The Last Straw South Australia | Community
The Last Straw South Australia
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25.01.2022 Look at all The Last Straw member venues across Adelaide and surrounding regions!!! Scroll through our celebration posts or head to to find your local TLS member venues! @thelaststrawaus @thelaststraw.southaustralia #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia
24.01.2022 @nolaadelaide has been plastic straw-free for almost two years now! Instead, they use stylish reusable stainless steel straws with 'Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler' (Let the good times roll) engraved on them We know they look gorgeous, but please leave them in your drink and you can pick up your own reusable straws from brands such as @stylishly.sustainable,, etc! #nolaadelaide #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheLastStraw
24.01.2022 Great to see paper straws at Cafe Olive in Seacliff on this sunny beach day! #cafeolive #everystrawcounts #seacliffslsc
23.01.2022 @thesellerdoor_brighton was PACKED this morning and for good reason! Amazing food, vibe and values. They've been trying lots of different straws but no more plastic! Just check out their Insta #TheLastStrawJettyRoadBrighton #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheSellerDoorBrighton #JettyRoadBrighton #ReusableStraws
21.01.2022 Who knew the Port Adelaide Football Club @pafc is a @thelaststrawaus member venue? Have you been there and have noticed they are #StrawResponsible? It's important that we celebrate and thank venues who have signed up and also make sure they're keeping their promise #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #portadelaidefc
21.01.2022 @bobbowls is a Last Straw member venue and is located in the heart of Port Adelaide as part of @cultandharper space, serving up nothing but delicious plant-based bowls and plates of goodness, mylk smoothies, cold-pressed juices and of course... but no cow's milk here They use pasta straws if you'd like to suck! #SuckSustainably #BobBowls #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #PortAdelaide
21.01.2022 Did you know there is a bill in the Upper House to deal with single-use plastics here in SA, led by Mark Parnell MLC? Sign the petition to show your support!
21.01.2022 "The Welly is Going Straw Free! @thelaststraw.southaustralia #thelaststraw" Repost @thewellyhotel For other venues signing up, there are these posts and posters on The Last Straw website you can use to promote The Last Straw which will help customers understand and support your decision too!
20.01.2022 @drummerboy_cafe has reusable straws for dine-in and pasta straws for takeaway! No plastic straws here! #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia Our new golden glow smoothie #drummerboycafe #smoothie #adelaidecafe #portadelaide #vegan #reusablestraw #breakfast #cafe #adelaideeats #local #refusethestraw #goldenglow #suckstylishly #cafescene #instapic #thelaststraw #smoothies #friyay #ourportadl #brunch
19.01.2022 Guess whose looking to going plastic straw free : Boost - We'd love to see it in SA! But wait they need your help!! Starting tomorrow 10 stores in Victoria and New South Whales are trialling paper straws in juices and smoothies for the next 2 weeks. If all goes well and customers are happy with the new paper straw option Boost is keen to go plastic straw free. Feeling thirsty, if your in Melbs head to: Boost Juice Melbourne Central... Boost Juice - Monash University Boost Juice - Highpoint Boost Juice Monash Caulfield Also a few in around Coffs Harbour. But wait - dont forget to provide feedback via the Boost app so they know whatcha think! !! Without feedback they wont know if you support the change- who ever needs an excuse for a juice. Boost have done an amazing job at trialling straws and this time round are testing some heavy duty paper straws Remember you can always byo straw P.s Boost offer $1 off if you BYO keep cup for smoothies #responsiblecafe #juicy #boostjuice #boostjuicebars #boostjuicebar #jucy #shakes #smoothie #healthbar #juice #byocup #discounts #reuse #makingchanges #welldone #switch #weneedyou #wewantyou #help #providefeedback #survey #paperstraws #trial #letsmakeithappen #franchise #booost @boost_juice @boostjuicemonash @boostjuicecoffscentral Wed love to see more stores take on paper straws or trial too @boostjuice_smithfield @boostjuicecairnscentral See more
19.01.2022 @inthaiscafe already only serve straws on request so it was easy to say YES to signing up as a Last Straw member venue! #TheLastStrawJettyRoadBrighton @ In Thais Cafe
19.01.2022 A collaboration begins today, Trash Hero Adelaide. Weekly clean ups on the coast and in the hills. Join in!
17.01.2022 Two venues on the Le Fevre Peninsula have joined The Last Straw! The Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron have joined us! They will keep their plastic straws behind the bar and will only give them out when asked! ... The Cruising Yacht Club (CYC) at North Haven have officially made the switch from plastic to paper! Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
17.01.2022 We keep cleaning! Join the Trash Hero volunteers every Wed at 10am - venue on FB. #trashheroadelaide
17.01.2022 Mick O'Sheas Irish Pub is on board! @mickosheas #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia @thelaststrawaus #ReducePlastic #SingleUseSucks #SipDontSuck #PlasticFreeSeas #WarOnWaste @ Mick O'Sheas Irish Pub
16.01.2022 Brother Bear Wholefood Cafe believe in the environment over convenience and look how stylish they still are! They serve paper straws and sell reusable straws if you like to suck, are phasing out single-use coffee cups altogether and have amazing food too! #greenisthenewblack #BrotherBearCafe #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #MountBarker @ Brother Bear Cafe
15.01.2022 Apparently they're 4-ply paper and "work" They also now sell reusable stainless steel Boost cups and straws! Who's next? McDonald's Hungry Jack's?
15.01.2022 Look at our Last Straw member venue @artisancafeblackwood strutting their juicy juices and plastic-free paper straws Or if you'd prefer #SipDontSuck! #NoStrawThanks #PlasticStrawsSuck #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia Have you tried our Freshly Squeezed Juices??? Come in and try our creations or make your very own! We have all sorts of different fruit and veg to choose from . .... . . . #artisancafe #artisancafeblackwood #blackwood #cafe #blackwoodcafe #sacafe #wine #coffee #lunch #dinner #foodstagram #totallylocallyblackwood #local #fivecourse #spring #localproduce #awardwinning #cafeoftheyear #artist #savourawards #catering #food #brunch #french #breakfast #art #chorizo #beans See more
11.01.2022 #SipDontSuck at @inthaiscafe "Did you know In Thais is doing our bit to save the environment! We are now only giving straws on request to reduce our amount of plastic waste. What are you doing to help our sea life? #inthaiscafe #savetheoceans #nostraws #brighton" #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheLastStraw @TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawJettyRoadBrighton
10.01.2022 Hola! I'm Laura of The Last Straw South Australia Leaders and that's Inka! When I started going to Semaphore Beach nearly every day 3 years ago, I started noticing plastic straws everywhere so started picking them up! (I have over 1500 of them in a box at home ) I started blogging about plastic straws on and started a small business two years ago called Stylishly Sustainable selling reusable straws and smoothie cups! When I stumbled across The Last Straw ...Australia I knew I could help even more! I've been spreading the word but it's time to turn it up a notch! The ocean; our lungs, and the sea creatures need our help! #SipDontSuck or #SuckSustainably! If you already do, join our team! Send us a message with an area you could help spread the word to venues serving plastic straws even if you don't ask for one #StrawsOnRequest #StrawNoMore #SingleUseSucks #DitchTheDisposables #Putitinthebin #SuckStylishly #StrawResponsible #ReducePlasticPollution #PlasticFreeSeas
10.01.2022 Repost @super_california! We've already given these guys a mention but they've shared the message with their Insta followers again which is a great way to get more people aware! Also, how cool are their reusable cups! "We have removed plastic straws from the counter to help reduce the 500 million straws that are used and thrown away every day. If you would like a straw with your drink, please ask but consider the impact they have on our environment first #thelaststraw #supercalifornia" #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia @ Super California
09.01.2022 Couldn't see a plastic straw in sight at @cafelunebrighton this morning! They were very happy to join The Last Straw and be celebrated! #TheLastStrawJettyRoadBrighton Hello Plastic Free July! #plasticfree #paperstraws #jettyroadbrighton #cafelune #choosetorefuse
09.01.2022 Keeping up the momentum with our war on waste. Join in!
08.01.2022 Repost @thewatershedadelaide!!! We are going strawless. 500 million straws are used a day in the US alone - not sure who spent the time to count them all but seems like an awful lot of wastage. If you are worried your lippy is never going to look the same again, don't despair, we will have a secret stash behind the bar. How nice is this! #thelaststraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia @thelaststrawaus
08.01.2022 HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE Smoothie lover?Tag someone you want to share with #smoothie #adelaidedrinks #newmenu #semaphoreswedishtarts Repost @semaphoreswedishtarts #SipDontSuck #PlasticStrawsSuck #PaperStrawsOnRequest #TheLastStraw
07.01.2022 Melt Pizzeria venues across Adelaide are now part of The Last Straw! How gorgeous are their reusable stainless steel straws! @meltpizzeria We went to their Melt Hyde Park restaurant a few months ago and had to say "No straw thanks" but now I can just order a drink with the confidence we won't have to suck on single-use plastic Some venues still have plastic straws on request and this is okay too! Bar staff, just don't put them in automatically ... #strawsonrequest #reduceplastic #reduce #reuse #singleusesucks #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #MeltPizzeria
07.01.2022 Hi, I'm Jodie, another of The Last Straw South Australia Leaders. I live in the Fleurieu region, super close to the amazing Port Willunga beach, in an eco house my husband and I designed and built. I've been focussing my efforts this year (working with Zoe Walker from The Green Room) to make Willunga High Street plastic straw free #thelaststrawwillunga We've had great support from Willunga high street traders, the Willunga environment centre, and #discoverwillunga.... #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia
07.01.2022 Thanks @lovinglife_withless for showing off our #LastStraw member venue @thegreenroom.highst! And thank you to The Green Room on High Street for advertising being straw-free! It's as much about education as it is about initiatives and policies to make decisions for us. We need to know what and why #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia
06.01.2022 A straw-free cheers to @cruisingyachtclubofsa and hoping all coastal venues join The Last Straw! Sip Don't Suck! - at the CYCSA we have taken steps towards running a more environmentally friendly business to help reduce the impact on the environment and preserve natural resources; starting with non-plastic, eco-friendly straws. We hope you can support our cause and enjoy your drink without one! FYI: Did you know that over 500,000,000 plastic straws are used and throw...n away every day? Thats a lot of waste clogging our oceans and piling up in landfill. Go plastic-straw free @thelaststraw.southaustralia #cycsa #ecofriendlyproducts #southaustralia #thelaststraw #plasticstrawfree #smallsteps #environmentallyfriendly #refusethestraw See more
06.01.2022 Straws only on request at the Exeter Hotel on Semaphore Road! They have The Last Straw sign on display and black plastic straws behind the bar. They report there has certainly been a reduction in plastic straws being used through this initiative! The Last Straw Australia #TheLastStraw @thelaststraw.southaustralia #SipDontSuck #StrawNoMore #singleusesucks #reduceplasticpollution
06.01.2022 The Strathmore Hotel, Brompton Hotel and Woodville Hotel have joined The Last Straw! Maybe it has been our messages to The Woodville, more and more customers asking for "No straw thanks" or they have done it all themselves?! Thank you! But at The Brompton yesterday, despite the straws hiding behind a sign here and even more out of view in the main restaurant, it seemed every glass of soft drink or drink that is often with a straw, had a straw in it! I asked a staff member a...nd they assured me they don't automatically put them in drinks and everyone that had a straw had come to the bar to ask for one... Seems we have a long way to go to change culture and a small sign isn't working just yet if the 30+people I could see HAD to have a straw... Perhaps just remove them altogether with just a few for those who really need a straw? Thank you to the venues for trying and I hope you're inspired to continue to improve for the protection of our and ! #education #ecocation #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheStrathmore #TheBrompton #TheWoodville #Adelaide #StrawNoMore #waronwasteau #SipDontSuck
05.01.2022 The Red House Shop & Café is one month plastic straw-free and have joined The Last Straw! They offer pasta straws incl. choc-coated for smoothies! They also have a great range of vintage clothes and homewares in their shop. Oh, and the FOOD of course! @redhouseshopcafe #TheLastStraw @thelaststrawaus #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #PlasticStrawsSuck #NoMorePlasticStraws #StrawsOnRequest #NoStrawThanks #ReducePlasticPollution #PlasticFreeLiving #SingleUseSucks @ Red House - Shop & Café
05.01.2022 Bistros, bars, clubs, restaurants, cafes, juice bars, takeaway shops, service stations, sporting clubs, supermarkets, fruit and veg stores, delis... straws seem to be everywhere drinks are sold so we have a BIG job cut out for us to reduce the use of plastic straws! But if we all spread the word about The Last Straw, culture will change quickly! Just a few months ago there were only three venues on the SA map and now there are DOZENS!... Thanks The Southern Bar Gamining Bistro in St.Marys for joining as a member venue!!! Look for more venues at, scroll down and zoom into South Australia!
04.01.2022 More and more venues are taking the pledge to eliminate or reduce the use of plastic straws in South Australia but we can't reach everyone without you! Our team at The Last Straw South Australia is working with the suburbs or streets of: - Willunga - Semaphore Road - Port Adelaide-Le Fevre Peninsula - Henley Beach... - Flinders University - Adelaide University - Jetty Road Brighton and many other venues we visit along the way but there are THOUSANDS of venues using plastic straws in S.A! Are you interested in adopting a suburb, street or region and joining our FB group The Last Straw SA Leaders? We'll help you with everything you need to know and say Send us a message introducing yourself and which area you would like to help with! #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia
04.01.2022 Duck in to @theduckinnadelaide and say thanks for reducing plastic straws!!! #TheLastStrawMemberVenue #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheDuckInn #CoromandelValley @ The Duck Inn
03.01.2022 Lobethal Bierhaus is a Last Straw member venue! What other venues in Lobethal could reduce their use of plastic straws? @thelaststrawaus @thelaststraw.southaustralia #TheLastStraw #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #LobethalBierhaus
02.01.2022 "The well known, locally loved, family owned cafe Montagna Café have made the switch to no plastic straws! Thank you for become one of many more venues!" written and photos provided Montagna customers You can spread the word of The Last Straw too! Show them or tag them in our Insta or Facebook page, direct them to, ask them to sign up as a member venue and we can feature them! #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #TheLastStraw #SipDontSuck #MontagnaCafe #Blackwood @ Montagna Cafe
01.01.2022 Wild Ma's Bistro in Stansbury is on board! @wildmasbistro "As part of us being an environmentally conscious venue we are very pleased to announce we are joining @thelaststraw.southaustralia and abolishing the use of plastic straws in our restaurant. We have paper straws available for anyone who needs a straw with their beverage. Plastic straws take 500 years to decompose and are killing marine life. Though it's only a small change, every little bit counts in the movement to save our planet. #thelaststraw #savetheturtles" #TheLastStrawSouthAustralia #plasticstrawssuck #SipDontSuck