Crown Lawns | Organisation
Crown Lawns
Phone: +61 8 6559 5675
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25.01.2022 Spring = Prime mulching season !! - - HANDY TIPS >To stop birds from flicking mulch from your beds, use plants to border (hedges can be perfect for this)... >Compost can act as a great first layer of soil improver, before adding your mulch on top >For coarse mulches, 2-6cm is an ideal density - - Not only will mulch assist to conserve water it also LOOKS GREAT! See one of our recent mulch jobs below for inspo!
21.01.2022 Sarah celebrates one year at our parent company UGC Group! Meet Sarah.. #ugcgroup #crownlawns #ourpeople
21.01.2022 Smashing some serious Tuesday #lawngoals Looking Schmick! #CrownLawns #PerthGardeners #perthlandscapers #lawnlove
20.01.2022 O C T O B E R ~ 2 0 2 0 NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH MONTH - October marks NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH MONTH, an important time for the Australian community as a whole to come together to raise awareness for mental health. #mentalhealthmatters -... Here at CROWN LAWNS, the mental health of our employee's, customers & fellow community is of a high priority. - We understand that 2020 has been an extra challenging year Australia wide for many reasons. - We stand behind the cause, and urge every individual to play a part in; >Eradicating the stigma.. TALK MORE about this >Seeking support if you are struggling >Checking in on the people within your network >Show empathy, always >Get involved in raising awareness! - Follow the link below for a detailed outline of mental health month - - BE KIND to one another, & KEEP GARDENING #therapy See more
20.01.2022 We think the world needs a little love right now! Giant lawn love heart, located at Victoria Square, Adelaide. #lawnlove #tuesdayfeels #lawngoals
17.01.2022 #FridayFunnies #FridayFunny
16.01.2022 CROWN TURNS 9!!! A Big Happy Birthday to Us!! Celebrating the best way we know how Today we are reflecting on how far we have come and all that lies ahead for Crown Lawns ... Nathan Ulrich was just 19 years old when he started Crown Lawns as a one man band. Now, 9 years later, bigger and stronger than ever Thank you to our team and of course all our amazing customers that we truly value so much #crownlawns #ItsOurBirthday #perthlawn #PerthGardeners #perthlandscapers Baked 180
14.01.2022 It's more important than ever to be asking the question, Are you Okay? Today is R U OK Day #ruokday2020 Lets all remember to check in on a mate and ask the simple question. #RUOK ... Its also equally as important to keep the conversation going. Not quite sure what to follow up with? For tips on this, Visit:
10.01.2022 Here's a freshly trimmed hedge to drool over on this sunny Friday arvo! - Hedges are a perfect way to frame an area and create a boundary..not to mention the privacy they can provide! - Is your hedge due for a trim?? ... - #commerciallandscaping #businessesinperth #perthlandscapers #hedgelife #hedgetastic #boundary #crownlawns #lovewhatwedo See more
09.01.2022 Plantrite - Wholesale Native Nursery Deliveries making our Friday that much better Our yard is being flooded with greenery, all ready for the Armadale Road Upgrade Project #plants #greenery #delivery #PerthGardeners #ugcgroup #landscaping #perthlandscapers
08.01.2022 WE ARE HIRING! Our Parent Company UGC Group are hiring a General Gardener and Mower Operator. Are you interested!? Apply NOW via the link below! #landscaping #perthjobs #jobseekers #ugcgroup #moweroperator #wearehiring #gardeners - -
06.01.2022 #FridayFunnies #FridayFunny
04.01.2022 Hello Spring! We have been looking forward to you! (Hay-fever not so much) Spring is one of the best seasons for establishing plants and gardens. ... Now is the time to renovate your lawn, renew your mulch, and to get your irrigation in order as we are approaching warmer weather. What’s your favourite part about Spring? #hellospring #spring #PerthGardeners #perthlandscapers
04.01.2022 Did you know that its officially #KeepAustraliaBeautiful week? We are all for Keeping Australia Beautiful! and in light of #KABweek2020 here are some small things you can do to help. Plastic containers reuse them as much as you can and once done place them in the recycling bin, but always make sure they are clean first. ... Ordering Take-Away? Tell them not to bother with the plastic bags as well as disposable forks and knives. When out and about, bring your own reusable cups and bags with you. No littering! Make sure you are placing all rubbish in the bins or take it home to dispose of correctly. Responsibly dispose of your cigarette butts. What are some of your eco-friendly tips? #perthgardeners #perthlandscapers
04.01.2022 Some helpful tips for your Tuesday! #toptiptuesday
03.01.2022 Not a bad looking Thursday! Lawn is looking nice and tidy for our regular client #perthlawn #perthgardeners #perthlawnmowing #perthlandscapers
01.01.2022 SPRINKLER REMINDER As of September 1st, the winter switch off period is now over This means that your irrigation systems can now be switched on Make sure to follow your watering days to avoid any fines! and always remember to be water wise. ... Follow the link with the roster to check your watering days #PerthGardeners #waterwise #perthlandscapers
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