The Healthy Happy Co. with Claire Chadwick | Brand
The Healthy Happy Co. with Claire Chadwick
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25.01.2022 What's better than one BOGO OFFER two BOGO OFFERS See our two great offers below: OFFER ONE... BUY the Lumo Diffuser GET Litsea 15mL and OnGuard Protective Blend 15mL SKU: 60204002 BUY: $104.00 AUD & $110.00 NZD SAVINGS: $75.75 AUD & $85.75 NZD PV: 45 _____________________________________ OFFER TWO BUY DigestZen Blend 15mL GET Easy Air Clear Blend 15mL SKU 31030004 BUY: $43.00 AUD & $49.00 NZD SAVINGS: $27.00 AUD & $32.00 NZD PV: 37.5 Offer is available from now until 11:59pm AEST or while stocks last. I am soooo excited about these offers So much value jammed in! Want to get today’s BOGO deal? Reach out to me and I’ll get you hooked up Claire x
25.01.2022 Dear Mums... (or any human really)... Do you ever feel really heavy with your kids emotions or your own, or maybe your hormones are running amok in your body and youre just feeling ALL.THE.FEELS!? Instead of overthinking it, or trying to numb the feelings, or pointing the blame at someone else for how youre feeling...try this: tools down and go for a walk or run with music pumping in your ears (this is not the time for a soothing podcast, this CODE RED situation requires... some juicy music!...90s rock was my choice today! I was tuning into my 16 year old self with some Offspring, Rage Against the Machine & Blink 182!) Sweat out all the crap! Breathe deep. Get some perspective. Smile at strangers as you pass them. Soak up some sun on your face. Lather your chest in Essential Oils (hand me the Peppermint!) & then BAM...the world seems magical once more! So much cheaper than any drug, drink or criminal charge ! And kind to yourself. Coz even the strong ones amongst us, are allowed to FEEL hard feelings and admit defeat before rising from the ashes again!
24.01.2022 You'll find me here next Saturday 7th December with a stall selling Botanical Infused Health & Beauty Products. Look for the ARROW & SOUL Stall! (Arrow & Soul is the branding of our Essential Oil rollers, sprays, serums, blends & bath salts) We have a variety of beautiful products that are the PERFECT gift this Christmas (for yourself, or others!), including last minute Teacher Gifts / Secret Santa goodies! Be sure to pop in and say hi! See you there. CLAIRE X
24.01.2022 CALLING ALL South African Family, Friends & Residents... doTERRA has officially launched in South Africa and I have the opportunity to educate & support SA residents in becoming online customers of this BEAUTIFUL brand to elevate their health & wellness, whilst making a difference around the world... AND I also have available spots on my team to train, teach, support & mentor (for free) SA locals on having their own health, wellness & essential oils business. If you yourself..., or if you know anyone living in South Africa who may be interested in getting life-changing products into their homes, open to natural health solutions or interested in having another income stream in their life, then PLEASE send them my way or share this private group with them: THANK YOU xxx
24.01.2022 doTERRA released Round 1 of a 2-part BOGO Flash Sale and it ends tomorrow morning!!! Want to get 7 oils for the price of 3? Contact me now and let's get you hooked up before the deal expires x
23.01.2022 Hands up if youd love a little extra support with ALL YOUR EMOTIONS right now? Well, Ive got something just for YOU Beautiful NEW KIT ALERT Ive mentioned this kit a few times lately, and I *may* (definitely) have bought it for myself & my family because I am OBSESSED with it! I mean, cmon, who doesnt need that extra little bit of support emotionally, especially as we enter the last quarter of the weirdest year ever!... Ill be popping on a live in here & on Insta this arvo about the EPIC oils that make up this new EMOTIONAL WELLNESS STARTER KIT, some uses for each oil blend & the science behind why these products work Feel free to tag a friend who would love to implement these bottles of plant magic into their life to create calm, balanced & clear vibes See you this afternoon as we jam on this absolutely-freakin-amazing new kit & why EVERYBODY would benefit from having it
21.01.2022 Child trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world! What the actual F***?! Its so easy for us to put our blinkers on to certain global issues, as we may have never experienced it or witnessed it. However, no community or country is immune to such scary happenings. In fact, in my 16 years as a primary school teacher, I have learnt and seen the grossly high rate of childhood sexual abuse cases, even in my local community & within middle-high class demogr...aphic areas. Its heartbreaking and almost too much to contemplate and it must stop! How, in 2020, are there more humans enslaved now, compared to any other time in history? Even when slavery was legal One of the deciding factors that just felt so right when I partnered with doTERRA to build my business was that they also partnered with, and supported Operation Underground Railroad @ourrescue which is a global movement rescuing children from slavery & trafficking. So, although it may feel small or trivial to buy a product to support yourself (eg: an essential oil roller), youre actually contributing to a MUCH NEEDED charity at the same time. Because every HOPE touch roller that doTERRA sells, they donate 100% of proceeds to the OUR Rescue Mission. And form now until August 6th, theyre doubling that amount. Want to do something to contribute, to help, to play your part? Simply buy a $26 pure-grade essential oil roller (that is so super grounding and delicious BTW) and add a few more for friends and family to your cart also! doTERRA are currently giving $53 from every $26 HOPE sale to Operation Underground Railroad I want to see a future where our kids, all kids, are safe! Want to buy some? Let me know, Ill send you details. xx
20.01.2022 I couldnt get LIVE to work (old laptop!) so I went live on Insta instead (on my phone) and saved it for you guys here Jamming on the new Emotional Wellness Starter Kit and why I love it sooooo much! Ready to get started with essential oils? Head here: Or shoot me a message Claire xx
20.01.2022 ATTENTION WOMEN & MUM'S OF GIRLS. I always share how Essential Oils support me and my family physically. However today I wanted to share an Oil with you that is a MUST-HAVE for all females, as it's emotional, mental & spiritual support is a stand-out in the world of plant medicine. Hands up if you've ever felt not good enough, not strong enough, not capable, not worthy, not able or simply invisible! Have you ever felt unaligned to your true self, confused about your calling o...r doubtful of your own abilities? I know I've sure felt all of these things at some stage in my life, and I know most women do. And to the Mothers of Girls, especially pre-teen & teens, are you finding yourself having deep conversations with your daughter trying to convince them of their beauty and power and worth! Are you wishing they felt empowered with a sense of self-confidence that they could grasp now, as opposed to when they're in their 30's, 40's, 50's, or never!!! As a Mum to a 12 year old girl - I can totally relate! If ANY OF THIS striked a familiar nerve with you, then you need doTERRA's BERGAMOT Essential Oil in your life. Bergamot is the 'Oil of Self-Acceptance' and can relieve feelings of despair, self-judgement and low self-esteem. It helps us to reignite optimism and confidence and invites us to step into our true power and worth. Bergamot teaches us to let go of negative stories & judgements and to love ourselves. Simply inhaling Bergamot from the bottle with big deep breaths can transform your whole mood and thought-processing. I also apply a drop to my reflex points on my ear lobes. And here is a DELICIOUS Diffuser Blend that I use in Miss 12's bedroom during heightened (or lowered) emotional phases and I may have been known to lather my skin in this exact combo too: Bergamot Wild Orange Frankincense Geranium P.S. Buy Bergamot today and get Siberian Fir thrown in for FREE as part of this week's BOGO offers - deal expires tonight! Siberian Fir pairs beautifully with Bergamot for emotional, mental & respiratory support. DM me if you want to snag this deal. And drop me an emoji below if you feel like you NEED this oil in your life.
20.01.2022 Want to know my (now-not-so-secret) Sauce to Feeling AMAZING? . My experiences with taking vitamins has chopped & changed over the years. Ive taken cheap ones off the grocery shelves & fancy expensive ones from overseas. Ive taken some that just go through me in a stream of fluro yellow (you know what I mean!) & Ive gone through stages where Ive convinced myself I dont need supplements because I eat well. But guess what? Even if we eat well, were still not getting AL...L the nutrients & antioxidants & minerals & omegas that we need to function at our best. Not in todays world, sorry! So, I rely on my daily supplements to back up my diet & to support my physical & emotional health hugely. Welcome to the Lifelong Vitality Pack my friends. doTERRAs number one biggest seller - because its simple, its nature & it works!!! This 3 part system gives me: more sustainable energy. better digestion & balance metabolism function. clearer skin. happier, more even moods. deeper sleep. healthier hair & nails. less brain fog. better stress management, even hormones. a feeling of vitality & wellness. And for August only, we are offering the LLV Supps at 10% off . Want to look better, feel better & perform better? I can hook you up! Because hey... If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what youre doing, youre going to keep getting what youre getting. You want change, make some!
19.01.2022 Wow Wow Wow! We're throwing in 2x extra oils for FREE this month when you get started as a doTERRA Customer. The BEAUTIFUL Touch (roller) + Hanoki (essential oil sourced from Japan) can not be bought - they are specially offered to you as a June Promo. And they are both DELICIOUS! Want them for FREE? Simply start your doTERRA order via me, with an order that equals 200PV or more. ... Ready to get the World's Best Plant Extracts into your life? Let's go xx
19.01.2022 "The new way to live, earn & give!" Who's ready to make 2020 the best year yet?! Come join us x
18.01.2022 Oh 2020. You sure have been a wild ride. I’ll forever remember 2020 as the year that forced me to question and challenge all my beliefs, all my stories, all my morals. I think we all had to go within a lot this year. And dig into those dark shadowy corners of ourselves. I know I sure did!... My whole mindset & belief-systems around religion, politics, media & health were completely uprooted & reshaped. Amongst all the tragedy & misfortune & hurdles; 2020 also delivered a much deeper insight & faith & confidence in how I feel, why I feel that way, the questions I ask & my soul-purpose here on earth. There was no way we could’ve predicted how 2020 was going to roll. From fires to floods to lockdowns. It has been an exhausting & unsettling year that’s for sure. I hope though, from all this, also came awakenings & fresh new perspectives. I hope that so many of us found little rainbows at the end of each storm. That our faith in humanity, or the universe or God, or Mother Nature (whatever feels like home for you) was strengthened. I hope your focus was on yourself & the people within your 4 walls. I hope we all learned just how powerful the human body is & that nourishment is the BEST way to protect, grow, heal. I hope we now appreciate the simple things & the slower life a little more. And I hope we all see that it’s ok to feel vulnerable, protective, empowered or weak. Who knows what 2021 will bring. But may it bring us all more chances to love, laugh, accept, release, challenge, question, cherish, grow, change, pivot, give, share, serve, heal & move forward
17.01.2022 FREEBIE ALERT! Do you have a little one starting school this year? Or maybe you have slightly bigger kids heading back to school after a nice loooong summer break! Ive put together a FREE eBook for #schoolMums that consists of the all-natural health solutions we use to support our bodies & minds, the systems & routines that help our home hum along and my little bite-sized nuggets of advice for little ones starting school!... Whether youre kid is excited, slightly nervous or completely freaking out about #schoolLife Dont stress Mumma, Ive got your back! We can do hard things! The book includes: -conversation & journal prompts for children. -supporting little ones emotionally as they transition into a school routine. -morning & evening routines to take the chaos & stress away. -smoothie recipes for quick easy healthy breakfasts. -lunch box inspo. -immune boosting products & ideas. -school readiness preparation suggestions. -implementing essential oils to elevate YOURS & YOUR CHILDS physical & emotional health. And SO MUCH MORE! Head here to get your free copy:
17.01.2022 Do you want to experience doTERRA Essential Oils for FREE? Maybe you're curious about them and what they can do to support you, or maybe you've tried a different brand before and would now like to compare your previous experience with the purity of doTERRA? Either way, if you're not already a doTERRA Customer, you can request a FREE SAMPLE from me, by simply filling out the form here:
16.01.2022 Ready to break the chain and completely disrupt the notion of 'time being exchanged for money'? Sick of normalising stress and worry? Feeling unmotivated in your current career? Wanting more health and wellness and freedom? Want to stay home to raise your babies? Wish you could make a difference in the world? What if I could gift you something that ticked ALL THE ABOVE boxes? Are you ready to say YES!? Here you go:
16.01.2022 Our oil of the month is the InTune Blend. Also known as the Focus Blend, this beautiful topical roller was specially formulated to enhance & sustain a sense of focus & concentration. I swear this blend was created solely for someone like me .... a Manifesting Generator who regularly jumps from task to task & project to project & idea to idea , a Virgo who is obsessed with the finer details but also works better when rushed or under last-minute pressure & who has the tendency to be a little scatty, a little hyperactive & a juggler of many balls. The calming combination of Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lime, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang & Roman Chamomile promotes a sense of clarity & connection. Oh, and it smells bloody terrific as well. This blend was our lifeline during the Term 2 Homeschooling period for both kids (and us) and a must-have if you have kids who suffer hyperactivity, lack of academic concentration or those who are deeply buried in study & work. Roll onto temples, pulse points & spine. And because its our Oil of the Month, its 10% off in September If you want this blend at wholesale price (25% off) + an extra 10% off - start your doTERRA Customer Account this month & add to cart Message me if you need help to open a customer account or if youd like to know more about this blend and all of the plant wisdom support it offers.
16.01.2022 Yessss! Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO) week kicks off tomorrow (Monday)!! I invite you to join us in this exciting week full of FREEBIES! If you’ve been waiting for the right time to kickstart your wellness journey with therapeutic essential oils, now is the time! Let’s round out 2020 with a bang ... Here’s how it works: Each day at 9am (AEST), a new special offer is announced. Eg. Buy OnGuard oil, get Easy Air oil FREE You choose each day which promo you want to grab. Amazing right? But hang on, it gets even better - you can get the whole week's worth of freebies in one BOGO Box on Monday and save on shipping, time & hassle. The catch is these goodies sell out early so you have to be quick! Not yet a doTERRA member? No problem. To join in, let me help you open your own wholesale customer account so that you can take part. You’ll also get access to our beautiful community, 2x private Facebook groups, resources, education & support. Plus some extra FREEBIES, prizes & giveaways all week. It’s a no obligation account which includes the most incredible support to ensure you’re getting the most out of your oils, your money & your health. Get your account setup here: or reach out to me and I’ll be more than happy to help you! What are you hoping for on the freebie list??
15.01.2022 One of the first things I do each morning is refill our diffusers and get them going. I always mix up which essential oils we use based on the vibe Im wanting to create, the emotions Im planning to address or the aroma that Im craving. With our kids now doing all their schoolwork from home, Im making sure we have the diffusers going in the rooms theyre working and with oils that encourage, foster & support focus, energy & concentration. Our favourite has been 4 drops P...eppermint + 4 drops Lemon + 3 drops Rosemary. Another winner has been 4 drops Wild Orange + 4 drops Peppermint + 4 drops Grapefruit! Seriously Delicious. We also roll on doTERRAs InTune blend half way through the day when focus starts to dwindle. Have you considered using pure essential oils to support your little ones with their home learning environment? DM me if youd like to get started as a doTERRA customer, because we currently are giving away 3 beautiful oils (Citrus Bliss + Wild Orange + a lucky dip oil ) for FREE to new members who get started with us, with a starter kit, before May 1st. If youre already a customer and/or oil user, please tell me, what diffuser blends are you loving at the moment?
14.01.2022 Day One of our BOGO Week kicked off with a 24hr Deal - THE BOGO BOX!!! It contains the whole week of BOGO Oils (12 in total) PLUS a Secret Bonus Product PLUS a bonus DIY Product. Getting the Box today = saves you time, hassle, shipping & money throughout the week and contains the most value! I'm pretty EXCITED to see the Rose Touch in there - this epic oil RRP's for $110 So, you can already see the savings to be had!... Don't yet have a doTERRA Account, but want this box at wholesale pricing? I'll get you started today and personally refund you the $35 set-up fee!!! This box deal expires tonight though - so reach out NOW. Let's BOGO xx Message me to get started.... OR DIY.... 1. Head to the link or 2. Click JOIN AND SAVE 3. Choose Wholesale Customer 4. Add your details 5. Select 'Welcome Introductory Packet' (this is your one-off wholesale membership fee that gives you 12 months access to all doTERRA products and promos and shopping at wholesale pricing!) NOTE: want to waive the $35 fee? Add one of our starter kits instead of the Introductory Pack. The kits include the membership fee + more savings for YOU! 6. Add the BOGO BOX or add the BOGO OIL OF THE DAY to your cart (it'll automatically add the freebies!) and process now! SEND ME AN EMAIL SAYING YOU JOINED WITH THE BOGO BOX & I'LL ORGANISE THE $35 FEE TO BE REFUNDED BACK TO YOU!!!! [email protected] ****You'll then be welcomed into the land of doTERRA and into our AMAZING Community of resources, education & support.***
13.01.2022 NOW.... is the time my friends! This is the sign youve been waiting for to make 2020 your best & healthiest year yet! Lets get your oily journey started this month 20% off Starter Kits PLUS a free $120 Frankincense Oil if you buy your kit before the 15th!!! ... Shut the Frank Up....this deal is epic Grab your kit & support over here:
13.01.2022 MY GIFT TO YOU. I have made up 3x perfume spritzers (pure-fumes!) made from Pure Plant Extracts (essential oils) that will have you smelling deliciously irresistible whilst also supporting your hormones & mood. And to amplify these even more, each spray bottle is also infused with either Amethyst or Rose Quartz crystals to promote further emotional stability and healing! Simply spritz onto your skin, pulse points and/or into your hair and reap the fragrant and beautiful benef...its. And I am giving away these perfumes to the next 3 people who become a doTERRA Customer via me by starting their oily journey with any one of our starter kits, as a thank you and welcome. So, not only will you get your starter oil kit, but youll also get a FREE Citrus Bliss Oil (this month only) & 25% off all doTERRA products in your own online account AND a little welcome pack from me that includes this beautiful perfume gift AND youll get ME; your oily fairy godmother PLUS youll get access to our exclusive customer groups where all oily education is held plus free masterclasses, giveaways and resources to elevate your health and life. Now is the time to say YES! Yes to a happier healthier version of YOU! Want these free gifts & bonuses? Head to my website and get started, or drop me a message and Ill help you every step of the way. I cant wait to welcome you into this world of plant wisdom.
12.01.2022 "I was first introduced to doTERRA Essential Oils when my second born, Ryder was already one. Man, I wish I had these bottles of plant magic when our first (Ella) was born! Looking back.we VERY MUCH NEEDED them! I was a young, nervy first-time Mum and a general-all-round-perfectionist. She was easily irritated, highly-strung, a terrible sleeper and had super sensitive skin. There were times when I was so desperate for a decent sleep or a chilled out baby that I would buy i...nto any and every product marketed my way. It was suggested to me that Lavender would calm Ella and help her sleep I stocked up on bottles of expensive lavender scented bubble baths and baby lotions and bought lavender smelling toys and lit lavender-scented candles around the house each evening. I cringe when I think back to what I was doing. Hindsight can be an eye-opener hey!? Little did I know, I was pumping our home and Ellas little body with toxic fragrances and chemicals that were actually doing way more harm than good! And of course, because the lavender was synthetically made (not pure essential oil) it had no positive effect on her sleep or moods, so I wrote Lavender off as a sleep-support and declared it was a load of CRAP!!" To read more, and get a heap of ESSENTIAL OIL RECIPES for babies and young children, head to my latest blog post:
12.01.2022 Ill be jumping in here LIVE tomorrow (Tuesday 10th @ 1:30pm AEST) to share the essential oils and products we use as a family to support our Sleep & Stress! If you cant make it online live, dont stress, Ill upload the recording afterwards
11.01.2022 This made me smile
11.01.2022 Lets debunk some misconceptions about doTERRA & Network Marketing: . Because being a doTERRA customer means becoming a member (aka: you pay a small fee to get exclusive access to their products at a discounted price) a lot of people assume that theres a catch. But guess what? Theres no catch! Or scheme. Or expectation.... If I join as a customer, do I have to buy regularly or monthly? Nope! We encourage people to opt in to the Loyalty Program to get free oils & save money. But you can buy oils & wellness products from your doTERRA account as often or as little as you wish. Do I have to sell? Nope! Unless you want to! In fact, 96% of my team are simply customers; buying & enjoying these products. Having a new sharer or builder join us is exciting but as a customer you dont have to sell a thing. Is it a Pyramid Scheme? Haha NO! Theyre illegal. Were not selling you shares into a non-existent product. Your Uncle Bobs bad experience in the 90s doesnt have to be what you base your understanding on. doTERRA customers are simply buying (the worlds best) wellness products & being supported & educated in how to use them. Yes people (me) earn commissions, but thats how we get paid for our work as advocates for the company. Network Marketing is so cringeworthy. Every recommendation we make is networking & selling. You ask me where I got my dress from and I tell you; thats network marketing. You love your besties new haircut & go to her hairdresser on recommendation; thats network marketing. I sing doTERRA from the rooftops because I adore the products & the company. And I get paid to do so. Win win. If you have blocks around buying from your family & friends Network Marketing Business, I urge you to simply ask them the questions that are on your mind & never make assumptions. Im so grateful & proud of my doTERRA business and wish it came into my life sooner And with that said, I invite you in to too
11.01.2022 Do you wish you were healthier or skinnier or fitter or more energetic but somehow keep falling back into old habits, addictions, ruts & patterns? Or do you feel like your hormones are out of whack, your stress is causing havoc on your body or your health is falling last on the priority list? Or do you simply need a coach or a cheer leader or a community to keep you motivated & accountable with your health & wellness goals? Yep I hear ya sister! And Ive got y...ou... . Ive collaborated with some epic Wellness Experts to craft & carefully create an online Health & Wellness Program. Our team consists of a Naturopath, OT, Physio, PT, Integrative Health Practitioner, Essential Oil gurus, hormones specialist, organic chef & teachers. Introducing our..... Wellness In 12 Weeks Program, also known as WI12W is an online health program specifically designed to teach you the tools and steps to not only create, but to truly embody and live a life of complete wellness. . When it comes to living your best life, it isnt just about nutrition or exercise, but about taking small steps in multiple areas to create long lasting and immersive change. You might be eating the cleanest diet, yet emotionally struggling and vibrating at a low frequency, or equally exercising consistently but going to bed late and not allowing your body to truly rest. . To truly feel your best, to find wellness and to live the life you have always dreamed of it's important to focus on all aspects from nutrition, to exercise, emotions and spiritual health, in essence; the body as a whole. We kick off Round One on Monday July 20th and Id love to see YOU there! Doors close next week though as we need to get you plugged into the program & set up with all the right supplements, products & resources to ensure you hit the grounding running (or walking or squatting or dancing or yoga posing) on the 20th. . If youd like to learn more about this program send me your email address in a private PM or drop a HELL YES in the comments and Ill be in touch. Lets do this
10.01.2022 YOU’RE INVITED TO A FREE ONLINE OILS CLASS TOMORROW EVENING! 7pm (Qld time) If you are wanting to learn about essential oils and how they can be used to support the health & wellness of your home & your family, then this is the event for you! From the comfort of your own home, cosy up with a cup of tea and join me for this interactive wellness event where you will learn:... How to your support your health naturally and THRIVE in today's high-stress world. Using Essential Oils to support all kinds of ailments, concerns & health issues. How to implement these products easily into your already busy/full days. How essential oils can be used for physical, environmental & emotional well-being. Easy swaps you can make to reduce the toxic burden in your home. How to save money and time with natural solutions. Why essential oils are more than just something to make your house smell nice (although they will do that too). What essential oils are, why not all brands are the same & why plant wisdom is a trusted & safe health pillar. Healthy habits to upgrade your health. And so much more This event is being held via Zoom, make sure you download the app in advance. The link to join the call will be emailed out to you, so please be sure to RSVP to this event and get yourself (a FREE) 'ticket'. I can't wait to see you there, Claire xo Register your FREE spot here:
10.01.2022 20% off Starter Kits ends TODAY! Message me if youd like more info or if youre ready to get started xx
10.01.2022 Want to reduce the toxic load in your home? Of course you do.especially when research is now showing that the 'synthetic fragrances used in cleaning products, some fragrant candles / plug-in air fresheners and most beauty products such as a perfumes and hair products are just for us as bad smoking cigarettes!! Yep :( One of the easiest ways to cut the toxins in your home and body is to swap out your cleaning products! Your familys health and hormones will thank you for it...! Ive created a FREE eBook with all my favourite (super easy) DIY recipes for Green Cleaning Your Home whilst boosting your own and your familys health, happiness and wellness! Head here to download your FREE COPY of 50 Shades of Green:
09.01.2022 Are you on Instagram? If so, pop on over to my account: @clairechadwick82 and enter my EPIC giveaway! Because its my birthday week and my Love Language is to GIVE... I wanted to gift YOU something as we enter Virgo Season! I am giving away a Brevi Walnut diffuser + a Citrus Bliss essential oil blend PLUS an additional Citrus Bliss to 1x friend you tag on the post. Head over to Insta for details and to enter, Claire xx
09.01.2022 Now, more than ever, were being encouraged (or forced) to take back control of our own health & how we support our minds, bodies and homes. Having completely natural and unadulterated essential oils at my fingertips has given my family and I some relief during this time as we know we have health solutions that contain antibacterial & antiviral properties to enhance our mental, emotional, environmental and physical health throughout this uncertain time! Were already sel...ling out of some of our powerhouse products but thankfully we still have a huge stock of value-packed kits that consist of the much sought-after oils such as OnGuard. Want to learn more or get yourself a kit to support your family and your home right now? Please reach out, Claire x
09.01.2022 Throwback to when my babies were babies #tbt This is Ryder @ 8 weeks old (almost 8 years ago!) Man I wish #doterra was in my life when they were both newborns as I wouldve done things so differently (knowing what I know now!) But instead, all I can do is apply my new knowledge as they continue to grow and blossom into the divine little people they are...AND...educate others on all-natural health solutions! Do you want to learn more about how you can use #essentialoils ...on babies and children? Are you feeling a little worried about the chemicals and synthetics youre smothering on your little ones skin? Are you tired of having sick children? Do you have a little tingle in your gut saying theres something better & healthier out there!? Check out my latest blog post on using Essential Oils with Babies & Children, that includes 6 super simple but highly effective recipes you can make & use for your little ones. Once we know better. We do better.
08.01.2022 Join as a doTERRA Customer in August and get 30% back in free product credit . If youre like me, and sometimes need a sale or a promo or a deal or a sign to help you make a decision (or a purchase), then here it is Youre welcome . For all new customer accounts created in August that are 100PV or more, doTERRA are gifting you back 30% in product credit (points) to use towards any future oily wellness purchases in your own online customer shop.... And if thats not enough incentive, you can also lock in a lifetime 30% rebate on ALL your purchases moving forward by simply committing to a 100PV order in Sept & Oct. Friends, this is freakin huge ! It took me 12 months to get to the 30% rebate bracket and you can get there within 3 . Simply get started this month with any of our beautiful curated starter kits or lets chat about creating a custom order to meet YOUR EXACT needs, to activate this promo! Once you become a customer via moi, you get plugged into our beautiful community, free resources, 1 on 1 support & essential oil education. You get ME as your go-to oil lady AND you will feel empowered, supported & knowledgeable to integrate these bottles of plant wisdom into your life to support you and your fam-bam. . Ready? Lets go xx
08.01.2022 Get Excited...It's BOGO Week What does that mean for you?'s the perfect chance to start your oily journey as a doTERRA customer because you can snag some FREE OILS this week as part of your Enrolment. Today's BOGO offers (Buy One, Get One free) (which expire tomorrow night, so you don't have time to procrastinate) are:... BUY INTUNE, Get BALANCE for free! InTune - the Focus Blend - is one of my fave perfume blends because it smells gorgeous but it's also super grounding, calming & centring on the nervous system. I apply it to my kids when they're nervous, anxious or unsettled. It's great for hyperactivity, when concentration levels are low (so great for Homework, study, school) and a wonderful all-natural tool for children (and grown ups) with behavioural/emotional/ anger outbursts. Balance - the Grounding Blend - this was the first doTERRA Oil I ever purchased (9 yrs ago) and it's still a fave for all things stress, anxiety, mood! Massage into your feet at the start of the day, wear as a perfume, simply inhale out of the bottle for an instant calming sensation. Lather your kids in it to 'calm their farm'. It's a GOODIE...and yours for FREE today! BUY MARJORAM, Get Pink Pepper for free! Marjoram - a wonderful support for all things bones, joints and muscles.... arthritis, tendinitis, bone spurs, high blood pressure, muscle aches/strains and more. Massage into the skin, use in the bath or diffuse. Also a wonderful addition to cooking. Pink Pepper - promotes feelings of relaxation when diffused or massaged into the skin. Can be had internally to support your health (I like to pop a drop in my Turmeric Lattes). Sourced from Kenya. BUY OnGuard, Get Easy Air for free! OnGuard is the BOMB of all oils when we're addressing Immune Health. This blend can be applied to the skin, gargled for a sore throat, diffused to ward off air-born pathogens and germs, enjoyed internally to support gut health & the immune system! If you have kids or travel, you need this oil in your LIFE! EasyAir - nature's support pillar for all things Respiratory. Coughs, colds, asthma, allergies, runny nose....get this blend diffusing while you or your kids sleep to aid clear breathing, massage into chest and soles of feet when congested, or even just inhale from the bottle when unwell, anxious or needing to open the airways. Learn more about the BOGO Flash Deals, and how to get started here: Contact me if you need HELP to open your doTERRA Account with me and add any of these oils to your first cart Claire x
07.01.2022 TRY Essential Oils before you BUY Im running another 6 oils in 6 days education program, because its one of my favourite ways to get to you know YOU, and to best serve YOU. So, if youve been... curious about how these oils can be implemented into your already full life? wondering what all the hype and fuss is about? questioning if theyre really as versatile & amazing as people are saying they are? feeling a little bit of a pull to learn more or try them or simply to give them a go?! wanting to take your health & wellness to the next level AND support your family/home also? Then this fun & informative online program is for YOU! As well as 6 essential oil samples sent to your door, you will also receive access to our private FB group a 6 day program with education, videos, recipes, resources & support (access the info anytime throughout the days = approx 15mins/ day!) entered into our giveaways, deals & prize packs. Open to people anywhere in the world, however samples can only be sent throughout Australia. You must not currently have an active doTERRA Customer Account and must be genuinely interested in learning more about getting started with Essential Oils. $10 paid via PayPal to receive the samples (this purely covers postage costs). Limited spots available. Drop me an EMOJI below if you want an invite into this EPIC program that kicks off on Monday October 5th I cant wait to meet and connect with you #trybeforeyoubuy #supportyourhealth #joinourcommunity
07.01.2022 Are you following me on Instagram? I jump on a LIVE once a week over there to chat about different topics & how I use essential oils (as well as other health tools) to support me (& my fam). Heres last weeks share (which has had A LOT of interest & started some great conversations). I shared my heart & lessons on MANAGING & COPING WITH STRESS:...
06.01.2022 This little dude likes to go and go and go. He’s an outdoors man. From fishing to bike riding to digging up our backyard to swimming to bushwalking to building random stuff out of random junk to designing , he is constantly DOING! So, you’d think he’d crash at the end of each day early ... Ummmm..... no, not often Because, like us adults, once the lights go out & we lay there to relax, the mind goes into overdrive. And as well as a go, go, go man...he’s also a deep thinking man So, to stop the nightly I can’t fall asleep sessions that can drag on for hours, we’ve implemented a few strategies that have been working a treat for this little dude: diffuser going in his room 30mins before bedtime & while he sleeps with Lavender Essential Oil. him & I have been enjoying a 10minute guided meditation together in his bed with lights off - we’re loving the @insighttimer & @centrfit Apps for this. (Ryder loves the visualization for kids and breath work options - it took a few trial & errors to find what fits for him). essential oils applied to his pulse points, spine & soles of feet (usually the kids calmer blend, or some Vetiver + Lavender. once tucked in, we press play on a #Spotify playlist called 432Hz that plays super softly all night in his room. He’s falling asleep quickly & peacefully, and sleeping deeply all night. And that is a game-changer to his overall health, his energy, his emotions, his growth, his immune system and to us. Have you got a little one (or hey, even an adult) who struggles to fall asleep at night & stay asleep? What other strategies have worked for these energetic beings? Please share #meditationforkids #activekids #cantsleep #busymind #sleepsupport
06.01.2022 It’s FREE Franki Month Frankincense is seriously one of my favourite & most-used essential oils! I am so obsessed with its versatility, benefits & properties! And guess what? You can score him for FREE this month (RRP $120 )... To snag yourself a free full-sized Franki in December, simply place a doTERRA order with me that is 200PV (points). This includes people placing their first ever oily order Frankincense is the King of the Oils, the Oil of Truth. We source him ethically & sustainably & ensure he’s of the HIGHEST & MOST-PUREST quality My fave ways to use Franki: a drop under my tongue to boost my immune & calm my central nervous system, especially during high stress times. a drop on the roof of my mouth when a headache/migraine is setting in. massaged into a congested chest or sore muscles. a drop mixed into my foundation for a dewy glow & skin-loving benefits. added to my ‘glowing skin serum’ so I can age backwards diffuse with any other oils (as it has amplifying abilities) Oh & if you really want to dig deeper into this bottle of plant magic; check out the articles on PubMed re: Frankincense studies linked with depression, cellular health, cancer & brain health Ready to get started with your first oily order & want Franki for FREE? Reach out & I’ll hook you up sister Don’t hesitate though. This offer is only available in Dec & shipping for Xmas arrival cuts off soon. (Worried you won’t know how to use your oils? I’ve got your back! As my customer, you get my 100% support. I’ll plug you into our private communities, send you a free welcome kit, educate you & hook you up with all our resources ) #frankincenseoil #freegift #healthyhome #healthymum #healthyfamily #naturalhealth
06.01.2022 Take a break from #homeschooling your Littles and/or from #workingfromhome and from the never ending housework and join me live tomorrow for an online INTRODUCTION TO ESSENTIAL OILS CLASS Well dive into the basic of these natural plant extracts and how they can support you and your fam right now! Pour a cuppa, pull up a couch and see you tomorrow at 2pm (Qld time) here on this page and on Instagram! X
06.01.2022 Only 3 days left to snag yourself a FREE Citrus Bliss Essential Oil blend. This delicious blend is a favourite in our house for diffusing (yum!), making toilet and room sprays, using as a surface cleaner on our benches and bathrooms (way better than bleach smell!), for adding to our dryer balls for fresh smelling bedding & laundry and as a perfume / cologne. If you get started as a doTERRA customer this month via me, with a starter kit or enrollment order of 100PV or more, yo...ull earn yourself a FREE Citrus Bliss oil from doTERRA + a FREE Wild Orange from me + a FREE Lucky Dip Oil from my team - yessss - cmon who doesnt love a bag of FREEBIES!? All of which are of the highest quality & will do epic things for your home, emotions & health. Want to get started and take advantage of this deal? Please reach out to me and lets chat.
05.01.2022 Wow wow wow Today’s BOGO is next level MAGIC Buy Jasmine Touch, Get Magnolia Touch FREE (saving you over $41) These two floral oils are absolute powerhouses when we’re looking into addressing (or nurturing) sensuality, fertility, femininity, embodiment, expansion, exhaustion & all things hormones.... They are rich & girly & beautiful & loaded with emotionally supportive properties. If you’re someone who may occasionally (or often) feel: impatient, irritated depressed and/or anxious not good enough, or worthy worried and/or angry out of hormonal balance lacking in energy & self-belief low libido sleep issues & highly stressed closed & internal battles Then let me help you welcome Jasmine & Magnolia into your life. And we’re not just talking ‘Jasmine / Magnolia scented’ - we’re talking the real deal here... pure petal extract that is naturally ladened with the exact chemical constituents that your physical body needs to return to a place of balance & calm, so you can tackle life and health and your emotions. This BOGO deal expires at midnight (you can order up to 5 though!) so please don’t hesitate if you’re feeling inclined to lean into these bottles of pure plant wisdom. Ready? Let’s chat and I’ll help you get these ordered TODAY. Open your heart to these oils - you won’t regret it. P.S. ‘Touch’ means they come in a roller bottle and are ready to apply to the skin = which means no DIY! Just buy and apply #plantmagic #floraloils #bogo
05.01.2022 LIQUID GOLD: CHICKEN BONE BROTH! Bone broth is one of the most healing foods you can consume. Rich in nutrients like collagen, gelatin and glycine, chicken bone broth can help to protect and heal your gut lining, boost skin health and improve joint function. INGREDIENTS:... 2x chicken frames + necks/feet/wings 3 carrots, chopped 3 celery stalks, chopped 2 medium onions, peel on, sliced in half lengthwise and quartered 4 garlic cloves, peel on and smashed 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt 1 teaspoon whole peppercorns 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 bay leaves 3 sprigs fresh thyme 56 sprigs parsley 1 teaspoon oregano Enough cold filtered water to cover (Seaweed, dried mushrooms optional) Put all ingredients into a slow cooker and leave on low for 24hrs! Turn off and let cool slightly, drain through a sieve to remove all pieces & chunks, and then ladle the liquid broth into jars (I use old coconut oil/olives/passata jars) to keep in the fridge for a few days or the freezer for 3 months. We use it as a base for soups & sauces (and hide it in the kids meals) and also enjoy it as a hot drink before or after dinner!
03.01.2022 Let’s talk 2021 Goals + Resolutions for a hot minute About 80% of people set themselves New Year’s Resolutions, but only 10% of us actually follow them through & achieve them I can relate to this. I’ve been scribbling down NY goals every January since I was about 10 yrs old & a lot of them never came to fruition.... Until I really looked into the science behind goals, visions, dreams & desires. What if I told you, your 2021 goals can be reached!? That you’re capable & worthy & completely in control! And this doesn’t mean we have to set boringly achievable goals, but we do have be realistic in how badly we want it. More importantly we need to connect to the WHY we want to achieve that goal. We need to break down the specifics & even reverse engineer the actions we need to take, or the HOW that will get us there. It’s about conscious daily actions. Setting intentions of how we want to feel. Making our goals a priority in our everyday life & schedule. Communicate them with your partner / family so they understand & can support you (or even join you). So; LET GO of the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU mentality. You don’t need to recreate yourself. You’re already imperfectly perfect. Instead let’s focus on coming home to the highest, brightest, healthiest version of yourself (remember her? The girl you were before life & experiences kicked you down) Eg: Your goal is to shed 5kg. Anchor into the WHY (I want to feel light & lean & more energetic. I know my body will work better when I’m in a healthier weight range. I want to feel confident & strong. I want to be the example to my family. I want to use food as fuel & nourishment, not as reward etc) Realistically plan out what is needed for you to lose the weight & keep it off. Ask yourself: What actions do I need to take? (Eg: research healthy food ideas & get to know my body, meal plan, online grocery shop, schedule in time to exercise, get an accountability buddy or join a support/community/local group) Start slow & be kind to yourself but always intentionally anchor back into your WHY & how you want to FEEL! Make sense? Because just setting the goal & then ‘hoping’ this will be YOUR year, is sadly not enough! Daily actions is the foundation of all successful people. I’ve set some big goals for 2021 but I’m in the process of nutting them out so they’re not so big & scary after all. And then the real work begins - making them happen
03.01.2022 In this video I share with you the Essential Oils we use to support our sleep & stress management. I tell you all the recipes, blends, products, ingredients & routines we use in our house that have TRANSFORMED our quality of sleep. How amazing is Mother Nature and Plant Wisdom!!! Enjoy x
03.01.2022 Have you been thinking of becoming a doTERRA customer? Do you want to tap into a world of all-natural health solutions to help your family thrive? Now is the PERFECT time to join as we're offering a FREE Yarrow-Pom Oil Blend (valued at $140) when you join as a customer via me with a 100PV starter order & place a December order of 100PV also. I can help custom-design a starter order for you to best suit your needs, family, budget & wellness goals or concerns. ... Want to know more? Let's chat xx
02.01.2022 The biggest game changer? Having safe, effective & affordable solutions on hand + the confidence to use them, instead of waiting around for our kids to get sick AGAIN! The turning point for me was 2016-2017, we had a 5, 9 & 16 yr old in the house and it seriously felt like we were constantly at the doctor or chemist being told it’s just viral, try this & wait it out so we’d shell out $70+ every single time in creams, liquids, lotions, ointments & pain killers. Not only was expensive, but it was exhausting. One kid would come down with something which would have a domino effect throughout the whole house. Hands up if you can relate either Chris or I would have to miss time from work to stay home with the sick kid. tension was high over who would miss work, who had any sick pay left, who had ‘less responsibilities’ that day. guilt would kick in, because you’re now letting your workplace down. more time would be spent at the doc, chemist, on the phone! panic would set in - what if the rest of the fam gets this virus/sickness? And then of or both of the other kids would get sick too, so the cycle would start again I remember it so well. It was during that 2016-17 year that we, as a fam, seemed to get smashed with every virus, bug and ailment under the sun. We couldn’t catch a break. I felt hopeless. Until I had a ‘miracle moment’ with OnGuard & Frankincense essential oil & realized there are other options out there! And once I invested in our first oils kit & taught myself how to use them, a ripple effect took place. I realized a lot of the products we were using in our home were contributing to our family’s health (or illness) & we were the only ones who could change this. So now, when we get those dreaded emails there’s a case of _____ in your child’s class, instead of waiting & stressing for this bug to hit our kid, we bring out the relevant oils & solutions to best boost their immune system. No, it doesn’t mean they never get sick anymore - because snot & spews & fevers are the body’s perfect innate way of healing & protecting. Germs & viruses are inevitable. But having all-natural solutions on hand & feeling empowered to use them has been the biggest game changer. Want to learn more about these oils, how to use them & what makes them the worlds best? Head here to register for my FREE Online class this Thursday evening 7pm (AEST) I’d love to have you there xx
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