The Digital Picnic in Footscray, Victoria, Australia | Internet marketing service
The Digital Picnic
Locality: Footscray, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 477 999 768
Address: Suite 9, 105 Whitehall Street 3011 Footscray, VIC, Australia
Likes: 8951
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25.01.2022 Brace yourselves the Spotify playlists of 2020 are comin’. For us? Given that we hailed from the world’s most locked down city during the pandemic? our 2020 playlists are mostly German death metal and other similarly agonised soundin’ kinda tunes. #lol
25.01.2022 And just like that? we’re almost 80% full for our 2021 twelve month digital marketing mentoring program. FAR OUT. We definitely thought COVID would hinder the success of this program [just a little], but apparently not. Apparently y’all can do $50 per month on a 12 month upskilling-slash-mentoring experience with us. Apparently x6 years of us walking-the-walk has you trusting us to be your digital marketing mentor for all of 2020.... Thank you. So much. Our VIP program was one of the legitimate highlights of our 2020, and we can not *wait* to show you what’s inside the best mentoring experience you’re about to get for $50 per month. x12 digital marketing topics to cover off on. One month dedicated to each topic. Live mentoring. Weekly Q&A opportunities. Homework. Accountability. Mentoring, and a little bit o’ whip cracking if we’re being real, ha! Who’s in? we reckon we’re about to hit FULLY SOLD OUT in record time [just quietly].
25.01.2022 Like all responsible bartenders do in any bar that commands them to have an RSA? we’re calling it: last drinks. ‘Cept it’s not drinks, it’s instead your last opportunity to sign up to our VIP program. And it’s got nothing to do with excessive alcohol consumption [we’re not really into that], and everything to do with the fact that we’re nearing capacity for how many of you we welcome into each yearly intake of our 12 month VIP program. Spots are filling up. The pub is... just-about-full, and we’d genuinely love to [intimately] work with you [and your business] this year upskilling you on x12 powerhaus digital marketing topics [we spend x1 month on each topic] to significantly elevate your digital marketing strategy. Any questions? Pop ‘em below and we’ll get to answering them for you.
25.01.2022 With the new year approaching fast, it’s a great time to think about setting some new social media goals for 2021. But where do you start and *how* do you keep track? S’ok folx our Senior Strategist, Tess is taking you through setting your social media goals up for success in 2021.
25.01.2022 This post is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable [but we’re posting it anyway]. A lot of agencies have moved away from including community management in their social media management retainers, and I understand why, i.e we track *everything* when it comes to the accounts we manage and when it comes to what might sometimes push an account into the red [non-profitable] zone for us? It’s online community management. So, what’s the alternative?... 1) You no longer include community management within your packages, and you explain to your prospective client that the responsibility to reply to all online comms is on them. So, what happens next? They agree > sign on to the retainer > and then they don’t reply to any engagement [because they’re busy, and it’s genuinely time-consuming. We get it] > their account suffers [significantly] because an online business that nurtures their online community is almost always one of the best online businesses to work with [for reasons that are too long for this post]. or, 2) They don’t sign the retainer at all, because outsourcing their online community management has been a big factor for them to even consider outsourcing in the first place [and then they sign on with another agency who utilise unpaid interns to manage community management, or members of their team who are on an absolute entry-level-salaries and are subsequently expected to map strategy from 9-5pm, and then manage after-hours comms till’ 9pm]. #MiserableEmployeeAnyone? What do we do? We no longer accept removing community management from an SMM retainer [unless we’re working alongside some of the large marketing teams, who manage comms. management in-house, and genuinely manage it], and yea our retainers aren’t as profitable for us as the agencies who lean into unpaid interns etc. but d’ya wanna know what helps us to sleep *really* well at night? Our integrity. Our results-driven approach to the way we do the work that we do. And our hardline no to accepting unpaid internships at TDP [ever], because we’re inundated with [internship] requests but we’ve decided that an unpaid internship perpetuates a cycle of privilege that we don’t wanna perpetuate. Visual Description: This is a photo of our wonderful community manager, Kesh. She’s wearing an all pink ensemble and no doubt doing some community managing on her phone.
25.01.2022 Been waiting for our strategy mentorship to open its doors again? It just DID! So uh, outside of SEO & Google Ads? Our ePicnic eCourse is the *ultimate* digital marketing strategy course [entirely self-paced], that’ll have you filled-to-the-brim with a strategy overhaul for your business’ socials. Guys? It-covers-everything, and in a way that suits *every* learning style, too.... Additionally? You’ll receive lifetime access to the course material, as well as lifetime access to our private FB group [where we provide ongoing mentoring, support, and *incredible* collaboration opportunities]. But the best part? Fortnightly coaching calls with our Founder, Cherie [who’ll walk you through strategy elements that’ll truly move the needle on your business]. She’s just $700, and available with OpenPay [which means you can pay her off interest-free, and stretch it all out over x6 months].
24.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; Something so utterly frustrating for me? before I became a parent, I went all in with a childhood trauma specialist to ensure that I was whole [and healed: truly healed] by the time I fell pregnant with my son, because honestly? I didn’t attend any childbirth classes or breastfeeding clinics I remember reasoning with myself: women have done this for centuries, you’ll be fine, but that childhood trauma? Get that HEALED before you parent. Fast... forward to adulthood and one of the hardest professional things for me has been not being able to literally take a break whilst separating from a business partner in 2018, and then continuing to lead [and grow] a team when I had some legitimate trauma goin’ awn at the time and I just remember really needing to be able to *breathe* at the time, but couldn’t, because aforementioned organisational leader responsibilities. I still say to a [professional] someone I work with now to unpack all o’ that stuff that I wish [like, seriously wish] I’d been able to even just hit pause for 2-4 weeks around that time > to deal with the trauma > to come up for air > to be able to have the luxury of flight instead of fight etc. I didn’t have it then, and that’s ok. Honestly. It’s ok. It was damaging, but not destroying. But I have the time now [finally], and healing from that entire 2014-2018 experience has seen my ultimately end up fully recovering as a people pleaser [an unexpected - but so very welcome - side bonus]. Image credit @oh_sograceful
24.01.2022 Did our entire team just go and buy our client's new range? Yes. YES THEY DID. Because gingham, but also because #slowfashion.... We love you, Fabrik Store #managedbyTDP
23.01.2022 #ManagedByTDP Let it be known, folks when you’re *really* concrete on your business’s values, you fill out an entire social media management portfolio with ONLY THE GOOD ONES. Our beloved client @made590? One o’ those [many] good ones.... It’s a situation for us now where we just pinch ourselves daily to think that we’ve done a coupl’a instances where we accidentally partnered up with some seriously values-misaligned situations and we’re now in a spot where we just pick it all up before contracts are signed, and subsequently no longer get to contract stage with a values misalignment. Let’s be digi-friends forever, @made590? Visual description: this is a moving video of x5 women in epic bathing suits from @made590. The women are splashing water in the air, and generally just having a kickarse *fun* time.
23.01.2022 A shoutout to the 2020 partners of, tbh. For him, it began when Scomo made that very first [big] pandemic announcement, and I collapsed in the loungeroom in floods of tears knowing [seriously knowing] what was ahead of every small business owner this year. He watched my introverted arse cope not seeing any of my friends for 7-8 months, but crying [read: breaking down] about how LONELY WFH is.... I told him about all o’ the DM’s from all o’ the COVID-impacted businesses, and he watched me offer $77,000 in TDP credits this year still knowing that wasn’t likely enough to save all o’ those COVID-impacted businesses. In the thick of the pandemic-BS, he’d see me logging on at 7am, and then trying to [quietly] crawl into bed at 2am after a 19 hour day. More tears. More crying. More breaking down. He’d take showers, and clumps of my hair would be in the drain or he’d brush his teeth, and there’d be more hair in the basin. Sometimes, I’d be sitting at the computer at 11pm and he’d be like, come to bed and then I’d be like, I can’t. Mel’s green light is on Slack, and I need her to know I’m here and I appreciate her. And then Melbourne ran out of toilet paper and Weet-Bix, and every spectrum parent who ever spectrum-parented knows that running out of the Weet-Bix your autistic child has eaten solidly for x10 years straight is *quite* the crisis and he saw my team deliver THREE Weet-Bix boxes to our front door and he said, Jesus. Your team are solid solidly good human beings. He’s seen it all this year, and I can’t lie and say he’s supported throughout it all [lockdown one *broke* us as a couple, but I’m now learning - thanks to having HONEST friends who lay the truth of it all down - that a *lot* of couples battled throughout the inequality that this year brought to marriage]. That said, of all o’ the 18-19 years we’ve shared together as a couple this one is the one where he had an *absolute* SHELL OF ME, and still seemingly showed up for and loved that shell all the same, ha! So this one goes out to the partners of the small business owners, because honestly? They saw a LOT OF SH*T THIS YEAR.
22.01.2022 Something that will never change in digi marketing land? Whether you own your own business, agency or freelance, taking the time to report on all the good stuff is key to driving your biz forward. We’re just a bunch of data-geeks over here at TDP. So much so that we spend a WEEK every single month on reporting alone. And for $39, you can grab the template that we have taken legit *years* to perfect. Something we’re indescribably proud of, with our clients constantly complim...enting us on the sophistication of our end of month reporting. See more
22.01.2022 name a better scene than a creative/strategic team being reunited at their EOY Chrissy party after a pandemic-year-apart. Like, we’ll wait [FYI: this was literally one of *the* happiest nights of our entire year].... Thanks so much to Anna K. Photography for the SURPRISE video!
22.01.2022 Folx? It’s [finally] back. Our One Day strategy deep dive carves out one whole day [split over x2 three hour sessions, for brain overload’y-avoid’y reasons] with TDP’s Cherie on your business and your digital strategy skills. And honestly? You’ve got no idea how much you didn’t know you didn’t know until you enter our virtual classroom [we’re not saying this from a place of arrogance, but instead? Simply regurgitating the feedback we constantly hear from the many business o...wners we’ve trained]. It’s perfect for: Business owners with intermediate knowledge of the platforms Marketing professionals who spent their entire degree waiting to get to the practical stuff, then graduated realising, sh*t. I’m going to have to learn this all on-the-job and you’ve kinda felt like you’ve been fluffing along ever since [s’ok. No judgement here.] Current university students sitting in those relevant degrees, knowin’ you’re going to come out with the practical knowledge gaps [we were you back then, we promise] Freelance marketers looking to significantly upskill in digital strategy, so that you can [also significantly] bump up that hourly rate/monthly retainer. It’s the one you’ve been waiting for, and it’s back for 2021. Visual Description:this is a promotional white graphic with rainbow font that says, one day strategy deep-dive.
22.01.2022 It’s HERE. Our VIP program is now available to be booked for 2021, and it’s basically your opportunity to participate in a 12 month digital marketing mentoring experience with TDP. We spend an *entire* month on x1 of TWELVE digital marketing topics designed to [seriously] elevate your business and its social presence[s] in 2021.... From content marketing deep dives, to paid ads, to SEO, to Google Ads, to improving your social media captions [and copy in general], to designing your influencer marketing strategy, learning IG reels [and video marketing for your business in general], and so much more. The cost? It’s $600 for the entire year [that’s $50 per month], and you get a monthly live coaching call on our focus area for the month, plus WEEKLY Q&A’s with Cherie and her strategy team [literally *all* questions answered, right down to support on designing your paid ads campaigns for your business. YEP]. When we launched our 2020 program? It sold out in 3 weeks and 3 days and we’re expecting a fairly similar’ish response this time around [COVID impacts dependent, of course]. Hop online > have a read > see if it feels like this one is for you > ask any questions you have below, or flick them into our DM’s if you’re a little bit shy but either way? We very-much-so look forward to the 2021 intake of one of the best programs we’ve created for this here business [and subsequently? Yours too, just for having joined it].
21.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; With Melbourne now enjoying COVID-elimination, we can’t help but reflect on what we pulled off this year / what worked / what didn’t work and it’s made me want to share with y’all what we’ll be doing to continue to support the team post-COVID; It goes without saying, WFH is a bigger option than we initially thought. That said, we know it doesn’t actually work for us full-time. We’re collaborative, and WFH is *hard* so moving forward? We’ll... be able to offer more flexibility with WFH, but we won’t be making it full-time. It helped us continue to work throughout lockdown, but it did absolutely stunt collaboration, creativity, and elements of strategy. Mental health days are back, and here to stay. We’re a creative agency, and we speak #fluentanxiety and the best thing we can do for our team is to give them the gift of being able to take mental health leave when they need it. And finally? We’d say the main thing we are doing is some *real* work towards continued sustainability and with that, profitability and the ability to offer long term security and career opportunities. That last part sounds so simple when you word it like that, but heckin’ heck there’s a whole lotta work associated with ensuring that your business is sustainable, profitable and subsequently able to offer continued long-term security and career opportunities for the beautiful souls that you employ. What have you taken from 2020, that you’ll be carrying into 2021?
21.01.2022 .... when that January annual leave just wasn’t long enough, ha!
20.01.2022 And that’s it, good souls! We are *all* SOLD OUT for our VIP 2021 program [thank you. Seriously. Thank you so very much]. With the program at capacity? It now means;... Cherie can run it Her strategy team can support it Our paid ads team can help with paid ads questions And we can bring in x4 specialists to do x4 bonus sessions on specialised topics. It also means: we can continue to pay our strategy team above industry bandwidths, so that we can continue to disrupt this industry the way we dream of being able to do / we can make charitable donations to Indigenous organisations we represent / we can plant trees throughout all of 2021. And finally, it means: you just bought TDP a second Social Media Manager to help keep up with the [significant, and very unexpected] growth we’ve experienced this year. That second Social Media Manager? they will help me to realise my dream of a 30 hour working week for 2021. I [and we] cannot thank you enough for supporting us whilst supporting yourself with your soon-to-be uplevelling experience. Visual Description: This is an image saying TDP VIP Online Membership in colourful writing on a white background.
20.01.2022 Y’all seem to love pearler pieces of social media advice, if our #TDPspillstheSMtea hashtag on Instagram is anything to go by. Well, we’re back with another one, and it’s a jaw-dropping one [like, our mouths were on the floor]. We had the realisation that there’s this stupidly incredible chrome extension that lets you see *everything* your competitors have goin’ awn.... Disclaimer? We don’t have a competitor mindset, or even a scarcity complex [our biggest competitors are some of our best mates whom we regularly refer work to etc.]. That said? You better bluddy BELIEVE we use this extension for our clients, i.e we check out those who are competitive to our clients. Ya welcome.
20.01.2022 Like, can we make an appointment via Calendly, or?
20.01.2022 2020. The year that not a lot of [or any] business owners want to do again, and I'm exploring TDP's entire 2020 in review. On the blog. Brace yourself ... I'm *pretty* transparent about the lows, but gather around for campfire songs and hugs, because in true TDP form: we fought our way back in the most dignified manner.... It's all up on the blog tonight;
20.01.2022 Why we love the Facebook ads transparency tool, and why you might wanna love it too. On the blog;
19.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; I had a really close friend recently announce their pregnancy recently, and she said she wasn’t going to announce it at work until she was *absolutely* showing because her huge fear was being fired or made redundant [and yes, I audibly gulped from the sadness of that statement alone]. I remember it well I interviewed for a Senior role when I was x5 weeks pregnant with my firstborn, and I remember feeling deceptive, and dishonest, and con artist’...y, when in reality? I was a woman so very-much-so looking forward to becoming a Mother, whilst also acknowledging that I am ambitious and seriously career-focused [and the x2 *can* marry up well, for the love-a-gahd]. When Cat [who was Studio Manager at the time] announced her pregnancy, I obviously congratulated her and then said, I’ve been dreaming up a promotion to General Manager for you, is that too much to take on whilst you’re pregnant and I did this deliberately for x2 reasons; 1) I wanted to show my team you can announce a pregnancy and get promoted to Senior Management on the same day and, 2) I was about to promote her anyway so a pregnancy announcement was just a happy little [big] announcement within that process. If you’re in the business of hiring people who plan on pregnancy/ies in their future, I’m here to let you know it’s your duty to make them feel like it’s exactly what it should be a HAPPY FECKIN’ ANNOUNCEMENT. They shouldn’t have to hide their journey [for Cat? We spoke regularly about her desire to become a Mother, and we used to have fertility convo’s while coffee shop run’n for the team, ha!]. And please [for the love-a-gahd] show them some flexibility to enable them to get to all o’ those pregnancy appointments without guilt, because if 2020 has taught us anything? It’s that flexibility is a really-simple-human-thing-to-be-able-to-provide an employee. Let’s normalise a woman becoming Mother while employed by you, and still [low and behold] continuing to advance her career via the kinds of opportunities that are afforded to male counterparts within corporate settings, yes? Visual Description: This is a photo of our MD Cat laying on a pink couch and holding her gorgeous toddler.
18.01.2022 2020, eh? the year none of us’ll forget. And tbh, if you’d told I’ll get through this on the night that I collapsed on my loungeroom floor while Scomo presented all of the businesses that’d be closing and couldn’t pronounce barre [and then laughed about it], I wouldn’t believe you. We lost a lot this year. I lost a lot, too. I watched my city literally close. I drove through the streets that used to be familiar with your pick of *any* cuisine suddenly entirely boa...rded up [and up for lease months later, i.e that business didn’t survive]. My husband lost his job [and then got it back]. I had to make a person redundant at TDP that I [and we all] *really* cares about. I lost my hair [from stress], and I lost weight [again, stress]. At times, I lost my faith in people [don’t worry, it was reinstated just as often]. I lost friends [who point-blank disregarded lockdown and I just couldn’t respect them any more]. I lost my mind [in the 7th month of home-schooling children]. I genuinely *really* lost my mind, and I lost a little bit o’ my dignity and grace during that period too [swearing at interstate friends internally who were complaining about x2 weeks of school holidays while we were in our 5th or 6th month of home school. #lol] But then it all just got a little bit better, and a little bit better again [and then again]. Melbourne reopened. We were reunited with friends and family. The faces of my team looked a little brighter each Monday on our team Zoom WIP. And then? I surprised my children with my Dad flying in from Adelaide one day after borders were reopened and I created a memory that’ll last a lifetime, and I simultaneously realised that my Dad was the missing thing for me this year. Literally all year. I knew we were close, and I knew *just* how important he is not just to me but my children too. And when he visited? All was good in our worlds once more. 2020, eh? the year none of us’ll forget. Image credit @stacieswift
18.01.2022 Something blew our minds? 40% of our 2020 VIP’ers have signed up again for our 2021 VIP program, and they said, honestly? Just the weekly Wednesday Q&A thread justified the $50 per month *alone*, i.e on Wednesdays we field up to 200+ questions on all aspects of digital strategy, but we’ve found the large majority are paid ads related. $50 per month to have TDP’s entire paid ads department answering your paid ads-related questions? t’was a marketing pain point for this p...rogram we’d absolutely underestimated, in that we’ve just been like, hey, you ask the questions we answer the questions. That’s literally what you’re paying for. We are indescribably proud of this program. An entire month spend on x12 all-important topics Weekly accountability tasks Weekly Q&A threads And live mentored learning For just $600 [for the entire year]. We’re down to [very] final spots, and we’d love to see your business ownin’ / marketing professional’n tooshie in one o’ those last seats, yea?
18.01.2022 Hello all, It me, Cherie [holding my very favourite cuisine: slow roasted cauliflower with grapes. And yes, that is an entire cuisine in my books. #CauliflowerAppreciationSociety]. This photo was snapped by my beloved teamie, Mel at our Christmas party last week [a.k.a the first time we’ve basically seen each other since February]. which likely explains why I look like THE HAPPIEST HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET [but also: slow roasted cauli is LIFE!].... I’m dropping in today to thank you. In the first x6 weeks of COVID? We lost the most intimidating percentage of our client portfolio [we had contracts, sure, but what kind of arsehole would bind someone to a contract when they were pandemic-impacted? not us. That’s for sure]. I remember genuinely thought to myself, well, this very much so could be the end. But it wasn’t. And that’s because of you: you continued to engage with us, referred us to friends, sat in Marketing Manager roles and booked our team for corporate training, tagged your friends in our posts, bought our digital products and did everything to reinstate my faith that our business is STRONG. Yes, even in a pandemic. Nobody could have predicted what 2020 would do to us all this year, but for me? I actually fell in love with this business again, I fell more in love with my team, I fell in love with myself [for the first tie in x37 years], and it goes without saying that I love you. Jay-sus. You were so good to us this year. Genuinely saved us, actually. A million thank you’s could never be enough, so please. Instead? Have a slow-roasted cauliflower because you haven’t lived until you’ve paired that back with grapes. I love you all. X Visual Description: This is an image of Cherie looking gleeful while holding a slow roasted cauliflower. She is wearing a green dress and seated at a table with some of her favourite humans EVER
17.01.2022 Looking back on 2020 with our incredible client Little Party Dress and what a year we had together [and yes, during the dreaded 2020 ... people still ABSOLUTELY wanted a whole lot o' little party dresses, ha!]. Moreso? This fine human listens to feedback, takes it on and implements change immediately. For example, we said: "could we please increase our monthly retainer to include time for us to write visual descriptions on your posts so that your comms are more inclusive and... she just says, "yes. Absolutely. Start tomorrow". What a human. What a working relationship. We love you, Kelly. x
16.01.2022 Something that will never change here at TDP? Our belief that social media can be [and should be] for social good. To date, TDP has donated over $90k worth of pro-bono work to organisations close to our hearts and to us? Giving back is part of our give back we always will. Facebook's new 'Facebook for Business' website makes it easier for biz' owners to do just that, in whatever way that looks like. ... What are some of the ways you like to give back to your community?
16.01.2022 You know what’s coming into 2021 with us? Instagram, because it ain’t going ANYWHERE as the top platform for engaging your audience and reaching new prospects. Wanna upskill [significantly] on all things Instagram for just $300? Head to our website to snag our Instagram Intensive online course now, which is 5.5 hours of *incredible* learning > entirely self-paced > complete with lifetime access, where you receive updated curriculum every time we update our curriculum [which... is quarterly, btw]. After those 5.5 hours? We’re popcorn ready to see you BLOOM in 2021.
16.01.2022 Bit of a [big] announcement. Psst we’ve gone and fleshed out a performance marketing team in-house at TDP HQs [and pretty *quietly*, too], and we are now able to offer Google Ads Management. Actually, we’ve been doing this for 6’ish months in-house but we were at capacity with our current clients [who were already on our SMM + social advertising portfolios, and wanted to extend into SEM].... Y’see Google Ads can seem like a bit of a beast [and taking the time to learn how to best work with them and get the results you want can be timely and expensive]. 2021 is going to see this here little agency *really* pivot to performance marketing, and we are so-bluddy-excited to help you to take the guesswork out of SEM by designing strategies that not only get the results [important], but also compliment your other digital activity [i.e SEM works so well with your social activity in that if someone doesn’t click on your post / ad on social, but comes back later to find you on Google? We’ll be right there with the right message to match your campaign call out and get them to that product page quicker, which makes conversion easier]. If Google Ads has been something you’ve wanted to invest in for 2021, but you’ve heard all o’ the horror stories [usually associated with specialists who lack integrity, in our humble opinion] we’re all over here > raising our hands in your general direction > whispering that we’re pretty much the dictionary definition of integrity > inviting you for a zilch obligation phone chat with our performance marketing team. Visual description: this is a photograph of TDP studios. There is a secondhand cane stool with a donut stool by its side. In the background there is a big, gold beanbag. We call this beanbag the beanbag of despair and plonk into it on the tough days.
15.01.2022 A few years ago, we didn’t have company values. Well, we did have them, but they were irrelevant and unknown harking back to a time when TDP was a two-woman band, teaching Social Media basics from printed A4 paper on Sunday afternoons. Needless to say, these values weren’t exactly at the forefront of our identity, informing all of our hiring decisions and permeating our culture. But that was then. Since we’ve defined and brought our values off the paper I genuinely see ho...w they shape every element of our business, the most important being the people that we attract and retain. Here’s how our company values helped us land our dream team
15.01.2022 An honour and a privilege working with good souls [and doing gewd digital marketing thangs] with beloved clients of ours like Confetti Rebels. A good human. A great product. Genuinely cares about her customers.... Everything WERKS [website, UX, CX et. al]. And we’re just-so-flippin’-happy when we get gewd results for gewd people who sell gewd things that make people’s lives better. #simples #managedbyTDP
14.01.2022 This right here? This is why we do what we do. I can’t tell you how many times we’re on the receiving end of feedback like this, and almost the very *moment* someone dives into their new TDP thang they just bought. This particular piece of feedback? It came on from our 12 month VIP membership. Like, the first week/fortnight in, ha!... Want that same-same kinda feeling from a $50 per month investment where we spend TWELVE MONTHS with you guiding you through 12 all-important digital marketing topics to elevate [significantly] your overall strategy? Dive-awn-in for more info here;
13.01.2022 Throughout this pandemic-kinda-year, I’ve learnt so much about myself and how I work [or don’t work]. For me, I had this *huge* flipping surprise that a 5am start to write copy from 5am-6.30am [when my kids generally wake. Ish] delivered me some of the best copy I’ve written and was the equivalent of what would take me 2-3 hours during the day time. I’ve learnt that I am absolutely *not* suited to 9am-5pm. I’ve learnt that I need to approach my role as TDP’s Creative Dire...ctor in staggered shifts [some 5am copy runs on copy-heavy days some later start / 8pm sessions on administrative days, so that I can fit life admin into my later start morning]. I’ve learnt that the very worst thing for my productivity is being on an internal comms platform like Slack. With every fibre of my brain’s being I loathe Slack, and yet I bluddy-flipping-feckin’ need to be on it when I’m org. leader during a particularly remote work’y kinda time. [I’m brainstorming a solution to this, but jay-sus. I loathe Slack for me. Love it for my team, respect its place but my brain + Slack? A neural-f*cking-disaster]. I’ve learnt that in 2021, I’m never going to be working the way I did in 2019 / early 2020 because this year taught me [and showed me] how much more capable I am when I work in a way that’s perfectly designed for *me*. What have been your 2020 lessons on how you work? Photography
12.01.2022 Looking to support small business this Christmas? We’re about to make it really easy We came across a meme on Instagram recently and it said something along the lines of ‘when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance’ and it just *really* sparked some big emotions in our team. Y’see we’ve done that happy dance and we still do that happy dance every time someone invests in our services. Honestly? We’ll never stop doing that little happy dance, cus’ th...ose hard earned dollars that you invest with us online are literally what keeps this here TDP ship afloat.
12.01.2022 What you're seeing here? $1.1k spent on paid ads for a slow fashion client of ours in eComm land ... and $54k ROI, a.k.a ROAS of 46 [epic, btw!]. Why are you seeing this? Well, because this client has a loyal brand following, release new products often, and has amazing values underpinning the business with inclusive sizing and everything Australian made. Oh, and a seriously clever performance marketing agency running their paid ads for them. Ahem. That's us. ... Visual Description: This is a screenshot of TDP’s recent paid ads results over a red background
12.01.2022 Lean in close, good souls we’re going to share a really sweet social media trick with y’all on how to stop losing IG followers here on the ‘gram. Folks, for real? Losing followers is actually one of the *better* things that can happen to your account. When we no longer do it for a person / become irrelevant etc. the very BEST thing they can do for our online presence here is to stop-feckin’following-us. Reason being? They’re feckin’ with our engagement rate. They don’t en...gage. They don’t stop their scroll. They’ve become disengaged. They no longer align with the content that we share but they sit there and remain in that followers list, and we’re all like, please. If we’re no longer for you, kindly unfollow us. The thing about Instagram is that they want you to build a community of like-minded kin, and so for us that means we crave something smaller > more meaningful > more connected > more like-minded > more engaged > more of all o’ the things that Instagram wants us to elicit from our followers, on the daily. The trick to help you stop losing IG followers is celebrating when a follower who no longer finds you relevant stops following you. #truestory #TDPteaSPILLED Visual description: this is a photo of our Social Media Coordinator, Lizey. She is sitting at her Mac, concentrating [intensely] on her work. She is wearing a white dress, and she is in front of a large indoor vertical garden.
12.01.2022 You and Tik Tok still warming up to each other? Check out this article about the top TikTok campaigns of 2020 to give you some ideas for 2021 if you want to take your relationship with Tik Tok to the next level
12.01.2022 Don’t forget your 1% I did, and we did [and likely will continue to, just because o’ the way we’re wired as people ... and as a company], but we spent some time last week with a really great human who specifically works with digital marketing agencies to help them do better / be better and he was like, what’s your point of difference?. We talked about our point of difference and he said, I couldn’t have picked up on that from your website, or even your socials tbh and w...e realised [quickly] that we shrug off the big things [that feel small to us] that are actually *really* big things, and often the very reason why our customers / clients / employees choose us over the 2,500 other agencies in Melbourne [Naarm] alone. As we rattled the small-to-us / 1% daily things that we do to our digital-agency-pro [new] friend, he was like: this is very far from ‘the norm’ and what I see out there in agency land, and he was also like, you are *absolutely* about people over profit at almost every touchpoint, and so he reminded me to add all o’ the teeny things that we do that feel small [but ain’t smoll, when you think about that bigger picture] into a daily notepad > write them down > remember them > celebrate them > make our daily 1% *really* felt by those following us / wanting to do business with us / wanting to work for us etc. Have you just realised you’ve been shrugging off your 1% as nothing all that much, too?
12.01.2022 We’ll go first: it’d be our Social Media Coordinator [Lizey] who slept through our Monday AM WIP. #WakeUPJeff
12.01.2022 #TDPspillstheSMtea Unsure what to pay an influencer for sponsoring content for your brand? Or are you an influencer yourself, and unsure what to charge? There’s a FREE desktop-based program over at;... that allows you to put your IG handle there > it looks through all o’ your front-of-house stuff, and it told us [based on TDP] that we should be charging between $224-373 per sponsored post. Now spoiler alert? We [obvi] don’t sponsor content here so the figure of $224-373 is irrelevant to us, *but* this is a question we’re asked so frequently [i.e what do I pay an influencer / what do I charge?] that we squealed [like baby piglets] when we learnt about this free tool. And we’re sharing it with you today, because we thought you might just baby-piglet-squeal, too?
11.01.2022 #Justholdus #pls.
11.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; And this, beautiful friends is what I was talking about yesterday morning. That 46k we raised via our Black Friday weekend? it allowed me to walk into this room at HoMie HQs > speak to a really diverse group of beautiful human beings experiencing homelessness > present our agency to them in the hopes that they might go awn and apply for a fully paid internship with TDP in 2021.... That 46k is nearly that yearly salary, and it allows me [and us] to be the change we wanna see in this world. Yep. We’re just a small business. But we still get to create [big] change. I walked out of this day with all-over-goosebumps / hairs standing on ends, feeling like my Dad is so proud of me and my children will grow up one day and realise, wow. My Mum was special, and did impactful and meaningful things via her work. Thank you. So very much. For everything you do to keep our business in business, so that we can continue to go and do things EXACTLY LIKE THIS. Purpose-led business FTW [in my humble opinion].
10.01.2022 So. We have some exciting news. We have finally [just about] landed on TDP’s business purpose a lazy x6 years into TDP TDP’n. It’s always something that has absolutely strung us out [and subsequently paralysed us from landing on a purpose], because when you’re teaching social media, and managing social media, and specialising in performance marketing, and also selling digital products? it’s felt [to us] like we’ve had up to x4 different purposes [depending on what tab yo...u’re clickin’ awn on our website]. But we got it, jay-sus folx WE GOT IT [drum roll please]. Our purpose is; We’re a business who passionately believes that it takes villages to raise other businesses, and our purpose is to be that business village to our community. Welcome home, TDP. Seriously. Welcome home, old girl.
09.01.2022 Literally us RN.
09.01.2022 $46,000. See also: thank you *so* much. To everyone who shopped our Black Friday sale, or forwarded the email to their friends, or tagged their friends in our social content, or tagged their friends on our paid ads campaigns? thank you so much.... Thanks to you? We generated 46k in sales in one weekend, but every one of those dollars isn’t going to us. Not a single one, actually. Instead? We’re putting this towards what will be the part salary of a fully paid internship at our agency in 2021 for those experiencing homelessness. We know some of you didn’t like us taking the piss out of Jeremy in our Black Friday sale [our humour is dark, we apologise for any offence caused but on this occasion? We’re simply staying true to us]. That said, we had our eyes firmly planted on the end result: a fully paid internship with TDP. We hate unpaid internships. We’ve barely done them, and we never want to do them again. It’s a fully paid internship situation for us from here on in, and thanks to Jez? we just funded 80’ish per cent of this per annum salary. #cheersJeremy #bethechange
08.01.2022 Feel like you wanna make your way through 2021 with a social media marketing mentor there with you ... legitimately every step of the way? That’s our VIP program, actually [or very-important-picnic’ers, as prefer to refer to you as]. She’s $50 per month, and she’s myself [Cherie] and my strategy team there to train you [via mentored coaching calls once per month], as well as setting homework for you / reviewing it / giving feedback / keeping you accountable, and generally jus...t answering all o’ the questions [FYI, our weekly Q&A thread averaged 100+ questions in 2020]. We were told [1,000 times over] by a consultant reviewing what 2021 looks like for TDP to RAISE THE PRICE! on our VIP program, so we did from $599 to $600, and only because in 2021? We’re dropping the 99’s [they’re apparently unethical and what’s called charm pricing, which we want no part in] and with that extra charming dollar? We’ll be putting it to @djirravic [because we love you, Djirra]. With this program? altruism will *always* win. We ALWAYS want it to be as financially accessible to as many business owners as possible, and it will always be some of our proudest work.
08.01.2022 And this, our beloved TDP community is what we want not just for ourselves [but for our community] to really feel on a visceral level in 2021. Take this into 2021, and be a better human being just for having leant into the kind of empathy that doesn’t require it having happened to you for it to matter to you. Happy New Year, you lot you’ve made us significantly better versions of ourselves this year, and we’re never not grateful. #loveyouse... Image credit Oh Happy Dani Visual Description: This image says It shouldn’t have to happen to you to matter to you In colourful writing on top of a red background.
07.01.2022 SHINY. NEW. [IG] FEATURE. ALERT.... and it’s a bluddy good’un! Read on;
07.01.2022 Is 2021 the year you’re going to give Reels a try? You couldn’t have better timing, tbh. Instagram has added some new additions to your creative options in both Reels and Stories, while also tweaking a few existing functions and expanding the roll out of its Branded Content tags.... How are you incorporating Reels into your 2021 strategy?
07.01.2022 "How can I get music on my Instagram? If you haven’t guessed? The general theme of TDP’s blog writin’ lately is, what question are we asked the *very* most, and how can we therefore turn that into blog posts? and today’s blog post is currently our most asked question. As in, we rub our temples in anticipation of just how many times [in so many different places] we’ll be asked this one question. So, whadd’ya do when you don’t have the music feature on IG? we’re here to o...ffer x3 potential solutions for the folks missing out on the music feature;
06.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; Some of my proudest work? Well, it’s been the building of a digital marketing agency that’s actually [mostly] deserted from around 4.45pm onwards. Y’see, apparently this isn’t the norm? I mean, it should be but apparently it isn’t []. I know this, because my team tell me [especially the ones who’ve come from other agency settings, but even those who’ve hailed from in-house roles say the same too].... And the thing is, folx? we still clock productivity *well* above the 70% accounting folx would tell us we need to be clocking as service-based providers who are in the business of selling time. That 4.45pm finish, it sees us productive, and profitable, and feeling like there is *balance* for our team between work and play and honestly? That really is GENUINELY some of my proudest work at TDP.
06.01.2022 TDP closed its doors for our Christmas break this week, and given that we hail from a 24/7 always on industry taking a legitimate break requires *all* the prep’n and plan’n and boundary setting, so we thought you might benefit from a little list we’ve put together to help us *truly* break; Social media free days Making a Summer bucket list and choosing to do those bucket list items every time we reach for our phone... Breaking out the old alarm clock and charging our phones outside the bedroom App auditing: what did we download this year that we didn’t actually use Backing up photos, and then deleting all What are you doing to *truly* switch off over the holidays? Visual Description: This is a picture of Lizey in front of her computer at work, gaze downwards. There is a cactus pen holder in focus.
06.01.2022 Happy 2021 all! I think even the introverts are wanting to socialise a little more this year, because yea 2020 was all about that lockdown kinda life.
06.01.2022 #managedbyTDP We’ve been long-time fans-slash-regular-customers, and now? we’re [very proudly] helping them with their paid ads, so that we can continue to elevate this *bewdiful* sister duo to increased success online. So don’t mind us, tho we’ll just be buying more and more of their ethically sourced and sustainably produced colourful TINGS....
06.01.2022 I know we share a lot of our client's paid ads results, but this one isn't about performance ... and is instead about testing. We're running the same campaigns but A/B testing them against one another with minor tweaks to this client's strategy and targeting and seeing some amazing learnings as a direct result. Y'see, even when you think you know all the things about this platform ... you still need to keep testing.... #managedbyTDP
06.01.2022 Literally us back when we lost an entire eCourse worth of content [LinkedIn] due to a corrupted file #ThrowItAllAway
06.01.2022 When life gives you coal
05.01.2022 From our Founder, Cherie; COVID destroyed us this year for 6-8 weeks or so [*nothing* in comparison to what a large chunk of good souls following us here went through, so please know we’re so acutely aware of this]. That said, I can’t describe the skyrocketing anxiety and immediate hair loss that happened to me in those 6-8 weeks where I absolutely knew, everything is crumbling and how am I going to save this team that I care about *so* much?.... And then we grew. Exponentially. And I want to take a moment to talk to you a little about what happened, and why. The first win? And the one that absolutely *saved* us in the short-term? A huge government training win that saw us delivering corporate training to every Australian political party [labour, liberal, greens] and the person who generated that training lead for us? Well, they’re an Instagram follower here, and an employee there [which lead to us having our training tender approved, rapidly]. The next wins? Our integrity. As clients emailed one-by-one and said, we’re unable to continue to outsource our marketing, how do we exit our contract? we responded with, consider that contract torn in half. You are *not* obligated to stay with us during a 1 in 100 year event/crisis. When they began to recover? they came straight back to us, and so many commented with things like, no other agencies would have done this. Integrity. Always. And then finally, the biggest win? Our team. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about March/April, and at one point? Having to reduce my team’s hours to spare the whole team whilst watching them to continue to work at 100% [and beyond, if I’m being honest]. That hard work and commitment saw us remaining on reduced hours for no more than 4 weeks, and genuinely kept us beyond alive in some *seriously* uncomfortable months. That’s been the secret to our growth this year, what’s been yours?
05.01.2022 #TDPSpillsTheSMTea STOP SCROLLING. This one’s a big ‘un. Unsure what to pay an influencer for sponsoring content for your brand? Or are you an influencer yourself, and unsure what to charge?... There’s a FREE desktop-based program over at; It allows you to put your IG handle there, and then it looks through all o’ your front-of-house stuff, and it told us [based on TDP] that we should be charging between $224-373 per sponsored post. Now spoiler alert? We [obvi] don’t sponsor content here so the figure of $224-373 is irrelevant to us, *but* this is a question we’re asked so frequently [i.e what do I pay an influencer / what do I charge?] that we squealed [like baby piglets] when we learnt about this free tool. And we’re sharing it here today, because we thought you might just baby-piglet-squeal, too?
04.01.2022 it’s been a year, right? It’s been an 87 years long kinda year, yea?
04.01.2022 I recently read a post on LinkedIn semi-lecturing the Founders of businesses about how important it is to *always* be heading into work with good energy, because you’ve got teams to *lead*, people. I found it a little irritating, tbh. #lol. Don’t get me wrong, I knew he was right. I’ve read one thousand books about JUST HOW RIGHT his sentiments were for me though, it was just the timing. Like, x8 months into a global pandemic and we’re rollin’ into LinkedIn being semi...-lectured to MAKE SURE YOU’RE 24/7 HAPPY THROUGHOUT ALL O’ THIS BECAUSE YOUR TEAM FEEDS OFF THAT ENERGY, YA KNOW. Exhausting, ha! For me this year? I’ve done my absolute *best* to be optimistic, and growth mindset’y, and feedback culture’y, and accountability’y but there’s also been a coupl’a moments where I cried. Like, in front of my team. On Zoom. In a WIP. Because I told them that we had to make x1 role redundant [first x4 weeks of COVID impacts hit us *hard*]. And I forgave myself for being the leader who cried in front of her team on that occasion, because I decided that on that occasion? the energy I was giving off was one of my being legitimately human, and authentic, and non-robotic about the fact that we’d just had to make a role redundant for someone we REALLY CARED ABOUT. To the organisational leaders who follow us here? you’re allowed to be human. Non-robotic. Show [some] emotion. And not always [like, ALWAYS!] be posi-posi. Image credit @oh_sograceful. Visual description: this is a graphic created by @oh_sograceful. The background of the graphic is blue. This centre of the graphic says ‘you attract the energy you give off’ in pink and orange type
04.01.2022 To our beloved eComm folx? this is pretty [bluddy big!] big news;
04.01.2022 Legitimately wanting this for all of you. Thank you so very much for keeping our business in business this year.
03.01.2022 #managedbyTDP We first met our client Floorspace when James came into a TDP workshop. He sat, listened, took notes, contributed meaningfully throughout the workshop, collaborated with others ... and then he said, "I'd like to partner with TDP for help with my socials" and it was a resounding "YES!" from us. ... We love working with you, James. Visual Description: This is an image of our client James standing in the doorway of the Floorspace studio. He has his hand on his hip and is smiling while holding the door open
02.01.2022 Do you wanna know what we wanted when we were first starting out as freelance social media managers? A mentor. Someone who had worked the industry / were super professional at what they did / had earned themselves a good reputation in their field / had made mistakes, & learnt from them [i.e not charging the right hourly rate [!!!] / had experienced big wins, & subsequently wanted to share their learned wins with their colleagues [i.e you!] / someone to guide you right from landing your first client, to nailing your first client [& going on confidently to add to your SMM portfolio]. this is where we come in, via our 12 week online Social Media Manager School! Hosted by TDP’s Cherie, a passionate digital marketer who’s done the #freelancefreefall, & subsequently want to teach you everything you need to know in order to succeed as a freelance social media manager. You’ll leave this 12 week online program with a full understanding of; How to structure a proposal How to create an estimate How to explain your accountability How to structure your billing [i.e per hour / per week / per month / job-to-job] Advertising your services Monitoring your results What tools to use [i.e to schedule your SM activity, & then monitor it] Accounting for SMM professionals [Xero, Harvest etc.] Time management How to present a content plan to your client How to sell your social media services And you’ll learn all of this via x7 easy-to-digest and incredibly implementable modules, as well as receiving a host of printable templates to use professionally, tuning into fortnightly FB live coaching [if you can’t make them, we’ll tag you in so you can watch the replay], and finally? Weekly Q&A threads. Additionally, you’ll receive access to a small and private FB community where TDP’s Cherie will host regular livestreams, check in on you whilst you’re undertaking different exercises throughout our learning program, and generally just hover around like a helicopter Mum / Mother Hen whilst you work through the course. And lastly? But really importantly [especially to us!], you’ll leave with a new sense of confidence, a [practical!] plan to execute all of your new learnings, and a community that’ll support you long after this learning experience is over via our private FB group where we [and our incredible community!] are there to support / mentor / encourage / lovebomb et. al.
02.01.2022 If you work in digital marketing, especially during the pandemic, you would know that the job comes with its own particular brand of stress. Now don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love telling my housemates that ‘looking up memes’ is *technically* on my Asana board for the day. I love being able to work from basically anywhere that has a stable wifi connection and very good coffee. But the blurring of lines between personal and work is its own beast when it comes to socia...l media and digital marketing. Our Social Media Manager Elaine is on the blog today talking tried and true ways to clock off when you work in the wonderful world of digital marketing;
02.01.2022 We can’t describe the feeling, tbh. We loaded our VIP program wondering how it would be received in a year where a lotta good souls have taken some *big* COVID hits. Our 2020 VIP program was *such* a success, but we were all different people booking into 12 month social media marketing mentoring programs way back in November 2019 since then? COVID. And COVID impacts, and now? We loaded our 12 month VIP program for 2021 quietly hoping it’d be well-received, but also quietly... freaking out thinking, nobody’s going to be able to book this. Folks? we’ve been inundated. And this program? It’s *just* about full, so if you’re keen to do a 12 month digital marketing membership from a digital marketing agency who walks the *walk* when it comes to social media? We’d highly recommend bookin’ awn in here;
02.01.2022 Do you follow us on the ‘gram? Our Founder, Cherie has been separated from her Dad [and her kids beloved Pa] for near on a year [like every COVID-impacted interstate family] and she organised for her Dad to surprise her 10yo son on his 10th birthday by flying in. The emotional reunion is here, but warning: you’ll need tissues....
02.01.2022 It’s no secret that inclusivity and accessibility is truly at the heart of all that we do here at The Digital Picnic. Looking to make your website more accessible for the 1 billion people in the world that experience some form of disability? Here are some incredible tips;
02.01.2022 s’true, tho. Our online business [seriously] grew this year, and I thought it’d translate to *everything* I wanted but there’s a seriously yucky side to that growth, too. Like the 5-10 people who *loathe* this business / me, and who don’t follow us but are - without doubt - the first people to view our IG stories every time we load them.... It just makes me wanna all-over-body-shudder, whilst simultaneously scream and say, you DISLIKE us, you have made that *so* clear, you don’t even actually follow us but you’re the first person to view our IG stories. Every-flippin’-time. Like, why. And once I was done with exhaustin’ myself by overthinkin’ this, I came back to Earth and realised duzzamatta what they think of me. What matters is me liking me enough to stand behind an *incredibly* radically transparent brand that WILL ruffle feathers here [and in our TDP lifetime]. Growing online, courtesy of radically transparent content? A million likes will never be enough if you don’t like yourself, so I highly recommend liking yourself enough to shrug off the Sunday night 9pm DM’s that try to make you feel like a piece of sh*t for having a different opinion to someone else [namely: them]. For the ladies, gentlemen and non-binary persons here growing online businesses, what would you say the hardest part of your [rapid] online growth would be?
02.01.2022 We came across a meme on Instagram recently and it said something along the lines of ‘when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance’ and it just *really* sparked some big emotions in our team. Y’see we’ve done that happy dance and we still do that happy dance every time someone invests in our services. Honestly? We’ll never stop doing that little happy dance, cus’ those hard earned dollars that you invest with us online are literally what keeps thi...s here TDP ship afloat. This year, we’re throwing it back to some of our favourite small biz’s to spoil yourselves and your loved ones with this Christmas. They’ll be happy dancin’, you’ll be happy dancin’, it’s a win-win!
01.01.2022 Feelin’ all creative and strategic-like
01.01.2022 it’s so real, it hurts. #lol
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