuring Sue Hampel OAM, Co-President of the Jewish Holocaust Centre. More information here. 4. Here is a link to the testimony given by Vera Freidin at last year's Communal gathering in Robert Blackwood hall. 5. There is a series of short videos by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust in London. These offer an insightful perspective on some of the biggest questions posed by the The Shoah. Never Forget.
24.01.2022 The Melbourne Beth Din is currently reviewing its processes associated with Jewish divorce. A Working Committee was established early 2020 and has included representatives from the COSV, MBD, @Unchain My Heart and members of the Family Law fraternity. Our Project-Gett Dignity relies on feedback from the community, to ensure that the review addresses the concerns of the community. Our survey aims to explore the experiences of people who have undergone the divorce process. Th...e survey will be more informative if we receive a strong response to it. The link below takes you to the MBD website. Once in click on the Tab Gett Survey. This will take you to the anonymous survey and should only take around 5 minutes to complete. The Survey goes live 26 Tishrei, 5781-14 October 2020.
22.01.2022 Support those that support our Shules safety
21.01.2022 Shana Tova from our friends at Elwood Shule. Its wonderful to see a community connected throughout this difficult time and continue to grow from strength to strength.
20.01.2022 Melbourne shuls holding services in compliance can follow the example of Mizrachi by displaying a similar message. This will discourage vigilantes going on a rampage of insults about our gatherings. Good Shabbes - may we hear better things on Sunday.
20.01.2022 Workplaces are required to have a COVIDSafe Outbreak Management Plan in place before reopening Organisations that are considered to be workplaces - including not-for-profits and Shules for example, are required to have in place a COVIDSafe Outbreak Management Plan consistent with the National COVID WorkSafe Principles before reopening. The Victorian Jewish Community COVID19 Taskforce are currently drafting a template plan for communal use, to ensure all organisations are all they can to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID19. For more information about your obligations under WorkSafe Australia COVID19 laws, click here:
19.01.2022 The COSV represents the Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria. We are keen to have wider representation on our board from the young professionals of the community. Ideal volunteers will be regular shul attendees from across Melbourne with local involvement in their own synagogue, on formal or informal role. Previous youth leadership roles and experience an advantage. Background in teaching, law, IT, accounting, fund raising are some of the skills that could also be advantage. A m...odest and observant lifestyle is essential. Please email the President your expression of interest and any enquiries you may have [email protected] New positions would be from 2021
18.01.2022 The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria (COSV) condemns the activities over the Passover holiday of the very small number of fringe people who joined a prayer group raided by Police in Ripponlea. The COSV strongly disapproves of the behaviour of this group, who are not members of the COSV, which has flouted the national laws that have been put in place to protect the wider community. This group has not only endangered their own lives, but also the lives of those in pub...lic. Members of the COSV which are represented by the Synagogues and Rabbis of Orthodox Synagogues across Victoria, are consistent with Australian law and believe the preservation of life comes before all other matters. It is highly recommended by the COSV that this congregation follow the laws of the land and conducts itself in a manner that does not bring the rest of the Melbourne Jewish Community into disrepute.
18.01.2022 The COSV is the formally incorporated umbrella organisation of Orthodox Synagogues representing the interests of the Orthodox Jewish Community in the State of Victoria. As an incorporated Company with a Constitution and Board of Management it is elected by the member congregations. It is the central lay authority responsible for co-ordinating and administering religious life within Victoria and provides the opportunity for involvement with the Rabbinic leadership in issues of... mutual concern. Their current activities include: Melbourne Eruv Representation on the Melbourne Beth Din Board Community Services Communal Liaison The COSV is a not for profit, community based organisation whose objectives are to are to act as a strong voice for the Orthodox Jewish Community in Victoria. The COSV aims to assist Orthodox Synagogues to raise the level of awareness, interest and education of traditional Judaism and provide a range of services, infrastructure and facilities and act as a strong voice for Orthodox Judaism in the Victorian Jewish Community.
17.01.2022 Shofar details across Melbourne
16.01.2022 Upcoming community events over the next week
16.01.2022 The Melbourne Eruv was opened in August 1997 by the Melbourne Eruv Board established by the Mizrachi Organisation and the COSV Board Chairman is Dr Danny Lamm AM and its members are from COSV and Mizrachi The establishment of the Melbourne Eruv led to the establishment of eruvim in Sydney and Perth ... The Eruv enables the carrying of items , of children and the use of prams on shabbat ,thus freeing previously housebound families Rav Hamachshir was the late Rabbi Shimon Eider, the world renowned expert on Eruvim Locally Rabbis from Mizrachi (Mirvis),Adass (Kohn) and Yeshivah (Johnson) form the Rabbinic Board under the authority of Rav Gavriel Zinner from New York The eruv is inspected weekly by mashgichim from Mizrachi ,Adass and Kollel Beth Hatalmud under the administration of Funding for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Eruv is provided by members of the contributing congregations of the COSV
10.01.2022 COSV supports the RCV in its work with the authorities to bring light and optimism to our High Holidays.
09.01.2022 COSV is responsible for administering initiatives on behalf of the Orthodox Community including the Melbourne Eruv and Melbourne Beth Din. The COSV has today broadened its scope of activities to be involved in a whole range of communal activities and services for the broader Victorian Jewish Community. #jewishmelbourne #orthodoxjewishcommunity #melbourne #eruv #shabbat #shomershanbat #bethdin
09.01.2022 Our new website is live and we congratulate our Communications Director Mandi Elias and Jaffe Websites for the project.
08.01.2022 The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria isn’t something new. You may not read about what we do in newspapers and on socials, but we are very active in keeping the consistency of the Orthodox Jewish way of life in Victoria. #melbourne #history #stkikdashule #melbournehebrewcongregation #toorakshule #jewishmelbourne
08.01.2022 Thank you Dr Danny Lamm and the Mizrachi Organisation for your continued support of the COSV
07.01.2022 Pesach greetings from Premier Dan Andrews to the Victorian Jewish Community.
06.01.2022 While it is ideal to recite Yizkor in Shule in the context of the community, one does not need a Minyan in order to recite Yizkor, the preceding passages or - , and these can all be recited at home. At the same time, we hope the following can enhance your recitation of Yizkor this Pesach. *Suggested Time: 10am*... The Shulchan Aruch and Rema (Orach Chaim 90:9) wrote that one who is unable to join a community for prayer should still aim to Daven at the same time as the community. In this spirit, we suggest that you might find it meaningful to say Yizkor at 10am, or at least to have in mind that your prayers should join the collective prayers of the community. *Tzedaka* It is traditional to give something to Tzedaka as part of reciting Yizkor, so that our words and thoughts are translated into acts of kindness. *Kaddish* The study of Mishnayot in memory of a loved one is an appropriate alternative to reciting Kaddish. In addition, those in their period of mourning or marking a Yahrzeit may wish to avail of the following legal Minyanim where Kaddish can be said on your behalf. Nahal Haredi IDF Unit: Sandringham Gardens Home in Johannesburg:
06.01.2022 The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria (COSV) is saddened that our Jewish community will not be able to celebrate the High Holidays in our Shules this year. The current climate of our State is one that is not safe for our community to congregate in large gatherings, and while this is disappointing for many the New Year is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last year. Through the difficult time of having our Shules close, our Shule Boards and Rabbi...s have been able to pivot to undertake shiurim, events and services through the use of technology like Zoom and updated websites a task that the COSV as a communal body has also achieved. We encourage you all to maintain your Shule memberships and respond with heartfelt generosity to any appeals our Shules launch this year. More then ever, we need to have healthy, thriving institutions to return to B"H in the near future. Your support of your Shules is also a support to vital work the COSV undertakes through our Melbourne Eruv and Melbourne Beth Din. If there are community members who do not align themselves with a Shule, a donation can be made directly to the COSV via our newly upgraded website to assist in the stability of the Orthodox way of life in Melbourne. Project High Holy Days have been working with the Victoria Police and DHHS to formulate a set of protocols that will allow members of our Jewish community to hear shofar on second day Rosh Hashana. This will allow members of the community to have the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah and hear the shofar whilst remaining within their own properties. Details will be published this week via the Project High Holy Days website. A Yasher Koach to all of the Rabbis and Shules who have adapted in this difficult period to continue the connection with their kehillot.The COSV is grateful for the work that they are doing, so that when we get back to a future normal we still have these institutions to return to, with more love and devotion. A Shana Tova UMetukah to all of the Melbourne Jewish Community. May this New Year be filled with health and happiness for everyone.
05.01.2022 We mourn the loss of these valuable members. Our thoughts and condolences are with their loved ones.
05.01.2022 Through the tireless planning of the Project High Holydays Shofar team and with the approval of the DHHS, hundreds of volunteers will be safely blowing the Shofar around Melbourne this Sunday. Have you requested someone to blow the Shofar outside your home or on your street? Please do so here: While you're there, browse the website for some excellent content and resources. From Tuesday, a map of locations and times will be available on the PHH website. To make sure your street is covered, request a visit today!
04.01.2022 This year, Rosh Hashanah will be different. Its important to stay home, and celebrate only with the people you live with. Its the best way to keep yourself and our community safe. Find out more at
04.01.2022 Saying Kaddish during lock down is no longer possible, but Mizrachi can help. Please feel free to use or share the following link to register:
04.01.2022 The Besen Foundation have generously funded the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre at Victoria University (SZCC) to work with COSV to develop governance resources and training specific to the governance needs of Victorian Orthodox Synagogues. To determine the content and scope of these governance resources, we have sent our affiliates a survey to identify your governance priorities and preferred training approach. The COVID epidemic reminds us of the importance of best practice in gov...erning our Synagogues and in supporting each other. The foundations of good governance for faith-based organisations are established by law and regulation. Good governance means complying with law and legal duties and governing in the best interests of an organisation. Good governance is the responsibility of the Synagogues governing committee or board. If legal obligations are not met by the governing body, there could be damage to the reputation of the Shule and penalties may apply. Although legal obligations of each Shule's governing body may vary depending on whether your Shule is incorporated, is a registered charity and on the activities, it conducts, generally applicable legal standards include: Financial management and reporting, and Management of conflicts of interest The survey will assist COSV to provide resources identified in the survey to assist its members to meet their governance obligations. As part of this initiative, SZCC and COSV also propose to develop an online governance resources hub on COSVs website. This will enable COSV members to share our collective knowledge and governance resources on areas that you identify as priorities. We hope that all surveys can be completed by our affiliates by Thursday 20 August 2020. We will then collate the information and work on developing resources to assist in meeting your needs before the end of the year. If you are a COSV affiliate and have not received this survey, please email [email protected] Kol Tov, Mark Cohen - President COSV Elka Gaensler - Director, COSV and Melbourne Beth Din
03.01.2022 The MBD Board oversees a confidential feedback process to ensure best practice in all areas of service. We encourage all our users and interested parties to use this service. The MBD is recognised by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and all major international Batei Din including the important areas of conversion, Jewish divorce (Gittin) and the establishment of Jewish status (Birur Yahadus). The MBD is committed to maintaining a transparent and just service for all who use the services of the MBD.
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