The Cottage Herbalist | Alternative & holistic health service
The Cottage Herbalist
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24.01.2022 Its so nice and sunny, I just had to pop outside and see what I could gather for a cuppa. This Garden Tea has: Nettles, Yarrow, Plantain, Clivers, Chickweed, Thyme, Sage, Calendula, Mint, Catnip, Sorrel, Lavender and Dandelion. Pop in a teapot, pour on boiling water and brew away. Its gotta be good with all that uplifting energy of Spring brewing in one pot
24.01.2022 Things can take a little longer when a herbalist weeds the garden! Yesterday when prepping beds @pennyweightfarm I came across a magnificent Yellow Dock plant and couldnt help but dig up the roots. They were huge! I havent processed my own Yellow Dock before (even though theres a stack in my own yard), so Ill give these roots a good wash, grate them up and pop on a drying rack or maybe even the dehydrator while I have a think about what Id like to make. Yellow Dock can be used as a tea, made into a tincture, bitters or even a syrup. Watch this space to see what I end up making
24.01.2022 This fire bath is well overdue. Finally rigged up some backyard garden hose plumbing so I dont have to bucket the bath water out when Im done. And its a good way to use up scrap wood from the destruction (ahem renovations) around our house. While it warms up, Im off to mix up a herbal bath blend for my tired muscles and mind. Can not wait to have a good soak!
24.01.2022 Some lush green Wombat Forest vibes for your Wednesday. Im so glad the sun has come out, I really struggle with the grey drizzle blurgh of August. Hope you have a lovely day out there
23.01.2022 Its definitely feeling like a Love Potion kind of day, its heavy over here in Victoria and I know so many people are having a rough time. All of the herbs to make your heart feel softer, sweeter and calmer. Rose petals and hips, hawthorn berry, hibiscus and marshmallow root. Lots of Love your way
22.01.2022 Just doing a big birthday shout out to my old mate @barry_and_co HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEON! Does he make his own birthday cocktail, or should I whip something up for him?
21.01.2022 I’m super excited to be adding a few of my favourite things to go with tea into my little online store over the next few weeks. First up is the most beautiful Red Gum honey from @enbomhoneys. Angela and Millie are mother daughter natural bee keepers from the central goldfields region here in Victoria. They care for the bees first and foremost with this honey being the tasty byproduct. I love adding a dash of honey to my Christmas Chai, Sweet Dreams and Ginger & Lemongrass blends as well as into my daily Fire Cider with hot water and honey
21.01.2022 Super excited to have got some seeds in at @pennyweightfarm yesterday. Ive been having so much fun hanging out with Lucy on her farm. Calendula, Cornflowers and California poppy - for a few of my favourite tea blends and some tinctures too. Fingers crossed some little seedlings pop up soon
20.01.2022 Head along to Victorian Country Markets to support a stack of wonderful Victorian producers and makers
19.01.2022 Goodnight & sweet dreams from Wombie whos happily munching away in my yard
19.01.2022 Viriditas. The Divine Healing Power of Green. I have been seeking this word all winter. Its been sitting just outside of the reach of my memory. Im so glad to have finally found it again. A word to describe the feeling that overcomes me deep in the forest and every time I return home through the forest. A word related to the ever inspiring Hildegard von Bingen - Benedictine abbess, philosopher, composer, visionary, herbalist. ... I hope you get some green healing vibes in your day today See more
19.01.2022 Yesterday Leon @barry_and_co awoke with an ear ache, so I popped into my dispensary to look for some Mullein infused oil (traditionally used to treat ear aches) but found it had spoiled. I hadnt strained the fresh plant matter properly and over time it had gone mouldy. Lesson learned. Luckily I have the clever Renee @ladypachamama living up the road, she makes the most vibrant local plant remedies and luckily had some Mullein oil in stock. Just look at that beautiful colour! Its stopped Leons ear ache in its tracks (dont worry, we also know when its time for medical intervention) and hes back to pulling the house apart and mixing up a cocktail storm. Thanks for always sharing your plant wisdom with us all Renee xx
18.01.2022 I think Ive already shared. But just in case you forgot.
17.01.2022 Leons been hanging masks from the car mirrors. And Ive seen a few cars around doing the same. Were always forgetting the darn things. Each time I see them like this though, I reckon they look like panties left over from a romp in the car that have been hung up as some weird kind of trophy undies. Pls excuse my bad sense of humour, just had to make some light of these full on times
17.01.2022 Calendula. Planted some seeds of this beauty over at @pennyweightfarm this week and cant wait to see how they go. These little guys are from a few seeds I scattered in my own yard and forgot about, so Im guessing they should be all good to grow at the farm! I use Calendula in my Nourish, Bless You, Sweet Dreams and Bath Tea blends, so it will be great to be able to use a few flowers Ive grown myself. Ill have seen them from seed through to flower, to harvesting and drying and then putting into my lovely tea blends. Thats a whole lot of plant love to share with you
17.01.2022 Im in a baking mood and this has to be the most perfect cake for me to make! Im off to find some nettles in the woods then!
16.01.2022 Spring posies from my garden, as love notes to my friends
15.01.2022 Its bleary outside, so its an inside job kind of day. May as well write a stack of labels out. These have been upgraded to printed labels, but still adding handwritten elements for a touch of love and care. I wish I could work this fast IRL
15.01.2022 So today an exciting new chapter in my life as a herbalist started. And its all thanks to the lovely Lucy from @pennyweightfarm A few weeks ago I told her of my day dream to grow some of my own herbs and how I was wondering where on earth to begin. A few days later I get a message from Lucy where she kindly offered me a few rows to try out growing some herbs of my own, in exchange for my time helping out on the farm. What a perfect place to start. I am so so grateful for your offer Lucy! One day I hope to have a few acres of my own to grow on a bigger scale. Right now Im just so glad to be starting somewhere and getting out and about in all kinds of weather and my hands in the soil. And hanging out with a fellow plant nerd is an added bonus too! Wish me the greenest of thumbs
14.01.2022 Welcome to Spring in the Central Highlands of Victoria
14.01.2022 French Earl Grey Tea. Im addicted. Its my morning cup of motivation & so much more. Drink it black. Drink it with a dash of milk and a spoon of honey. Iced tea in summer with berries and lemon. Use it in baking - sponges, shortbreads, extravagant birthday cakes. An afternoon pick me up. ... An evening indulgence - make a simple syrup and mix up a cocktail storm. Drink a French Earl Grey hot toddy by the fire. Whats your favourite way to enjoy French Earl Grey? Head to the link in my bio to nab yourself a jar.
13.01.2022 Getting my cuppa ready for a morning of herbal medicine classes online. I used to be rubbish at learning online, Im much more of a face to face and group interaction kind of learner. But Ive found group video calls have almost bridged that for me and Ive been able to take classes from teachers all around the world. How are you guys going with so many things in our lives moving to online? What classes are you doing, what are you up to?
13.01.2022 @barry_and_co testing out my new raincoat and hoping for some more rain later this arvo. The big downpour that was forecast seems to have just swung right on by
13.01.2022 Yay! My first ever garlic! Pretty good for three cloves that I managed to salvage from pant pockets that went through the wash
11.01.2022 I have a thing for wearing socks and sandals as well as ridiculous shoes. I think Ive just peaked at all three. These bad boys are definitely going to brighten each step of the next three weeks left of lockdown
10.01.2022 If you need to soak away the world at the moment, Ive just blended up a few jars of the Herbal Bath Tea I made up last night. A relaxing blend of chamomile, hops, linden, lavender, rose, calendula and magnesium flakes. It smells so divine and will leave your body and mind floating on a cloud. Having a fire bath with this blend last night was such a nice way to end the day and chill out before bed, and even grumpy Leon @barry_and_co hopped in the bath and loved it
10.01.2022 Im just a sucker for moody clouds and a big sky. View from the day prepping beds @pennyweightfarm. I am absolutely cactus from my first go at using a broad fork. Tired but darn happy to be doing this.
09.01.2022 Soothe. Spearmint, lemon balm, chamomile and marshmallow root. This blend has been flying out the door this week, especially in lovely care packings to and from friends. Its an all day drinking kind of cuppa - nicely calming for frazzled nerves and upset tummies. Available in glass apothecary jars, compostable refill bags and biodegradable tea bags.... Shop link in my profile See more
09.01.2022 My house is in a renovation shambles, but this beautiful bunch from Lucy @pennyweightfarm is adding some pretty to my weekend. Pop on over to her page to nab yourself some of these locally and lovingly grown beauties, as shes opening up a flower subscription for the coming season
08.01.2022 Some see a wish. Some see a weed. Some see medicine for those in need. (Author unknown)
08.01.2022 Id kind of left my garden in a state of neglect as I thought wed be getting a digger in to start over again this Spring, but it looks like that might still be a while away. So today Im back in there, making use of what we already have and giving it a good tidy up. Added some compost and manure to these crates, giving it all a big weed and will make some weed tea for the garden and planting up some seeds. Reminding myself that things dont need to be perfect before starting and to just get in there and give it a go
08.01.2022 More California Poppy spam. The bees are loving them as much as I am
07.01.2022 Do you know someone who needs a little springtime cheer? Ive teamed up with the lovely Penthea @vegasandrose to bring you a sweet little GIVEAWAY ! ! ! Were giving away 2 x springtime cheer boxes! One for you and one for your friend. The lucky winners will receive @cottageherbalist jar of Love Potion Tea and 6 x @vegasandrose Pink lemonade crinkle cookies! To enter //... like this post tag your friend (one tag per comment please) both you and your friend follow @cottageherbalist @vegasandrose enter as many times as you like! winners must be Australian residents winners drawn Friday 25th, 8pm (AEST) Good luck to all ! !
07.01.2022 Anyone else needing this many cups of tea to get going this Monday morning??
05.01.2022 Ive waited all week for a lovely quiet moment to unravel this bundle of books so generously gifted by Caroline @thestorycostumer. Im feeling a bit teary and blown away by this kind act, thank you so so much Caroline. Im off to pop the kettle on, brew up a cuppa and have a browse through these beauties
05.01.2022 Just some beautiful California Poppy doing it’s thing over at @pennyweightfarm
04.01.2022 Another day hanging out at the lovely @pennyweightfarm doing some weeding and bed prep. Im really enjoying everything so far and looking forward to getting some seeds in the ground next week.
03.01.2022 What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. Ive had this Burt Bacharach song in my head since launching this little giveaway with Penthea @vegasandrose. Head a few posts back to tag your loved ones and you could win a jar of Love Potion tea and some pink lemonade crinkle cookies, its the perfect combo to lift your heart!
01.01.2022 Just a downward dog to start your day with
01.01.2022 First few calendula blooms going into the dehydrator. These guys were sown from collected seed at @pennyweightfarm and have cross pollinated hence their variation. Once these are dry I’ll infuse some local olive oil for salves. I just love how sunny and happy they are and preserving them by drying and using in oils and teas and tinctures saves the sunny vibes for the not so sunny days of the year
01.01.2022 Leon poly pipe hands is getting ready to pack up all your orders for the post. We use offcuts from our plumber and building projects so your beautiful jars of tea dont get smashed up in the post. Weve had customers reuse these to plant up seeds (get your kids to decorate them as an art project while were all stuck at home), make a bug hotel and set up a skittles bowling game for their kids. Or collect a few up and send back to me and Ill keep on using them. Im also looking into companies that collect these for recycling into new products. What way have you been reusing your pipe?
01.01.2022 Just acknowledging these two doofus hounds on International Dog Day. Well, at least I think it is. Who knows what day it is these days?? Every day is a dog day around here. Wouldnt have it any other way. Send me pics of your favourite hound being their doofus best. Ill post up in my stories because I need a giggle and I know some of you do too
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