Dr Carmen Atkinson | Athlete
Dr Carmen Atkinson
Phone: 0402280672
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24.01.2022 With a wickedly impressive spinal scoliosis there are many yoga postures that aren’t available to me (or are they?) Side Crow (Parsva Bakasana) is something I thought would never be possible. I struggle weight-bearing on my right shoulder (it tends to just collapse) and I have very little spinal rotation to the right. Recently I decided to not simply concede to the impossibility of this posture, but rather get curious and explore how I might achieve it, in spite of my un...ique spine. It wasn’t a matter of forcing my body into positions it can’t go, but rather getting creative and work with my body. The biggest step was letting go of the image I had in my mind as to how this asana was suppose to look, and also to accept that it was going to look different on each side. The photo distinctly shows the difference from right to left and I know it’s probably not an image you’d ever see in a yoga text, but I fully accept that this imperfect Side Crow is perfect for my imperfectly perfect spine! Keep showing up Explore your edges Love your body Embrace its uniqueness Work with it, not against it #yoga #scoliosis #mattime #explore #getcreative #sadhana #keepshowingup #gratitude #imperfectlyperfect
23.01.2022 Such an incredible afternoon! When I first conceptualised @the_health_studio it was always intended to be a space beyond Chiropractic. A space, where we could host events that focused on health, lifestyle and personal development! Today we had a full house with the amazingly passionate and knowledgeable Kirsty from @kulturedwellness, talking all things Gut Health. So many things to take home from today, but there was one message loud and clear...... you are designed and d...eserve to thrive, not just survive. I’m so grateful for the community of like-minded people we are creating at The Health Studio. #community #thriving #guthealth #fullhouse #grateful #cultures #kulturedwellness #fermenting See more
22.01.2022 Sometimes I forget just how significant the scoliosis is until I see a photo of my spine from behind. Wowsers! As a teenager I was told I needed surgery to straighten my spine and after much research we decided not to go ahead with that recommendation. Rather we made a commitment to monitor it and adopt a chiropractic lifestyle that strengthened my body and optimised its function. We were then warned I could end up in a wheelchair by the time I was 30 (I never believed that ...for a second). My next birthday I’m 45, I’m certainly not bound by a wheelchair. Yes my spine is still crocked as a question mark and I have to modify how to do some things to compensate for the asymmetry, but I’m proud and grateful for what my body allows me to do! #chiropractic #functionalspine #crockedspine #scoliosis #notstoppingme #nosurgery #grateful #lovemylife See more
19.01.2022 So great to catch up with mate and fellow Ultraman athlete @chris_jwhite for a couple of hours in the trails. I’m certainly not as fit or as fast as I was when we raced together in May 2018 but hopefully the conversation made up for it!! Great to have you on the Coast mate #trailtime #catchups #ultralife #run #umoz2018 #gratitude #sunnywinterdays
18.01.2022 It was Albert Einstein that said....... If you want different results, do not do the same things As I approach another Ultra distance triathlon, I’ve realised that I couldn’t keep doing things the way I was and expect to see improvements or gains. Especially as I approach my mid 40s There are a number of things I’m doing very differently this time around.... The most significant however is around my nutrition. I’m committed to a plant based wholefood diet,.... that hasn’t changed. It certainly hasn’t been what I’ve been eating over these past few years that’s been the problem. With the exception of gluten, which has now been completely eliminated. But rather my food preparation, my food consciousness and the time allocated to fuelling my body for big training blocks and for recovery. With a dark past of eating disorders, I haven’t always had a healthy relationship with food. But I had, and do, believe I have largely overcome my darkest shadow. However, it seems the busier I got with an increasing training load, and juggling work-family life, I simply didn’t allocate the time to prepare my food and sometimes I’d simply forget to eat before, between and even after training sessions. For someone who is an incessant planner and lives by to do lists and schedules, I simply didn’t schedule nutrition into my days and weeks, it always seemed an after thought, usually after bonking in a training session. So things needed to change. I decided to take on a Nutrition coach, someone to keep me accountable and help me work through my blocks around fuelling my body. Someone to help me see food as a non-negotiable priority for life as an endurance athlete. I’ve been working with @vegantrailrunner for a couple of months now. I enjoy our weekly chats. I’m eating more than I ever have (possibly still not enough). I already feel more energised. I appreciate the accountability and the safe space he holds when I’m being challenged. I’m excited where this will go and only wish I did this sooner. Fit is great! Fit, HEALTHY and strong is even better! #plantstrong #fueltoperform #fueltorecover #vegan #ceoliaclife #glutenfree #endurance #thelonggame #plantosucceedorp
17.01.2022 When your dearest friend and her beautiful family come to visit after waaaay too long...... our skin is sun kissed, our bodies well nourished and hearts are full! #friendship #connection #kids #families #20yearsoffriendship #love #gratitude #sunnycoastlife #beachtime #missyoualready
16.01.2022 Exciting Event Announcement Join us at The Health Studio with the gorgeous Kim Morrison for an afternoon of Self Love Oct 24th 1-3pm
15.01.2022 And WE’RE BACK! This guy! @tonyasmus has dragged my butt around the roads of the Sunshine Coast for the past 4yrs. We have cycled 1000s and 1000s of kilometres together. He has kept me company, and accountable, as I prepared for 2 Ultraman’s (and more) In Feb this year he had a massive bike crash during a race, fracturing his neck at C2 and C7. Its been a long road back, and Tony your patience and fortitude has been incredible. Today we ran into each other out on the road and managed 30km together. Our lycra might be tighter, our numbers definitely lower, but our smiles as big as ever!! Welcome back buddy! Didn’t take us long to set some new targets and goals! We’re back! #cyclinglife #cyclingbuddies #thelongroadback #ultralife #newgoals #rebuilding
14.01.2022 Wow what a beautifully soul filling weekend. I had the opportunity, and the honour, to host @the_health_studio ‘s first 2 day Retreat. We had 15 incredible people, who with open hearts and open minds, embraced the unique experience of 2 days of Silence and Juice Cleansing. ... Zoe Zohs and I lead our guests through 2 days of mindful meditation and gentle yoga asana practices. Inviting stillness and surrender of both body and mind. Cultivating self kindness and a quietness that allows us to listen deeply to the innate whispers within. Thank you to @be_infinite_daily and Wayne from @dezenretreat for accomodating us, and for all the warm gestures that made us feel so welcome and comfortable, and to Wayne for creating an epic fire for our ceremony on Saturday night. Thanks to Kylie from @rustic_mumma for an incredibly delicious Vegan and Gluten Free feast on Friday night before starting the cleanse and the absolutely glorious grazing plate on Sunday as we celebrated breaking our silence and juice fast. The nourishing juices were provided by @solcleanse and we’re an absolute hit! If you’re ever considered a juice cleanse we can’t recommend them highly enough. To Zoe ..... It was an absolute privilege to work along side you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to step into this version of myself. I continue to learn so much from you. You offer so much wisdom, knowing and compassion. Hopefully this is the first of many retreats we deliver together x Finally to our guests, THANK YOU. Thank you for showing up, in every sense of the word, for trusting in us to guide you through this process. For going deep and embracing, what for many of you, were very new experiences. It was an absolute honour. #retreat #silence #stillness #meditation #yoga #cleansing #connection #compassion #surrender #trust #gentlekindness #godeep #gowithin #community #theextraordinaryyou #friendship #uniqueexperiences #love #gratitude
10.01.2022 Who’s up for some Friday Flow Yoga?
08.01.2022 Loving my ZUU strength workouts @ironzuu_kawana #zuu #primalmovement #strength #flow #teamo #gat #synchronicity #animalflow #leadership #newnormals #crosstraining #rebuilding #plantstrong #veganathlete #gratitude
07.01.2022 In March this year I raced IMNZ, it wasn’t my best day out but I was happy to complete another Ironman. I did however have an altercation that day with a barricade coming out of T1 and unbeknown to me at the time I ruptured my thumb ligaments. Today was my first ride back since thumb surgery! So damn happy to be back on the bike!! And happy to have stayed upright and that my thumb is now strong enough to grasp the bars and even change gears! I’m not sure when (if) I’ll do another ironman, and maybe one day I’ll tackle another Ultraman, but for now I’m going to enjoy riding for riding sake and practice keeping the rubber side down! #backinthesaddle #lycratime #rubbersidedown #ultralife #windinmyhair #crosstraining #balance #mytime #activelife
06.01.2022 Another day, another 100km, another bloody climb!! Fun to ride with @meredith.a.hill and @noosatrironman who were enjoying a cruisey ride, whilst I was blowing a gasket trying to hold on! Super happy with the mid ride donut stop! Even happier the @kenilworthcountrybakery sells gluten free donuts! #cyclinglife #rebuilding #noclinbinglegs #backingup #timeinthesaddle #ride #glutenfreedonuts #cealiaclife #ultra355 #igotthis #9weekstogo #ultralife
06.01.2022 After weeks (perhaps months) of inconsistency and false starts with my training, I’ve finally put a week together where I ticked all the boxes. Juggling a wonderfully busy work-home schedule and my yoga teacher training, I managed this week to fit in my daily yoga practice, banked over 50km of running, including my much loved time in the trails, a few Zuu strength sessions and I even managed to get back on the bike. It’s a start!! What made the difference this week?..... D...eciding ‘enough was enough’ Refusing to hit snooze Recommitting to 5am starts Sunday food prep for the week #backtothegrind #training #balance #ultralife #runner #yogi #strength #foodprep #plantstrong #trailtime
02.01.2022 Reflecting on a beautiful few days spent in Byron Bay last weekend. I attended a Yoga Teacher training immersion focusing on Trauma Awareness. Trauma presents itself in many ways, often resulting in disconnection from self, from others and the world around us, as a mechanism of survival. Yoga is a useful pathway back to our sense of self and deep connection, both internally and externally. However, as Yoga teachers we need to cultivate a safe space and demonstrate an und...erstanding of the impact of trauma for individuals. Yoga can lead people to re-establish their purpose in life, rebuild self-esteem, confidence and identity, as well as heal their painful wounds. Amongst the amazing learnings for me personally, and the exciting opportunity to cross a state border, this weekend presented itself as a mini reset, a pause, time to breathe, rest and regenerate. As well as meet some beautifully soulful people. So grateful. Exciting things ahead in 2021! #yogateacher #connection #traumaawareness #healing #rest #regenerate #ptsd #frontlineyoga #crossedtheborder #grateful
02.01.2022 As training ramps up for Ultra355 (a 3 day ultra distance triathlon) at the end of Feb, I’m finding it difficult to get to the yoga mat as often as I’d like. It’s certainly a balancing act. Dedicating enough time to swimming, cycling and running to be as prepared as I can be to tackle the 5km swim, 300km of cycling and a 50km run.... But I’m also committed to my yoga practice. Yoga offers me more than I could possibly articulate. And whilst the physical benefits will also help my race preparation and aid my recovery from long days of training. More importantly..... it grounds me, it quietens my busy mind, it cultivates my spiritual practice, it reminds me of the importance and power of breath. It’s an evolving personal practice of inner transformation. So whilst time is limited and I may not make it to a class as often as I like, I choose to dedicate whatever time I can, wherever I can. Sometimes I may find 5mins, sometimes an hour. What’s important is continually showing up when I can.... to stop, to breath, to connect and go inward. @anika.raya #yoga #practice #showup #goinward #breathe #ultralife #balance #equanimity #gratitude #selfcompassion #transformation #tapas #dowhatyoucan #whenyoucan
01.01.2022 A beautiful way to welcome in the new moon..... Sun Salutation under the stars, accompanied by an orchestra of nature. Setting intention, mindful flow, union to breath, connecting inward, silencing the mind. @thefarmgymsch with @movementwithhannah #movingmeditation #yoga #underthestars #newmoon #newexperiences #quietenthemind #newcycle #newnormals #gratitude
01.01.2022 How did I get so lucky? #fambam #sunnycoastlife #beachlife #holiday #mytribe #handstands #connection #love
01.01.2022 Bought myself a new SUP a couple of months ago, but life’s been busy, it was time to get this sleek board in the water for the first time. I’m not quite ready for SUP yoga, a little more stability required before I start practicing my inversions on it. #newtoys #sunnycoastlife #balance #maketime #supyoga
01.01.2022 This week sees a new beginning. Obviously with the world shutting down this year and amongst so many things, the racing calendar was decimated. I was grateful I got to race IMNZ in March, but since then the gears needed to shift. Focusing on my business through uncertain times was my absolute priority and I’m so grateful for the growth we’ve had and the community we are cultivating @thehealthstudio This period also offered me the time to finally, after many many years of wan...Continue reading