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25.01.2022 Shine bright this week lovelies The happiest of Mondays to you.

24.01.2022 BRING IT ON!!!!! I have got an intra gym competition tomorrow! My gym has an annual "ADAPT plate" where teams of 4 go up against each other over a number different workouts across the day. ... Winner gets bragging rights and their name on the champions plate. Wish my team luck!!! Straight after that I'm off to attend the birthday party of one of my favourite people. What's everyone else doing this weekend? See more

23.01.2022 "If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are" Its a pretty insightful quote isn't it? How great that it comes form a kids movie too! I love it because it reminds me that if I want more then I have to do more.... I have to try new things, get uncomfortable. Be bad at something before I can be good at it. Sounds cliché but the fact is that its true. When was the last time you tried something new? See more

21.01.2022 I was putting together a proposal for a speaking gig for women's health week next month and came across some super disturbing stats regarding views on the menstrual cycle. 1 A US study found that 39% of women could not perform daily tasks because of period pain but only half of those shared the reason why. 2 A UK study found that 38% of women report that they had been period shamed as some point.... 3 Another US study found that 58% of women are embarrassed about their periods. Gotta say, I was gobsmacked. I mean for something that happens to about half of the worlds population for over half of their life there is a distinct lack of conversation around it. And that's a problem because that lack of conversation can mean that women are experiencing menstrual cycles that are not "normal" and they don't know that anything is wrong. God lord the GST on women's hygiene products was only removed 2 years ago after being in place for the 18 years since the GST was introduced. I remember being in a women's soccer team when the GST was introduced and we were going to get bumper stickers that said "I bleed and I vote". So damn ridiculous that they attracted a tax in the first place. Our menstrual cycle is an integral part of our health as women and it demands respect not shame. And yes, I am proposing to speak on what is a healthy menstrual cycle at a public event - lets see if the organisers have the courage to choose this as a health topic!!!! Ok - my rant is over. Thanks so much for sticking with me on that one, please tell me that I am not the only one that thinks this way? Wendy See more

20.01.2022 Hi there. One of my favourite things to do in clinic is to help couples and singles have their bodies be in the best health they can be before pregnancy. We know that in general, the healthier your body is, the higher the chance of pregnancy. This includes sperm and egg health. ... I use diet and lifestyle changes plus herbs and nutrients when needed. These are evidence based and can have such an incredible effect on sperm health, egg health and menstrual cycle. Shoot me a message or book in with me if you are keen! (oh and ps. if you have had sperm analysis done recently then please tune in for Thursdays post about the facts regarding reference ranges for sperm analysis) Much love, Wendy See more

17.01.2022 Suns out......???????? Bahaha!!!! Happy Monday everyone!

17.01.2022 MONDAY MORNING AND ITS COMPETITION TIME!!!! Last weekend I helped the boys out at my gym @adapt_nundah. They asked for some people to come in for a photo shoot for their social media and I know how that goes so a bunch of us went down. The photographer caught this look from me and I thought it was so great.... Sooooo here is the competition for a bit of fun - put a caption to this look and you will win a gift of Tisserand Body Duo Rose and Geranium Leaf Pack of moisturiser and body wash RRP $40. Enter as many times as you want and the competition closes on Sunday this week (6th). Get those creative minds thinking!!!! (And have a super week) Wendy See more

16.01.2022 So what started out as an info flyer to support WOMEN'S HEALTH WEEK turned into an ebook. You are not going to lose huge chunks of your life reading this, its not a novel but its a great way to go over the basics. It covers what happens in your cycle, whats "normal" and what things influence your cycle.... I am a great believer in the philosophy that information provides the power to choose and this little ebook is designed to give information. Would be great for teens that have just started having a menstrual cycle too. Click below and it will take you to the spot on my website where you can download it. While you are there feel free to complete the free state of health quiz so you can get an idea of where you health is currently at. Plus I have a bunch of free recipes and diet programs too. Hope you enjoy - shoot me a message with any feedback you have or any questions too. Wendy

16.01.2022 As women's health week draws to a close, I wanted to add a reminder that as menstruating women our menstrual cycle is one of the best indicators of our health that we can get. Education starts early and it starts with real conversations about subjects we have not always discussed openly in the past. 50% of the world population will menstruate for about 50% of their lives.... It matters. WE matter. Head over to my website if you want some more info about women's health! Much love. Wendy See more

16.01.2022 The real story about those ranges! I was prompted to write this after seeing the second lot of fertility clients in a week who had been told the male sperm was fine because the measures were in range. DO YOU KNOW HOW THOSE ‘FINE’ RANGES CAME TO BE?... Since 1987 the World Health Organisation has published guidelines standardizing procedures for assessing human semen and proposing reference values according to data from men around the world. In 2010 the WHO came out with a set of reference ranges that were lower than previous. Data came from 1,953 samples, 5 studies, 8 countries on 3 continents and were based on a time to-pregnancy up to and including 12 months measure. The results were ranked from lower and upper percentiles ranges - 2.5% through to 95%. THE RANGE THAT IS USED IN SERM ANALYSIS RESULTS CURRENTLY REPRESENTS THE LOWEST PERCENTILE of 5%. To say that again those lab ranges used that are labelled fine are the bare minimum that could be considered of quality to achieve pregnancy. When discussing fertility there are very few couples who are happy with bare minimum Most couples that I speak to are looking to optimise every chance they have. Let me give you some examples of the vast difference between the 5th percentile and the 50th percentile according to the WHO ranges; Semen volume - 5th perc = 1.5 (ml) whereas the 50th perc = 3.7 (ml) Sperm concentration - 5th perc = 15 (10 per ml) whereas the 50th perc = 255 (10 per ml) Progressive motility (sperm that are swimming mostly in a straight line. We all know direction is important ) - 5th perc = 32 (%) whereas the 50th perc = 55 (%) Normal forms (important as abnormal sperm are less likely to fertilise) 5th perc = 4 (%) whereas the 50th perc = 15 (%) And of course there are lots of factors involved in fertility, sperm health is just one but my philosophy is why not try to increase your chances? The great news is that sperm quality can respond really quickly to diet and lifestyle changes plus essential nutrients. Book an appointment with me if you want to go over this in more detail! See more

16.01.2022 Well hey there legends. For the last two weeks in clinic I have spent a lot of time talking about mindful eating, honouring hunger and fullness signals and emotional eating so I thought that I would write a blog that is specifically about mindful eating. Its fair to say that we all engage in mindless eating at times.... The problem with doing it all the time is that it can lead to over eating, emotional eating and potentially digestive disturbances. Mindful eating is such a simple thing for us to do to improve our health and it doesn't cost us anything. Those of you that know me well know that I'm all about maximising lifestyle factors for health as I truly believe it is the only sustainable way to health. Click on the link to the website for the blog to give you some tips on how and why you should consider mindful eating. As always - reach out if you need a hand. Wendy

16.01.2022 Its #wendywednesday again. Well, this is where I went to High School. Good old Billabong High in country NSW. What a hilarious name hey? Its one of those names where adults think they are really clever but if they would have asked the kids they would rolled their eyes!!!... It was named this because the students that attended were from towns along The BIllabong Creek, a stream that is 320km long running off the Murray River. When you look at it that way then the name makes perfect sense, but as kids we joked about Bill smoking a bong, being Bongers etc etc. Not to mention the teasing we got off other high school when we played inter school sport. (as a side note is was just before the rise and subsequent fall of Billabong surf wear) When I moved to Sydney after my last exam and went for a job interview they actually didn't even believe that was really the name of a school! Anyway, over the years I have turned it from embarrassment to wearing it as a badge of honour. How about you? Did you go to a school with a strange (or cool) name? See more

15.01.2022 Wow! Not exactly sure it was the most relaxing holiday I have had but hey, that's how it goes sometimes. Super excited about being back in clinic next week and seeing all of your lovely faces either at North Lakes, Wavell Heights or on Zoom.... Catcha then! Wendy See more

15.01.2022 #funfriday Have a great weekend legends! Wendy

14.01.2022 How great is this? Its never too late to start exercising and for women strength training when they get older is crucial for good health. I love that this is is proper strength training too. ... Squad goal when I hit 70!!!!

14.01.2022 Omg so much yes!!! Well done Scotland, sanitary products are a basic necessity for women. I am old enough to remember when the GST was introduced in Australia and they applied it to tampons and pads. I was so outraged. I wanted to start a movement that was called I bleed and I vote. ... It took 18 years for the Australian state and territory treasures to agreed for it to be removed. I hope Scotland leads the way for other countries to follow this example.

14.01.2022 Lets choose happiness Have a great week everyone

13.01.2022 HAPPY FRIDAY LEGENDS!!!! Two training sessions this morning and then I am officially on holidays!!! Have an amazing weekend

13.01.2022 YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday!

11.01.2022 I am so excited to be a part of this amazing wellness centre in North Lakes! Its a beautiful space with different practitioners that specialise in; Reiki, counselling, homeopathy, PEMF therapy, craniosacral therapy, astrology and pleiadian energy healing - and ME - Naturopathy! There is also a cool retail shop with some great unique pieces.... And there is an open day this Friday, the 8th from 10am so you can check it out! Come down, have a look and meet the team, 5 / 25 Discovery Drive, North Lakes. (For all my Wavell Heights people, don't worry, my other home is still at Chermside Chiropractic and I'm excited to get back there after holidays too.. ) See more

11.01.2022 SPORT AND PERIODS.... So I both like and dislike this article that I have attached. I love it because it emphasises the importance of a regular menstrual cycle for general health at an elite level. This is an area it is often deemed not as important until after the athletes career has ended and they want to have babies. ... I love it because Dr Tash (who I have had the privilege of meeting and has as great podcast called The Fanny Mechanic ), makes the VERY relevant point that the oral contraceptive pill is masking poor menstrual health in a good percentage of elite athletes. I have some very strong concerns about this in adolescent athletes in particular that have been put on the pill to "regulate" their cycle. To be clear, the oral contraceptive pill regulates jack shit. It suppresses a women's natural cycle and replaces it with synthetic hormones. A bleed on the pill is not a menstrual period, its a drug withdrawal bleed. I love that the article, specifically Dr Tash, points out that a menstrual cycle should be used as an indicator of a woman's general health. Elite athlete or not. As an avid gym goer I dislike the article because it assumes the position that too much exercise it to blame and this is not actually the complete fact and is not actually what Dr Tash said. The fact is more like this; There is not ENOUGH FOOD BEING CONSUMED to fuel the level of exercise being undertaken. Under eating is a very real problem in both elite and amateur sport. I have treated numerous women for menstrual irregularities where the solution has been more food, particularly carbohydrates (and that's a blog for another day too because they are not evil!). There is nothing wrong with loving exercise and pursuing it to your hearts content, but if you lose your period or your period goes wonky then you absolutely need to look at what you are eating. Seek out help if you need it because your period is a reflection of your overall health and you my sisters, DESERVE to be healthy. Wendy

10.01.2022 Happy weekend eve!! Hope its a good one.

10.01.2022 Yeehaa!!! Weekend come at me. Have a great one!... Wendy See more

10.01.2022 #wendywednesday Did you see the post on Monday about the competition to caption me in this photo? So far we have had;... Another 10 push ups, I don't think so! Men! Its all about women! Did someone say Shiraz.... Barossa Shiraz? They have no bloody idea what I am truly capable of, Do you think anyone will notice my "silent but deadly"? They're not workout tights, these are workout tights... Just wait until I pull out my HANDSTAND. Mitchell Jones what the heck are you doing now? (he is one of my coaches) They call that a weight.... They want to see my we are talking. Loving the creativity and clearly there are some people there that know me too well!! Hahahaha!!! Remember it closes Sunday and the winner gets body lotion and shower gel from Tisserand. Throw an entry in - you never know! HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! Wendy See more

10.01.2022 What amazing things could this week hold? Cannot wait to see! I hope yours is great.

10.01.2022 So here it is in all its glory. Our menstrual cycle. Absolutely magnificent. The reason why we are 30% genetically different to men.... I love this picture so much because to me it represents that as women we are supposed to be cyclic by nature. It explains why our bodies can feel a bit different at the start of the month and the end of the month. We are supposed to have ebbs and flows of hormones. It makes us who we are. The picture explains a lot regarding the balance between hormones too. Or as I like to say, the song that the choir is singing. This of course is a textbook menstrual cycle and we are all different but you can see quite clearly that there are hormones that should be in specific ratios to each other and should rise and fall at specific times of the month. If they don’t, that’s often where we see problems such as irregular cycles, acne, heavy bleeding, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and difficulty falling pregnant. Its also the reason that if you are getting hormone testing done, either saliva or blood, that it needs to be done at particular times of the month in order to establish what the levels are and if there may be an issue with the levels. Otherwise the results are just a meaningless set of numbers. Our menstrual health has such a huge impact on the rest of our health and vice versa. Its our early indicator when the rest of our body isn't functioning at its optimal best and rather than seeing it as something messy and annoying maybe we should start to see it as a way of assessing how our health is going. And of course, our cycle provides us the ultimate privilege of growing another human should we choose to. Pretty awesome hey. Wendy See more

09.01.2022 Feedback like this is the best. Its the reason I do what I do - to be able to help women feel better, more in control of their health and ENJOY their life! Thanks for sharing Jessica!

09.01.2022 Slightly different #wendywednesday on a Thursday today... 10 YEARS AFTER 45KG WEIGHT LOSS - WHAT HAVE I LEARNT? I was prompted by a memory that popped up to think about my weight loss journey but more specifically how I maintained the weight loss. ... So I wrote a blog - as you do. In this blog I go over; - the real statistics on weight loss maintenance (not the stuff that diet marketing tells you) - my 5 dots points on why I think I have been able to maintain the weight loss when so many don't (and almost none of them are about the food) There is a lot of noise in the weight loss space but I can tell you from experience (and then from the extensive study I engaged in after) that maintenance is actually the hardest part. Click on the link and have a read!

08.01.2022 Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!! Have a super weekend lovelies!

08.01.2022 Happy Sunday lovely peeps - I wanted to bring you a good news story. How can your cup of coffee help women in other countries? One of my friends brought this Indonesian coffee co-op to my attention and when I started to dig around I could see that there were a few co-ops like this around the world.... The Kokowagayo was formed by women in the Aceh Province, Indonesia, on the northernmost tip of Sumatra. They were inspired by the lack of participation of the woman to voice out their opinions due to respect and courtesy towards their husbands, fathers, and fathers in laws or other men of the household who were present in such meetings. The co-op now has the support of their husbands and has created equal ground for women through providing employment, training and management. The proceeds have also helped build a coffee processing station, contributed to community projects such as building a childcare facilities, and a health centre catering to female reproductive health issues and children’s health. The power of women determined to make a difference. The beans can be purchased currently through Bliss Coffee roasters (I am not affiliated with them in any way). (And they are organic too so big thumbs up form me!) See more

07.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY LOVELIES!!! Hope your light shines bright this week.

07.01.2022 So what is it? To be - or not to be? Probably Shakespeare's most famous line from Hamlet it has an incredibly serious and sobering message. Its all about Hamlet deciding if it was worth living the human life that includes pain and suffering or if it would be easier to end it. At the conclusion of that speech, Hamlet chose life for fear of the unknown that came after death.... And without taking away the seriousness of this contemplation, this question - "to be or not to be" can be asked about so many aspect of our lives. Do we stay in the relative safety of what we know, not happy, not satisfied, not fulfilled, not healthy but also not challenged? Or do we look for another way, another path, more information, maybe get a little uncomfortable and be challenged? Do we strike out knowing that there is potential to fail but there is also potential for great satisfaction and happiness? Do we really want to just "be" or do we want something more? What if Hamlet realised that his life didn't have to always be a life of pain and unhappiness? At the end of the day we make choices about how we live our lives. We can choose to keep going down the same path, doing the same thing and knowing that we get the same result. And if you want the same result then that's perfect. I don't have all the answers to life unfortunately. But if you want a different result and want a different path then we have to make a conscious decision to change, to try a different path. Nothing changes if nothings changes is one of my favourite sayings in clinic and its absolutely true. Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you at a cross point in life and you want a different result with your health? If you are, then book an appointment and lets get started. Wendy See more

07.01.2022 #wendywednesday After some super great captions this one just ended up as the winner by a smidge. Captioned by @lynnedavoren I just could not go past this one as it really did express my love of a good Barossa Shiraz.... Special mention to @robynegilmour for her "I wonder if they will notice my silent but deadly?" caption. A great pack of body wash and moisturiser is winging its way to you Lynne! See more

07.01.2022 Don't forget that there is an open day tomorrow for Soul Spectrum, the amazing new Wellness Centre that I will be practicing from in North Lakes. All of the practitioners that will be a part of the centre will be there, there will be some demonstrations and there is a little retail shop with some unique pieces. Starts at 10am! 5 / 25 Discovery Drive, North Lakes. Come down and check it out.... I feel pretty lucky that I have a clinic in both North Lakes and Wavell Heights to be able to help people from. See more

05.01.2022 For the first time in forever I am taking school holidays off so let me know if you need any products to last you until I get back on October the 6th!!!! Wooowhoooo!!!!

05.01.2022 Look I'm not a runner by nature but I can tell you that I am keen for this weekend! Big booked out week means that this Naturopath needs some downtime to make sure I am at my best for the amazing patients that I am seeing next week. Have a beautiful weekend everyone! Mwah!... Wendy See more

04.01.2022 From my family to yours... Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing dads out there. We love you and hope your day is great. Special mention to the mums who are mums and dads in one as well

03.01.2022 Wowsers. Can you believe its December tomorrow? Have a great week everyone.

03.01.2022 That third coffee was maybe a little much 61KG Front Squat for 3 reps as part of the @butterflyeffectcompetition with @alijay8

02.01.2022 The Truth About The Pill - Part 1 Teenagers New Blog! This is part 1 of a two part blog.... This week is specifically aimed at teenagers and the pill. Next week is on the potential side effects of the pill (complete with studies). I thought it was about time that I addressed some of the questions that I get asked about the pill and just lately it has been from mums about their teens. In this weeks blog I cover of the main reasons that I hear that teenagers go on the pill; to regulate their cycle to clear up acne for contraception and why my response to these reasons is always; the pill regulates jack shit the pill will not fix your skin the pill will not stop you getting a sexually transmitted infection Plus a little extra on why I think it is a concern to put teenage athletes on the pill. Click on the link and it will take you to the blog!

02.01.2022 I'll be honest. Todays post is for my own mental health. Those of you who have seen me in person over the last 8 weeks have seen me hobbling around.... I have osteoarthritis and lots of damage in my knee joint that I aggravated. I have been modifying the training that I do since then. 2 weeks ago I pulled out of a comp that I was looking forward to. I watched my friends compete with a (mostly) well contained mixture of envy and sadness. Today I am going in for day surgery to have an arthroscope. A clean up of sorts. The arthritic damage is extensive. The legacy of an unhealthy lifestyle that I led before I found health. The surgeon was clear that this arthroscope is not the final solution. It may buy me more time to train the way that I train. Or it may not. I love training. I love lifting heavy and I love finding how far I can push myself physically. It was hard to hear that this may not be something I can continue for long. I was crushed. And I'm human. I had that "why me" moment. I thought how unfair it was that there is millions of people in the world that have healthy bodies that don't want to train. Why wasn't I given their knees? But then I was sitting with my hubby, looking around my house and realised that I have a shit ton of things to be grateful for. That is what I needed to focus on. Its easy to be a victim, be negative and bitter. Its not who I am. Its not who I want to be. So today, on the day of the arthroscope, I thought it was a good day to list some things I'm grateful for; the outstanding people in my life like my patient hubby, my kids, my extended family, my awesome friends, my brilliant gym community, my supportive smart arse coaches (would not want it any other way ), my incredibly gifted colleagues and mentors. I'm so blessed. my inspiring clients who show courage to change, grow, heal and try something different. I feel so privileged to serve you. that I live in this amazing country that whilst not perfect, really is the lucky country, that besides dodgy knees - I'm am super healthy. I've shared. So now its your turn. What is one thing that you grateful for? See more

02.01.2022 MEEEEEEE!!!!! Heads up the clinic will be closed from 18th December to the 18th January. I'm going to take the opportunity to hang out with my kids and do some planning for next year, its going to be a big one!... Wendy See more

02.01.2022 BEST WEEK EVER!!!!!! Its Womens Health this week and as you would expect I am deliriously excited about it. So many of us put our own health last because we are more concerned about other peoples.... We deserve good health and happiness too! For a long time most medical research was done on men and simply assumed to apply to women but women are not small men and it turns out that our health requirements can differ. Thankfully that is changing now and weeks like this week put the spotlight on specific health issues relating to women. Have an amazing week and stay tuned for lots of great posts! See more

01.01.2022 Sometimes you have to get started even if what you are doing is not the sparkling perfection end result that you had in mind. A lesson that I re learnt again this week. For a few months I had on my business to do list to sit down and learn the process of how to do an automatic email out to all of my patients through the scheduling and payment software that I use. I just didn’t have time before Xmas to go through the directions and then play around with it to learn it.... So, on my holidays I thought it was a good time to try. A couple hours later and voila! I had learnt how to do it and sent my first automatic emails out to my whole past and present patient list. I was really happy with myself until I saw the grammatical error that I made IN THE FIRST SENTENCE. I felt so silly and a bit embarrassed. I had read it a hundred times before pressing send. But a good friend reminded me that the fact I had taken the time to learn a new skill and to complete something was progress. Plus, I learnt I should wait a few hours or the next day and then re-read. Progress. Better to have done it and learnt these lessons than not at all. Changing habits is like that too. Focus on those small changes and celebrate those wins. Gone from no exercise to exercising twice a week? PROGRESS. Gone from having no vegetables a day to having a cup a day? PROGRESS. Gone from drinking alcohol every night to having two alcohol free nights? PROGRESS. I often say to my patients if we only change 50% of your food choices THAT’S 50% OF YOUR FOOD CHOICES and that’s HUGE! The Japanese Kaizen business philosophy embodies a bunch of stuff but the one thing that sticks in my mind is the concept that there is no perfection, just continuous improvement. To be healthier you do not need to be "perfect". It does not exist and frankly is unsustainable in the long term. There isn't a quick fix, a perfect diet, an easy option. Good health is about the hundreds of choices that are made every day. Day in and day out with hundreds of other competing priorities in that day. It can take time and effort to shift those habits. Reach out if you need a hand. Wendy See more

01.01.2022 MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITY APPEARS TO BE A PREDICTOR OF EARLY DEATH Its quite a dramatic headline but this is the headline that appeared in a medical journal this week, attached below. Its a really interesting read because not only does it talk about early death but also that menstrual irregularity has long been associated with the increase in a bunch of other conditions such as ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and mental health conditions.... Our hormones affect every part of our bodies functioning so if they are not in the right balance then there are health consequences that extend far beyond fertility issues. I will leave you also with the piece of information that I found both most interesting and disturbing, researchers "discovered an increased risk of premature death in women who had used contraceptives between 14-17 years". The pill does not "fix" menstrual cycle irregularities in adolescence and comes with its own set of consequences. Have a read and if you want some help to know where to start then reach out.

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