The Herbal Body in Nollamara, Western Australia | Local business
The Herbal Body
Locality: Nollamara, Western Australia
Phone: +61 406 074 592
Address: 222 Ravenswood Dr. 6061 Nollamara, WA, Australia
Likes: 159
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25.01.2022 Tony reminds us that, in order to successfully navigate through the information and data highway, that we first need to be clear on our intentions and our dreams. That to go along with the crowd may be treacherous rather than safe. How do we protect our minds. How to think critically. How to get to where we want to go rather than somewhere we don't want to go.
23.01.2022 For those who struggle with time management (myself included) this is how we 'create' time. How to create more time: 1. Limit social media to a particular time of day. Set a timer for yourself.... 2. Set nights aside for TV and nights aside that are TV-free 3. Phone someone rather than back an forth messaging 4. Set an alarm for your days off but make it later. You can have your sleep in without sleeping in too late and missing most of your day 5. Write a shopping list/ to do list before you go out. 6. Write to do lists before you go to bed. How many times have you woken up remembering you need to do something the next day. 7. Avoid toxic people. I like the saying: "Do not cross oceans for those who won't jump puddles for you." We all intrinsically know what our time-wasters are and where we can create more time. Time is never wasted when: 1. Spending time with family and loved ones 2. Time is spent with children 3. Time is spent with pets 4. Time is spent in nature 5. Time preparing healthy meals 6. Time exercising/playing sport 7. Gardening 8. Practising gratitude 9. Being creative - painting, journalling, dancing, singing etc.
22.01.2022 CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: When the body and mind have reached an impasse. Body says to the mind: You didn't respond to my need to slow down and now I can't respond to your need to keep going.
21.01.2022 SHOULD PRE-CONCEPTION WOMEN BE WORKING FULLTIME? Many couples pass through one of the clinics I work at wanting to conceive. Despite several attempts at IVF treatment some couples cannot fall pregnant. Not all have had IVF but after some months or years of trying to conceive naturally, some turn to this procedure. I am happy for the few couples that have succeeded but my heart breaks for those who have been unsuccessful....Continue reading
19.01.2022 ENDOCRINE DISRUTORS #6 Fire retardants Fire retardants (brominated hydrocarbons or PBDE’s) used in clothing, electrical and electronic equipment, furniture and other household products have been found to cause neuro-developmental toxicity and thyroid hormone bioactivity in rats and mice and, possibly carcinogenicity. (1) HEALTH EFFECTS OF FLAME RETARDANT CHEMICALS ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 #5 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR ARSENIC Arsenic first came to my attention as the poison of choice for Virginia Andrews’ book ‘Flowers in the attic’ a story of four children whose mother tried to commit matricide by locking her children in her father’s attic and feeding them arsenic laced doughnuts. ARSENIC ONCE USED AS A ‘HEALTH TONIC’ Historically, Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen popularised arsenic as a healing agent. Widespread use during the 19th century indicated ar...Continue reading
18.01.2022 TAKE THE QUIZ: YOU KNOW YOU'RE A NATUROPATH WHEN.... a) You start adding bee pollen, slippery elm powder and a teensy bit of diatomaceous earth powder to a too-thin chocolate icing for a cake b) You quietly congratulate yourself for squeezing 17 vegetables into a GF cannelloni dish... c) You take Vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and fish oils before going out to try and minimize the risk of a hangover d) It takes you an hour and a half to do a 20 minute shop because you get immersed into reading ingredient labels and googling additive numbers ANSWERS: If you answered A,B,C, or D, congratulations. You are qualified! No, you're not! I'm only joking...
17.01.2022 Your mind will run with negative thoughts and generate more of them. Guard your mind and be the gatekeeper of your thoughts. One negative thought can generate more negative thoughts. Patterns of negative thinking generate anxiety. Our mind is just a computer, after all. We are the programmers. ... Program gratitude and you will have peace.
16.01.2022 WHAT IS WITCHY ABOUT HERBAL MEDICINE? There is some stigma about herbal medicine being 'witchy'. Historically, many herbalists have been accused of witchcraft and persecuted for their profession and some of that sticks today. I offer you a new perspective: If you nourish your body through whole foods - plant matter - fruits, vegetables, crops from shrubs, trees, bushes, roots, herbs and flowers, then you are already using herbal medicine! Nothing witchy there.... Hippocrates, the 'Father of medicine' advocated that we should eat whole foods when he stated 'Let medicine by thy food and let food be thy medicine.' So how does herbal medicine differ from the foods we eat? Many of you have probably enjoyed a herb tea such as chamomile or peppermint and thought nothing of it. A herbal tea is an 'infusion'. Infusions may endow you with some health benefits such as relaxation or digestion but does not contain the strong medicinal properties as 'extracts' or 'tinctures'. Herbal medicine uses common herbs (plus thousands more...) that are prepared differently and with knowledge of their constituents and actions. Tinctures and extracts are dried plant matter combined and alcohol and water. The preparation differs slightly but that's it, that's the difference!
15.01.2022 PHOSPHORIC ACID: an anti-emetic substance added to sweetened carbonated drinks to prevent vomiting from the high sugar content contained in them. High phosphoric acid intake can lower calcium levels and leach stored calcium from bones. ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL... Our bodies cleverly compensate for excess blood acidity by drawing stored bone calcium into blood to neutralize excess acid. Drinking plenty of filtered water and having a diet rich vegetables and fruit (moderate quantities) will help balance the pH of our bodies.
13.01.2022 Every day we make choices about what we eat, drink, think and say. Each choice is creating a new reality. Over time the effects of those choices appear to catch up with us. But its never too late to steer the boat in a different direction.
12.01.2022 PINK SALT CONTAINS HEAVY METALS I heard this on the car radio today coming to work. 31 samples of pink salt were tested and found to contain not only essential minerals but heavy metals (mercury and lead were named). To expand on this a little bit, pink salt has been drilled out of a mountain so it is only natural that it would contain heavy metals as this is where heavy metals originate from.... To put things in perspective, mercury is being released into the atmosphere everyday for nearly 300 years as humans burn coal for fuel. Pink salt contains 84 minerals which may include the heavy metals. However, if we wanted to really avoid mercury, putting solar panelling into new or existing buildings or dwellings would reduce these emissions somewhat. Switching over to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower by industry would reduce these emissions a lot. Personally I prefer sea salt which has been obtained naturally and dried naturally. Sea salt also contains many minerals, probably also mercury and lead - what goes up into the atmosphere must come down, right? Sea salt not only contains sodium, but also its balancers - potassium and magnesium as well as other essential minerals - sulphur, iron, silicon, zinc, bromine, boron and manganese. It has been hypothesized by Loren Cordain, Ph D that the extra minerals such as iron and magnesium may originate from the clay pans from which the salt is evaporated. If Celtic sea salt obtains its characteristic grey colour from clay, then we are ingesting clay. Clay is an excellent absorbent agent - drawing out toxins for elimination - perhaps mercury and lead!! The sodium content of any kind of salt produced by any means does not differ greatly but the extra minerals that sea salt contains, at least for me, is a bonus. So each to their own salt, but please don't panic about heavy metals in your salt - there are far more pressing environmental concerns around heavy metal contamination. Maybe the news will start to elucidate us about the toxic chemicals used in personal care products and vaccines? No, I don't think so.
11.01.2022 GIFT BUYING FOR THAT 'TRICKY' PERSON? Sometimes you know someone that needs to help themselves and needs that extra little push....or perhaps you you would like a gift voucher for yourself from someone who doesn't know what to buy you. Why not buy a gift voucher as an incentive to get them the help they want?... Let's face it - herbal medicine and nutraceuticals are not always cheap when quality practitioner products are combined with nutritional and herbal knowledge. Buying supplements from a warehouse is one thing but naturopaths are often re-prescribing supplements that have not been correctly matched in the first place. The Nutraceutical industry is a multi billion-dollar industry for at least two reasons: 1. People do not want to go down the pharmaceutical path and believe (correctly) that their health problems lie in their biochemistry, diet and lifestyle 2. People's cupboard are chock-a-block full of half-used supplements! The Herbal Body can arrange a gift voucher for your 'tricky' someone for Christmas, birthday or Thank you. Help someone to help themselves this Christmas with a Herbal Body gift voucher.
08.01.2022 If artists waited until their work was perfect there might be no music, no art. Trying to be perfect creates a lot of stress. Settling for ordinary might take away the stress but inhibits our growth. 'Aim for the stars' is a happy medium. You might not reach them but you will get higher than if you never tried.
06.01.2022 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS #4 MERCURY Mercury toxicity is often associated with dental amalgams but would it surprise you to know that mercury is released into the atmosphere when coal is burnt? Atmospheric mercury settles in the oceans and in the bodies of marine life. Smaller fish accumulate less mercury than larger predatory fish and sharks. It may be time to rethink consumption of tuna, shark, swordfish and other big game fish....Continue reading
05.01.2022 HAS ANYONE BEEN WATCHING 'FURTHER BACK IN TIME' ON THE ABC? I have enjoyed this series so far. In the 1900's was particularly interesting for me from a dietary point of view. It was a meat and potatoes type existence with meat being on the menu for breakfast, lunch and tea prior to an era of refrigeration.... What it made me think was that was an awful lot of iron consumption. Iron is a wonderful mineral and the third most abundant on our planet. Without iron we would have: 1.A lowered immunity 2 Retarded growth 3. Reduced energy metabolism, 4. Reduced collagen production 5. Reduced neurotransmitters 6. Impaired enzyme synthesis Average annual consumption of beef in Austrlalia was 125 kg per person in the early 20th century compared to 76 kg today. You can have too much of a good thing though. High iron levels cause oxidation and accelerated aging. Perhaps that is why the average lifespan in the 1900's was 51 or men and 55 for women. Too much dietary iron? Too much dietary iron can increase risk of bacterial infections...too high or too low, immunity is affected. Bacterial infections such as the plague ran rife through communities with no sewerage, no running water in dwellings and foreign ships coming into port. About 500 people died from Bubonic plague in Sydney and surrounding areas during the early 20th century. This was largely due to rats on board ships from plague-affected countries entering our port. In the days when Australia was coming out of colonialism in the most isolated continent in the world, learning to be self-sufficient, one cannot be too fussy about what is served up.
04.01.2022 Living on $100 a day Would you like to play an imagining game with me? Imagine this: Instead of having $100 a day to spend in monetary currency, that you had 100 units of emotional energy to spend per day. On whom would you spend these units on?... We may have children, spouses, partners, parents, bosses, colleagues, siblings, neighbours or friends who we see on a daily basis. Whose needs or wants are attended first by you and how much of your attention do they want or use? Could you estimate how many units are energy are spent on that one person if you had to split 100 units for all the people in your life on any given day? Example one: A mother of a baby or toddler would consume most of her units on a daily basis maybe 80 or 90 if baby is not a good sleeper. In this example, those 100 units of energy would have to stretch out all through the night when most people would be sleeping. Another example is a teacher, parent or carer of a high-support needs person. The physical component combined with the mental and emotional support may draw heavily on our units despite our love for that person. Have you ever heard the expression the squeaky wheel gets oiled? Who are the squeaky wheels who receive the bulk of your attention and is it to the detriment of the wheels who don’t squeak?! Do you have a attention seeking child and a quiet child? Emotional energy is like a bank account in that it can be topped up by people who give you energy. Those people are most likely the people you admire who inspire, motivate and challenge you in uplifting ways. Your bank account can be rapidly overdrawn if you surround yourself with negative people who bring you down, invade your privacy and personal space (with the exception of children), deride, chide, castigate, belittle or disrespect you. Where do you sit in other peoples emotional energy fields? Are you topping up their cashflow or overspending their units? In reflection, at the end of every day, check in with yourself. How do I feel right at this moment? Has it been an inspiring day? Did I achieve much? Did I inspire anyone today? How is my emotional cash flow am I in arrears or am I in credit for tomorrow? Do you see a need for a ‘budget overhaul’? If the answer is Yes then you may need to re-define some boundaries as to how much you allow other people to spend of your emotional energy. If the answer is No, chances are you are balancing your company well. See more
02.01.2022 Endocrine disruptors #5 Lead Permanent brain damage, miscarriage, lowered IQ are but three of the multitudinous health effects caused by lead. Although lead is naturally occurring mineral, industry has increased widespread use of lead and lead emissions....Continue reading
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