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The Dream Life Project
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25.01.2022 The art of stopping to smell the flowers, to be in awe and wonderment, to appreciate it makes life so beautiful! Appreciation sometimes is used interchangeably with gratitude, but if you take time to understand appreciation it can help you see even more positivity into your life. Gratitude is being thankful, while appreciation is seeing the value. We can be grateful to have food (as opposed to not having any), but we can feel this deeper by appreciating the taste, the nut...rition, the work that went into preparing the food. You can be grateful to someone for having done something for you in a positive way, but you could also appreciate someone without them doing something directly for you you can appreciate the good in them, their value. You can appreciate the fragrance, the colour, the beauty of a flower. Seeing the good, the value all around you is an art worth practicing it makes life so beautiful! What are you appreciating today?
23.01.2022 Nourishing bowls are nutrient rich and flavour packed. They are so easy to put together as healthy meal. It’s a perfect go-to meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s kind of like a salad but everything is left in it’s own spot rather than mixed together. None of my nourishing bowls are ever the same and it’s so much fun making it visually beautiful and colourful. You don’t need a recipe to make nourishing bowls, but here is a guide to putting one together for a delicious ...and nutritious bowl. 1. Start your base with some roast vegetables. Try to pick at least 2-3 different roast vegetables that are contrasting in colour. Cooked vegetables provide vitamins and compounds that are easily digested and absorbed. 2. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of your prepped grains like quinoa, brown rice, freekah, wholegrain bread - which provide you with carbohydrates, energy and b group vitamins. 3. Add raw vegetables like mixed leaves, grated carrot, tomatoes, sprouts this complements the cooked vegetables as raw vegetables retain vitamins that can be destroyed when cooked. 4. Add some pickled or fermented vegetables this adds flavour as well as probiotics for gut health 5. Add some protein Add an egg or chicken or fish. If it’s a vegetarian bowl add nuts and seeds or tofu or legumes like chickpeas or lentils or cheese. 6. Add some healthy fats add an olive oil dressing or avocado or yoghurt and turmeric, hummus, tahini, nuts and seeds. 7. For an extra boost and flavour add herbs or citrus zest/ juice. And there you have a bowl of rainbow goodness that you can throw together with leftovers in your fridge, or if you are part of my Master Your Healthy Eating Habits program, you’ll learn how to make putting meals together quickly and easily with my meal prep guide. If you are someone who learns best through 1 on 1 coaching - check out the Master Your Healthy Eating Habits program - See more
23.01.2022 ! I love my home. I love working from home. I love hanging out at home. I love catching up with friends at my home. I love coming home. Not because it is some fancy, designer home. But because I’ve purposely created a space that has good energy flow, that is relaxing and rejuvenatingand brings out the best in me. I wanted to share with you my ritual:... - Spend a few minutes each morning to physically clean and neaten the house. Putting dishes away. Repositioning cushions that have been thrown all over the place from the night before. - Allow airflow by opening doors or windows. Even in Winter (Brisbane Winter!) I open at least one window in the morning while I am cleaning for some fresh air. - Add fresh plants to the home. I have indoor plants dotted throughout the house, and always fresh foliage or flowers on my dining table. - A bowl of fruit. I love having fruit/ vegetables displayed in the kitchen. Not only to encourage the uptake of fruit and vegetables, but also because it brings colour, freshness and a feeling of abundance to the home. - Reposition furniture to create good energy flow, relaxation and conversations. Our TV is not the focal point in our living room, instead it is off to the side. And I often change furniture around to see what has the best feel. - Spray some essential oil, burn a fragrant candle or incense. I love spraying a fresh citrus scent in the morning after cleaning the house and burning a relaxing candle in the evening as I am winding down. - Play some music. I love playing pop music while cleaning the house, or some jazz music while cooking. And love having music playing in the background when we have people visiting. - Artwork. I don’t have any artwork as such around the home, but I have framed photos of happy memories and travels dotted around the home that bring me so much joy looking at them. What are your tips on making a home environment that brings out the best in you?
22.01.2022 ? Meet Francesca De Valence @fdvmusic, she is living it and helping others do the same. She is an award winning song writer, traveling around the world writing and performing her songs on international stagesliving her life on her terms! Last year I was invited to one of her shows Songs de Paris her songs, the stories from her travels, how she created a life that she loved resonated with me on so many levels, I knew I had to shar...e it here @thedreamlifeproject_. Francesca graciously accepted my video chat which took place pre-covid-19 while she was in France. I watched the video again last night and I have to confess, sometimes it takes a while for lessons to sink in. It’s taken me 6 months to share this video chat. Inconsistency in sharing video content meant that I wasn’t able to build confidence in producing video content I had perfection paralysis. Which is exactly what Francesca talks about in our conversation. So if you are like me, and need to hear things more than once save this post! ? __________________________ Francesca is an Australian artist, award-winning songwriter, international speaker, creative mentor and founder of I Heart Songwriting Club Head over to her website or connect with her on instagram @fdvmusic or to learn more about her shows, workshops and coaching.
21.01.2022 . With the current travel restrictions in place, it is pushing me to get creative with travel experiences within my backyard. Here is my list of experiences that doesn’t cost much at all and just a few hours drive from my hometown, Brisbane. - Watching the Sun set at Carlo Sand Blow sipping champagne (Pictured)... - Clifftop picnic at Norries Headland - Organise a skill sharing day at home with friends: learn how to make candles, learn how to make sourdough bread, learn how to arrange flowers - Skinny dipping at White’s Beach (Byron Bay) - Sunrise breakfast at top of Mount Ngungun ( Sunshine Coast Hinterland) after hiking in the dark - Camping and Stargazing at Lake Moogerah - Scenic drive and landscape photography Scenic Rim - Cook over a fire on the beach - Wine tasting in Stanthorpe - Organise a pamper day out amongst nature bring your swimmers, robe, face mask and find a quiet relaxing spot at Currumbin rock pools - Set up a candle lit dinner at home somewhere unusual on the floor, in the garden, in the bedroom - Make a tipi out of fallen branches, bring a throw and pillows and a good book to read Mount Coot-tha Which one of these would you try out? What would you add to the list?
21.01.2022 Photo of the time I planned to go from Banff to Yoho National park, which should have only taken 2hrs but instead it took the whole day. I took a detour to Jasper to meet up with friends (which was a 4 hour drive from Banff then 4.5hr drive to Yoho) and lots of stops in between to see the sights. Could have gone the direct route, but chose to do lots of other things before reaching my destination. It’s been a while since I posted here or on the website. Being mulit-passionate..., and advocate for balanced life, my focus gets pulled in different directions and before I know it, another week has gone by. You don’t always see immediate or measurable results in what you’ve invested your time in, so it can be easy to fall into the headspace of thinking you’ve wasted time, that you haven’t done enough or achieved goals fast enough. I’ve learnt that no time is wasted if you’ve spent it on things that bring value to your life. By acknowledging how you’ve added value in your life, can help you get out of the I’ve wasted time/ I haven’t done enough funk. It can be as simple as acknowledging that you prepared a healthy meal or walked that extra bit further to keep your body healthy. It could be that you learnt something new. It could be acknowledging the quality time you spent with people you love. So, if you are feeling like you haven’t done enough Today or that you haven’t gotten to where you planned... you might just find you’ve just had some detours and actually done plenty!
19.01.2022 I thought I would post a little intro for those here that don’t know me. Hiiiii! I’m Trang! A bit of back story as to how The Dream Life Project came about.... I have been working as a Nutritionist and Dietitian for over 15 years, many of those I treated had Chronic Lifestyle Diseases. I had the unique experience of treating people in their homes, to really see how they lived, to really connect and hear their stories. Over the years my interest grew in looking at LIFESTYLE, in particular QUALITY LIFESTYLE, one that was healthy, happy and fulfilling. One that could prevent Chronic Lifestyle Diseases as well as encourage people to live to their potential. This interest lead to my own self development journey and subsequently creating The Dream Life Project Planner which serves as a tool to: - practice daily gratitude and reframing views - practice daily reflection - help with organisation to decrease stress - track new habits and skills - promote healthy eating , exercise, self care and creativity - help gain clarity on your purpose and the type of life you want live - help be proactive in pursuing your dreams - get you excited about each and every day This 90 day planner is available for purchase on my website, if this resonates with you. (Link in profile) I am interested to know... What are the first 3 things that pop into your head when you think of QUALITY LIFESTYLE?
16.01.2022 For the last couple of days my best friend has been texting and calling me to have a laugh and reminisce on our younger years. She had been decluttering and finally took the plunge to sort out old boxes containing her diaries and letters from friends. We used to write many letters to each other hey this was pre mobile phones! Reading back on some of these letters had us in fits of giggles. It also lead to serious reflections on our younger years. I love and am grateful for ...where I am in life right now, and I appreciate all the experiences that made me who I am today. But a small part of me can’t help but think where I would be if I could tell my 20 year younger self the things I know today. There are so many things I would have liked to have started earlier and could have, but felt I wasn’t ready or didn’t see it as a priority. I would have invested in property earlier, I would have taken better care of my skin and my health earlier, I would have watched less TV and the spend the time instead practicing new skills. I would tell my younger self start TODAY not some day. There were many sleepless nights crying and asking why certain people wouldn’t accept me if only I could tell my younger self not to waste so much time, energy and brain space on people who didn’t accept me and instead focus on the abundance of love around me and even more that would come. If only I had the knowledge and understanding about people like I do now, I would have understood that everyone has different perspectives, their own fears to deal with and it has nothing to do with you as a person. I would tell my younger self, everything will work out, with every door that closes an even better one opens, that job at Mathers Shoes you didn’t get as a teenager- led to one of your coolest jobs at Galaxy World and you meet the love of your life because of it! But what would my 20 year older self tell me today? What would YOUR 20 year older self tell YOU? And would you listen?
16.01.2022 Peer pressure. Good or bad? We always think peer pressure as a bad thing, pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do. But what about positive peer pressure. Those friends that push each other to get up early and exercise together each morning- even when you said no thanks a dozen times but cave in? That group that pushes you to increase your skills because they can see your potential? Those people that push you to see things from a different perspective to see that... life is working for you rather than against you? Or that healthy eating friend that you just can’t help but conform to healthy eating when you are around them. Might be a good thing! I think surrounding yourself with people who have a positive influence on you can really help you to get out of your comfort zone and push you towards your dreams. The people you spend most time with have a huge impact on your mood, your views, and the potential you see in yourself. 4 ways you can surround yourself with positive influencing people: 1. Make room for positive people by letting go of people that may be holding you back. How do you feel after interacting with certain people? That will help you decide. 2. Join a group or club where you can meet people who can push you out of your comfort zone. Join a hiking or running group. Join a business group. Perhaps a self development book club. 3. Attend workshops or retreats where you are exposed to people who are there because they are willing to grow and feed their minds (pictured is from our retreat earlier this year). 4. Find a mentor or coach that can challenge you in a positive way. What are your tips for surrounding yourself with more positive influencing people in your life?
12.01.2022 . As those who have been following know I have been spending weekends giving the exterior of our house a facelift. And if you read one of my previous posts, you will know that I am currently working on improving my communication, the language I use on myself and with others. Yesterday, I caught myself using language that I was trying to get rid of. Kostas (my hunky-hubs), spray painted the numbers of our house black. Black?! That is not how I envisioned things to l...ook. I said consulted me first! Initially, I was disappointed that it’s only been such a short time since I pledged to get rid of language that was not useful and already I had slipped. But, with all habits and old patterns, it takes time to break them but the key is to initially interrupt those patterns with AWARENESS. Once you the habit or pattern, it will give you a chance to readjust or learn. In this case, even though my words made someone to feel bad about their actions, my intent was never to make someone feel bad about actions that can’t be undone or to make situations worse. Rather, I wanted to communicate why I reacted the way I did, I wanted him to next time to discuss with me on house related changes and to discuss whether emotions aside, if we needed to change the black numbers or keep them. So by being aware, despite initially defaulting to old language patterns, I was able to interrupt something that could have lead to a damaging argument. Awareness provided the option to choose a better path. Did you know that bracelets, wrist bands, hair tiers on wrist can serve as an awareness strategy? Every time you become aware of habits or patterns you are trying to break, move it to your other wrist. Each time you do this, you not only interrupt what you are doing/ thinking but you become more and more aware allowing you to learn and change your course of action in the future. Would you give this strategy a go?
11.01.2022 For me, enjoying healthy eating means eating food that tastes and looks good as well. Whenever I share meals in my social media stories, I often get asked how I make it look so "pretty". Well, here is one of my favourite tips:
02.01.2022 I never really thought to attempt to make sauerkraut. I love eating it I grew up in Germany in my early years so it was something I became accustomed to and learnt to enjoy eating. Studying nutrition, I was also familiar with the health benefits and am an advocate to including it in your meals. It is a great source of fibre and rich in probiotics thereby promoting digestive health. It is high in vitamin C, high in phytochemicals that boost immunity and protect cells from da...mage. I’ve always bought my sauerkraut, and sometimes the flavours were a bit hit and miss. I was talking to my friend Ali @gigglesuds last year and she mentioned how easy it was. This is my second go at making it and I love it! This sauerkraut version has a bit of an Asian flavour to it which goes well with many of the salads, banh mi and meals that I make. Ingredients red cabbage, finely chopped 1 beetroot, grated 2 carrots, grated thumb sized fresh ginger, grated thumb sized fresh turmeric, grated 3 cloves garlic 2 tsp salt Method: Sterilize a jar (with sealable lid) with boiling water then dry it. Add all the ingredients into a mixing bowl, then massage it all through with clean hands. Massage for about 15 mins. You will see the cabbage start releasing water, and shrinking in size. Taste the mixture and adjust seasoning to your preference. Place the mixture in your sterilized jar and push down for the liquid to cover the top. You can put water in a ziplock back and put it on top to create a weight for the first couple of days if you are finding the liquid isn’t covering. It’s important to make sure the liquid/brine is covering the cabbage mix to prevent mould. Leave the jar in room temperature in a dark spot in the house to ferment approx 1-2 weeks. Then transfer to the fridge once it gets to a stage that suits your taste.