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Gladstone Hotel Dulwich Hill in Dulwich Hill | Hotel

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Gladstone Hotel Dulwich Hill

Locality: Dulwich Hill

Phone: +61 2 9569 1249

Address: 572 Marrickville Road Dulwich Hill 2203 Dulwich Hill, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 COVID 19 UPDATE: As you would know we have had to shut the pub down while the country and world deals with the corona virus crisis but the bottleshop remains open and we are doing home delivery for FREE so just call up and order your takeaway today.

25.01.2022 No better place to watch the NBA than on the biggest screen in the inner west here at the Gladdy!

23.01.2022 What is your favourite Beatles song? It doesn’t matter because the ‘Beatels’ will be playing them all this Saturday night @ the Gladdy. See you there!

22.01.2022 UFC 247 LIVE AND LOUD ON SUNDAY. Come and watch Jon Jones do his thing!

21.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER from all of us here at the Gladdy. Hopefully we can open back up sooner rather than later. Bottle shop is open all day!

20.01.2022 What is that doing on? Sorry sir it was on the sailing world championships during the day and we forgot to switch channels to something else once it finished. I’ll fix the problem right away.

19.01.2022 LIVE and LOUD tomorrow from 1pm. Inside on the biggest screen in the Inner West and outside on the projector. Who do you have winning the main event?

18.01.2022 OPEN DAY Welcome back to the Gladdy! Very happy to be opening our doors for all the locals once again. As a family owned pub for just over 40 years now we treat this place like our home and have done everything to ensure your safety when you return for a drink. We also ask that you do your bit and follow some safety guidelines to make sure that everyone can feel safe and enjoy their visit to the Gladdy. Here are some of the security measures that must be followed:... BAR: you must be seated to consume alcohol, 10 person per group MAX, capacity restrictions apply with the numbers clearly laid out on signs inside each bar BISTRO: Open with capacity restrictions CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: One point of entry and exit and this is VIA the automatic sliding door on Marrickville road. Via government regulations you will be required to provide your name and phone number when entering. Anyone displaying signs of sickness will not be permitted entry. Our staff have been working tirelessly to prepare the pub for the reopening. We ask all those wishing to visit the pub respect and comply with COVID-19 policies and restrictions. Those not wishing to comply will be removed from the pub. That all being said we can’t wait to have you back and share a drink with you at your friendly local. Cheers.

18.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday night. Was an absolute cracker. What other tribute bands do you want to see here at the Gladdy?


17.01.2022 NEW BEER ON TAP The Grifter Pilsner is now available straight out of the keg. Come down and give this great drop a crack

17.01.2022 NEW BEER ALERT You wanted it on tap so here it is! Come and enjoy this beauty.

17.01.2022 First question: WHEN WILL TRIVIA RETURN TO THE GLADDY? Answer: This Wednesday at 7PM Our popular trivia nights are now back on in a COVID safe way. Come down on Wednesday have a drink and get that brain firing again!

16.01.2022 See you tomorrow!

15.01.2022 WE ARE BACK. Monday June 1 the pub will reopen with restrictions of course. More details to come but the barricades are down and the Gladdy is all yours for that much awaited schooner come this Monday morning.... It’s been a tough period for all so we are looking forward to safely opening our doors for the locals. Who is ready for a drink?

15.01.2022 WINE LIST UPDATE We have overhauled our wine list and added some real beauties including this funky looking French Rose which tastes better than it looks. We have some great cheap drops and some pricier beauties. ... Come and tell us what you think.

14.01.2022 Maybe my parents were right. This VB stuff is pretty good Just having a laugh!

14.01.2022 Renovations to the public bar are complete. Come and have a drink in the new digs when we open the doors tonight.

12.01.2022 UFC 244 - LIVE and LOUD and on the HUGE screen here at the Gladdy today! Who do you have Diaz or Masvidal? Or would The Rock take them both?... Find out today

12.01.2022 Come and work at the Gladdy. We are looking for some bar staff to work at a family run hotel. Email [email protected] with your details and resume

11.01.2022 OPEN MIC RETURNS TUESDAY NIGHT! Swing past put your name down and jam out for the locals. All welcome.

10.01.2022 Which hand will be on the premiership trophy this afternoon? LIVE and LOUD on the big screen at the Gladdy from 2. Come and watch what should be a cracker!

10.01.2022 CONNOR MCGREGOR IS BACK AT THE GLADDY! Come and watch him take on Cowboy On the biggest screen in the inner west tomorrow LIVE and LOUD!

09.01.2022 Just a reminder that we are doing all we can to ensure the pub is as safe as possible, but we need your help. When visiting the pub please remember: * Pubs can no longer accept groups of more than 10 people... * You need to be seated when you drink. You can't mingle and you need to stay at least 1.5m from other groups or patrons * When coming to the pub please don't move furniture to accomodate more than 10 - it is placed to comply with social distancing rules * When ordering from the bistro or bar remain 1.5m away from the person in front to maintain social distancing * Be aware that everyone must sign in at the door with a name and phone number or email for covid-safe tracing. Following these requirements will help keep you and other patrons safe and ensure we can continue to serve the Dully community.

09.01.2022 This Friday night LIVE and loud on the biggest screen in the inner west! Who wins the Roosters or the Rabbitohs? Can the Bunnies win without Sam Burgess? Tip the correct score and we will shout you a beer

08.01.2022 We have the huge fight tomorrow night! Which fight are you most excited about the Tszyu fight or Gal v Mark Hunt?

08.01.2022 HUMANS OF THE GLADDY - Michael Efstratiou I arrived in Australia in 1968 with my mum and two sisters and went straight to Stanmore primary school. I was ten and couldn’t speak a word of English. The school got me an interpreter to ask where my bag and books were. I said I don’t have one. I went home, told Dad and he got me what I needed. He said doesn’t school supply these things? I was fluent in six months. I worked as an apprentice electrician but wasn’t getting paid s...o I got a job at the Gladdy in the bottle shop in 1977 when I was 17. The Coote family took it over a year later and asked me to run the pub with them. The area was rough back then. The pub was known as the ‘blood house.’ I’d be in a fight every weekend. I would start work at 7am, finish at 11pm, go upstairs and then wake up at 3 in the morning on the dinner table with my food still in the microwave. It took its toll on me and I eventually left. It was physically and mentally demanding for all of us. It was hard being a Greek in the pub too. People would call me a ‘wog’ all the time but Craig the owner became my best mate and made me feel like an Aussie. Like I belonged. We’d do everything together at work and after hours. I just needed a break. I came back to the pub a few years later and have been here ever since. Taking on the pub has been the biggest challenge of my life but I went all out because I felt I had to do it. Craig, his father Allan and wife Loretta make me want to hang around. They are great people and this is my home. I’d do it all again if I had to. I walk through the pub feeling proud that I’ve done it. I’m proud to still be working for Craig and Allan. They aren’t my bosses - we do it together.

08.01.2022 Don’t forget the bottleshop is still open! Come in and let Captain Mick serve you! FREE delivery available too!

07.01.2022 WE ARE BACK All the normal Gladdy events are back this week. Tuesday: Open Mic... Wednesday: Trivia Thursday: Meat Raffle Friday: Seafood Raffle And of course all the Live music over the weekend is still happening so come down to your local pub still owned by the same family for 40 years and say G’day and have a drink or something to eat.

05.01.2022 RAFFLES ARE BACK! Thursday: Meat raffle from 7PM Friday: Seafood raffle from 7PM... We are very happy to have these back. We will continue to ensure everything is done as safely as possible given all the restrictions still in place. Thanks for coming and supporting the Gladdy like always!

05.01.2022 50 HAMS are being raffled tonight at 7PM. Don’t miss out! What a great way to start Christmas.... See you there for a beer and a laugh at the local family owned hotel

04.01.2022 Come and check out one of the best emerging country music talents on Saturday night f at the Gladdy! Ingrid Mae will be lighting up the sports bar for FREE from 8PM!

04.01.2022 UFC 248 ADESANYA v ROMERO!! It’s on right now live and loud at the Gladdy!

04.01.2022 SPOILT FOR CHOICE New wines are on the shelf ready to go. The Rose and white wines are tucked away in the fridge ready to drink. We have something for you all

04.01.2022 This rare galah has been spotted again in Dulwich Hill! The Grifter Pink Galah is back on tap but it sold out very quick last time and there are not many kegs made of this great stuff so come in and grab a schooner of it before it’s all gone.

04.01.2022 JEFF HORN V MICHAEL ZERAFA 2 WEDNESDAY NIGHT Can Jeff avenge his shock loss? These two hate each other as Jeff and his team cost Zerafa just under a million dollars by refusing to let him accept a world title fight before this rematch.... This will be spicy. Watch it LIVE and LOUD on our giant screen in the sports bar or on the projector in the beer garden.

03.01.2022 Tim Tszyu v Jack Brubaker LIVE and LOUD this Friday night. Will it be the confident outsider or the established Tszyu that gets the win?

03.01.2022 UFC is back at the Gladdy tomorrow! Who wants us to put on the upcoming Tim Tszyu fight?

03.01.2022 50 HAM RAFFLES We are raffling off 50 Christmas Hams next Thursday! Yes 50 hams. Raffle starts at 7 so get in early and buy your tickets!

02.01.2022 AUSSIE WORLD TITLE FIGHT UFC 245 is LIVE and LOUD on the biggest screen in the inner west this Sunday. Come in and join everyone cheering on Alexander Volkanovski as he fights in Vegas for the title.

01.01.2022 BACK ON TAP The 2020 vintage has landed. Coopers 2020 Vintage Ale is back for a limited time.... Come and give it a try before it runs out.

01.01.2022 HUGE FREE SHOW next Saturday. A tribute to Fleetwood Mac. Come along for a beer and a boogie.

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