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The HUB Baptist Tweed Heads in Tweed Heads South | Christian church

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The HUB Baptist Tweed Heads

Locality: Tweed Heads South

Phone: +61 7 5523 1122

Address: 19 - 21 Corporation Circuit 2486 Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia


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19.01.2022 If you’re going to be an eagle, if you’re going to soar, fly high, then you can’t go back to the dead things in your life that will just continue to poison you.... Too many people feed off what didn’t work out, reliving the disappointments, the failures and all the bad breaks that happen. When they wake up in the morning, the first things they think about is the hurts, the losses, the people who did them wrong. Quit feeding off that dead food. You can’t put poison in your spirit and then live a faith-filled life. Let it go. That’s over and done with. Start feeding on live food, God’s word the healthiest foods you can put in your spirit, are God’s promises. I am blessed and cannot be cursed. Whatever I touch will prosper and succeed. Thanks be to God who always causes me to triumph in fact this going to be an abundant, bountiful, flourishing year for me and my family AMEN.

18.01.2022 Sometimes life doesn’t feel fair; you feel like you get more than your share of bad breaks. It’s easy to get bitter and give up on your dreams and think it will... never happen. But God wouldn’t have allowed it if it was going to keep you from your destiny. Yes, it’s difficult, and yes we may not understand but God promises He’ll give you grace for every season. He won’t let you go through more than you can handle. This IS your year - believe it! See more

18.01.2022 Since the enemy can’t curse you, he’ll try his best to deceive you into cursing yourself. He’ll do his best to try to get you to go through life speaking nothin...g but defeat over yourself. I’m not that talented. I’ll never meet the right person. I’m not good enough. I’ve made way too many mistakes. Friends, He can’t curse you; so don’t you dare do it for him. Don’t curse yourself. The next time you’re tempted to say or think something negative about yourself, your future, your looks, your abilities, zip it right up. Because when you’re against yourself, you’re in agreement with the enemy and you don’t want to do that, but when you start confessing what The Lord says over yourself, then you’re in agreement with God, it’s what’s God says about you that matters after all it was God who so graciously sent His son for you. So remember your a blessing! See more

17.01.2022 It’s going to be an awesome weekend and we hope to catch at one of our morning services 8:30am and 10am NSW times.

15.01.2022 Here is our link from our service this morning. Apologies for the black screen - we are still working out some kinks with technology. The audio is fine the whole way through!

14.01.2022 Maybe you’ve had some bad breaks: you weren’t raised in a healthy environment, you feel like you’re at a disadvantage, you’ve been overlooked, pushed down. That... would keep most people in defeat, mediocrity, but not you. You’re a king’s son. You’re a king’s daughter. You have an huge advantage. There is favour on your life that will cause you to go where you can’t go on your own, a blessing that will lift you up when life tries to push you back down, an anointing to excel when you feel limited, to rise higher when you should be stuck, to defeat the odds, to outlast the opposition. Be encouraged! See more

14.01.2022 The faithfulness of babes!! How extraordinarily blessed that we have these incredible young people who are stepping into what God is calling them to - and we get to be led in worship by them. #youth #worship #thenextgeneration #faithfulness #courage #blessed #thehubbaptistchurch

12.01.2022 Hope you’re having a marvelous day! Here is our service link for those who could not be with us.

12.01.2022 Hope you’ve had a wonderful Sunday. Here is our service link for this week. Be blessed

11.01.2022 Sorry for the delay. Here is the link to our service this morning.

07.01.2022 Devotion thoughts on God the Holy Spirit from Ps John

07.01.2022 OPEN FOR BUSINESS . After many long months of having our cafe closed we are so happy and thankful to say that our cafe is now open again. Under new management - we have outsourced to a lovely young family who have a brand new menu. Spread the word and come along to check it out Carter’s Coffee Hut ... #undernewmanagement #cafe #newcafe #newmenu #tweedheads #banorapoint #coffee #tweedheadscafe #banorapointcafe See more

05.01.2022 You mite not know what God is up to right now but while you’re believing, continuing to do the right thing, everything seems the same, but God is dealing with y...our enemies. He’s causing them to hear what He wants them to hear. You’re about to see things suddenly change. Things that you couldn’t make happen will suddenly turn around. That’s God hastening His word - stay in faith it’s coming! See more

01.01.2022 No matter what may lie ahead in 2021- let it all be for His glory! Happy New Year! #happynewyear #2021 #hisgoodness #hisglory #psalms #psalm65 #jesus #worshiptheking

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