The Manor, OneCare in Kings Meadows, Tasmania | Non-profit organisation
The Manor, OneCare
Locality: Kings Meadows, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6345 2100
Address: 2 Guy Street 7249 Kings Meadows,, TAS, Australia
Likes: 212
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25.01.2022 Mothers Day at The Manor Special messages from family and friends, decorations, gifts and sweet treats made this a memorable occasion. Big thanks to our amazing staff who went above and beyond to make sure our Mothers felt loved and acknowledged!
22.01.2022 The flowers and shortbread we received yesterday from Government House were simply beautiful (and delicious!) Sincere thanks again to Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC and the staff at Government House. Your thoughtful gifts certainly put a smile on everyones faces
22.01.2022 Celebrating our staff and residents! We loved holding special celebrations and fun activities throughout the festive period. The enthusiasm, hard work and commitment from our staff at The Manor is inspiring and brings so much joy to those who live with us. Some highlights below from our resident and staff BBQ in the sunshine at The Manor just before Christmas! Special hats off to our staff choir who stole the show!
21.01.2022 Every Tuesday is ice cream day at TMC! Vicki and other volunteers wheel this lovely trolley around the facility and offer residents, visitors and staff an ice cream. You can hear this cute little trolley coming, as the ladies play Mr Whippy tinkling music as they go!
21.01.2022 Just click the link below to read our latest COVID Talk update!
21.01.2022 The knitting club, in addition to working on the four seasons panels, has also been knitting squares to make into knee rugs to gift to new residents. Residents from the welcoming committee then visit new residents when they move into the facility with a welcome box, to have a chat and welcome them to their new home.
21.01.2022 Our volunteers are so wonderful! Here are Vicki and Linda getting ready to work in our kiosk.
19.01.2022 We love this video! One of our fabulous residents enjoyed herself this week, dancing along to some good ol rock n roll!
18.01.2022 We invite you to click the link below to access the first edition of our new COVID Talk series. This series is designed to give you an insight into OneCare's COVID preparation and safety strategies.
18.01.2022 Norma and Betty from our knitting club have been enjoying regular video chats with our volunteer knitting club co-coordinator Dee! If you would like to arrange a video call with your loved one at The Manor, please get in touch with us directly and we will work with you to make it happen
18.01.2022 Jennifer Phillips, we think you are extraordinary! Jenny is a visually impaired artist and is part of our retirement living community at The Manor. She has an inherited eye condition which has no central vision and only part peripheral vision. Jenny has shown amazing courage, talent and determination to produce some beautiful art works over the past year! We were delighted to attend Jennys special art show in Launceston and Jill, our Facility Manager felt incredibly privileged to be asked to provide a speech. Great news! Most of Jennys paintings were sold at the show and all proceeds from her art will be donated to Guide Dogs Tasmania!
16.01.2022 Dianne & Neil are shaving off their locks! Dianne & Neil live with us at The Manor and are challenging themselves to shave their hair to support Cancer Council in their mission for a cancer free future. Their goal is $2000! Because 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, they are losing their locks to raise funds and show their support. We will be holding a very special event on 24th March 2020 at 1.30pm to celebrate their amazing efforts - watch ...their locks get shaved and enjoy a lovely afternoon tea and entertainment throughout the afternoon. To help Dianne & Neil reach goal, please consider donating today: Together, we can free the future from cancer.
14.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Chris and Kathy - we think you are truly extraordinary With help from The Manors Kathryn Smith, resident Chris Bowen shaved off his hair and beard after raising $5,371! Chris set out to shave his beard if he raised $2000, and raise the funds he sure did! Kathy was inspired by Chris and pledged to dye her hair pink if Chris could make it to $4000! Nat Lane lost her battle with breast cancer in October but knew the people she cared for and worked al...ongside at The Manor were planning to make a difference in the lives of others diagnosed with the disease. Before Ms Lanes passing the duo set their sights on raising money for the Cancer Council to fund research to find a cure. Sincere thanks to everyone who supported their amazing efforts
13.01.2022 We had a marvelous day celebrating the Melbourne Cup last week! There were prizes, sweeps and happy faces all around!
12.01.2022 Are you our next Registered Nurse at The Manor? We currently have a full time opportunity for a motivated, professional and hard-working Registered Nurse (Level 2). If you have extensive general nursing experience with skills reflective of clinical experience, a passion to improve our residents daily lives, are a hard worker and looking for an opportunity to flourish as a Nurse, then we want you!... > Do you have recent Acute Care experience? > Are you passionate about mentoring and supporting staff? > Are you able to think outside the square? If you answered yes to all of the above, we would love to hear from you. To find out more about the role or apply, visit:
12.01.2022 A few highlights from a recent photo shoot we did at The Manor in mid March. We hope these make you smile! We certainly did
11.01.2022 **IMPORTANT UPDATE ON COVID-19 for all OneCare Residents, Consumers, Families & Friends** OneCare is taking every precaution to protect and minimise the risk to those who live, work and visit us. Residential Care:... Whilst there has been no suspected or positive cases of COVID-19 in our homes, we will enter a lock down period at all OneCare residential aged care facilities from 5.00pm today (18th March 2020) for a period of 2 4 weeks. We will continually review this position and we are committed to updating you on a weekly basis or earlier if needed. This decision is in addition to Prime Minister Scott Morrisons announcement earlier today regarding new restrictions imposed on the aged care industry to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. We understand and respect the need for families to visit loved ones in special circumstances. OneCare will work with you and help facilitate such visits under strict arrangements that require you to be with your loved one. Please contact the home directly for more information. The health and wellbeing of our residents is paramount. We encourage you to stay in touch with your loved one. Our team are currently working to enable greater ease of access for residents to communicate through video chat platforms. Our Leisure & Lifestyle teams will continue with activities to enhance the wellbeing of those who live with us. Home Care Services: Our Home Care program will continue to run for all OneCare consumers as scheduled. If you have any concerns about your home care package or care provided, please call our Home Care office directly for further information. We will continue to keep you closely updated (via OneCares Facebook, website and email) on the current situation. Thank you for your understanding and support. Kindest regards, OneCare
11.01.2022 Last week we held some very special Anzac Day activities at The Manor. On Saturday, we watched the Anzac service and took time to reflect and acknowledge those before us and those veterans that live with us
10.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR ALL ONECARE RESIDENTS, STAFF AND FAMILIES IN REGARDS TO THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) The safety, health and wellbeing of OneCares residents, staff, families, volunteers and friends is paramount. As you are aware, there is local transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the community. COVID-19 primarily causes respiratory illness in humans, and while all types of respiratory viruses can cause sickness in the elderly, COVID-19 is a partic...ularly contagious infection that can cause severe illness and death for vulnerable people. Residential aged care facilities are particularly susceptible to COVID-19 outbreaks. OneCare takes this situation extremely seriously and our expert team is working to ensure that every precaution is taken to protect and minimise the risk to our community. We request that you please consider the safety and health of those who live and work at OneCare. Families play an important role in protecting their relatives from community viruses. With this in mind, we ask that all visitors to OneCares aged care facilities consider limiting any non-urgent visits. If you do need to visit an ill resident, please be acutely aware and you must adhere to infection control requirements noted at all entrance points to the facility. On entry you will be asked to comply with specific guidance including: reporting to reception, only visiting the ill resident, enter and leave the facility without spending time in communal areas, and performing strict hand hygiene before entering and leaving. We urge you to be vigilant with hygiene measures including social distancing, and to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, specifically fever and respiratory illness. Importantly, please stay away if you are feeling unwell for your own and residents protection. We encourage you to continue to stay in touch with your family and friends through phone, email or video chat platforms such as skype or face time. Our team are working to enable ease of access for residents to communicate through video chat platforms. OneCare is committed to providing safe quality care. Over the coming days we will keep you closely updated (via Facebook, our website, and by direct mail and email) on the current situation and how this may impact you and your loved one. Thank you for your understanding and support. Kindest regards, OneCare
09.01.2022 The Easter Bunny visited us on the weekend! Thank you for bringing joy and smiles to our residents and staff
08.01.2022 Nothing will stop us having some fun! Today we celebrated Nans birthday, 98 years young and fabulous Her daughter Sally made the most delicious apple slice cake for Nan and her friends to enjoy. Thank you to our wonderful team at The Manor that helped make this a very special birthday for Nan.
07.01.2022 Celebrating International Nurses Day! Today we proudly celebrate more than 200 extraordinary nursing staff at OneCare. The International Council of Nurses was celebrated on May 12, 1965. May 12 is an important date to all nurses, as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. In January 1974, this day was officially made International Nurses Day.... To each of our nurses, you are an important part of our OneCare family and we thank you for all that you do. Today we made sure that each of our nurses received a very special thank you and a small gift to acknowledge their amazing contribution. Please keep safe and know that you are appreciated
07.01.2022 Important update on Covid-19 for all OneCare families and friends > Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to protect our community from Covid-19. There continues to be no suspected or positive cases of Covid-19 in our homes. Under Government regulations, OneCare will continue with controlled access to our facilities. An end of life pathway remains an exception to this direction.... OneCare is committed to upholding the strict measures put in place by the Tasmanian Government to further strengthen the protection and safety for those who live and work with us. We understand that this is a challenging time for residents and families. We encourage you to stay connected whether it be with a letter, card or arranging a video call using Skype. Our Leisure & Lifestyle teams can work with you to help make this happen. Please contact The Manor directly to arrange this. We want to assure you that we are doing everything that we can to protect the safety, health and well-being of your loved one. We will continue to keep you closely updated. Thank you for your ongoing support. Yours sincerely, OneCare
07.01.2022 *IMPORTANT UPDATE ON COVID-19 for all OneCare Residents, Consumers, Families & Friends* Thank you for your understanding and support. Whilst there continues to be no suspected or positive cases of COVID-19 in our homes, OneCare will continue with controlled access to our facilities to ensure we are doing all that we can to protect ourselves and those we care for. Over the past week, there have been some instances where family members have needed to be with their loved one and... we have worked to facilitate such visits under strict arrangements on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the home directly to find out more information. We will continually review this position and will keep all residents, families, consumers and staff closely updated. The Morrison Government announcements overnight have seen tighter control measures put in place highlighting the importance of social distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene. OneCare is committed to supporting these precautionary measures. Kindest regards, OneCare
07.01.2022 OneCares Years of Service Award celebrations! Over the past two weeks we have felt incredibly privileged to hold OneCares Years of Service Awards across the state. Many of our staff have been with us for a significant amount of time and its important that we celebrate these milestones and the valuable contribution every person makes in lives of OneCares 2000+ residents/clients. We celebrated some big milestones including 45, 35, 30, 25 and 20 years! Having the opportunity... to warmly acknowledge 137 staff across our five locations was a chance to celebrate the extraordinary work they do every day. Their commitment, dedication, enthusiasm and expert care is truly inspiring. Thank you to everyone who joined us at these special events - those who received an Award and those of you that attended to support and cheer! Special thanks to everyone that helped make these celebrations enjoyable and memorable.
07.01.2022 Working with Richmond Fellowship to support our residents! OneCare was recently approached by Richmond Fellowship Tasmania (a mental health network across Tasmania) seeking to work collaboratively with us. Richmond Health, Richmond Fellowship Tasmanias clinical program, has been engaged by Primary Health Tasmania to provide psychological services to residents of aged care facilities across Tasmania experiencing mild to moderate mental illness. Through a referral process, ten... psychological sessions are available to residents within aged care facilities and will occur as one-on-one and/or group sessions who qualify under the funding criteria (i.e. they must have a mental health diagnosis, not dementia). What does this mean for OneCare? We are pleased to share that The Manor, Umina Park and Bishop Davies Court have all been selected to participate in this program for the first year. Barossa Park Lodge and Rubicon Grove will come on board in the second and third year of the program. This is a hugely valuable initiative that will seek to enhance the quality of life and well-being of our residents. We look forward to keeping you updated on the progress and impact!
06.01.2022 To all OneCare families and friends, Keeping residents, consumers, staff and the local community safe is our number one priority. Whilst there continues to be no suspected or positive cases of Covid-19 in our homes, OneCare will continue with controlled access to our facilities under Government direction. The tighter measures announced last week for Tasmanian aged care facilities were put in place to further strengthen the protection and safety for those who live and work w...ith us. Family visitation and gifts > We understand and respect the need for families to visit loved ones in special circumstances. OneCare will work with you and help facilitate such visits under strict arrangements on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the home directly for more information. If you would like to send your loved one a gift, please do this by post, or by contacting the home to make arrangements. Mandatory staff screening > OneCare is committed to upholding strict measures to help reduce the risk of Covid-19 and takes a zero tolerance approach to any staff who attend work that exhibit any signs of illness. Every employee must report to a mandatory screening station before commencing their shift. A temperature check is taken and recorded and staff are required to provide a written response to questions regarding their health and recent activity. Influenza vaccination > As you are aware, from 1 May 2020, any person entering a residential aged care facility must be vaccinated against influenza. This applies to staff, visitors, health practitioners, volunteers, contractors and others. Under Government direction, OneCare will seek appropriate evidence of your immunisation status prior to you entering our aged care homes. Appropriate evidence may be a statement or record from your Doctor / Pharmacist, or an immunisation history statement available from Medicare online or Medicare mobile app. You will only be required to provide evidence on one occasion annually and our staff will maintain a record to support this requirement. If you are unable to be vaccinated against influenza > A small proportion of people may not be able to have the influenza vaccination due to medical reasons. If this applies to you, we ask that you supply a letter to the Facility Manager from your Doctor advising the reasons. Each inability to be vaccinated will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. OneCare will align our management with the advice provided by Government and the wider health sector. We are committed to keeping you closely updated. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Kindest regards, OneCare
06.01.2022 The snow was AMAZING to see in Launceston. OneCare is represented!
06.01.2022 I love to make people laugh but its even better when a resident tells me that Ive made their day. - Sandy
05.01.2022 Do you want to learn more about how we keep people connected during COVID? Just click the link below to read the latest edition of "COVID Talk"!
02.01.2022 We wish you and your family a safe and happy Easter This weekend we have some wonderful festivities planned for our residents and staff at The Manor. We cant wait to share what we get up to!
02.01.2022 "We hope that we can make a difference in someones life!" With help from The Manors Kathryn Smith, resident Chris Bowen will shave off his hair and beard on December 6 if he raises $2000. "Im shaving my head because of Nat [Lane], one of our carers. She battled with cancer, and she worked until she couldnt work any more." Ms Lane lost her battle with cancer on October 7.... "Im trying to raise money for some research. I know its not going to help Nat, but it might help others," Mr Bowen said. Ms Smith said Ms Lane was one of her good friends, and she hoped they could make a difference in someone elses life. "Cancer has affected nearly everyone. Everyone knows someone who has had cancer," she said. If the duo make it to $4000, Ms Smith will dye her hair pink! To contribute to the cause, visit >
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