The Fit Dads | Sport & recreation
The Fit Dads
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25.01.2022 Meet Dave. Dave started with us back in December 2019. Since December 7th, Dave has dropped 8kg of body fat! ... Dave does ALL the work! Dave always focuses on doing more hard work. Dave encourages everyone to do the same. Be like Dave!
24.01.2022 FIT DAD CHECK IN MUST READ... LOOK AT THE CHANGES!! "Well lads today marks 20 weeks with this great group. ... I'd found some photos from the end of a challenge I did last year, the weight I was at was 96kgs. I started my 20 week journey this time at 100kg so even bigger than the photo but I never did before photos this time as I was in a great mental spot that this wasn't a challenge but a life style. Official weigh in tomorrow but 91-92kgs currently." - Doug, August 2020
24.01.2022 A very emotional post today from one of our hard working Dads "12 week Progress update: To say I’m stoked would be an absolute understatement!! This weekend marks the end of my initial 12 week program and just WOW!! I’ve surprised even myself! ... Approaching the end of COVID lockdown I was so down on myself, having put on heaps of weight and getting to a point I was at my heaviest and most unfit I’ve ever been.. to add to that - being a Secondary teacher it was certainly one of the toughest years I have ever experienced adding a heap of stress to the equation! My cholesterol was slightly elevated and with a family history of early heart attacks I was a ticking time bomb!! With all this in mind - I decided to take back control! To ensure I was able to support and enjoy my kids and wife well into the future! Starting at a whopping 140kg you can see from the photos I was uncomfortable and it was hard work just kicking the footy with the kids. With support from the FitDads program I have made a cracking start on changing my life forever!! Not only have I managed to loose over 15kg in 12 weeks - I have also been able to completely change my mindset and develop new healthy lifestyle habits all while having a heap of fun with my wife (who is also smashing the FitMums program having lost nearly 10kg herself ) and my two young boys who have become little fitness ninja’s calling me out on every naughty snack With 1 day to go I now find myself at 124.5kg loosing 15.5kg but more importantly as you can see from the transformation photos I have completely changed!! To add to this my cholesterol is back in check and docs super happy with my health! I know I have a long way to go! But with a changed mindset, I’m more determined than ever - I’m in this for the long haul! I have just re-signed for another 6 months with the goal of cracking the 100! This program has been life changing so far for me! I can only imagine how I’ll feel in another six months! I’m so thankful for Liam, Ryan’s & Shaun’s support and encouragement as it has turned my life around! not forgetting the awesome community of fellow FitDads on the Facebook group who are continually supporting each other and pushing each other to strive for greatness! If you're on the fence as to whether you join or not - my advice is to go for it 100%! I’ve loved every minute of being part of The Fit Dads program - without it I would not have achieved what I have! Changing your health and fitness doesn’t just start in the gym, it starts in your head with a decision to kick arse!" If you're thinking that you've let things go and don't want to continue on this downward spiral, be sure to message us or check out what we're doing over at
23.01.2022 There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking. - Brian Tracy One of the most common things we see in our industry are the people who think the goal they really want to achieve is completely out of reach. This mindset and thinking is because they have tried and failed in the past, they don’t understand the process, or they simply don’t have the know how to achieve it. ... Our job as coaches and a community is to encourage new thinking. Encouraging our clients to aim as high as possible, stay motivated and also to never give up until they achieve it. With society constantly putting limitations on us, it’s easy to drop confidence, and give up on your goals, just to fit in and go with the flow, but that’s boring as bat shit! Nobody wants to fit in. Be real for a second here. When was it more fun to fit in? When was it more rewarding to go with the flow? When did you give up on a dream because people said you’ll never achieve it? Look at all the people you idolise. Most likely every single one of them have been told on numerous occasions, that their goals are too high, and that they’ll never achieve them. This inbuilt fear of failure causes us to do this. Either be the one who says it, or to be the one listens to it. Don’t be either. Break the mould. Do whatever the hell you want to do. Never give up. Don’t place any limitations on yourself or your thinking. YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING YOU DAMN WELL PLEASE!
23.01.2022 A FIT DAD TURNS 42! So we celebrate in true Fit Dad Fashion!
22.01.2022 Meet Corey. Corey started with us because he wanted to put on some size. He is forever working hard and also aiming to build on his foundations to now fuel the next stage of his transformation. ... It doesn't matter where you start from, all that matters is where you're going. Our dads are ALL dads! Yep, like you. How different would your life be if you lost 10 kilos? 20 kilos? Or simply got fitter and stronger so the kids don't run rings around you, or look to external role models while their dad is on the couch? The choice is always yours... Which one will you make?
22.01.2022 FREE 7 DAY ONLINE PT TRIAL FOR YOU AND A MATE! Feeling lost? Unmotivated? Don't know what to do with your gym closed? ... No need to keep worrying, we are currently running an online training program for more than 100 of our members, all staying on track to their fitness goals so they come out of isolation fitter and stronger than before they went into it! Where do you want to be in 3 months time? Ahead? Or behind? The choice is yours! We have a FREE 7 Day trial FOR YOU AND YOUR HOUSEMATE to help you get started and get back into the swing of things! Click "SEND MESSAGE" and we will reply shortly. GET FIT WITH YOUR HOUSEMATE OR PARTNER WITH OUR FREE 7 DAY TRIAL
21.01.2022 DADS OF AUSTRALIA Now more than ever is it so vital to stay fit and healthy, both mentally and physically. With more time to focus on yourself and to do all the things you can do to prioritise your health & wellbeing once and for all. ... Right now, you have the time to do it. We are reaching out so we can help you. We run an online training program that supports dads all over Australia, and right now, with gyms and training centres closed, the perfect time to build a solid base is important. What would it mean to you to get fit and healthy? To get back on track? To get involved with other guys just like you all working to become the best version of themselves they can be? Let's focus on YOU for the next few weeks and look how much better you come out the other side. Click "SEND MESSAGE" and we will chat to you very soon with how we can help.
18.01.2022 FIT DAD UPDATE: Meet Dave Dave started with us in mid December and since January 6, he has lost 7.1kg of fat. ... What would that mean to you if you could do the same in the next 6 weeks? Losing 1kg of fat per week is a great sustainable way of achieving better health and wellbeing so you too can run around with the kids, and be the role model you need to be. Message us today by clicking Send Message below
17.01.2022 FIT DADS MINI SERIES: We are doing a recorded Zoom call every day into our members group to cover all the topics that they want to know more about and give them info that will support them to achieve their goals faster. Missing out? ... Contact us today!
15.01.2022 FIT DAD PROGRESS UPDATE! "Milestone for me yesterday From 40’s to 36 inch shorts today Down 15.7 kg in about 8 weeks!!"
14.01.2022 Check out this guy! What an amazing change. Mind you, also done at home during a Vic lockdown with our home based programming using DB and BB. ... Also, with a solid nutrition plan to keep him on track
13.01.2022 "When you make a choice, you change the future." - Deepak Chopra Every choice you make, mainly in your adult life, will impact the rest of your life. ... Choose to cut corners now, and you'll never achieve true greatness. Avoid the hard work now, and you'll never get the reward. Doing what it takes to get what you want is never the easy road, but it's the one most worth it! When you see someone succeeding, I refer mainly to health & fitness, it's simply because they put in the work. They did what it takes to get the end result. The meal prep, the intensity in sessions, the progression, the focus, the dedication, the commitment... ALL OF IT! Repeat the process day after day and eventually get to where you want to be. Cut corners, change steps along the way, you're just slowing down the process and pushing the end goal further and further away until it's pushed back so far you can no longer see it. In the end, who wants to achieve results slowly?
13.01.2022 CHECK-IN MONDAYS! We love Monday mornings!!! For this exact reason. Guys sending through their progress shots. It's inspirational to not only them but to everyone else around them who pushes 20% harder as a result. ... Great work everyone!! So many guys looking to start our challenge and we can't wait to get them all on board! WATCH THIS SPACE!
11.01.2022 Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. - George Addair How many times have you avoided something because of fear? Fear of failing, fear of thinking people will judge you, or criticise you? Fear of not being able to do it and thinking that you’re not worthy. ... Every successful person learns to live with failure, and sometimes even search for it, because on the other side of it, it’s beautiful! Once you overcome your fear of what stands in your way, it stops crippling you from taking the next step forward. It no longer stops you from continuing on your journey. You have total control over it now, and it’s nothing to ever fear again. Fear is only in eyes of the beholder, and is often never a genuine fear, but self taught. Meaning the fear only lives inside your head because of your upbringing and your mindset/approach to the everyday. How much more enjoyable would life be if you weren’t controlled by fear Think about that for a bit. How different would your life be, if you weren’t afraid to fail. If you did not fear the unknown.
10.01.2022 Training at Home Just because you haven't got access to your gym, doesn't mean you can't get an awesome workout in
10.01.2022 Sorry everyone... False
09.01.2022 The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Lao Tzu So many people never succeed because they never start. All the positive thinking in the world still doesn’t achieve a positive change. ... You MUST understand that. You got to the point you are right now because of the combined choices you’ve made over time. Those choices, both the good ones and the bad ones have put you where you are right now. Accept it, own them, move on. You can now foresee a big positive change in the pipeline, and it’s easy for you to get disheartened because of the work it is going to take to achieve it. Instead of getting caught up in the overwhelming nature of your goal, start bloody start! It doesn’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to be fit already, you don’t even have to know what you’re doing Day 1! Just START! So many people never succeed or achieve their goals because they get too caught up in the fear of failing or that it’s not the perfect time to start. The perfect time is right now! I don’t care if you’re tired today, or that your mother in law is coming over for afternoon tea, go and get some shit done! Your goals won’t wait for you. They’ll just move to the next deserving person who is willing to do the work. So the next time you catch yourself thinking, I really should stop thinking about it and finally do something. Because 5 years, 10 years, 15 years will come around quickly, and it will be a lot harder, and you’ll have any less capability than TODAY, not to mention it probably still won’t be the perfect time. JUST START!
08.01.2022 This program was built between 2 best mates, off the back of a conversation about how we wanted all dads to feel as good as we did... Today, we got to hear our vision come to life with some incredible words from one of our current dads.
07.01.2022 The Difference Between Pre-Fit Dads and Joining Our Program 1. A lot of people believe they eat healthy VS Us showing them HOW TO EAT HEALTHY 2. They never had the time VS Making the time and finding they have a lot more once they prioritise their training and health... 3. Training hard when they did VS Bringing a whole new level of intensity to sessions and getting more out of every workout 4. Having little self control VS changing habits to show yourself respect and teach yourself a healthy way of life to maintain it for years to come! These are the main ones we often see, plus a long list of more we come across over their time with us in our program as well as in our Members Only Group. Check out what we do at
07.01.2022 THIS! "I probably should share the biggest win- A couple of weeks before I began the program I visited the doctor. My waist was at 116cm and I was 91kg ( I'm 5'7" ), he was talking restrictive diets and medication. 6 weeks later- ish. I am 6.5 kgs down and have dropped a massive 14.5 cm from my waist. I am eating more than I ever have, clothes from 10 years ago are fitting again, more importantly I feel happier and healthier. A way to go yet, but it's been one of the best choices I have ever made.."
05.01.2022 ATTENTION DADS OF AUS! The Fit Dads are rolling out an ongoing 20 Week Challenge to make sure we can help more dads, more often! Our goals of changing the iconic "Dad Bod" this year and to do so, we want YOU!... So, if you're a dad, who; Has lost his way, out of shape and is in true 'dad bod' shape Has the kids running circles around them Has given up on trying to be the dad they wanted to be Has simply lost all motivation to be fit and healthy, to be around for as long as possible for their kids Then this program is exactly what you need! With a growing team of coaches, this program will be sure to help you get from where you are right now, to where you'd much prefer to be! Click the link below to read more and to register! Also, tag your dad mates who also need a kick up the ass to do something!
04.01.2022 THIS IS WHY WE DO IT! MUST READ! "I’m about 6 weeks in, stuffed my back and was out of action for about 3 of those weeks, and simply reset. Utilising the meal plan during that time I have still lost 7kg, and 18 cm off my circumference (mostly my chest and stomach). ... Put another way, when I was at the beach on the weekend and had my shirt off for the first time in years I didn’t feel really awkward and embarrassed- that’s life changing for me and I have months to go! I’m 45 with 5 boys and a busy law practice and mediation practice- you just gotta be a little selfish so you can become the best person you can be and the best dad and husband - your family deserves it" Keen to know more about what we do?
03.01.2022 Keen to see what we do? Here is a little something we're putting together of all the life changing transformations we've helped to achieve.
02.01.2022 Welcome to The Fit Dads! A community of dads, uncles and every guy in between! A place where we can all get fitter, healthier and work together to achieve a better overall body that we are happier with and proud to show off! ... Being a Fit Dad means so much more to people because it gives you more purpose and allows you to become the role model you wish you want to be. Welcome Dad!
01.01.2022 Follow The Process The quickest way from A to B is a straight line. What would you do if I gave you the process to achieve your goals? ... What if I mapped it all out for you? What if I said, Here is what you need to do to achieve your physical goals? Would you follow it? If the answer is yes, then why do the majority of people always want to deviate from the plan and often avoid the process because they feel the need to do it our way, but with their own twist? When was the last time you went to the Doctor, got a prescription, then went to the Chemist and asked fora different product? You go to a physio, they tell you to do a certain stretch/movement/exercise, and you go home and second guess their ability, and do something different. NEVER! EXACTLY! Why are you trying to deviate from a plan that works for everybody else who follows it? Why are you different? Why don’t you just invest the time and energy into the shit that’s working time and time again? We have spent our lives learning, implementing, trialling and perfecting a process that works. Don’t take it and manipulate it into something it’s not. Just follow the process, the minute you tamper with it, you’re doomed! Then the program doesn’t work. You’re not any different. Stop telling yourself you are. If the other person is achieving their goals, and you’re not, is it the process that doesn’t work?
01.01.2022 2020... "Your year"? Or another failed attempt? We're just over 7 weeks into a new year, shit, even a new decade! What have you accomplished? Did you set new year goals? Resolutions? ... How are they going for you so far? All I can tell you is that while you dreamt about them, others took action and started working on them. The difference? You're still where you were 7 weeks ago, or worse.... others, in a far better place. On track to achieve their goals already. Becoming better version of themselves every single day. Doing the things that you're not, to do the things that you can't soon! Goals without action are always goals. Unless you physically take action to achieve your goals, they will forever remain a goal, or dream! Aren't you sick and tired of putting it off? How much longer will you "think about it"? Ask yourself, is it really "important"? Then if it is, why do you keep bullshitting yourself out of starting? In 12 weeks time, you'll feel accomplishment, or guilt. The decision is yours. If you're genuine about 2020 being "YOUR YEAR" and you need some help, reach out, we can help! HIT "SEND MESSAGE" BELOW!
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