The Integrative Mum | Sport & recreation
The Integrative Mum
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25.01.2022 As Mums we have a lot that needs to get done in a day & we also have little people that rely on us. So being able to start your day off well & cramming as much goodness into your breakfast is super important. That’s why I love my morning smoothie & have been having one daily for years. Plus I love being able to have breakfast on the run!... This morning I had my ol’ fave.. Choc Snickers Smoothie. Here is what I usually throw in it 250g Almond Milk (or milk of choice) 1 banana (chopped & frozen if possible, makes it creamier) 1 Tbs Chia Seeds 1 Tbs LSA 1 Tbs Cacao 1 Tbs Peanut Butter (I love using the Mayvers brand) 2 Dates Handful ice Oh plus I have also been throwing in 1 Tbs Hemp Seeds & 2 tsp Maca Powder as well. You don’t need to add all of this, I just like to add as many whole food boosters as I can. Simply add all ingredients, blend for 1 min on high, or if you have a Thermomix Speed 10, 1 minute. TIP: Save this post for later so you can come back to it & try it out! And if you do, let me know if you loved it too See more
24.01.2022 A Sunday night reminder as we head into a new week that you don’t need to overcomplicate the way you eat. Eat good. Feel good. You are what you eat as my Nan used to say
23.01.2022 For decades I was a serial dieter. Always looking for that next quick fix to lose those kilos that seemed to come off & then always eventually come back on again It took me a long time to rewrite those stories I had that losing weight had to be hard & that I had to follow a restrictive dieting plan.... But ultimately I learnt that the latest & greatest diet plan, meal plan or celebrity didn’t really know what was best for me. I had given the power of my own health to other people! And that’s what I love to work with my clients on. A non diet approach that has you truly getting back to nourishing your body, eating well so you can feel amazing & lose those kilos. You see, you know what’s best for you. Deep down you do know how to eat well, nourish your body & feel amazing. It's just that over time you have built up beliefs & stories that have held you back unconsciously from getting the change you want. If any of resonates with you, I’m here for you if you want to take the power back around food. If you’d love to chat about where you’re at & whether we’d be a good fit to work together, please send me a message, I’d love to hear from you xo OR if you’re thinking, far out, it’s 5 weeks until Christmas & I want to take action right now, then you can book a free 30 min chat with me here xo See more
22.01.2022 Ok Mums, I’m going to be running another free EPIC Mini Workshop straight from my kitchen & would love your help with it. What’s one lunchbox snack that you or your kids love that has sugar in it? If possible I’d love to include a healthier alternative to share with you in the mini workshop happening next week! Stay tuned
20.01.2022 Do you love a sweet snack? If you do but are struggling for an easy, healthy one to make, then I have something for you! In my Simple Sweets eBook I share my favourite snacks that are perfect for us Mums to make when we’re short on time but need that sweet fix.... All of the recipes are refined sugar free plus approved by my family & so many others! You can grab your free eBook through the below link & if you have any questions please reach out of course
20.01.2022 After some Christmas Desserts inspo? Last week I held a mini kitchen workshop where I made these THREE yummy desserts... Rocky Road... Raw Iced Coconut Slice (aka Raw Vovo Slice) Raw Strawberry Cheesecake All the recipes were #refinedsugarfree #dairyfree & #glutenfree as well! You know I LOVE showing Mums that eating healthy does not have to be boring & Christmas is no exception! The replay is up in my FREE Private Facebook Community as well as the FREE mini eBook with the recipe details. So if you’re not already part of the community & want to see just how easy it is to make healthier yummy sweet desserts pop on over & check it out
18.01.2022 I LOVE showing Mums that eating healthy does not have to be boring! That you can still have yummy sweet snacks & desserts, just without all the added crap With only 4 ingredients, this Chocolate Mousse tastes so good & it’s a much healthier version than the traditional mousse.... No refined sugar, dairy free, egg free it’s super easy to make plus it’s been approved by my little family The recipe up on my website, just comment below & I’ll send you the direct link in a message Tip: save this post for later so you can come back to it to make it See more
17.01.2022 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from my family to yours I’ll be taking a little break until the 4th January, but as some of you know... I love popping up in stories, so am sure I’ll keep you updated there! Thank you to each & every one of you who has been part of my year here at The Integrative Mum. I absolutely love what I do & can not wait for 2021 to help & work with more amazing Mums.... Merry Christmas! Sabrina xo :
16.01.2022 I’ve made this banana bread a few times in the last week, it’s great for using up some of those over ripe bananas that are sitting in the fruit bowl! It’s always a hit when I make it. Perfect for the lunchbox or afternoon tea with a cup of hot tea hmmm, who am I kidding, mine always seems to go cold! I share this recipe plus some of my other favourites in my free Simple Sweets mini eBook.... All the recipes are healthy alternatives with no refined sugar AND perfect for us busy Mums who don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen but still want that sweet fix. If you haven’t already grabbed your copy, pop on to my website here to get it
16.01.2022 Noticed that you’re having trouble with your food cravings? That they can get out of control & suddenly you realise you’ve eaten nearly the whole Tim Tam packet? If so, then I encourage you to try this approach to navigate your cravings. What the heck are you talking about Sabrina, I hear you say! ... Well read this post, save it & put it into action. This is not about restricting foods, ignoring your cravings, using your willpower to try & stop them This is about helping you pay attention to your body, getting curious as to why you’re craving those foods & proceeding from a place of empowerment Try this approach out this week & let me know how you go And if you’re looking for that next level support with me as your Food + Mindset Coach in your corner to get those changes made, then I would love to help you! I have availability this week for my 30 min free chats to see where you’re at with your nutrition & what changes you would love to make. Is one of those spots yours? To grab one send me a message, or comment below. I’d love to chat with you!
16.01.2022 Are you a smoothie lover? I am. I LOVE my morning smoothie. I find it’s the perfect start for the day for me as I can jam pack it full of nourishing ingredients, whip it up & have it on the run in the morning. This is a combo I have been having lately. Sometimes I can get a little crazy with what I add in, but this one seemed to work really well.... I’m not sure what I should call it though? Mango Cauli Smoothie? Completely unoriginal! Let me know if you have any names! 250g Almond Milk (or milk of choice) 90g frozen mango 2 Cauliflower florets 1 Tbs Chia Seeds 1 Tbs Hemp Seeds2 tsp Maca Powder 1 Tbs Coconut Oil Ice You don’t have to put in all the add ins (Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Maca Powder) however I do as I love to jam pack it! TIP: Save this post for later so you can try it out! And if you do, let me know if you loved it too
15.01.2022 Sunday Gratitude Today was a beautiful Sunday spent with Col & my three boys. We went to the beach as the weather was amazing & had a such great time just being together in the sun. As George is going through changes (dropping his day sleep, toilet training & just all round defiance!) I have been really aware lately of how quickly they grow up.... I watched the boys run in & out of the small waves giggling as the water was cold, digging a big hole with Col & just having so much fun. It was such a beautiful reminder of just how fortunate I am to be their Mum, no matter how hard some days can seem. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? See more
15.01.2022 Did you know I have a FREE Facebook Community? Each week I share tips, recipes & pop in LIVE sharing all things Food & Mindset for us Mums. Tonight in my weekly LIVE at 8PM I’ll be chatting about ‘what we're filtering for when it comes to food.’... It'll be short & sweet with a super helpful concept when it comes to why you may be in the habit of being a certain way with how you eat & snack. Pop on over below to join the group
14.01.2022 2 weeks ago today I received a phone call that absolutely turned our life on its head. A phone call that created a knot so tight in my stomach, I literally have never felt anything like it before. Within the space of hours my middle son was being admitted into Westmead Children's Hospital. 24 hours later he was having an operation.... Words can not describe the immense gratitude I have to the team of Doctors & nurses at Westmead Children’s Hospital. The speed in which action was taken was incredible. And the resilience & bravery of my son Alfie is something I am absolutely in awe of. Kids are just amazing, aren’t they! The next bit of road for us is unknown right now. There are scans, appointments, things that need to happen to piece it all together & to take action. But I know that despite the patience that it’s teaching us, I have trust that we are in incredible hands. To so many of you beautiful Mums that have reached out to me when I dropped off, thank you. It means so much to me xo I’ll start to pop back on here in between, I’ve got exciting things coming up & it gives me a sense of normality. Plus if you’ve been around here for a little while you know how much I love helping Mums & my amazing clients. It absolutely is my purpose. Sabrina xo
13.01.2022 Want to know one simple mindset strategy that I have used these last few weeks to manage my overwhelm? Well, I’m back! And tonight I’ll be popping on for my usual weekly LIVE insight into all things Food & Mindset, where I’ll be sharing this one simple mindset strategy. In these LIVES I keep it short, sweet (no refined sugar!) & super helpful for us Mums. I love helping Mums with their Food & Mindset so I’m excited to get back into things & would love you to join me!... All the action takes place in my private Facebook Community, come on over & join
10.01.2022 Bliss Balls are a regular in our home, we love them! They’re easy to make, you can freeze them & they’re perfect for that 3pm or 8pm urge to have something sweet. Plus with #norefinedsugar they’re a great healthier alternative. Having healthier alternatives available helps as you’re still having a yummy snack, just without all the added crap & sugar slump a little while later. I’m all about still enjoying your food ... The recipe for these Jaffa or Choc Peppermint Bliss Balls is up on my website, And make sure you tag me or send me a pic if you make them
10.01.2022 If you want to start breaking free from that restrictive diet mindset, try a few of these reframes into a non diet mindset. One of my favourite mindset tools is a reframe. It’s simply changing the way you’re thinking to a different perspective so you can really shift your viewpoint & mindset to a more empowered one.... Changing your mindset is absolutely critical to long term change. And those mindset shifts begin with looking & rewriting the patterned thoughts we have. Which with your food may be a few of these. Try a few of these out this week if you feel them pop up in your thoughts & let me know how you go. Have an amazing Monday!
05.01.2022 Remember as we head into Christmas that food is just food. Enjoy it. Be present to it & the moment that you’re in.... A good question to ask yourself is ‘how is this going to make me feel?’ And know that with each meal & snack you have a choice. And if you choose to eat that Christmas dessert, then that is ok, however be present to it, be intentional. Know that you are making the choice to have it rather than food having ‘control’ over you. Note the difference. There’s a big shift that can happen when you start to think this way. Sabrina xo
05.01.2022 The breakthroughs that my 1:1 clients have been having are amazing! By releasing old stories & beliefs around food & rewriting them into new choices & habits that are more useful, they are now eating better, feeling better AND ... losing those few kilos they’ve been wanting to shift It’s literally life changing! If you’ve been wanting to make a change but you keep trying & fall back into your old ways & habits, then I encourage you to reach out. It is absolutely possible to get the change you want without having to resort to restrictions, crazy diets, expensive shakes & meal replacements! It just takes BOTH the practical steps AND the important mindset shifts needed to let go of your old ways. I have a few spots remaining this month to work with me 1:1 through my Food & Mindset Coaching. To book in a 15 min chat to find out more & whether it would be a good fit for what you need, just pop on over here Quote: some beautiful words from my client recently
03.01.2022 Yesterday we received an amazing update about my middle son Alfie. It was the best news that we could have right now. What a relief! For those of you that haven’t known, we’ve had a scary last few weeks with a very unexpected operation & following scans, tests & appointments.... It’s not over but right now we are in the best possible situation that we could be in. I’m so incredibly grateful to each of you that have supported us, had us in your thoughts & prayers. The immense support that we have received goes beyond anything I could have possibly imagined. Like all things, I believe there are lessons in everything. The good & the not so good. Especially when your life is completely shaken you question everything you have done & are doing. I’m sure the lessons will unfold but right now gratitude for what I have is something I am reminded of See more
02.01.2022 It’s official... all spots have now been taken for my 1:1 Introductory Coaching Package! I’m so incredibly excited!!! Arghhh, actually to say I’m excited is an understatement.... The beautiful women I have started working with are amazing, they’re ready, they’re committed & I’m so incredibly grateful to work with them for the month. The practical changes to the way they eat plus the mindset shifts I know they’ll make are going to be life changing. Happy weekend Mums! Oh & if you are interested in getting in early for next months availability, send me a DM. We can chat about whether it would be the right fit for you See more
02.01.2022 And that’s a wrap! I have literally just finished my last private client session for 2020. To say I’m grateful is an understatement.... What a challenging year. What a wake up call it has been on so many levels. This year has taught & shown me what’s really truly important in life. Life can be short. For too long we can get caught up in the daily routine of life to not see the bigger picture of what really matters. This year my business ride has been a rollercoaster. It’s been challenging but it’s been the best year yet. The women I have worked with both in my group program earlier in the year & with my private clients are phenomenal. Biased I know, but I really do see the potential in each & every one of them. The changes they’ve made is amazing. To let go of so much of their mindset, to create change, to get uncomfortable & keep going to reach their health goals has been something I am in awe of. And for me to help them with that is a gift, it really is. So I want to share with you, that we all have it within us. We really do. If you want to make a change to your health, you can do it. It takes those shifts in your mindset, to trust you can do it & to keep at those nutrition changes to reach your goal. Make 2021 be the year that you back yourself! xo See more
01.01.2022 4 tips for a healthier Christmas At this time of year, it can be so easy to let our own health slip as Mums. On the To Do List, looking after ourselves tends to be right down the bottom of the priorities! Can you relate? Here are 4 tips to help make your own health a priority so you can not only feel good at this time of year, but also be as present as you can.... TIP: make sure you save this post to refer back to later PLUS if you want more on this, I did a LIVE this morning in my Facebook Community, pop on over below to check it out
01.01.2022 Woohoo, it’s happening Mums! I’m running my free EPIC live mini workshop next week straight from my kitchen, next Wednesday 14th October! I'll be LIVE in my kitchen winging it like a wannabe Masterchef contestant making THREE healthy yummy lunchbox snacks that are #norefinedsugar... If you want to stop the boring snacks, the returned food in the lunchbox & get inspired then make sure you join me! To grab your spot, pop on over here to get the details
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