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25.01.2022 The definition of Leadership has changed over the last few decades - command and control has (thankfully) been thrown out the window. Effective leaders need to connect and inspire their team to build trust and achieve results collectively. As we move into the 'new normal' of post Covid workplaces, leaders need to be adaptable to the market, how their teams deliver and what is delivered to customers. ... #leadershipdevelopment #covidleadership #TheInspiredLeader
22.01.2022 Influence isn't about being the smartest, loudest or bossiest person - it's about connecting with the hearts and minds of people and showing that you really care to make a positive difference. Read more on how to increase your influence in my new blog post: #influence #leadership #LeadershipDevelopment #TheInspiredLeader
21.01.2022 As we gear up for 2021, I've reflected on my discussions with businesses and leaders over the last year, and identified 8 key areas to focus on at a business and professional level to maximise your chance of achieving success through this period of continued uncertainty and opportunity: 1. Clarity of Vision and Purpose 2. Taking Inspired Action 3. Focus... 4. Ability to Influence 5. Understanding and Supporting Others 6. Equity and Inclusion 7. Leading Change 8. Agility . Check out my latest blog for more details: . . #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #TheInspiredLeader See more
15.01.2022 What does success look like to you? Most people believe they must: - First HAVE something (eg. money, time, skill, the role) - Before they can DO what they want to do (eg. speak up, act in a certain way, implement an idea)... - Which will then allow them to BE something (eg. content, motivated, successful). However, if you reverse this "have do be" paradigm: - First - BE whatever it is you want to be (eg. content, wise) - then start DOing things from this space of being. - Almost immediately, what you are doing will bring about the things you want to HAVE. We attract into our lives what we are - a concept confirmed by lots of psychological research. In his popular TED talk, psychologist Shawn Achor explains that most have happiness backward. They believe they must first achieve or acquire something to be happy. The science shows that happiness facilities success. The most successful people visualise their success and put themselves in that picture well before actually achieving. So what do you want to BE? Do you want to be a leader? An exceptional salesperson? Start picturing yourself in your ideal role, start behaving as that person, and you will create the outcome. Don't wait for the time, official position, or anything else - start BEing today. #potential #TheInspiredLeader
13.01.2022 Our brains constantly (& subconsciously) search for threats and rewards - so that you can be ready to bolt or fight at any given time... The problem is, little things can trigger a threat state - even a simple question like "Can we meet later today"? Suddenly the cave man brain is on high alert, ready for the fight. "Why do we need to meet? Why haven't they told me what it's about? Am I in trouble? Have I lost my job?" ... Your anxiety rises, and performance and connection with others plummets... If only your manager had provided clarity about the meeting... so much angst would have been avoided! On the other hand, when our brains are in reward state, our cognitive functions are in flow - we're creative, open to new ideas, feel connected with others and productive. To encourage increased reward state, communication is key. Giving information consistently, Showing appreciation (even a simple thanks!) for effort, Using mistakes as a learning opportunity (rather than being overly critical), Having fair goals and targets (a stretch is good as long as it's realistic!) Providing support and encouragement to achieve What are ways you can support your team members reward state? #TheInspiredLeader #ThreatvsReward #Leadership
13.01.2022 To effectively lead a team, you not only need self-awareness, but you also need to have a clear understanding of the emotions and behavioural drivers of your team members. Yesterday I shared a series of questions to check in with yourself these questions also apply to understanding your team members. What makes your team members feel 'at their best' and 'alive', and do you support them to actively build on these?... How do your team members react to difficult situations? Do you know your team member’s triggers and stressors, so that you can support them through challenging periods? By understanding what drives or triggers each of your team members, you will be able to support, empower and motivate them much more naturally: Align tasks that suit individual drivers Enhance communication and hold effective meetings (imagine that!!) Tailor the way you provide feedback Genuinely support your team members when they are stressed or triggered How do you get to really understand your team members? #TheInspiredLeader #teamwork #teamdevelopment #empathy #LeadershipDevelopment
12.01.2022 NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that the very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples. I encourage all Australians to take the time to appreciate and celebrate that we have the oldest continuing cultures on the planet and recognise that sovereignty was never ceded. I personally love experiencing and learning about the rich culture of Australia's original people, and have been blessed to connect with some amazing Koori so...uls in my time. We would all benefit from embracing their deep spirituality and connectedness to the land and community. To find out more including events and celebrations near you, head to the NAIDOC Week website below: Always Was, Always Will Be. #NAIDOC2020
10.01.2022 Leader Spotlight: Sir Richard Branson Sir Richard Branson is a true inspiration. The son of a barrister and flight attendant, he dropped out of high school, but with an entrepreneurial spirit, Branson got his start with a mail-order record business. Branson is all about creating positive experiences for his employees and customers. ... He is a visionary leader with grand plans, but injects personality and fun into his workplaces, to build great cultures. His quote pretty much sums it up: "There's no magic formula for great company culture. The key is to treat your staff the way you want to be treated"
09.01.2022 Here's one for the teachers & parents - what an awesome way to teach your kids some key skills - while making it fun! :) What are some fun ways you've helped your team to achieve? Have a great weekend!
07.01.2022 It's RU OK day If you haven't asked the question of your team and peers yet this week, do it now!! Don't just post it on Facebook and think that's your job done. Take the time to ask it with interest and empathy.... You could change someone's life. If you need someone to talk to, reach out. I'm here for you - send me a DM and I'll get in contact. #RUOK #TheInspiredLeader
05.01.2022 Most leaders are being stretched to extremes right now.. maintaining their business, supporting their team members, dealing with the new norm... but self care is out the window. The Inspired Leader 5 Day Challenge has been created to support leaders to thrive through this challenging period and to set yourself up for success in the future. I get that you're time poor - so I've created a manageble modules to fit in your day: ... 1. 20 minute live webinar at 10am each day with Q&As 2. Replays to watch in your own time, along with an action packed workbook to implement the ideas 3. Exclusive support group 4. Guidance suitable for all levels of leadership The action kicks off on Monday 14 Sept - Register now!
05.01.2022 There's no point in busting your gut on something, only to find out that you've spent all that time heading down the wrong path... As leaders, it's critical to ensure that individual and team goals are aligned to the overall company goals - and to check in regularly that the goalposts haven't shifted at all... By having a clear understanding of company goals, you can then articulate how your team can contribute to the bigger picture, which will also create a greater sense o...f belonging and pride for your team members. Without this big picture alignment, you'll likely be herding cats headed in all directions! #goalalignment #theinspiredleader
05.01.2022 Employee recognition is no longer a nice to have but a key ingredient to successful businesses. Unfortunately, Gallup recently shared that only 1/3 of surveyed employees received recognition or praise over the last 7 days... So why is recognising employees so important? ... Employees understand what's expected of them, and strive to achieve great results more often Employees feel engaged and have a sense of belonging Creates a supportive, positive company culture Peer to peer recognition builds teamwork and collaboration Rewarding with growth opportunities can be a win-win for ambitious employees and the business Improves employee retention, saving money and resources Builds a positive reputation to enable recruitment of top talent Of course recognition needs to be thoughtful and considered - giving recognition without specifics or just for the sake of it can have detrimental effects (eg. rewarding the wrong behaviours). Consider what you can do to enhance the recognition culture within your business? Join the Inspired Leader facebook group (link at top of page) to join in the discussion! #Recognition #TheInspiredLeader
04.01.2022 When building your leader brand, it is essential for it to be balanced. Consider how you operate in each of these areas: 1. Strategy - have you defined the future vision of your team or business and created a compelling purpose to work towards? Do you know WHY you do what you do? (Hint: it's not just to make profit!) 2. Execution - are your goals aligned to your strategy and do you take action quickly? Do you have the right resources and systems in place to achieve?... 3. People leadership and development - do you authentically connect with, support and grow your people? 4. Personal proficiency - do you act with integrity, emotional intelligence and build trusting relationships with your team and others in your network? Consider what elements you could build to ensure a more holistic leader brand, and take action every day to make this happen. Remember to keep true to your core values. If something doesn't feel right, ask yourself, what's the disconnect? Is it uncomfortable because it's a growth opportunity, or is it a misalignment of your values? If you would like support in developing or increasing your Leader brand, this is an area I love to support Leaders with! Reach out via the link below: #TheInspiredLeader #Leaderbrand
04.01.2022 Have you signed up for The Inspired Leadership Challenge? This FREE training starts next Monday 14 Sept! More details in the link below (feel free to share with your friends too!)... #leadership #TheInspiredLeader #leadershipDevelopment #LeadershipChallenge
04.01.2022 The credit belongs to the person who’s actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes up short again and again and again, and who, in the end, while he may know the triumph of high achievement, at least when he fails, he does so daring greatly. As leaders, we put ourselves in the arena. We're up there supporting our teams, championing them and taking the hits for them.. As a leader, there are times whe...n you will fall. There are times when you need support from others. Don't be afraid to put your hand up and ask for help - it's not a sign of weakness, but a sign of courage and determination. By looking after yourself, you will also be able to look after your team and lead them to greatness. #leadership #TheInspiredLeader #TheodoreRoosevelt
03.01.2022 One of the biggest causes of procrastination is the fear that it won't be perfect... that we'll make mistakes or look silly in front of others... What if we changed our mindset to look at what could go right?! If we hold back, then we won't learn, grow or succeed. Every attempt we give, is one step closer to achieving our goal. And if we get it wrong, it's a great learning moment.... Imagine how you will feel when you DO get it RIGHT!! Put yourself in the picture of success and take that leap. To your success #success #leadership #ZigZiglar #theinspiredleader
03.01.2022 Would you like to finish the year with confidence, energy and results? Join me for a FREE webinar, to help you make the most out of 2020 and set yourself up for success in 2021! 1pm on Wednesday 25th November... For more details and to register, click the link below: See you there!
03.01.2022 We're all so busy - how do we keep working effectively and stay focussed when the work is piling up?
01.01.2022 The Inspired Leader Challenge starts 10am TODAY!! Today we'll be creating our our future vision. We have 50 inspired leaders levelling up their leadership this week - are you in?... Final chance to register before the doors close! #leadershipdevelopment #covidleadership #TheInspiredLeader
01.01.2022 How are you tracking against your new year’s goals? Whether it's achieving a big (hairy!) goal or getting fitter - so many resolutions and great intentions get thrown in the 'too hard basket' by the end of January... simply because we expect to shift too much all at once, which can be a recipe for failure. Our brains love familiarity, and big changes lead to amygdala tantrums (or the fight or flight response) - toys thrown and goals shattered! ... To set yourself up for success, keep your big goal in mind, start with manageable steps each day, so that you feel a sense of accomplishment each day. And just like getting fitter - as you build momentum, you'll be able to start climbing faster towards your goal It takes 21 days of consistent focus to create new habits (as your brain builds new neural pathways) and 60 days to work on auto-pilot. So keep reminders in visual locations (or even set reminders in your phone/ calendar), to keep building your habits and moving towards your goal. What step will you take today? #TheInspiredLeader #Leader #Leadershipcoaching #Goals #LeadershipDevelopment
01.01.2022 Your Leader Brand is the leader that you want to be and for others to see. It’s the vision you have for yourself and the impact you want to have on the business and those around you. For your leader brand to be credible, it must be authentic to your own core values. If you're trying to 'fake it', your actions will cast a shadow across your team and your business, which will create misalignment and scepticism of your Leader brand. Be mindful of every interaction, discussi...on and decision - check in to ensure they are aligned to your core values, your vision and your Leader brand. This is particularly necessary when you have to make a hard decisions or have a courageous conversation - people notice these actions much more than when you're smooth sailing. How can you ensure that you're leading authentically every day? #AuthenticLeadership #TheInspiredLeader
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