The Laughing Pug Aus | Product/service
The Laughing Pug Aus
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24.01.2022 Is that you over there Weekend??! . . Bring it on I say! Just had one of them weeks where I had to google is Mercury in retrograde? the first 4 days after last weekend was the hardest.. But I hope you all had a fantastic week! Yew! Let’s embrace the weekend, aaaalmost there! You got this!... . . . . . . #oneofthemweeks #atleastmycapisepic #helloweekend #weekendvibes #lifeisbetterbythebeach #thelaughingpug #puglife #entrepreneurlife #damnyouprinter #eyesontheprize #eyesonthehorizon #oceantherapy #letsdothis #travelaustralia #gonecamping See more
19.01.2022 Calling everyone on the SUNSHINE COAST . Have you heard we have a new stockist in Maroochydore?! @wholelifemaroochydore are stocking beans and ground, enamel cups and the stemless mug, coffee dripbags and body scrub. How good is that?! .... Not only does this place now hold some epic coffee but a big range of awesome products for your health and your tastebuds. . So now you can step up your picnic game with some new goodies! . Pic credit to the beautiful @storiesofwanderers having a chilled out picnic on the beach . . . . . . . #sunshinecoast #newstockist #thelaughingpug #thelaughingpugretailer #maroochydore #coffeeislife #coffeelover #coffeelifestyle #picnicbasket #picnic #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate See more
18.01.2022 We have all felt that cold sweat and twitch in the eye when you realise you are out! . . . Maybe a subscription is the ultimate solution for you? Have the right amount show up at just the right time and you even get 10% off when you sign up for it! Just log in or create your account on our website and when you have chosen your favourite of our products simply choose how often you want it delivered, easy as! ... . -Enjoy! . . . . . . . #coffeesubscription #thelaughingpug #neveroutofcoffeeagain #lifehack #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate #specialtycoffee See more
18.01.2022 Pug Fam! Join us in a drum roll Because it’s time to reveal the super lucky duck of our competition! And without further adieu a big CONGRATS to Chrissy Martin! You’ve just WON a whole YEAR supply of your choice between coffee drip bags, ground coffee or whole beans delivered straight to your door every month for the next 12 months! We’ll slide into your DM’s and grab your details to get your goodies on the way! ... A super quick thank you to everyone who entered. We were blown away with the response of the giveaway - so much so that we’re very much in the giving spirit! So if you haven’t already tried our coffee, We’ve just packaged up a fresh, steamy batch of our world-class drip coffee bag samples that we want to get in your mugs FOR FREE! No typo’s here, we’ll cover the coffee - all you need to do is cover the postage & handling of $7.95! Just head to and grab yours today!
17.01.2022 -Yes please! I want a keep cup that looks epic, fits in my car cup holder and keeps my coffee hot! . . Our awesome @sttokeofficial cups comes in a few different colors, slated grey, matte black,angel white and ivory chai, available in 8 oz and 12 oz. .... You won’t get disappointed, they are made of shatterproof ceramic and stainless steal with a lid that shuts so where ever you might need to bring it, it won’t let you down! . . . . . #keepcup #bestkeepcup #shatterproofceramic #sttokecups #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate #coffeeinthesun See more
15.01.2022 Are you ok? . When did you last acctually check in with your friends and family to see how they are acctually doing? . Today is R U OK day and it’s a day to highlight that some conversations might need to take place. This is something that we definitely value here at The Laughing pug. Just pick up that phone, ask the question, keep your hearts open and be willing to have that conversation Together. ... . If you are worried about someone and need some help in getting the conversation started checkout @ruokday . . . . #ruokday #friendship #family #lookaftereachother #itaintweaktospeak #justask #bringitup #pugscare #puglife #coffeeandconversation #talkitout #thelaughingpug #listen #bekindalways #bekindtoyourself #suicideprevention #lifteachotherup #openheart #openmind See more
15.01.2022 Woo hoo, long weekend around the corner up here in QLD! . Might be time to go camping!? Have you got all your essentials?! Don’t forget the coffee! Being able to brew an epic cup of coffee whenever and wherever you are always makes a difference and will just give you the best start to your day! Let’s brew a cup of joe, pack up and Go! -Yew! . .... . . . . . . #longweekendvibes #longweekend #campingessentials #dripcoffee #dripcoffeebag #coffee #pourovercoffee #vanlife #holidays #longweekend #australia #liveyourbestlife #coffeeculture #coffeecommunity #coffeeadventure #bestbrew #coffeedripbag #nohassle #premiumcoffee #arabicabeans #specialtycoffee #favouritecoffee #easybrew #getlit #staycaffeinated #drippieeverydamnday #camping #camplife #coffeeontheroad See more
13.01.2022 Be so happy and kind so that when people see you they become happy and kind too! . It’s a thing you know, simply by doing kind things for others the brain releases a chemical called oxytocin, which makes you feel awesome! And by practicing kindness the person recieving it will also feel this awesomeness! And even a person just witnessing the act of kindness will feel good! So let’s make an effort today to create some awesomeness and lift each other up! Have an epic ...monday! . . These smiles and pug hugs are from the gorgeous @its.louis.and.james & Iris . . . #puglife #happinessiscontagious #pughugs #kindess #bekindalways #liftpeopleup #thelaughingpug #coffeehelps #puglover #hugsandpugs #lipstickonyourearsmile #puglover #coffeelover #practicekindness #smile #lifeisgood #focusonthegoodstuff #begrateful #love #laugh #live #coffeeislife See more
11.01.2022 How about this picnic spot?! . Enjoying the simple things in life I believe is key, a nice view, an epic coffee and great company! . Who would you bring for a picnic up here? ... . . . . . . #tambourinemountains #goldcoast #destinationgoldcoast #hinterland #thelaughingpug #enjoythesimplethings #liveyourbestlife #picnic #picniconthehill #coffeewithaview See more
10.01.2022 In honour of International coffee day there is a new Boss in town! Wanna know who? . Here at the pug HQ we have been sniffing out another awesome blend of beans to further awaken your senses. So with no further adieu let us introduce you to the limited edition spring blend: IL CAPO, in Italian meaning the boss and ‘oh boy is he smooth and rich! .... And by limited we mean there is only 100kg available so Il Capo won’t be around for long..! This new blend is a well orchestrated harmony of epic flavour notes from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Brazil. You can expect hints of dark chocolate and nutty flavours along with a balanced sweetness with a rich body. . Drum roasted slightly darker than our old favourite Doggfather blend, but still smooth, full bodied and with low acidity. . It has just gone live on the website, head over now to get your hands on some of these epic beans! Link in bio . . . #coffee #newblend #newcoffeealert #newboss #brewlikeaboss #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #thelaughingpug #puglife #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate
08.01.2022 Oh how I miss travelling... . . Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful for where we are during these times and I really feel for everyone who doesn’t have the freedom we have here on the GC. But this too shall pass... .... But travelling has always been the fuel for The Laughing Pug. And it was essential for us to be able to enjoy good coffee where ever we went. And now drinking our coffee brings me back to those good times had overseas and I can only plan where to go, once things opens up . Where would you go? . . . . . #wanderlust #travel #traveldreams #dreamstastelikecoffee #thelaughingpug #missingsweden #pugtrotter #globetrotter #wheretonext #travelplans #travelisgoodforthesoul #lovetravelling #holidaydreams #holiday #windmill #givemewings #travelpug #puglife #butfirstcoffee See more
07.01.2022 -Please be strong... I whisper to my coffee as we hide from the kids. . As a mum you would know the very familiar taste of cold coffee and chasing some me-time. So when you do get those little moments make sure you don’t settle for average coffee when you deserve the absolute very best. Liquid gold for the mamas! You are doing great! . .... . . . . . #mumlife #thaughingpughasgotyou #mamasfueledbycoffee #caffeinatedmamas #coffeeandkids #selflove #treatyourself #youaredoinggreat #thelaughingpug #butfirstcoffee #favouritecoffee #bestcoffee #coffeedripbags #goldcoastcoffee #mymoment #coffeemoment #coffeesesh #coffeelifestyle #coffee #coffeelover #coffeecommunity See more
06.01.2022 Weekend well spent at the stunning Morton Island quite busy by the wrecks but still an absolutely epic spot! . . Have you been here? What is your favourite spot on the island? .... . . . . #moretoneisland #weekendadventures #exploreaustralia #lifebythesea #beachbum #shipwrecks #butfirstcoffee #coffeethatinspires #thelaughingpug #4x4life #noreception #paradise #snorkeling #destinationaustralia #dronephotography See more
05.01.2022 As soon as I took my first sip I knew it was like striking gold twice! . Il Capo showcases specialty grade natural processed coffees from several farms in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Starting with the Barinas farm in Araxa, Cerrado de Minas.The Barinas coffee provides a good body and a very clean, sweet cup, with a gentle citrus acidity & notes of cocoa. . We then add in other natural processed Brazils to further promote dark chocolate and nut flavours in the blend. To thes...e Brazil's we've added premium grade washed coffee from smallholders in the lush highlands of Papua New Guinea, which provides body and a creamy sweetness. . Finally, to balance the blend out we have the heavy bodied and earthy, nutty flavours of a triple picked/semi-washed top grade Indonesian Mandheling. . -Yes please! . . . #ilcapo #thelaughingpug #newcoffeebean #coffeeislife #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate See more
05.01.2022 Bring on 2021! . By now you would’ve seen our epic 2021 pug calendar! This is not just any pawesome looking calendar, it is actually really helping the pug community, as all the profits from this calendar goes to support @pugpatrolrescueau in their great work in rescuing, finding new homes aswell as doing VET work for less fortunate pugs and other brachycephalic breeds. . Featuring the 12 gorgeous Top Pug models that was voted in previously here on insta, it’s just cu...teness overload! . So head over to the website (link in bio) and help saving pugs and support the pug community. . . . . . . . . . #pugcalendar #thelaughingpug #savepuglives #calendar2021 #pugpatrolrescueau #pugpatrol #puglife #calendarforacause #supportpugs #puglover #puglovers #pugcalendar2021 #cantwaitfor2021 #bestcalendarever #pugsandcoffee See more
02.01.2022 -Damn right! I wouldn’t even start a 1 mile journey without a strong cup of coffee . . It does sometimes happen that I procrastinate though but then that little caffeinated voice in my head says -Just do it, just start! Focus on the next step, not the entire stairway! Have a great weekend everyone!! .... . . . . . . . #coffeequote #coffeeinspiration #focus #motivation #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeecup #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate See more