The Fore in Cheltenham, Victoria | Block of flats
The Fore
Locality: Cheltenham, Victoria
Address: 278 Charman Road 3192 Cheltenham, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 I have just received notification that todays works have been completed and the garage is now available for us to use.
25.01.2022 Hi all, Just a reminder the carpets are being cleaned this morning. (no need to worry about walking on them) Also the cameras are up and working!... So, on a serious note, we need to monitor unnecessary and thoughtless mess. This includes, dog accidents, muddy shoes, leaking rubbish and any unknown mess in the lift. Fines are going to start to be enforced. Hopefully there wont be many ??? :-) This is our home. Thank you.
24.01.2022 Hi all :-) Just an update on a few FORE items ! Cameras are being installed tomorrow on all floors. Hopefully this will elevate carpet accidents, as fines will be incurred in the future.... New carpets will be fitted early next year, but in the interim they are being cleaned in the next week or so. Large tree is being cut down at the back next Thursday. New emergency Fob for the car stackers is arriving Thursday. Notices will be put on the wall to advise of numbers to call in an emergency. Thanks
23.01.2022 Greetings from the FORE Owners Corporation. Its been a while I know, but lots of things have been happening so heres a list of all the recent events at the building: The Atrium waterproofing is nearly finished. Unfortunately the plants couldnt be replanted as it would be very expensive but we will put some pot plants there when its finished. Railway night work is finishing on the 6th of March. Hopefully everyone that chose to be relocated was happy with the temporar...y move. We have a maintenance Man checking the building for defects. The door in the foyer, leading to the car park, is not shutting and swinging loosely. This is being looked at. The unreliable front door buzzer has become quite important now. Without a fob it is nearly impossible to get in using the numbers. Most of them are stuck in. This is getting fixed ASAP. There is a lot more graffiti on our building. It was discussed to get it repainted, but by someone who does professional art, as just painting it normally will attract others to mark the wall again. This is being looked into with the Council. The notice board has been installed and is available for residents to place notices of interest to fellow residents. Neighbourhood Drinks will be taking place at the Squires Loft Happy Hour from 5pm on Friday the 13th of March.
23.01.2022 Hi all, Just an NBN update for those wishing to connect. I have been informed by NBN .......................................... ......Our construction team have advised that whilst there are currently outages occurring in your area, this particular site has been connected to the network which was live at the time of testing so there should not be any issues. I can confirm that the property is now ready to connect, however this information may not show up at the service provider end due to ongoing works in the area. If you continue to have issues with your service providers mentioning the area is not yet connected you will need to inform that this specific property is connected but that others in the area are not yet.
23.01.2022 Just an update on the Atrium. Unfortunately there is a major leak in the flower bed, that is being fixed in the next few weeks. The atrium will be dug out and sealed. To save the plants we have re potted as many as possible. Kind regards, The Committee.
23.01.2022 We are aware of three current situation with the garage door. Thank you to those who contacted us. We are working very hard to get someone out asap. Please dont touch the door as this may result in injury. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
22.01.2022 This mornings garage door fault has been reported and will be looked into. Please note that if the sensor pads are not engaged the only to open the door is by remote. Opening the door by the chain will cause damage and repairs will be at the cost of the individual.
22.01.2022 Hello everybody, just in case you missed the hand delivered leaflet from the Level Crossing Removal Project please see attached. Going to be a bit noisy for a few weeks!
22.01.2022 Hi all .............Just just an update. NBN will finish there installation today. They will send all the information to all our internet suppliers, who will then be in contact with you. Front door key pad still a work in progress ... but hopefully soon :-)... Atrium nearly finished !!! And ....... 2 notices will be going up today in the notice board! HARD WASTE All hard waste will be removed from site on Wednesday 25th March 2020. If you have items stored on common property and not within your storage cage, please remove these items immediately. No further warnings will be given prior to removal. Thank you for your co-operation. .....................There is a lot of hard rubbish outside the cages. It will need to be taken away. KEY LOCKS PLEASE BE AWARE ALL KEY SAFE LOCKS ATTACHED TO THE STAIR HAND RAILS, ARE BEING REMOVED BY THE OWNERS CORPORATION. These locks are not permitted for security reasons. You have until (1st May) to collect them from the Building Manager Contact - [email protected] Should you not collect, the key safe & contents will be destroyed. Thank you for your co-operation. Thank you :-) Owners Corp
22.01.2022 Dear Residents, IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Garage Door Repairs An Important notice to all residents that All Industrial Roller Door Repairs will be repairing the garage door on the 18th of July 2018 (Wednesday). During the hours of 7:30AM and 5:00PM... No cars will be allowed in or out of the garage whilst work in progress Please make sure your vehicle is out of the garage before 7:30AM The door will be activated and closed on Thursday. All remotes will need to be re-programmed. This will take place on Thursday the 19th of July. Further information regarding this will be posted soon. If you are unable to attend programming session Thursday afternoon, you may leave your remote in a self-addressed envelope in letter box 106. Remotes will be reprogrammed and placed back in your letterboxes. We appreciate your cooperation. Kind regards, Charles Micallef Owners Corporation Manager
21.01.2022 Just to let you know that the lift doesn't seem to be working. Have called maintenance. Also cameras working well. Body Corp aware of recent incidents and fines have been issued.
20.01.2022 Dear all, Please could the person who has chained there pushbike to the down pipe in the garage (near the bike parking) please remove it as i cant get into the cupboard. Thank you :-)
20.01.2022 Hi all, Just to let you know that a new fob for the large stackers is on its way. There will be phone numbers underneath to advise who to call at which hours :-) But call out fees may apply if after hours. Please take care when leaving, and make sure the gate is shut ! :-) Also ....... sadly its been noticed that there has been numerous Dog puddles around the building recently.... Extra cameras are going to be fitted in the next month. Fines will then be imposed. $100 cleaning and $50 CCTV retrieval. Sad that this has to happen but its everyone’s home. Thank you :-)
19.01.2022 **Garage door update** Sorry for any confusion today, we were unaware that there would be any issues with access to the garage today. I can confirm that the major works will be taking place tomorrow from 7:30am. We suggest that all cars are out by 7am as once work starts there will be no access. The electrician will be attending on Thursday to program the system to the remotes. If they are successful then we will not need to reprogram the remotes. If this is the case, the doo...r will be closed on Thursday. Please make sure you take your remotes with you when you leave for work or outings. If they are unable to program the system to the remotes the door will remain open and we will notify you of when the remotes will need to be reprogrammed. Please note that I do try to update as soon as I can and respond to all messages. I do work full time and dont have access to facebook till after hours. I will endeavour to respond asap but please if you have an emergency please contact MTB on 9909 7300.
19.01.2022 Please note, bikes are to be parked in allocated spaces in the carpark area only.
19.01.2022 **LIFT** Dear residence, the lift is currently out of order. MTB have been notified and an electrician will be contacted asap. Sorry for any inconvenience.
18.01.2022 Hi all, Just to let you know that the work in the alley way near our front door has been postponed, due to lack of access. Will let you know when its rescheduled.
18.01.2022 Morning. Just called South East Water. They are on there way to a burst hydrant on the corner of park and Charman. Hopefully we should get water back in 30 mins.
17.01.2022 Posting here in case anyone knows someone looking for affordable office space in Cheltenham. Feel free to share. And thank you!
17.01.2022 Hi all, Just a reminder, for those who are not getting the text messages from United Energy ... that the power is going off tonight at 6pm until tomorrow 7.30am, for critical works :-)
17.01.2022 Owners AGM The owners AGM is talking place this Thursday at 6pm. All owners should have received the agenda. If you are unable to attend please send in your proxy votes. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
17.01.2022 Hi . Ive put a Australian post box in the foyer for parcels delivered. Hope this is helpful.
16.01.2022 Also NBN are going to install cables on Tuesday and Wednesday 10/11 March. Shouldnt be any major noise.
15.01.2022 URGENT: In regards to the post I put on, re the NBN connections. ..... (you also got a letter in your post boxes). It is imperative that you allow these guys to fit an NBN plate in your apartment if you wish to have future NBN. This is for those who will want NBN in the future, and those who have it now, who are only connected through there Foxtel cables. These Foxtel cables have been upgraded, which is why you need this small internet cable attached inside your apartment.... PLEASE CALL 0416151602. Technician is only on site tomorrow and Friday. See more
15.01.2022 Hello Residents of the Fore. Just a quick update from the committee: The new door entry panel is on order and will be fitted soon. All graffiti around the front letterboxes should be removed within the next week.... And ....the new cleaners seem to be keeping everything up to a good standard. But on that note please try not to use the foyer bin for large rubbish. Its there to dispose of unwanted mail :-) Also last months Social Drinks was a lovely success so we need to do it again :-) If you are free on Friday 24th May - come for a happy hour drink at "The Garden of Good and Evil" from 5pm Cheers, The Committee
15.01.2022 Hi all, Just an update on the railway work. Due to the weather, they will be working up to Midnight Friday, but not over the weekend. Road will be closed until sometime Monday.
15.01.2022 Hi all. Happy new year I just wanted to let you all know that a youth has been seen walking round the back near the garage door for days. Captured on surveillance camera. ... Then he was seen climbing onto the fence and gate, in the fenced off area at the end of the building, and into my balcony. Very scary, as never thought anyone could get up there. !!! But he could get to neighbouring balcony’s from mine. I have told the police. And I have lots of footage. So once I get a screen shot of his face I will post. Pls be careful when entering and leaving via the garage that no stranger enters. Chris See more
12.01.2022 Hi all. Please see note below. Also there is one in letterboxes. And 1 in the notice board. Hopefully all NBN will be working now
12.01.2022 Just to let you all know that the carpets are being cleaned tomorrow 9am
11.01.2022 Sorry, and sad to advice ....... There is fresh dog wee by the lifts on level 3. This incident happened between 11-1 today. This person will be charged, unless it’s cleaned up immediately. Camera footage is being retrieved. ... This is not acceptable behaviour. See more
10.01.2022 Morning - can the person whos parked in the 4 stacker with me pls call me. 0407045408. Klaus are here to fix and the car needs to be moved. Thank you.
09.01.2022 Hi all again Just an update. I have removed the rail above the gate which is 22 cms in height. So basically someone would now need to be over 2 meters high to climb onto my balcony ! But as extra protect. I will add a few nails to the base rim. As per attached photos.
09.01.2022 Dear all, Do you fancy a drink with your neighbours !!! :-) When: Friday 13th Time: 4 - 6pm Place: Squires Loft... Maybe see you then :-) See more
07.01.2022 Hello, Just a reminder that if youre free this Friday 24th May - come for a happy hour drink at "The Garden of Good and Evil" from 5pm and meet your fellow neighbours. Cheers, The Committee
06.01.2022 Hi all, Very short notice - but have been advised by the railway workers that they are closing the road up to our front door, as they are closing the railway crossing as well. So entry to our building will have to be via the back garage door.
06.01.2022 Just a reminder that all electricity will be off between 7.30am and 4.30pm on Sunday. Please be aware this will effect the garage door !!!
06.01.2022 Please note. NO bikes are to be parked in the foyer. Bikes area to be parked in the allocated spots only. Bikes need to be removed asap to the carpark area.
05.01.2022 We have had a report that there is an issue with the car stacker. The technicians have been contacted and have stated that they should be there within the hour. Sorry for any inconvenience.
05.01.2022 Come and meet your neighbours !
04.01.2022 THE FORE Dear Residents, Thought you might be interested in a few housekeeping items, so you are aware issues are being addressed.... Front Door Entrance Panel This is in the process of being replaced due to wear and tear. Security Cameras For those of you that are unaware, over Christmas the hardware for the security cameras was stolen. New hardware has been installed in a more secure location and the system is now operational again. Cleaners The old cleaners have gone. New clearers have been assigned. Place is looking much better Doors The rear entry door has had additional security added to help avoid break-ins. The emergency exit door at the rear of the property is no longer being propped open by residents, and this is also helping with security. Hard Rubbish Hard rubbish became out of control. It has now all been collected. Signs have been put up. Fines for cost of hard rubbish removal will be enforced if people are seen to be dumping hard rubbish. Rubbish Bin inside front door A bin has been placed in the foyer, please discard any unwanted flyers there. The Car Stacker Klaus has drawn up a list of actions to follow in the event of a gate being left open. The actions have been complicated due to the repeated theft of the communal remote control that operates the gates. Flyers are now displayed on the gates for further information. Please note that a charge will be made for each call-out to Klaus, and this will be charged to the offending unit. Foxtell Did you know that The Fore is now Foxtell ready? All you have to do is contact Foxtell to get connected. ***Please note that the Committee is run by owner occupiers at The Fore in their own time to help communication with the Body Corporate***
03.01.2022 **Please Note** Bikes are not to be parked under the stairs. This is a trip hazard and stops the cleaners from doing their job. Property left in common area will be removed at the owners cost.
03.01.2022 Please see note below. Going to be very busy and noisy on the 22nd May for a few months.
02.01.2022 Worked on the atrium today . Wont be able to move tomorrow. Lol. Repotted and added some colour. Spring on the way.
02.01.2022 Hi there, The Railway have informed me that from August 11 to 14, they are planning to install four lights on the pathway between Charman Rd / Stanley Ave. For safety reasons, they need to complete this work overnight when trains are not running. We may notice some short-term noise / worker activity between 1am and 5am on these days.... Thank you
02.01.2022 Hi all. I Have been informed. ...... Due to level crossing upgrade works on Charman Road, Cheltenham, The NBN connection to your property at 278 Charman Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192 need to be relocated underground. This will involve works on the outside of the property only, no access will be required
01.01.2022 The garage door is working! Even better they were able to program the system to what we already had so your remotes should all work! I have returned any that were handed in.
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