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The Mental Health Mentor
Phone: +61 413 825 733
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24.01.2022 Thought I'd share a recent experience. As you know I've battled debilitating anxiety for the best part of a decade and in that time have tried everything. I have had blood test done over the years but it seems not by someone who really knew what to look for. I found a doctor that was specifically trained in vitamin and hormone deficiencies. I had a 1hr phone consultation with her and she sent me for blood tests. I spoke to her 2 weeks later to find that I was severely deficie...nt in Vitamin C, B12, Magnesium and Zinc. My natural testosterone was also low. She told me that all of these minerals and testosterone play a major factor in mental wellbeing. She ordered me an IV infusion where a nurse comes to your house and I was IV infused with very high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex. She also told me to supplement with magnesium and zinc. The day following the infusion was easily the best I have felt in a decade. Three days later I still feel much better. Anxiety levels are much lower and I put it down to the vitamin boost. I haven't started using the testosterone cream yet but she said that will also dramatically help my wellbeing. If you have struggled for ages and can't find an answer I strongly suggest you give this a go. It's not cheap and I have been advised to get it monthly to maintain these levels, but for me it's worth it. Msg me if you want her number.
23.01.2022 A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is YOU, and the sentence is YOUR LIFE.
21.01.2022 I have battled for over a decade and in that time have met some truly amazing people. Sometimes the people you thought were friends drift away, which makes room for the right individuals. I reached a point where I did give up and tried to leave this world and looking back I am soo lucky to still be here. I mostly thank my amazing parents who have never given up on me. There are others who have come along at the right times and helped me to begin the recovery process. For all of that I am grateful.
19.01.2022 Transcendental meditation. If you haven't tried it give it a go.
17.01.2022 Please follow Amber on YouTube. She is another amazing young person openly talking about her battles. I have worked with her and at such a young age is showing tremendous bravery. Listen to her story.
15.01.2022 In my work I try to help people and I am noticing a trend. The use of two words is disappearing. 'PLEASE' and 'THANKYOU' are these words. When someone takes considerable time out of their day to assist and doesn't ask for payment the use of these words go a long way. I am upset because some people get what that need and that is it.... Manners can make a huge difference to someone's day.
15.01.2022 Last ever post about meditation. I promise. An intensive daily 2hr practice of meditation over the past 3 months has done more for my anxiety than 8 yrs of weekly psychotherapy achieved with a psychologist and psychiatrist. If you have never tried it, do it, it will change your life, if done daily.
15.01.2022 To suffer with a long term mental illness is something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I am very vocal about my anxiety and the last few weeks things have felt like they have been improving. Since Thursday it has again become super difficult and no amount of exercise, meditation, positive reinforcement or reaching out for help seems to be improving the situation. The last three days I have not exercised but have meditated for four hours daily and still the anxiety hau...nts me. I know what is making me anxious and NO amount of rational talk makes it better. You can't talk rationally to the subconscious mind and that is why for me anxiety is so difficult. Trauma is in the past and is over but it is stored as memories in our subconscious mind. I am relying on Valium to get me through and just hoping that things can get a bit better again. The photo below is of me four years ago when I can remember my anxiety being horrendous. The smile on my face is a show of strength. That day was dark along with many years before and to this day. I know so many who bravely smile when they are mentally fucked. Please remember that there may be a lot going on for someone, even if they look happy like I did that day in 2016.
14.01.2022 As a maths teacher of 16 years I see the importance of correct revision prior to exams. To help students with this I provide instructional videos on any topic. I find that students forget soon after being taught and my videos allow them to revisit forgotten material at anytime. I already have a large database of videos and offer them very cheaply to parents. Any new videos that I create at minimal cost to parents. If you want to know more please PM me. Chris
13.01.2022 Some facts I have never seen reported in main stream media. - 800,000 people died my suicide last year worldwide - 75% of those were male - The leading cause of death between 15 & 44 yr olds in Australia is suicide ... - Suicide is close to the leading cause of death in the world - American men purchase guns to kill themselves at a much higher rate than they do to commit violence against someone else - The WHO predicts suicide to be the leading cause of death in the world in 2032 - Rates continue to increase every year See more
12.01.2022 Yesterday was probably the best day I have experienced in a decade with anxiety. I wanted to share with everyone what my day looked like yesterday. There are two reasons for this post. The first is to show those who battle everyday that you can be suicidal and in a dark place for a very long time and eventually have good days. The second is for those who don't battle a mental illness. I want them to see that yesterday was just another day. I did nothing exciting to make my da...y fun, infact I worked hard all day on my mental health to keep the anxiety at bay. I want these people to never take their lives or mental health for granted. Yesterday I woke up and meditated for 1.5hrs before seeing my psychiatrist for an hour. After this I went to F45 and did a cardio class. I had a quick coffee and went up to my rugby club and did some 'sprints' for an hour before lying in the sun and meditating for 15mins. I drove home about 1pm and had some lunch before sitting to meditate for another 2hrs. Following my meditation I tutored my mates boy in maths. It didn't come naturally. It was a full day of self talk and lots of work. To most this seems like a very very boring day but for me it was the first time in a decade that I was able to escape my pain for a 12hr period. While I was running I found myself being able to smell the grass and feel the sun shining down on me. For me this 20min period was by far the best thing that has happened to me in such a long time. Feeling this was better than anything I had ever experienced in my 40yrs of life because it showed me that maybe one day this can happen again, even if for just another 20mins. I share this to give hope and to help people understand those who battle a mental illness everyday. I'd prefer if people don't comment. I appreciate the support but I'm not posting this to get praise or acknowledgement.
11.01.2022 Hey guys please take a look at these young blokes! They are 'Couching The Mind' and they have inspired me to tell my story. Check them out, they have been brave enough to open up about their stories in the hope to help others and challenge mental health, especially in this pandemic crisis right now.
07.01.2022 Most days now I'm okish... Some days I still have terrible anxiety... On occasions I still need to take valium to cut the anxiety...... Every now and then I just can't leave the house... Sometimes being alone is the best thing for me... Everyday I meditate and this is why most days now are okayish...
01.01.2022 If you are struggling and you think you can be resilient and do it alone rethink it. Admitting you're battling and asking for help is hard but it is not a sign or weakness but rather a sign of strength. I speak to lots of people who think they are a burden. You are never a burden to someone who truly loves you.