The Enerchi Exchange | Coach
The Enerchi Exchange
Phone: +61 403 750 865
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25.01.2022 REIKI + BREATHWORK TESTIMONY I absolutely love seeing Chelsea for my reiki energy healing. I always feel so safe and supported by her. I love the personalised breathing exercises she has given me do do on my own at home as a part of my own practice. She is an amazingly gifted human and I just feel so blessed that I get to work with her on my journey of healing. @ashesanders ... #reiki #healing #breath #breathwork #love#loveyourself #lifechangingwork
25.01.2022 REIKI TESTIMONY During the depths of my deep healing work recovering from my darkest days, I used my meditation practice along with other wonderful modalities to help support me through. Chelsea came into my life right when I needed beautiful feminine energy to support me further. Being held energetically, understood and guided through as I took one day at a time, Chelsea’s Reiki sessions left me feeling strong, clear and re-energised. ... She’s a wonder of many talents, including incredible Himalayan breathwork and movement workshops, not to mention a bloody good laugh, so I highly recommend tapping in to any session that you feel a calling to. Much love, Carly @meditationbase #reiki #healing #heal #enerchi #energy #love #selflove #change #grow #light
24.01.2022 I will now be referred to as... REIKI MASTER MAZZINI It’s been 7 years in training to achieve this. Reiki was the first tool that showed me we are bigger then our thoughts and our physical body. It showed me the power of energy and how to channel my energy. ... Through reiki I have been able to heal pre cancerous cells in my body. Through reiki I have been able to heal and guide so many of my beautiful clients on their journey. I am honoured to say I will be teaching REIKI 1 & 2 courses in the new year. These courses will be an integrative approach, including aspects from all of the LIFE CHANGING WORK I offer. Who’s ready to heal themselves and the world around them? IM IN #reikimaster #reiki #teachertraining #lifechangingwork #breath #breathe #breathwork #move #movement #heal #healing #love #loveyourself #together #connection #bliss
24.01.2022 My experience of Yoga and how it’s help me navigate ADHD.. Yoga isn’t just rolling out a mat and doing movement for an hour. That is a common misconception. If that’s what yoga was Id be begging for burpies and box jumps any day. Yoga is all encompassing. Yoga is LIFE.... For me, personally I have always struggled to sit still or to do things that are boring. That can make life very challenging right? Doing the dishes, cleaning my house, going grocery shopping, it was all too hard, too boring. I needed constant excitement. Through yoga I have managed to slow down and find the pleasure and presences in the simple things in life. I don’t need to rush through the ‘shitty’ stuff like a hurricane and do a half arse job. Yoga to me is: The way I breath The way I connect socially The conversations I have The way I find joy in the simple things in life The way I am present in doing chores The food I eat and the way I eat it The way I connect to my body in movement and dance The way I sit silently and hold space The way I laugh and enjoy life The content in which I consume The way I love I could talk about how Yoga/spirituality/ daily practice or whatever you want to call it has changed my life of ‘Mental health’ for days on end. Instead, why not come and experience it for yourself? #yoga #dailypractice #spirituality #move #content #present #ADHD #boring #play #calmness #breath #breathwork #heal #healing #mentalhealth #meditation
17.01.2022 SOCial Anxiety... There were many days I couldn’t even leave the house as my anxiety was so high. I couldn’t go to events or places unless I had a safety blanket. That usually meant friends and a shit load of drugs and alcohol. I had never traveled alone, never went to new places as I couldn’t handle the fear of the unknown. Social situation would FREAK ME OUT. Over the last year and a half I have been pushing myself to work through this fear. I have traveled to Indo and Ind...ia and worked with some of the best teachers in the world, I have been to many retreats and workshops on my own. I still shake as I drive/fly in but each experience gets easier and easier. On the weekend just past I attended a 3 day Sober dance/yoga festival. HOLY FUCKEN SHIT.!!! That was one of the most challenging and heart opening experiences of my life. There was no where to hide, it felt like I was completely ripped open and ready for my authentic self to blossom. I danced harder then any rave, I laugh more then ever, I connected deeply with so many like minded souls. I experienced love for who I really am. I have cried ever since I left this festival. Tears of joy, evolution and heart felt connections. I am so proud of putting myself out there. For being authentic, for letting my wild and crazy be free and for allowing myself to feel everything. All of it, even the super uncomfortable stuff. And I say thank you for all the beautiful people I met there. You rock my fucking socks.!!! And to my soul sister Merissa, thanks for loving me and supporting me. Thanks for hold space for me as I completely unravelled on the way home #anxiety #gains #travel #heal #healing #breath #breathwork #meditate #live #laugh #love #bliss #lifechanging #thework #livinglife
15.01.2022 BREATHWORK FOR YOUR HEART #breath #breathe #breathwork #love #morelove #selflove #heal #healing #healyourself #loveyourself #himalayanbreathwork
14.01.2022 JYOTISH ASTROLOGY- Free community event Join Chelsea and Raymond @meladharma_aus as we take you though a journey of discovery through the ancient science of Jyotish Astrology. Jyotish Astrology is the science of Light- The Eye of the Veda.... Its a celebration of Life and the liberation of Self through evolution. It's a Journey in Time. The planets are the keepers of time. They are the silent witnesses throughout time. Through Jyotish we can tap into the memory of nature- like a seed is the memory of the tree your chart is the seed of your true potentiality. In this 1:5 hour workshop you will come to understand the difference between Western and Jyotish Astrology. How the planets effect on a yearly Weekly daily and hourly basis, through the Maha Dasha periods. How the transits and placement of the planets can effect what you eat, how you practice and how you react to life’s many unexpected variations. We will finish with a Yoga Nidra journey through the solar system and out to the cosmos and back, so you can feel the planets within you and their energy pulse through time and space. #jyotish #astrology #veda #vedic #free #communityevent #scienceoflight #breath #breathe #breathwork #heal #grow #expand #love #bliss #connect #comnection #liberation #planets
09.01.2022 Why I do what I do.... I spent so much of my life in suffering. I was depressed, anxious, suicidal. I couldn’t see the light, couldn’t see any other way. I was in jobs I hated chasing superficial happiness in $$, promotions and material possessions. I took copious amount of drugs and alcohol to escape the chaos of my mind. To temperaily escape the suffering. It was a a vicious cycle. I partied hard on the weekend so I was never alone, being surrounded constantly I still felt... completely empty/disconnected and lonely. It’s through this journey of suffering I found the LIGHT. I found the tools I needed to live life now like the fierce warrior women with the biggest squishiest heart. I am here to help people heal, to find their inner fire, I am here to bring people together so we may love and support each other, hold each other so no one has to feel alone. If you need more support or guidance in your life, I see you, I feel you, I got you. LOVE FEEDS LOVE and together we shall rise #support #womensupportingwomen #love #loving #heal #healing #rise #together #play #laugh #addiction #trauma #forgiveness #igotyou #depression #anxiety #breath #breathwork #reiki #yoga #movement #dance
08.01.2022 I DONT WANNA DO THE WORK TODAY When you’re constantly looking at ways to heal and move through your past and into your future, it can be incredible but it can also be exhausting. The more conscious you become, the more aware you are of new shit that pops up and some days you just don’t want a bar of it!... Today (as most days) I like to bring light to all the depth. Here are a coming of #spiritualdirtbags having a great time.
05.01.2022 21days BALANCE set from the comfort of your own home Join me in a powerful Kriya set to bring your mind/body/ soul into balance. It has been a big year for everyone and I know the importance of being 'In Balance'. Let's bring our nervous system, the left and right hemispheres of the brain and EVERYTHING else in the world around us back in to balance so we can finish the year on a high.! #balance #kriya #breath #breathwork #yin #yang #masculine #feminine #parasympathetic #sympathetic #heal #healing #ground #gounded #hat #play #lifechange #lifechangingwork #play #love #bliss