The Hotel Conversation AUNZ | Media/news company
The Hotel Conversation AUNZ
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25.01.2022 A site incorporating the Maroochy Waterfront Resort in the rural locality of Diddillibah on the Sunshine Coast is for sale through Andrew Jackson of CBRE Hotels and CBRE Sunshine Coast Managing Director Rem Rafter. #MaroochyWaterfrontResortforsale #SunshineCoastland #CBRESunshineCoast #CBREHotels Read more:
24.01.2022 Northern Tasmanias newest boutique accommodation experience, Hotel Verge Launceston, will welcome guests from this week as residents around the state look for more ways to explore their own backyard. #hotelvergeopening #hotelvergelaunceston #hotelverge #staytasmania #hotelnewstasmania #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
22.01.2022 Glamping will make a return in #kakadu from this Saturday as the Cooinda Lodge Kakadu reopens its Outback Retreat tents for the first time since March. #cooindalodge #outbackretreats #cooindalodgekakadu #kakadutourism #hotelnewsnt Read more:
22.01.2022 JLL has announced three new appointments to its national hotels team, with Chloe Mason, Scott Parker and Gillian Berardi commencing new roles within the group. #JLLHotelsandHospitalityGroup #JLLNationalHotelsteam #JLLhotelsappointments #hotelnewsAustralia Read more:
22.01.2022 The approval of a new 180-room Rydges Hotels & Resorts on the Port Adelaide waterfront by has been welcomed by CK Property Group Managing Director Walt Coulston and South Australian Tourism Commission Chief Executive Rodney Harrex. #Rydgesonthewharf #RydgesPortAdelaide #RydgesSA #CKPropertyGroup #EVENTHotels #hotelnewsSA Read more:
21.01.2022 Australian Hotels Association (AHA) President Scott Leach and Accommodation Association (AA) President Julian Clark said the AHA, Tourism Accommodation Australia and AA were working on creating a united voice for the struggling sector. #australianhotelsassociation #accommodationaustralia #tourismaccommodationaustralia #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
21.01.2022 JLL Hotels and Hospitality Group Senior Vice President for Asia Pacific Investment Sales Corey Hamabata examines whether the destabilisation of #COVID19 could pave the way for further collaboration between the hotel and co-working sectors. #jllhotelsandhospitalitygroup #jllhotels #asiapacifichotelnews #jllhotelblog #hotelscoworking Read more:
21.01.2022 The Hotel BritomartGeneral Manager Clinton Farley said TFE Hotels was seeking outstanding hospitality personalities to help bring the hotel to life in downtown waterfront #Auckland. #TheHotelBritomartopening #TheHotelBritomartjobs #Aucklandjobs #TFEHotelscareers #hotelnewsNZ Read more:
21.01.2022 Separate freehold sales totalling $7 million at Yamba and South Ballina across the past three weeks are part of "rapidly increasing" levels of enquiry for the region from accommodation operators, according to ResortBrokers. #northernnswaccommodationsold #yambasunmotelsold #ballinabeachvillagecaravanparksold #resortbrokers #hotelnewsnsw Read more:
19.01.2022 HTL Propertys Daniel Dragicevich and Sam Handy have negotiated the off-market sale of the Evening Star in Surry Hills to a private investor, on behalf of Marvan Hotels. #eveningstarhotelsold #sydneypubsold #htlproperty #marvanhotels #hotelnewssydney Read more:
19.01.2022 The next steps of Continental Hotel redevelopment in the Victorian coastal suburb of Sorrento have been unveiled, with a development consortium consisting of Victor Smorgon Group, Kanat Group and Trenerry Property Group outlining plans to transform the site into a "true regional resort venue" incorporating four distinct platforms. #hotelcontinentalsorrento #hotelcontinentalredevelopment #hotelnewssorrento Read more:
19.01.2022 Hundreds of thousands of Australians are desperate to travel to their favourite holiday destinations within Australia, according to the Australian Timeshare Holiday Ownership Council #AustralianTimeshareandHolidayOwnershipCouncil #ATHOCeconomicimpactreport #ATHOCstudy Read more:
18.01.2022 TFE Hotels is currently recruiting a Regional Financial Business Partner to join its Melbourne-based team. #tfehotelsrecruitment #tfehotelscareers #tfehotelsvacancies #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
17.01.2022 Turning point for Australia’s hotel investment sector as activity hits a record low - CBRE Report #CBREResearchReport #CBREHotelreports #CBREResearch #AustralianHotelreports #AustralianHotelNews #HotelnewsAustralia #Australianhotelmarket
17.01.2022 The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has welcomed the announcement of the WA Governments Work and Wander out Yonder campaign to entice Western Australians to complete a working holiday in regional areas of the state. #wagovernment #ahawa #wacovid19 #wapol #workandwanderoutyonda Read more:
17.01.2022 The Great Western Hotel in the Rockhampton suburb of Allenstown is for sale through Neale Crow of Knight Frank. #greatwesternhotelforsale #rockhamptonhotelforsale #greatwesternhotelknightfrank #hotelnewsqueensland Read more:
17.01.2022 Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour will reopen in spring following a refurbishment designed to embrace its French luxury and art-de-vivre heritage with contemporary elegance. #SofitelAucklandViaductHarbour #AccorNZ #hotelnewsnz #SofitelAucklandViaductHarbourreopening Read more:
16.01.2022 QLD NSW border opening a relief for the hotel industry - Accommodation Association of Australia #QLDNSWborder #QLDVICborder #QLDborderopening #NSWtourismnews #QLDtourismnews #AustralianHotelNews #Australiantravelnews #HotelnewsAustralia
16.01.2022 The next chapter of Brisbanes Elephant Hotel will borrow from the venues rich history while also introducing some new spaces, according to manager Jason Hirt. #princeconsortandfriends #elephanthotel #fortitudevalley #tilleyandwills #hotelnewsbrisbane Read more:
15.01.2022 Four Points by Sheraton Sydney for sale by Mark Durran, Managing Director of JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group. #FourPointsbySheratonSydney #FourPointsSydneyforsale #JLLHotels #SydneyHotelforSale #Sydneyhotelnews #hotelsforsaleSydney #HotelsforsaleAustralia #HotelnewsAustralia
15.01.2022 Following extensive consultations with the Mutitjulu community, the Northern Territory Government and Tourism NT, Ayers Rock (Connellan) Airport is now receiving two flights per week from #Brisbane. #ayersrockairportreopening #tourismnewsnorthernterritory #tourismnt #jetstarntflights #voyages Read more:
15.01.2022 The Vic Hotel Subiaco has sold for over $5 million to a local Perth operator by Ryan McGinnity and Aaron Desange of CBRE Hotels. #TheVicHotelSubiaco #TheVicHotelSubiacosold #CBREHotels #Perthhotelsold #Subiacohotelsold #PubssoldPerth #Australianpubnews #pubnewsAustralia #AustralianHotelNews
14.01.2022 Tabcorp Park has welcomed the signing of a new franchise agreement with Accor Group for the opening of Mantra Hotels Melbourne Melton. #mantramelbournemelton #accor #tabcorppark #mantrahotels #hotelnewsmelbourne Read more:
13.01.2022 Hospitality businesses around Australia are among the most optimistic of any sector when it comes to the countrys economic recovery, according to a new Sensis survey. #sensisbusinessindex #sensissurvey #hospitalitybusinesses #covid19impact #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
13.01.2022 Quest Ballarat Station opens its doors today ahead of holiday rush. #QuestBallarat #Quest #Ballarathotels #NewBallarathotel #ServicedapartmentBallarat #StayBallarat #AustralianHotelNews #newhotelsAustralia Quest Apartment Hotels
12.01.2022 Members of Australias hotel industry believe it may be three years before revenue from the sector returns to 2019 levels, according to new research from Colliers International #hotelvaluationcovid19 #covid19hotels #colliersresearch #colliershotels #hotelrecovery #hotelnewsAustralia Read more:
12.01.2022 Merivale Fetches ‘The DOG’ - The DOG Randwick sold by JLL John Musca and Ben McDonald of JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group are delighted to announce the Duke of Gloucester Hotel Randwick sold to Merivale Group from prominent Sydney hospitality operator, Good Beer Co for circa $32 million. #HotelnewsAustralia #AustralianHotelNews #TheDOGRandwick #Randwickpubsold #Merivalepubs #NewMerivalepub #Sydney #TheDOGHotel #DukeofGloucester #Hotelsold #pubnewsSydney #AustralianHotelNews
10.01.2022 LDC Infrastructure Head of Operations (Australia) Harley Mckenzie shares his journey within the company, as well as the outlook for the lease acquisition industry. #ldcinfrastructure #ldcinfrastructureaustralia #leaseacquisitionsaustralia #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
10.01.2022 Park Hyatt Auckland has officially opened its doors, offering travellers and Aucklanders a new luxurious place to meet, drink and dine in a prime waterfront location. #parkhyattaucklandopening #parkhyattnz #parkhyatt #hyattnz #hotelnewsauckland #hotelnewsnz Read more:
10.01.2022 The Byron Bay Holiday Village Backpackers is for sale through John Musca of JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group, in conjunction with Elliott OShea from JLL Metropolitan Investments. #ByronBayHolidayVillageforsale #ByronBayHolidayVillageJLL #JLLHotelsandHospitalityGroup #JLL Read more:
09.01.2022 The Victorian Government has a "moral responsibility" to provide accommodation businesses with a $1000 per room monthly payment to help offset fixed costs such as electricity, water, insurance during lockdown restrictions, according to the Accommodation Association. #victorianroadmap #vicpol #accommodationassociation #auspol #stagefourlockdown #hotelnewsmelbourne Read more:
08.01.2022 Following the success of a sell-out inaugural season for the 5-day Scenic Rim Trail, Spicers Retreats has released its first summer hiking program for the region. #scenicrimsummerwalks #spicersretreats #tourismnews #scenicrimqueensland #queenslandtourismnews Read more:
08.01.2022 Curated design hotel Lancemore Hotels Crossley St. designed by the award-winning Carr opens 1 December 2020. #LancemoreHotels #LancemoreCrossleyStMelbourne #CrossleyStMelbourne #hotelopeningMelbourne #NewhotelMelbourne #AustralianHotelNews #MelbourneHotelNews
08.01.2022 The Allure Stradbroke Resort, with 82 modern and stylish villas, has been sold in a deal handled by ResortBrokers Management Rights Specialist, Todd Warner. #allurestradbrokeresortsold #resortbrokers #resortcomplexsold #hotelnewsqueensland Read more:
08.01.2022 Preparing for a (different) peak season: Capturing business in an unpredictable market. #IDeaS #AustralianHotelNews #HotelnewsAustralia #HotelmarketAustralia #COVID19Hotelmarket #Summer2020hotelmarket #IDeaSRevenueSolutions IDeaS Revenue Solutions
08.01.2022 Negotiations are "well underway" for the sale of a stake in Melbourne venue, The Boatbuilders Yard - South Wharf, according to CBRE #theboatbuildersyardshareforsale #cbrehotels #riverlandgroup #hotelnewsmelbourne Read more:
07.01.2022 Oaks Hotels will further extend its portfolio of more 50 hotels and resorts across Australia and New Zealand with the opening of a 76-room venue in Cairns next month. #OaksHotelsandResorts #OaksCairns #OaksQueensland #Oakshotelopening #hotelnewsCairns #hotelnewsQueensland Read more:
06.01.2022 Historic Toowoomba establishment The Spotted Cow has been sold to the Brisbane-based Hallmark Group in a deal negotiated by CBRE National Pubs Director and Power Jeffery & Co. #spottedcowsold #spottedcowtoowoombasold #cbrehotels #powerjefferyandco #hotelnewsqueensland Read more:
06.01.2022 Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts Hobart Australia to open January 2021. #Accor #MövenpickAustralia #MövenpickHobart #Mövenpick #Hobarthotesl #newhotelHobart #newhotelAustralia #Hobarthotelnews #Tasmaniahotelopening #AustralianHotelNews
05.01.2022 A new report from Colliers International has found Australia’s hotel booking volumes increased throughout October, with further growth predicted as the country heads into the peak summer season. #colliersinternational #collierschartingthecourse #colliersaccommodaitonupdate #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
05.01.2022 The freehold concern of the Wayside Inn in South Melbourne has sold for the first time in over 25 years through Will Connolly of JLL. #WaysideInnsold #WaysideInnSouthMelbourne #JLLHotels #Melbournepubsold #hotelnewsMelbourne Read more:
05.01.2022 TFE Hotels CEO Antony Ritch has announced that the Quincy Hotels brand - out of Singapore - will make its Australian debut next year with a new venue in Melbourne. #quincyhotelmelbourne #tfehotels #quincymelbourneopening #hotelnewsmelbourne #hotelnewsaustralia Read more:
03.01.2022 A high-profile Carlton corner housing a prominent Rydges Hotel in Melbournes inner north has been sold through Jones Real Estates Paul Jones and Tim Spargo, in conjunction with Colliers Internationals Oliver Hay, Guy Wells and Trent Hobart. #rydgeshotelcarltonsold #rydgessoldcarltonhotelholdings #colliersinternational #jonesrealestate #hotelnewsmelbourne Read more:
03.01.2022 The Property Council asked Minett Prime Squares Dean Minett MBus GAICD, Quest Apartment Hotels Nicolas Dingle, Pro - Invests Tim Sherlock, Hyatt Regency Perth General Manager Ribhu Chatterjee, and Veriu Groups Kyle Kaya about the hotel design trends they believe are here to stay post-Covid. #propertycouncilofaustralia #proinvest #minettprimesquare #veriugroup #hyattregencyperth #questapartmenthotels #hoteldesign #hotelnews #COVID19 Read more:
03.01.2022 Monopoly Property Group has announced its $42 million resort on the Yorke Peninsula will be rebranded to Wyndham Wallaroo Shores Resort under a new franchise agreement with Wyndham Hotels & Resorts. #wyndhamhotelsandresorts #wyndhamwallarooshores #wyndhamhotelsandresortssa #hotelnewssa Read more:
02.01.2022 Sydney-based TFE Hotels, in partnership with developer Dradgin, is introducing its Vibe Hotels lifestyle brand into Western Australia this October with the opening of Vibe Hotel Subiaco in Perths boho borough. #vibehotelsubiaco #vibehotelsubiacoopening #tfehotels #dradgin #hotelnewsperth #hotelnewswa Read more:
01.01.2022 Quarantine business has been replaced for a weekend getaways in selected CBD hotel markets as the sector experiences shifts in demand against the backdrop of COVID-19, according to research from CBRE #cbrehotelscbdmarketreport #cbrehotelsresearch #covid19 #cbdhotelmarketsaustralia #hotelscovid19 #hotelnewsaus Read more:
01.01.2022 Hotel businesses may be sitting on more capital than they realise in the form of leases for spaces such as rooftops which can be sold for a lump sum through LDC Infrastructure. #ldcinfrastructure #ldcinfrastructurehotelbusinesses #hotelleasesldcifrastructure #hotelnews Read more:
01.01.2022 CBRE Hotels has further strengthened its Pacific Capital Markets team with the appointment of experienced hotel professional Vasso Zographou. #cbrehotels #cbrehotelsappointment #cbrehotelsteam #cbrehotelspacificcapitalmarkets #hotelnewsAustralia Read more:
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