The Flow Society | Public figure
The Flow Society
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23.01.2022 I did just this on the weekend. Jasmine Star's beautiful advice was specifically for those who don't have work on. That's not the case for me (thank goodness!) but given the amount of change we've all experienced this year, I thought I'd do that anyway. I revisited my:... Values Goals Time Budget In order to plan for 2021. I've been able to plan my content, marketing, mindset and investments around these factors and it feels So. Dang. Good!!! Content plan sorted Monthly targets set Lead magnets organised AND I know I have the time to do it as well as time to be Eliza the mum, friends, wife, individual. Yep it was fun! (Save for when you want to do a quick check in on your year just gone and the one coming up.)
17.01.2022 Ultimately your pricing is up to you, but of course for every strategy there is a result. Too cheap can mean you become too busy and can't provide the customer experience you'd like to. OR... Too expensive and you might not be busy enough. I've written an article taking you through the process of pricing in your business. It also links to my free Pricing Strategies Guide if you haven't yet got your hands on it.
17.01.2022 What is success? We hear about the magic of 6 and 7 figure businesses but that might not be a good indicator of success FOR YOU. Or FOR NOW. Success might look like:... Closing your laptop at 5 without guilt. Hiring a VA Earning enough so you can provide pro bono services. (This will be a focus for me next year). Building a steady profit to secure a loan. is my phone home screen. Manifesting success for me and my clients!? Hell yeah. PS I tend to find having arbitrary ideas of success are not all that motivating and can make you feel pretty bummed when you don't hit it. Having goals along the way help you to still get to the big goals, but without that icky feelings in the middle.
13.01.2022 Pricing Strategies Guide: I've just been updating my services, and realise I haven't let you all know about the Pricing Strategies Guide I released last month. I outline a number of different strategies you can use when determining prices of your products or services. AND IT'S FREE!... Grab it here:
10.01.2022 What makes you feel in control? For me, it's cleaning the kitchen. The problem is, I get that sense if control from cleaning and avoid what I reeeaally need to do. ... I realised I have these routines in my business, too. For me, it's re-writing my to do list, when I should actually be doing it. I do it avoid writing copy or anything tech related. But when I DO do those things? I feel like a superstar. What's your go to habit for keeping procrasti-busy? And what are you avoiding?
09.01.2022 Current situation. Anyone else suffer heat - induced exhaustion? (I think I've made this up. It's not a real thing. If it is a real thing, I don't really have it I'm just feeling sorry for myself).... I mean. I love the IDEA of summer but I'm so low energy. I drive myself crazy but no amount of caffeine or early nights or sleep cures conquers it. But hey give me your tips. Or just commiserate?
08.01.2022 Pretty much sums me up right now. See you soon. Xo
08.01.2022 I was a latchkey kid. As much as I learnt from that, I wanted to be around more for my kids. And walking home after dropping them off at school I realised: I've achieved that! I stopped to take that in.... I was so incredibly grateful for all the sacrifices we've made to let that happen. And for a supportive husband and wonderful clients who understand. In an age of faster, better, bigger it's easy to gloss over achievements and strive to achieve the next thing. So today I'm allowing myself to just soak up this moment. What goals have you achieved that you haven't given yourself credit for? I'm here to send you a huge congratulations!
07.01.2022 Wealth is simply an abundance of a desirable thing. We normally think of money but it could be time, property. Anything really. I call myself a wealth coach, because I am all about building wealth into your life.... A wealth of experiences. A wealth of time. And just traditional financial wealth. This wealth you can use to support your life. To live it how you choose to. By balancing all aspects of wealth in your life and business, I truly believe you'll unlock such peace, joy and F L O W. I'd love to hear what type of wealth is your main focus RN.
05.01.2022 It's been a week. I've taken the full week off and I'm feeling fired up. This may not last but while I have the energy I'm setting out my plans for 2021.... What would YOU like to see from me next year? Instagram keeps telling me how well my post on Monday is doing. I am hoping never to have to share anything like that, so thanks for the insight but no. Want to know more about me? Planning for a happy life in busines? Any financial questions you've been too scared to ask? I love chatting and sharing so ask away. Happy Friday! Eliza
05.01.2022 This fine line between being in control of your numbers and being in flow has been on my mind today. At yoga tonight this chant was played to us. In the moment it helped me release and forget about the intensity of the day.... But I think you can exhibit some control while also surrendering to the flow. It is the final part of what I provide to my clients: systems and scorecards that show your progress, highlight what needs to be realigned, and let's you get right back into flow.
04.01.2022 #alwayswasalwayswillbe LOVING the celebration of our amazing indigenous people this week. As a family we are: Buying gifts from #blakbusiness Watching Rabbit Proof Fence with my kids... Sending Happiness, Peace and Freedom from Suffering to our Indigenous people. My predicted revolution keeps on coming. (I live on Gadigal land in the Eora nation.)
04.01.2022 My No 1 aspiration since I was 13 was to be a traveller. My mum is South African, my Dad Australian, I grew up in the US and.. well travel was just what we did. When I met Adrian he had a similar drive (though probably doesn't identify with the hippy bit ah ha). ... My daughter had three international stamps by the age of 2 and wants to be a flight attendant. As this year both inches and flies by I dream I'm traveling somewhere. So I'm sharing pictures of one of my favorite places- my cousin's place in Tugella. (Not sure why I look so moody though!). I changed so much on that trip and felt like I understood myself better. What trip was life changing for you? And where would you recommend I plan travel to when this situation improves? Happy Friday, Eliza
03.01.2022 I am PUMPED for 2021 and am hoping to see some of these things: Ethical business: so many lessons this year on terms of fair treatment for people and concern for the environment. Let's keep that coming. More one to one services and clients. I'm over massive groups on zoom calls. I am craving deeper connections, maybe in more in person (fingers and toes crossed). Vulnerability. I'm an optimist but think by denying the hard bits, we deny opportunities for growth and sh...owing solidarity to those who've also had hard times (ie everyone). What would you love to see in 2021?
02.01.2022 Time is more important than money. Have you ever tried to budget like this: I need to pay off $2000 from my credit card, $200 for my partners birthday and $800 for my electricity bill. My packages sell for $500 each ... Therefore I need to sell 6 packages. But how much time do you need to market your offers to get 6 sales? And how long does it take to deliver these packages? If you need to do this in a week, or even a month, you scramble. You work late. You miss catch ups. You spend more on advertising and even offer a discount or two. Before you know it, time has passed, you're exhausted, and you've spent most of the money on achieving the sale, rather than on what you needed the money for in the first place. And you feel like you're bad with money. (You absolutely are not. You're just not making the most of your time.) I provide a time budget as well as a cash flow budget as part of my Baseline to Blue Sky package because it's all very well knowing how much you need to earn each month, but what if you don't actually have the time to do it? Happy Thursday lovely people Eliza
01.01.2022 I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work, the Wadigal people of the Eora national. I respect the elders of this land: past present and emerging. I have always felt uncomfortable with Australia Day and it wasn't until recent years I understood why. In the UK my then boyfriend felt immensely uncomfortable when we left London. He would tense when he saw a St George flag because he knew what that meant. We suffered a lot of racia...l abuse as well as casual snubs. I am not perfect. I am not always a good ally. But I'm trying. And changing the date is a place to start. We can celebrate Australia and literally any day, why chose one that's hurtful?
01.01.2022 It's launch season and the "6 figure launch" banter is consuming your thoughts. I'm a number lover too and can see the benefits: bigger profit, (supposedly) less time, no recreating the wheel. But as I looked into it, for me it doesn't make sense. I thought I'd take you through the framework I went through to decide this.... Ideal client - my ideal client is 2+ years into business. She is B U S Y and doesn't have time for a course. Time - I don't have time to learn the tech or ads. Definitely don't have time to do the courses that would teach me that AND THEN I'd need to implement. Values - I thrive on human connection and making deep impacts with my clients. I just couldn't step back and not give 110% to every student. Investment - so many upfront costs: courses, ads, tech, time (again). And a lil bonus: when your courses would start to pay back. As we're thinking about 2021 really think about how well a course fits into your strategy. And if you want to look at A L L your options, my Baseline to Blue Sky package does just that. You get to see which options bring the greatest profit, fit the time you have available and make you happy (most important thing of all). Happy days lovelies! Eliza
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- Cory Crombie
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