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25.01.2022 New Moon Tonight marks the beginning of a new moon cycle, thus making it the ideal time to make space in your evening to align with this cycle. Here are some rituals I use during this time to reflect, set intentions and manifest my dreams...... Journaling. Now is a great time to set our intentions for the new cycle, set goals and spend time imagining and writing down how we want the next 4 weeks to evolve. Meditation. Spend time meditating on these intentions, or simply find a guided New Moon meditation on YouTube and immerse yourself in that. Sound Bath. I love doing these around New and Full Moons. I often get my girls to do it with me as we get ready for bed. You can stream live sound baths on social media platforms or find one on YouTube. Salt Bath. Bathing in mineral or magnesium salts grounds us and is deeply cleansing. This is also a fantastic way to give pause so you can spend time setting intentions and manifesting your goals. Even if you dont get around to doing any of these today or tonight, if you spend some time today setting intentions in your mind then you are aligning yourself. Also, for us Melbournians, by the time this cycle finishes we should hopefully be experiencing a little more physical freedom so lets all set powerful intentions around that #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealing #healthandfitness #spiritjunkie #spiritual #newmoon #newmoonintentions #journaling #newmoonrituals #intentions #loa #positivity #lawofattraction #moon #meditation #mentalhealth #mind #mindfulness #mindset #healthymind #healthybody #ipreview via

24.01.2022 Potatoes Potatoes could possibly be one of the most misunderstood foods when it comes to weight loss. Many people shun them, believing they are not good for us and that they contribute to weight gain. ... This couldnt actually be further from the truth, and potatoes could be one of your greatest allies if you are wanting to heal, reduce body fat and increase your overall health. It all depends on how you eat them. When we think of potatoes as a food what do we think of? - Potato fries, immersed and cooked in toxic oils. - Potato mash, laden with an abundance of butter or margarine. - Roasted potatoes, again these are often slathered in olive oil or worse. - Baked potatoes, go hand in hand with generous serves of high fat cheese, sour cream and other oily dressings. So what do you think the problem is here? Is it the potatoes or the way in which they are usually prepared? If you learn how to prepare your potatoes without adding oils you will find they can help fill you up and their calorie density is actually quite low at around 400 cals per pound. Plus potatoes are widely acknowledged as the most satiating food on the planet, so they fill you up and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Now onto the lesser known health benefits of consuming potatoes. Potato skins are highly nutrient dense, filled with amino acids, proteins and phytochemicals, so always try to eat them with the skin on (wash well first and try to buy organic). The inside of a potato is also highly underrated when it comes to nutrition. Potatoes draw an abundance of minerals from the soil and are therefore rich in potassium and B6. They are also a great natural source of Lysine which is anti inflammatory and anti viral. Potatoes are also incredibly healing and grounding for the body and mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Try steaming or baking them without oil, including them in soups and stews and enjoying the in their natural state. Ill be shining the light on potatoes a lot here, so stay tuned for recipes and tips. #potatoes #plantbasednutrition #onlinehealthcoach #healthcoach #ipreview vi See more

23.01.2022 Who else is excited to train more outdoors now that the weather has improved? Getting your movement and sunshine in the one hit is a fantastic mood booster. #healthandfitnesscoach #fitness #outdoortraining #outdoorfitness #workout #onlinefitnesscoach #healthandfitness #sunshine #melbourne #melbourneweather #healthylife #holistichealth #holisticpersonaltrainer #body #fit #ipreview via

21.01.2022 Just a lil chat about my lil offer I have running at the moment... With spring literally around the corner, I am personally feeling so much more motivated and I love to share this positivity with my clients. Positive thinking leads to positive outcomes, and knowing that you have a coach backing you and cheering you on might be just what you need. ... Mindset it everything, not just when it comes to health and fitness but in all aspects of our lives. For me, shifting my perception has really helped me through some incredibly challenging times and it has completely changed my life. I would love to share all of this with you, so get in touch and lets get you strong and smiling all the way through spring #holistichealthansfitnesscoach #holistichealthandfitness #fitness #onlinehealthansfitnesscoach #onlinefitnesscoach #mindset #positivity #bodyandmind #body #diet #nutrition #healthandfitness #femalefitnesscoach #strength #womensstrength #strongwomen #ipreview via See more

21.01.2022 How are your home workouts going? As much as I prefer to train in a gym, I am now learning new ways to keep my strength up using my body weight and the weights that I have available to me at home. When doing remote sessions with clients, often they dont have any equipment at all at home, so this has inspired me to discover and practice various body weight movements so that our training isnt compromised. ... Its fun, its incredibly rewarding and if you would like to join me for a few sessions then let me know and I can get you started. Contact details in bio... #melbournepersonaltrainer #ptlife #onlinepersonaltraining #fitness #remotepersonaltraining #health #holisticpersonaltraining #strength #womensstrengthtraining #strong #missingthegym #homeworkout #athomeworkout #fitnesscoach #femalepersonaltrainer #isofit #ipreview via See more

21.01.2022 Im so grateful today is Friday... This past week I have been feeling a lot more tired than usual, and I know its time to rest and reconnect. There is some heavy cosmic energy in the air with Mars in Retrograde, and that coupled with the air of discontent here in Melbourne has seen many of us flounder and fall. ... I have noticed this energy so much over the past week, and as I am always working on healing myself and others, I think this is why my body is telling me to rest. This morning I felt the need to do a longer than usual yoga session, and my practice energized me and felt amazing. Yoga is such a healer for body and mind. Today, after my work and home schooling duties are done I am looking forward to a little Netflix and escapism (and a glass of rose). There will always be times when you feel sun-par, but it is always your choice how you treat yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and forgiveness, not blame and guilt. Tomorrow is a brand new day... #holistichealthandfitness #health #mentalhealth #holistichealing #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #mind #body #yoga #melbourne #marsretrograde #astrology #healer #forgiveness #friday #tgif #melbournepersonaltrainer #fit #melbournefitnesscoach #fitness #femalepersonaltrainer #strong #ipreview via See more

20.01.2022 New Offer My latest offer combines both health and fitness coaching in order to provide a comprehensive program with holistic guidance for those who are serious about creating their outcomes. If your goals are focused around weight loss, healing, short term and long term health and vitality as well as gaining inner and outer strength, this is the coaching service for you. ... I can set you up with a personalized home or gym based fitness regime, help you cut through all of the fad diet bullshit and learn how to nourish your self with real foods and eat healthily for life. You will learn the types of food that will help you get to where you want to be and how to fuel and heal your body naturally. All of this comes without restriction or calorie counting, allowing your body to trust that you are no longer punishing it,and for your relationship with food and your body to improve. It this sounds too good to be true, well it is...this offer wont be around for too long. DM me for more details. *Conditions apply #holistichealthandfitnesscoaching #healthansfitnesscoach #fitness #femalehealthansfitnesscoach #womenshealth #womensfitness #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthcoach #naturalhealth #offer #healthcoachingoffer #body #healing #holistichealing #diet #femalepersonaltrainer #ptlife #ipreview via See more

19.01.2022 Smoothies are undoubtably delicious, easy to prepare and very healthful, but are your smoothies helping or hindering your weight loss? If losing weight is a current goal of yours, then you might want to revisit what you are putting in your smoothies and how much the overall calorie density is. Im a huge fan of smoothies and have one most days but at the moment I am working on some new low calorie density recipes for myself and my clients. ... Zucchini is a new ingredient that I am experimenting with as a substitute for cucumber as it contains more fiber and protein and thus will keep you fuller for much longer, with less calories per gram. Also, try cutting back on ingredients such as nut butters, dates, collagen powders and highly processed protein powders and increase your vegetables. Another tip is to use filtered water instead of plant milks or coconut water. Are you also enjoying more smoothies now as the weather warms? #onlineholistichealthcoach #health #holistichealthcoach #healthcoach #plantbasedhealthcoach #diet #plantbasedsmoothie #smoothie #greensmoothie #smoothierecipe #lowcaloriedensitysmoothie #body #caloriedensity #zucchini #greens #lowcaloriesmoothie #fitnesscoach #onlinehealthcoaching #lifeforce #plantstrong #smoothietips #ipreview via See more

19.01.2022 Papaya A bowl of fresh papaya is quite simply the best way to start your day. Papaya is one of the most nutrient dense and healing fruits on the planet, and in my personal opinion, its the most delicious. ... I eat several over the course of a week and have got many of my clients consuming it regularly also. It is particularly beneficial for people who have a sensitive stomach and digestive issues. Papaya has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect on the stomach so it is the perfect food for those with digestive upsets, aversions to more acidic fruits such as citrus and those with any type of chronic illness. I always buy multiple papayas at a time and let them ripen on my counter top until the skin yields a little when pressed (much like a ripe avocado). Are you a papaya fan? #holistichealing #healingwithfruit #healthcoach #holistichealthcoach #healthansfitnesscoach #papaya #fruitisking #papayaforhealing #morningcleanse #breakfast #fruit #foodismedicine #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedhealth #hownottodie #onlineholistichealthcoaching #diet #body #food #weightloss #ipreview via See more

19.01.2022 Staying on track Staying on track with our fitness, and being accountable to our selves and our goals can be difficult, especially with many of us still training from home. Being in a flow state when it comes to life is a beautiful way to live, but when it comes to doing the things we may not always want to do, then discipline and routine rule! ... So does scheduling... This is why urge all of you who are skipping or missing your sessions to schedule them into your day and Get. It. Done This has been hugely effective for me personally and it has meant that I train nearly every day. Im a mornings girl, so early suits me and my lifestyle but find your own time and make it fun, fast and effective. Thats my tip for the day, I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. Im currently accepting new clients for online fitness coaching. Contact details are in my bio #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesscoach #melbournefitnesscoach #fitness #healthandfitnesscoach #workout #homeworkout #personaltrainer #holisticfitnesscoaching #body #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #stayingfit #melbournefitness #lockdownfitness #fitnesstips #diet #holisticpersonaltrainer #lifestyle #ipreview via See more

19.01.2022 Answering your questions about online fitness coaching... With my current online offer still standing, and lockdown being the ideal time to devote to self care, I am receiving lots of questions about the level of support that I offer my clients. As a coach, living my purpose of helping others live happier, healthier lives, I am fully committed to my clients outcomes and this means that I will always support them in any way that I can. ... My 6 week online fitness coaching offer is still available so reach out if you have any questions or want to know more. #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #onlineholisticfitnesscoach #fit #onlinefitnesscoaching #fitness #femalefitnesscoach #body #healthandfitness #strong #strengthtraining #strongwomen #onlinestrengthtraining #women #womensbodies #womenshealth #ipreview via See more

18.01.2022 What have you found to smile about today? Feeling and expressing gratitude for everything that we have is the path to true happiness and joy. Even emotions and events that don’t feel great deserve gratitude, as they are here for us to navigate and work through in order to achieve a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. ... Today I am feeling grateful for the sunshine and this beautiful weather we are experiencing, I am grateful for my health and for my strong body and for my family and friends. And fruit...I am always grateful the the divine gift of fruit #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #fruit #frugivore #plantbasedhealthcoach #plantbasedhealth #healthcoach #womenshealthcoach #frugivorediet #melbournepersonaltrainer #ptlife #metalchick #personaltrainer #body #fitnesscoach #windsor #healthybody #healthymind #gratitude #grateful #happiness #joy #sunshine #health #melbourneweather #ascention #ipreview via

17.01.2022 Skin Food As I work in the beauty industry, as well as the health and fitness realm and I work with a predominantly female clientele, I am asked this question a lot... Which foods are key to glowing skin? ... The answer is a lot more simple than many people expect... Fruit! Including a wide diversity of fruit in your diet, and consuming it correctly on an empty stomach is what I believe gives us plump, radiant skin. Heres why... Fruit is deeply hydrating. The water in fruit is living water and your body recognizes it and utilizes it. Because fruit is a convenient package of water and glucose, your body takes the water in as it absorbs the glucose. Hydration is one of the key elements to plump, juicy skin. Fruit is brimming with antioxidants, minerals and essential fatty acids. These are all cleverly included to nourish and cleanse us. Consuming a diet filled with antioxidant rich foods is one of the keys to long term health and youthfulness. Fruit is naturally cleansing and healing. As our bodies remove toxins and waste, our skin shines with health. Toxic overload can contribute to dark under eye circles, dull, dry skin and some skin conditions. It is important to look after our skin externally, but honestly one of the best ways to nourish, brighten and clear your skin is to pay more attention to what you are feeding it internally. #skinfood #healthandbeautycoach #healthandbeauty #foodforskin #healthandfitness #skinhealth #makeupartist #healthcoach #skinisin #healthyskin #fruitfirst #fruitisking #skincaretips #skin #skincareadvice #glowingskin #skintips #onlinehealthcoach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #womenshealth #womensbeauty #beautytips #femalehealthcoach #fruit #fruitforlife #foodforlife #diet #ipreview via See more

17.01.2022 Many of us might need to work a little harder right now Creating happiness is a choice we can make regardless of our situation. Here are some great methods you can use to create joy. ... Cultivate love. Love triggers positive feelings in the mind, loving others unconditionally elevates our feelings and spiritual state. Helping others. Even small gestures of kindness and compassion can cultivate cheerfulness. Learn to detach. Let go, surrender and you will find bliss. Detaching from negativity, sadness and possible outcomes helps us live in the present and invites a beautiful flow of life. Create and attract positivity. Positive activities create a positive sphere of influence around you. Doing negative things only brings negative results. And remember - you glow differently when you are happy #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealthcoach #onlinehealth #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #melbournehealthandfitnesscoach #healthandfitness #happiness #thehappinesscure #mindsetcoach #mind #spiritjunkie #spirituallife #livingconsciously #consciouslife #joy #bliss #mindsetcoaching #ipreview via See more

17.01.2022 When your clients show up and make you proud I have several clients whose commitment to their fitness sessions really impresses me. One of my most committed clients showed up to her session this morning having recently experienced a little lower back pain that was still bothering her. ... Regardless, she was still intending to move her body, even suggesting that if any weight bearing exercise felt wrong we could simply take a walk around the park in the sunshine together. I scrapped most of our originally planned session and we gently felt our way through a light strength routine, enjoyed being outdoors in the sunshine and had a great chat (today’s topics were gluten and how to re-mineralize teeth). The beauty of what she did today is - it wasn’t that she was showing up for me, most importantly she was showing up for herself. Staying healthy in this often toxic world takes commitment, however the rewards are always infinitely worthwhile. Love ya Ange! #melbournepersonaltrainer #health #healthandfitnesscoach #holistic #holistichealthandfitness #fitness #moveyourbody #fitnesscoaching #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #body #plantbasedfitnesscoach #plantbasedpersonaltrainer #fit #outdoorworkout #melbourne #ipreview via See more

17.01.2022 I haven’t trained my body in the gym all week... Yes I miss it, and yes I wish I could but I am not beating myself up about it and feeling guilt. Feelings of guilt and shame are incredibly destructive to our joy. I understand that I will not suffer because of this, my strength and fitness will not decline because I took a week off. ... If life has other plans for you and you are unable to train then try your best to avoid guilt, keep your nutrition super healthy if you can and get back as soon as you are able. #melbournepersonaltrainer #fitness #healthandfitness #fitnesscoaching #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #gym #strengthtraining #womensfitness #onlinestrengthcoach #windsor #strongwomen #schoolholidays #mindset #motivation #happiness #missingthegym #strengthtraining #ipreview via See more

16.01.2022 Online Fitness Coaching Offer Right now Im offering six weeks of online fitness coaching for $180. Thats just $30 per week and it includes all of my guidance, personalized fitness programs, mindset coaching and support. ... Wherever in the world you are, with gyms and fitness studios closed in many places, staying strong and healthy is vital. Training from home is not always ideal for those who rely on specialized venues and classes, however the next best thing you can do is employ the expertise of a coach. I can set you up, keep you inspired and motivated (my amazing clients motivate me right back too), support you as you work towards your goals and celebrate your achievements with you. Right now your goals dont even have to be huge, for some of us just staying sane and purposeful during this time is enough. I can help. And there is no better time than now to take up this limited offer. Come join me *Terms and Conditions Apply #onlinefitnesscoachingoffer #fit #fitnesscoach #onlinefitness #stayingfit #fitnessoffer #fitness #holisticfitnesscoaching #healthy #personaltrainer #holistichealth #homefitness #homeworkout #body #diet #mindset #healing #ipreview via

16.01.2022 This is real food. When I’m working with my health coaching clients, my goal for them is to shift their mindset around food, specifically the types of food we should consume in abundance and those that are not meant for us. The main issue I work on is the popular belief that sugar and carbs are the enemy of weight loss and health. ... Nothing could be further from the truth... Clean carbohydrates and sugars are critical for our bodies to function optimally and natural sugar is not our enemy. Our bodies run on glucose, not only that but we thrive on glucose. Every system relies heavily on a steady intake of glucose through the day. Glucose is the most critical nutrient in our diets, so why is the diet and food industry leading us to believe otherwise? Why are they pushing protein and healthy fats and demonizing the most critical of nutrients? Think about their agenda (clue ) but also look at how many people on these diets are sick. They might lose a little water weight but nobody is gaining health on these diets. They are keeping us sick. If you would like guidance on how to break free of the low carb lie and fuel your body with the most nutritious, healing, delicious foods then reach out and I will help you. I am currently taking online and personal health coaching clients and working to change our diets and this world for the better. #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #heal #holistichealing #healingdiet #fruit #frugivore #frugivorediet #weightloss #weightlossdiet #onlinehealthcoach #onlineolantbasedhealthcoach #diet #lowcarblie #hclfdiet #hclf #healthy #dietlies #fruitismedicine #fruitdiet #highfruitdiet #thesugarlie #sugar #ipreview via

16.01.2022 Todays lesson in truly living in the present At the end of the day its all that really matters... Worrying about things that havent yet occurred means we are living in the future, and as this quote eloquently describes, many of the things we stress and worry about do not end up happening. ... If you find yourself in this space too often, try to bring yourself back to the now, your breath, and the blessings that you have right now. If you can, follow that up with some positive action to further derail your fears and steer yourself towards what you really want your future to look like. Oh, and whats your favorite Tom Petty song? #mindset #positiveandproductive #healthandfitnesscoach #positivity #mondaymindset #monday #spirit #spiritjunkie #tompetty #fitness #onlinefitnesscoach #health #mindsetcoach #gratitude #life #thepowerofnow #stayingpresent #ipreview via See more

16.01.2022 My favorite post-workout smoothie... Two ripe bananas, a big handful of frozen mixed berries, three big juicy medjool dates and coconut water. This smoothie is so filling and delicious plus it provides your body with everything it needs.... - most importantly it replenishes your glucose stores, giving your body and brain the energy to repair and recover. - bananas are a rich source of magnesium, potassium and amino acids which assist your recovery. - Berries are brimming with antioxidants which helps calm inflammation in the body and the unique compounds in blackberries and blueberries are especially anti-inflammatory. - Dates are little energy bombs containing B Vitamins and iron. They are also great for building bone and muscle strength. - Coconut water deeply hydrates, cleanses the system and is packed with electrolytes. In fact its electrolyte balance is identical to human plasma. A smoothie like this would also be amazing for children, post sport or any time of the day. Its creamy and sweet and just perfect. #melbournepersonaltrainer #fruit #fruitsmoothie #foodismedicine #onlinepersonaltraining #body #holistichealth #holisticfitnesstips #fitnesstips #onlinehealthcosch #holistichealthcoach #friguvore #frugivorediet #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedhealthcoach #health #theproteinmyth #fitnesscoach Who else loves a fruit smoothie? #ipreview via See more

16.01.2022 Feeling Blessed The coaching calls I do with my online clients have fast become the highlight of my day. Nothing fulfills me more than helping others live healthier more aligned lives. ... The feedback that I am receiving from my clients truly warms my heart and it helps me feel even more aligned with my own personal purpose. My clients are celebrating their bodies changing, their sleep improving and reductions in health issues that they had previously accepted as just part of aging. The best bit is seeing their smiles, their joy, their enthusiasm and their hope. They are my blessing every single day, and I cherish their trust in me to guide them to health and happiness. I have some great health and/or fitness coaching offers at the moment for online clients so get in touch if you would love to join my tribe #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesscoach #femalefitnesscoach #bodymind #healthandmindsetcoach #body #personaltrainer #womenshealth #womensstrength #strongwomen #fit #diet #plantbasedcoach #joy #gratitude #blessings #lovemyjob #grateful #happiness #mindset #ipreview via See more

15.01.2022 Six amazing strength sessions down this week... Ill be real with you, when I started doing these sessions as it is early and I had just got out of bed, I would be doing my yoga and then my strength sessions still wearing my pajamas... However this week I switched things up and actually put on my activewear, and my sessions have been so much more intense and enjoyable. ... Its amazing how my mind has decided that I will work harder and enjoy my yoga and training so much more when I am wearing the appropriate clothes. I know that during iso many of you are likely training in your pajamas too, maybe even spending the entire day in them (no judgement here) but if its all feeling a bit lackluster then try this trick and see if it works for you. My other trick is to put your activewear out before you go to bed, so they ready to put on when you wake. How has your training been going this week? #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #healthandfitnesscoach #fitness #fitnesstips #isofitness #strength #strongwomen #strengthtraining #melbournefitnesscoach #health #morningroutine #homeworkout #morningmotivation #body #diet #fitnesscoach #personaltrainer #ipreview via See more

15.01.2022 New twelve week offers Because coaching is more of a long-term commitment for many, I have decided to extend my current offers to twelve weeks. I work with my clients in a very staggered, week-by-week approach and this not only helps them develop habits and a lifestyle that will see them achieve their goals but also attain long-term health and happiness. ... My initial six week offers were put in place during our initial lockdown and I have had an incredible response. However many of my clients want to continue beyond that time period and my goal as a coach is to work with clients longer term so it makes sense for all involved. So, I am extending these lockdown offers and it feels right. I am excited to welcome some amazing women to my group over the next few weeks and create real impact on peoples lives. Lets do this! Contact links in bio... #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoaching #healthandfitness #newoffer #body #onlinehealthcoach #holistichealth #holisticfitnesscoach #happiness #healthandhappiness #fitness #onlinefitness #personaltrainer #plantbasedhealthcoach #health #healthiswealth #lifestylecoaching #ipreview via See more

14.01.2022 Train with a buddy and save... Plus you get to- - Have fun outdoors. ... - Make and maintain connections with others. - Gain strength and tone up your physique. - Improve your core strength and posture. - Gain insight about the types of foods that heal our bodies. - Have someone who holds you accountable to your sessions so you are more motivated to show up. Did I mention that it’s fun? I will have more session times opening up over the next few weeks so tag a friend in this post if you want to get the ball rolling and then secure your times while this offer is still on. #melbournefitnesscoach #fitness #melbournepersonaltrainer #strong #strongwomen #womensstrength #womensstrengthtraining #posture #pilates #femaleempowerment #ptlife #holisticpersonaltrainer #workout #outdoorworkout #outdoorfitness #personaltrainingmelbourne #windsor #windsorpersonaltraining #bayside #elsternwickpersonaltrainer #body #ipreview via

14.01.2022 Positivity Why is it so important to create a positive mindset? And how do we get there when we find this challenging? ... There seems to be a collective shift in the energy at the moment and I am riding the wave of positivity that is flowing right now. Although we may still face challenges, we are all blessed in so many ways. Are you feeling it? #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealth #mindset #positive #loa #thinkpositive #melbourne #springweather #fitnesscoach #holistichealthcoach #gratitude #grateful #happiness #mindful #mindsetcoach #femalehealth #strongwomen #womensstrength #femalefitnesscoach #spiritjunkie #ipreview via See more

12.01.2022 How do we facilitate change in our lives? We begin with an intention and this is the easy part, we can all say that we want to commit to eating better or working out more regularly, for example. However, along with that intention and even more importantly we need to find our why. ... Why do we want to make these changes? How will our life be happier? How will our daily life look when we commit to this change? Finding your why is crucial for not only stepping into the change, but it should also be your constant companion on your journey. When things get tough, our why is there to remind us of our motives and the outcomes that we desire. The most powerful why is about you! What do you deserve in life? How do you want to feel every day? We all deserve health and happiness so if this is what you seek then know that you can make changes for yourself. And if you need any guidance, I can help #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlineholistichealthandfitness #onlinefitnesscoach #healthcoach #findyourwhy #change #changes #happiness #joy #abundance #life #femalepersonaltrainer #mindset #healthymindset #mindsetcoach #onlinehealthcoaching #health #ipreview via See more

12.01.2022 Hopefully not too much longer to go now... Be kind to yourself Be kind to others ... Do something every single day that your future self will thank you for Stay in the light and shine for others #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealth #onlinefitnesscoach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthcoach #staypoitive #mindset #community #lightworker #shineyourlight #keepshining #healthandhappiness #femalept #womensstrengthtraining #strong #ipreview via See more

10.01.2022 The half plate method for weight loss... This is one of the key components to helpIng your body shed excess weight, all the while not depriving yourself of food volume. Losing weight does not have to be centered around restriction and feeling deprived. ... The key is to understand and work with calorie density, which is one of the main tools I teach my clients when it comes to helping them reach their body composition goals. For every meal, fill half of your plate with low calorie density, natural foods such as leafy greens, raw vegetables and or/steamed greens. Then with the other half you can add your starches (potatoes of all kinds are my favorite), and your protein if you choose to add one. Not only does this ensure that natures healthiest foods are dominating your plate but it means you can eat larger portions that keep you feeling fuller. Essentially you are filling up on fibre rich, water dense foods that also contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals which has a multitude of other health benefits. There is much more to this theory which I will divulge in future posts, but if you would like a personal guide on how this could help you achieve your goals then I have some amazing coaching offers that wont be around for too much longer. #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlineholistichealthcoach #body #femalehealthcoach #healthy #caloriedensity #halfplatemethod #weightloss #bodycomposition #womensweightloss #halfplate #plantbaseddiet #plantbased #plantbasedweightloss #skinfood #howtoloseweight #starchsolution #womenshealth #strongwomen #holistichealthcoach #food #diet #ipreview via See more

10.01.2022 Lets talk about smoothie bowls... My obsession with these last summer is well documented on this page. I was making them at home daily for a while there and man they are delicious... But...... Although they consist of mostly whole, natural foods such as fruit, leafy greens and nuts, many are super high in calories (up to 1000cal per bowl). Now this can be fine if you are maintaining your weight and you are consuming a lot of calories per day, but if you are trying to lose weight and eat your smoothie bowls then you might want to make some adjustments. Firstly, try to make them at home so you can control what goes into them. Add more vegetables to your base such as leafy greens, cucumber or zucchini. You wont taste them but they will keep the overall calorie count low. Swap out your granola for rolled oats, quinoa puffs, coconut chips or another low fat option (Im still researching these so let me know if you have any suggestions). Dress your bowl with mostly fresh fruits and berries and only a little dried fruit (dried figs are my favorite). Swap our your nut butters (now this is where most of the calorie action happens) for powdered options. Powdered peanut butter has had most of the fat removed and still tastes incredible. Dont eat them every day, like I did, see them as a treat to have once in a while (depending on your weight loss goals). Now that the weather is warming up I am creating some smoothie bowl recipes for myself and my clients to enjoy. Are you a smoothie bowl fan? #onlineholistichealthcoach #diet #smoothiebowl #smoothiebowls #caloriedensity #lowcaloriedensity #plantbasedhealthcoach #body #plantbaseddiet #womenshealth #plantbasedweightloss #fruitfirst #foodismedicine #healthcoach #onlinehealthcoach #fitness #healthandfitness #healthybody #ipreview via See more

10.01.2022 My new tea obsession... Not only does this smell divine - like rose and hibiscus, but it contains some of my favorite cleansing herbs such as Dandelion, Red Clover and Burdock Root. This isnt the tea to have before bed as it contains green tea which is caffeinated, but Ive found it to be an ideal afternoon pick-me-up or post lunch soothing elixir. ... Hibiscus tea has been a favorite of mine for many years as it contains an abundance of Vitamin C, and we all know that Vitamin C is the key for helping your body synthesize collagen. Whats your favorite tea at the min? #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealing #holistichealth #onlinehealthcoach #herbaltea #teaobsessed #detoxtea #detox #yogiteas #hibiscustea #healing #personaltrainer #skin #skindetox #skindetoxtea #healthytea #health #womenshealth #beautyfromwithin #ipreview via See more

09.01.2022 As a health and fitness coach, I spend a lot of time talking with my clients about the fundamentals of working with their body in order to achieve their goals. Your dietary intake and your training routine will have an incredibly positive effect on the health of your body and committing to these practices will certainly help get you there. But there is something else...... So, if we are working with our body as I advocate for, then why are so many of us working against our own thoughts. Do you imagine you are helping yourself if you are doing all the right things when it comes to diet and exercise, but then you still perceive your body - your sacred self - as imperfect, not good enough or worse? This is something I am exploring more and more lately, as part of my goal to provide the most holistic approach to my clients. If our thoughts create our reality, then how are our perceptions about our bodies really affecting our outcomes? Thoughts #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealing #onlinefitness #onlinehealthcoach #mindset #selflove #selfperception #loa #womensbodies #womenshealth #createyourreality #thoughts #thoughtoftheday #lawofattraction #femalepersonaltrainer #women #womenshealthcoach #healthy #ipreview via See more

09.01.2022 Why simple eating is good for our bodies Keeping our meals simple, with just a few key ingredients is one of the best things you can do for your digestion and your health. Not only are we teaching our tastebuds to appreciate the flavor of real, natural foods without all of the added salt, oils and sugary/msg laden dressings, we are working towards healing our bodies. ... Our digestion prefers us to keep things simple, and this is why its best to avoid complex combinations of various starches, proteins, fats and vegetables. I used to create these wildly complex meals, trying to incorporate as many different healthy foods as I could find. Nowadays I believe it is better for our bodies to digest simple meals with very little combining of different types of foods. It feels so much lighter on the body. As long as you are eating a diverse range of fruits, vegetables and starches over the course of the week then you will fulfill your nutritional requirements, your digestion will function optimally and nutrient absorption will increase. So try keeping your meals simple and see how it feels for you. It is also so much easier and quicker to prepare, which I always appreciate. Let me know your thoughts... #onlineholistichealthcoach #diet #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #foodcombining #simplemeals #simpleplantbasedeating #food #digestion #plantbaseddiet #caloriedensity #lowcaloriedensity #womensweightloss #weightloss #eatingfordigestion #keepitsimple #keepfoodsimple #healthcoach #body #fitness #plantbasedpasta #ipreview via

09.01.2022 Another three months before we can return to the gym... I miss being in the gym with my clients so much, however I am grateful to have finally found my home workout groove and I am keeping myself (and many of my online clients) feeling fit and healthy as we navigate this ongoing lockdown. My heart bleeds for all of my friends in the fitness industry who run gyms and studios. I cant imagine how disappointing this must be for them and their families. ... I am sending love and light to all who are deeply affected and saddened by what is currently happening. I am okay. If you are not, please reach out to myself or a friend or family member and talk about how you are feeling. Even if we cant lift heavy weights, we can lift each others spirits. #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealth #healing #health #melbournelockdown #fitness #personaltrainer #fitnesscoach #onlinefitnesscoach #onlinehealth #sendinglove #staystrong #strong #womensstrength #strongwomen #ipreview via See more

08.01.2022 How often should you train? There are a myriad of answers to that question but often it depends on your intended outcome and level of commitment. If you are wanting to regain strength, work on posture and alignment then I would suggest at least three strength sessions per week. ... During these sessions you will need to be pushing your limits and challenging your physical and mental strength. Working with a fitness coach is well worth the investment if this is your goal, as not only can we push you beyond what you believe you can do (in the nicest possible way), but we coach you on your technique and ensure you are exercising correctly. If you are more focused on mobility, movement and mental clarity then I would suggest at least four sessions a week which could include two strength sessions with a trainer, with other sessions based around sport and recreational activity such as walks. I’m now taking on female clients for personal fitness coaching either in the gym or outdoors. I train one-on-one and in small groups across the Windsor and Elsternwick area. I am excited to be welcoming in many new amazing females now and over the next few months. Session times are booking up fast so DM me if you are keen to join me. #melbournepersonaltrainer #pt #femalepersonaltrainer #strength #strongwomen #womensstrength #fitnesscoach #healthandfitness #womensstrengthtraining #body #personaltraining #baysidept #gym #holisticpersonaltraining #strong #ipreview via

08.01.2022 How are you reflecting on this past week as we slide into the weekend? Fridays signal a shift in energy for many of us, and I often spend some time in reflection and gratitude for what the week has brought me and what I have created. During lockdown so much of daily life has changed, yet we are all still achieving, creating and making our lives better. ... It may only be the smallest of changes we make to our daily routine such as committing to fitness several times a week or choosing to fuel our body with more healing foods instead of reaching for the more processed options but it all counts. And we should all be proud of every achievement we make, no matter how small. Sometimes its the smallest daily achievements that add up to the big life outcomes. What have you achieved this week? #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #onlinepersonaltraining #healthy #mindset #positivity #gratitude #healthansfitnesscoach #body #female #strongwomen #strong #womensstrengthtraining #fit #diet #holistichealing #holistichealth #transformation #healthcoach #femaletransformation #grateful #friday #happyfriday #celebrate #ipreview via See more

08.01.2022 As winter closes out today and the weather improves, we will have more opportunities and a greater desire to get out into nature. The importance of connecting with Mother Earth cannot be overstated. Not only does being in nature have immense psychological benefits but it also has vast physiological benefits too. ... The suns healing rays on our skin delivers energizing life force energy, precious vitamins and boosts serotonin (our happiness hormone). Connecting directly to the earth by walking barefoot, sitting or lying directly on a natural surface such as grass or sand keeps us grounded. This has an immediate effect on our nervous system, mood, stress levels and circulation. These practices provide an important emotional calm which us Victorians need more than ever now. This picture was taken by my dear friend @liviamilazzo as we meditated together in the botanic gardens - pre lockdown. Who else cannot wait to connect with nature when Spring arrives? #healthandfitnesscoach #health #grounding #earth #motherearth #holistichealth #holistichealing #nature #natureshealing #fitness #mindset #gratitude #mindful #onlinehealthcoach #fitnesscoach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #meditation #healinginnature #onlinefitnesscoaching #women #strongwomen #womensstrength #ipreview via

07.01.2022 How is everybody doing this Saturday? Our weekends are looking so different to what they once was, so how are you keeping busy while in lockdown? On weekends, I allow my kids a little more screen time so I can get some emails out to clients and work on my online business while they relax. ... On weekends I have remote clients too, and I make it a priority to get a sweat session in for myself which always sets me up and gets the endorphins going. In the evenings at the moment its usually a glass or two of wine, phone chats with friends, a trawl through YouTube (Im loving music documentaries at the moment), and then multiple episodes of Younger. I always try to be grateful that this isnt forever and I wont always have as much time to spend reading, watching and indulging in random YouTube rabbit holes. I hope youre all staying warm and positive today, relaxing and indulging in whatever makes you smile. #healthandfitnesscoach #mindset #saturdaymindset #melbourne #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthandfitness #body #lifestyle #femalefitnesscoach #plantbasedhealthcoach #diet #lifeinlockdown #healthandfitness #bodyandmind #positivity #mind #ipreview via See more

07.01.2022 Why you dont often see a lot of grains in my food photos I am not against grains and I am certainly not low carb. However what I am is an advocate for the most healing, nutrient dense foods on this planet. And these are the foods that I prefer to consume. We make (at least) three choices per day, deciding how we wish to fuel ourselves and what is best for our bodies and our goals, so I prefer to focus on fruits, vegetables, herbs and legumes to cleanse and fuel me. ... I do eat oatmeal, some rice and occasionally bread but I prefer to avoid gluten where I can as I believe it isnt great for our health. However if I feel like a pizza or a felafel with pita bread (I live in Elsternwick, it would be rude not to), then I will have it occasionally. However these types of foods form only a very small percentage of my diet. Essentially, grains take up space in your diet that can be put to better use. So, my day to day diet doesnt contain a whole lot of them and I find that works for my body right now. I do love pasta though, so legume pasta is my jam and I do have that regularly. If you are curious about how and why this lifestyle works for me then I have a fantastic health coaching offer at the moment. I will teach you all I know and guide you through it so you can achieve your goals. #onlinehealthcoaching #healthy #onlineholistichealthcoach #body #holistichealing #plantbaseddiet #eatingforhealing #healingfoods #grains #foodismedicine #fit #healthandfitnesscoach #strength #plantbasedhealing #lifestyle #healthcoachingoffer #trainer #personaltrainer #fitnesscoach #ipreview via See more

07.01.2022 Today Im celebrating another super productive week, personally and professionally Not only have I smashed out six really strong workouts for my own health and fitness, but I have had an incredible week working with my remote and online clients. I spent some time in gratitude this morning for pursuing my long standing love of health and fitness and becoming a coach. ... I am also a freelance makeup artist and have been doing makeup for well over 20 years. I adore makeup and beauty and still work in this industry with my loyal clients, however with this current situation I havent worked since March. I miss my clients and I miss the creativity of my makeup work, but I am also beyond grateful to have another fulfilling career path that has sustained, enriched and given me purpose over the past six months. Helping women look and feel incredible is my true purpose, and I am blessed to be able to do this in all the ways that I do. What are you grateful for today #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #holistichealthandfitness #health #holisitchealthandbeauty #grateful #gratitude #healthandbeauty #makeupartist #fitnesscoach #personaltrainer #healthcoach #femalehealthcoach #healing #holistichealing #plantbaseddiet #spiritjunkie #happiness #saturday #ipreview via

06.01.2022 Has anyone else noticed how expensive lemons are at the moment? I saw some yesterday for $2.50 each. Yikes! I go through a lot of lemons every week so instead I opted for a big bag of limes and got a much better deal. ... So, as a lemon water aficionado are limes okay to substitute? Absolutely yes! Limes, and all citrus fruits for that matter, contain an abundance of Vitamin C, bioavailable calcium and other vital minerals for our immune health. Limes are equally detoxifying, thus making them ideal to consume in the morning with water as part of your morning cleansing ritual. Limes are also great for weight loss as they loosen and disperse fat cells, they balance sodium levels in the blood and prevent respiratory and viral illness. They are add a delicious tang when generously squeezed over a burrito bowl or salad. Are limes on your shopping list? #limes #holistichealthtips #healing #onlineholistichealthcoach #health #limewater #limeshealthbenefits #melbournehealthcoach #citrus #plantbasedhealthcoach #cleanse #morningcleansing #healyourbody #fruitisking #highfruitdiet #fruit #ipreview via See more

05.01.2022 Keep it simple... Eating simple plant based meals with minimal or no added fat and an abundance of fiber and nutrients is a great way to not only stay healthy but it also keeps you lean. ... As you transition (as I have) into a diet that relies less on oils and salt, your taste adapts and you begin to really appreciate foods in their simple, natural state. Eating a whole papaya (pretty much heaven to me), bowls of steamed potatoes, lush colorful salads, spicy soups and bananas pretty much all day is what is keeping me happy and healthy at the moment. If you are keen to learn how to transition to a Whole Foods Plant Based diet, increase your health and vitality, get incredibly glowing skin all the while losing excess weight then I can help. DM me for my current online health coaching offer #plantbaseddiet #foodismedicine #hownottodie #hclfdiet #hclf #diet #body #onlinehealthcoach #health #onlineholistichealthcoach #salad #wholefoodsplantbaseddiet #fit #onlineplantbasedhealthcoach #plantbasedrecipe #weightloss #weightlossdiet #longevitydiet #ipreview via See more

04.01.2022 Online Health Coaching Online health coaching is like having your own personal health cheerleader (that would be me ) in your corner. Being able to consult with someone regularly about your health choices, concerns and questions can help you refine your diet and lifestyle and achieve your personal health outcomes. ... Right now I am offering online health coaching on a six week plan for $30 per week... or Online health and fitness coaching on a ten week plan for $40 per week. Now is the perfect time while I have these lockdown offers in place so feel free to get in touch if you would like to know more. Contact details in bio... #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #onlinehealthcoach #holistichealth #holistichealthcoach #fitnesscoach #healthandfitness #womenshealth #femalehealthcoach #mindset #strongwomen #holistichealing #healthandmindsetcoach #body #diet #plantbasedhealthcoach #fit #healthandbeauty #skinfood #body #ipreview via See more

04.01.2022 Many of my clients and followers hear me bang on about particular having fruit first in the morning, or at least prior to other foods. Let me explain... During the early hours of the morning and up until around 11am our bodies are in the elimination phase. ... This means that our liver is working hard to sort through and eliminate toxins, mucous and other waste. When we wake and begin to move around our lymphatic system becomes heavily involved in this process and the best way we can assist our body during this time is to keep our system clean and well hydrated. An abundance of hydration helps flush the waste from our bodies, wakes up our cells and keeps our blood clean so oxygen can be delivered to our cells and organs. Fruit, with its incredibly high water content is the ideal food to start your day. When eaten on an empty stomach, fruit digests easily and within around 15-30 minutes. This means your body can spend its energy working on cleansing rather than focusing on the digestive process. Fruit also provides the body with glucose which is essential for brain function, liver function and muscle growth. Then there are all the skin-loving anti-oxidants, photochemicals, vitamins, minerals and fiber. So, for optimal health, digestion and clean energy to start your day, a bowl of fruit, fruit smoothie or juice is perfect. Wait at least half an hour and if you are still hungry then eat a more substantial breakfast. If you can eat only fruit until 11am then you are really helping your body cleanse and heal naturally. Try it and you (and your body) will thank me #fruitfirst #foodismedicine #fruit #fruitobsessed #holistichealth #holistichealing #cleansetoheal #healing #fruitforhealing #detox #elimination #onlinehealthcoach #holistichealthcoach #healthcoach #plantbasedhealth #hownottodie #poweredbyplants #plantstrong #skinfood #foodforskin #women #strongwomen #womensstrength #ipreview via See more

03.01.2022 Today I am feeling so grateful for this beautiful gift of home grown organic apricots form my beautiful friend @liviamilazzo Aside from tasting delicious and being a great snack, apricots are incredibly beneficial for our health. Apricots are packed full of minerals and are one of the most healing fruits available. ... They are high in iron and cobalt so they are really beneficial for those who are low in iron such as pregnant women. They are also amazing for our reproductive system so if you are trying to get pregnant, turn to apricots to assist you. Apricots are a brilliant snack when eaten fresh, but organic dried apricots (without sulfur dioxide) are a great way to enjoy them all year round. Are you a fan of apricots too? #frugivore #healthandwellness #healthandfitnesscoach #apricots #fruit #fruitdietmiracles #fruitdiet #fruitforhealing #healthcoach #diet #plantbasedhealthcoach #healthy #hclf #plantbaseddiet #food #health #melbournepersonaltrainer #body #fitnessfood #foodforlife #foodporn #gratitude #onlinehealthcoaching #ipreview via

03.01.2022 Pretty much sums up my summer Salt water, fresh air, sand, fresh fruit, time offline, connecting with my kids, freedom, peace, gratitude, love, coconut water, deadlifts, smoothie bowls, truth, happiness, learning, helping others, chaga coffee, faith. Yours? ... #healthandfitnesscoach #healthy #joy #beach #onlinehealthandfitnesscoach #summer #skin #personaltrainer #pt #frugivore #faith #melbournebeach #sunshine #mothernature #grateful #mumlife #schoolholidays #beauty #ipreview via

03.01.2022 If you think that plant based foods don’t satisfy you then I urge you to try this one... In fact one of the most incredible benefits of consuming a high carbohydrate/low-fat plant based diet is that you never feel flat, tired or sluggish after a meal. Essentially you are fueling your body with pure life force energy, living and healing foods and this leaves you feeling light and filled with vitality. ... You are nourishing your body, brain and skin with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. You are healing your body and mind, living a compassionate life and one that recognizes that this is really all we need to thrive. Natures abundant foods, not the lives of others. Want to go plant based the right way? I can help you. This is my specialty although not all of my clients are fully plant based. I coach them on how to increase their plant intake in order to regain their health. Contact details are in my bio. #melbourneholistichealthcoach #onlineplantbasedhealthcoach #holistichealthandfitness #diet #plantbaseddiet #plantbased #life #melbournepersonaltrainer #body #healthybody #eatinabundance #abundance #livecompassionately #vegan #veganforlife #healthtips #ipreview via See more

02.01.2022 In fact the opposite occurs and peoples bodies cleanse, heal and regenerate on a high fruit diet. It is beyond me why so many people restrict their fruit intake or only consume berries because of the low-carb lie. Fruit is inherently the most delicious, pleasurable food on the planet and not only that - it is the food that heals us. ... If you have been restricting fruit as a means of controlling your weight then I urge you to look elsewhere for the source of your issue. The high fat/high protein diet that many people believe to be the secret to weight loss is in fact a health disaster and the long term ramifications are dire. Sorry to tell you this but it comes from a place of love If you are ready to turn a corner and regain your health, happiness and the body that you deserve then I can help. My online health coaching service educates, guides and supports you as you slowly and steadily improve your health, outlook and confidence. Come join me and I will teach you how to naturally heal. Contact details are in my bio. #onlinehealthandfitnesscoaching #onlinehealthcoach #frugivore #onlineplantbasedhealthcoach #plantbasedhealth #fruitobsessed #highfruitdiet #cleanseandheal #melbournehealthcoach #fruitfirst #fruitforlife #lowcarblie #carbs #carbsarelife #fruit #awakened #healthtips #healingfoods #heal #ipreview via See more

01.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone... During iso, how do you separate your weekends from your weekdays? Its really easy for the days to just blend together right now, so I am always mindful of creating some different rituals on the weekends so I can feel some separation. ... I tend to relax my diet a little, I look forward to a few glasses of wine over the weekend and maybe a vegan magnum or some takeaway food. However I have an acute instinct now for balancing those lovely indulgences with my usual cleansing rituals of lemon water, juices and lots of fruit during the weekend. I try to allow myself one morning of reading books in bed with a cup of tea, instead of my usual morning routine of yoga and strength training. I also dont set an alarm on weekends (unless I have an early client session) instead allowing my body to rest until it needs to. What are your weekend rituals? #holistichealth #healthandfitness #healthandfitnesscoach #weekends #isoweekend #weekendrituals #body #diet #balance #personaltrainer #pt #holisticpersonaltrainer #healthcoach #fitnesscoach #melbourne #isolife #friday #timeforwine #spiritjunkie #mindset #healthymindset #treat #theholisticfemme #onlinefitness #ipreview via

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