The Michelle Madlener Ballet Studio in Perth, Western Australia | Arts and entertainment
The Michelle Madlener Ballet Studio
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9298 8033
Address: Bilgoman Rd, Glen Forrest 6071 Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Happy holidays everyone. Ill see you next term! Here is Sofie performing a pirouette en pointe. She is demonstrating control and poise whilst executing a difficult pointe combination. Her performance appears effortless but this has not happened over night , it has taken many years of training. Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another
24.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS Our final class for the term. Here are the girls performing their adage. #finalclassforterm#adage#adultballetstudents#classicalballet#classical#balletdancer#balletlife#balletlife#theballetstudio
23.01.2022 NEWSFLASH! Classes will continue as usual until the Easter holidays. I am no longer going away on the 25th March. See you in class next week
22.01.2022 ADULT BALLET HOLIDAY CLASS Wednesday 18th December at 6pm Please send an email to book a place. Email: [email protected]
22.01.2022 ARE YOU READY? Classes start tomorrow! You’re never too old and it’s never too late. #adultballet#classicalballet#balletschoolforadultsonly#loveofdance#danceforjoy#dancer#balletinspirationtheballetstudio
20.01.2022 Flashback Tuesday . Who remembers our beautiful and talented Sugar Plum Fairy? Ellie Walton. The good ol days! So many memories to treasure. #sugarplumfairy#ballerina#classicalballet#nutcracker#performance#memories#talentedstudent#pointeshoes#tutu#ballet#balletdancer#theballetstudio
20.01.2022 Ballet stretch at the end of the Rond de jambe exercise. #stretch#supple#cambre#arabesque#adultballetclass#classicalballet#balletdancers#balletlife#theballetstudio
19.01.2022 LEGEND OF THE WEEK IS ASHER YASBINCEK. She explains how she benefits from ballet class. Ballet makes me feel stronger. Focusing on something that takes so much physical control helps to quiet the mind. I find that working at a particular technique and then improving it is so rewarding. As someone who has struggled with mental health for a long time, ballet gives me so much joy and drive to better myself. ... I always leave class feeling accomplished. Adultballetdancer#classicalballet#cambre#barrework#technique#loveofdance#ballet#theballetstudio See more
19.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES A friendly reminder, our Advanced Adult Ballet Classes resumed this evening. #classicalballet#adultclasses#attitude#loveofdance#ballet#newtermofclasses#theballetstudio
19.01.2022 HOLIDAY CLASS We will have a holiday open class next Monday 13th January at 5:30pm (providing I receive enough bookings). Please book via email or text. Class fee is $18 to be paid on the day. Email:[email protected]... I look forward to seeing you soon. #holidayclass#ballet#classicalballet#adultballet#balletdancer#balletclass#balletlove#nevertooold#theballetstudio
18.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS The girls are demonstrating part of their Rond de jambe exercise. This exercise is designed to cultivate turnout. A Rond de jambe builds rotation . Did you know that the circular movement of a rond de jambe increases strength, warmth and mobility in the 6 external rotator muscles of the hip? #balletclass#ronddejambe#barreexercises#rotation#turnout#classicalballet#ballet#balletdancer#balletlove#theballetstudio
17.01.2022 Have you always wanted to learn ballet, but thought you were too old? Well, you are never too old and its never too late! Our classes are designed exclusively for adult students. Classes are held in a friendly, non competitive environment. ... We have a Mature Age Beginner class every Wednesday morning at 10am. There is also a Beginner Level 2 class every Wednesday evening at 6:45pm. Come along and trial an obligation free class. Email: [email protected]
17.01.2022 A friendly reminder, Classes resume tomorrow! The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret So many times when I have run into former students, they nearly always say to me how much they regret quitting ballet! Well now is your chance to resume where you left off and to rekindle your love of dance. Its the perfect time to return to classes, or to learn ballet for the very first time. Everyone will be feeling unfit and a bit rusty after the long break from classes due to Covid ! Come along and trial a class. You will not regret it!#balletclassesresume#classical#nevertooold#nevertoolate#adultballet#friendlystudio#noncompetetive#loveofdance#theballetstudio
17.01.2022 Ballet studio renovations! Goodbye old floor, you served us well for 34 years and hello new floor! Heres to another 30 years! #balletclass# balletfloor#ballet#newfloor#studiorenovations#adultballetschool#theballetstudio
16.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS Classes have finished for the term. Here are some barre exercises the girls did tonight. Battement tendu May seem like a simple step but its importance is high on the scale of dance technique. #balletclass#barreexercises#battementtendu#stretchedfeet#classicalballet#ballet#balletdancer#balletfeet#theballetstudio
16.01.2022 Happy holidays everyone. I’ll see you next term! Here is Sofie performing a pirouette en pointe. She is demonstrating control and poise whilst executing a difficult pointe combination. Her performance appears effortless but this has not happened over night , it has taken many years of training. Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another
16.01.2022 Wonderful Wednesdays Open Class performing their adage at the barre. Adage translates to slow sustained movement and this tells us how we should approach improving our adage work. The priority is to perform adage movement with control. This can be achieved when the body is placed in perfect alignment. Artistry is the heart of a beautiful adage dancer, expressing the feeling of the movement from the soul and projecting this to the audience #adage#classicalballet#ballet#adultballetschool#barrework#artistry#balletdancer#balletclass#balletislife#theballetstudio
16.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS Allegro fun with Hannah, Elaina and Sofie. Id like to say how impressed I am with Hannah who had major surgery this term and was back within 4 weeks and is dancing her heart out! A truly inspiring and beautiful young lady! You are a true legend! #allegro#ballet#classical#adultballetclass#centrework#danceinspiration#classicalballet#balletdancer#balletlife#balletexercise#theballetstudio
15.01.2022 Chloe is striking a stunning line in her attitude derrière. Striving for a good line is very essential to the success of a professional dancer or advanced student. Line describes the outline of a dancers complete body whilst performing a strong or a pose! #attitude#line#adultballet#stunningline#balletdancer#balletstudent#ballet#classicalballet#pointework#theballetstudio
15.01.2022 CLASSES ARE ON TODAY AND UNTIL THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. Ability is what we are capable of doing, Motivation determines what we do and Attitude determines how well we do it.
15.01.2022 BALLET CLASSES FOR ADULTS Have you always wanted to learn ballet, but thought you were too old? Well, you are never too old and its never too late! Our classes are designed exclusively for adult students. Classes are held in a friendly, non competitive environment. ... We have a Mature Age Beginner class every Wednesday morning at 10am. There is also a Beginner Level 2 class every Wednesday evening at 6:45pm. Advanced Open classes for students with a high level of classical ballet technique and knowledge each Monday and Wednesday at 5:30pm Come along and trial an obligation free class. Studio located in Glen Forrest Email: [email protected] #loveofdance #classicalballet #balletclass #ballet#adultballetschool#adultballetclass#theballetstudio @ Glen Forrest, Western Australia, Australia
14.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES have started back for Term 3. Manon and Mersades attended the Advanced Open Class this evening. They are demonstrating the artistic line of an arabesque. Tall, elegant and talented. #arabesque#adultballetclass#barrework#classicalballet#balletstudents#balletlife#balletinspiration#balletfitness#nevertooold#nevertoolate#theballetstudio
14.01.2022 REMINDER: HOLIDAY CLASS Monday 13th January 5:30pm to 6:45pm Bookings contact Michelle : [email protected] #balletclass#holidayprogramme#classical#balletstudent#classicalballet#ballet#theballetstudio
14.01.2022 ADULT BALLET OPEN CLASS Amy and Elaina bouncing through an allegro exercise tonight. #adultballet#classicalballet#balletstudents#energy#allegro#loveofdance#theballetstudio
12.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES Wonderful Wednesday with the amazing Mast sisters, Hannah and Eliza. classicalballet#adultballetclass#dancingsisters#balletlessons#barrework#cambre#attitude#theballetstudio @ The Michelle Madlener Ballet Studio
11.01.2022 A bit of end of barre fun with these ballet babes! #balletclass#barrework#grandbattement#balletdancers#classicalballet#balletclassforadults#ballettraining
10.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES The girls working on their allegro in class tonight. #adult balletclasses#classicalballet#balletstudents#balletlife#ballet#allego#theballetstudio
07.01.2022 SPECIALISING IN ADULT BALLET A new term of Adult ballet classes are starting soon. Classes commence Wednesday 29th January. Our Classical ballet classes designed exclusively for adult and mature age students. Enjoy the physical , mental and social benefits of ballet in a friendly, relaxed non competitive environment. Ballet is a great way to maintain and improve your flexibility, balance and core strength. Classes suitable for: *Beginners, ... Mature Age students Open classes for Intermediate/Advanced students who have previous dance training. You are welcome to come along and trial a lesson. Contact Michelle by email: [email protected]. #balletclasses#newterm#classicalballet#matureageclasses#beginnerclasses#nevertooold#advancedclasses#flexibility#balance#corestrength#loveofdance#theballetstudio @ The Michelle Madlener Ballet Studio See more
07.01.2022 ADULT BALLET BEGINNER LEVEL 2 This lovely class of young ladies are performing a port de bras they learnt in class this evening. The exercise is designed to develop graceful moment. Port de bras is a classical ballet term meaning carriage of the arms. Arms are so vital in keeping the body in alignment and to improve the quality of movement. The shape of the arms should be rounded so there is no visible break at the shoulders or wrists. The arms should never be fully straight at the elbow. Port de bras includes the movement and position of the head in relation with the arms. Mastering the port de bras takes many years of practice. #adultballetclass#classicalballet#adultballetstudents#portdebras#adultballetbeginner#gracefularms#nevertoooldandnevertoolate#balletlife#balletislife#balletclass#ballet#theballetstudio
07.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS The girls finishing barre work with a Grand Battement. Look at all those lovely long legs!!#balletclass#adultballetclass#classicalballet#barrework#advancedballet#balletdancer#balletlife#balletbarre#balletworkout#balletislife #theballetstudio
07.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES Amy is demonstrating a pirouette exercise she learnt in class. Amy has a beautiful dance quality. Dance quality is something elusive, but irresistible. It makes tricky steps look easy. Dance quality is what makes others watching want to dance themselves. Amy has a calm and graceful dance quality. Watch how she coordinates her head and arm movements with grace. #adultballetstudent#classicalballet#pirouette#balletclass#dancequality#ballet#balletlife#balletinspiration#theballetstudio
06.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES Come along and trial a lesson tomorrow. Adult beginner at 10am Advanced open class at 5:30pm Intermediate beginner and returning dancers at 6:45pm.... Its never tutu late to start ballet classes and the benefits are many and varied. You will have better agility, flexibility and coordination. Increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness, muscle tone and strength. It is also great for core stability and balance training. #balletclass#fitness#corestrength#agility#flexibility#coordination#muscularstrength#endurance#muscletone#classical#goodtrainingforboxers#ballet#balletclass#theballetstudio @ Glen Forrest, Western Australia, Australia See more
04.01.2022 ADULT BALLET Holiday class: Monday 20th January at 5:30pm to 6:45pm Please email the ballet studio to book in to tomorrow evenings class. #ballet#holidayclass#adultballet#classicalballetclass#poise#grace#beauty#posture#fitness#balletstudents#theballetstudio
04.01.2022 My beautiful Brittany Mucciarone.
03.01.2022 Elaina, Manon and Jackie are performing a Pirouette combination they did in their final class tonight. The unpredictable and sometimes frustrating humble pirouette. Ballet turns known as pirouettes require a whole body rotation on a supporting leg. What makes the magic happen in a pirouette, you may ask? Its the spitting, the preparation, correct placement and balance that makes the magic happen.#pirouette#spotting#balletturns#balletclass#ballet#classicalballet#theballetstudio
03.01.2022 Wonderful Wednesdays Open Class. The girls are performing their Adage in the centre. The adage movements must be performed with fluidity and grace. These exercises develop a sense of line, balance and beautiful poise which enables dancers to perform with grace. #adultballetschool#classicalballet#ballet#centrework#adage#poiseandgrace#balletdancer#classical#balletclass#balletlife#balletaddiction#theballetstudio
03.01.2022 LEGEND OF THE WEEK is AMY MAK, my intellectual ballerina. I danced at the Michelle Madlener Ballet Studio from age 9 to 22. I stopped ballet completely for nine years and have recently restarted. I kept dancing during this break (partner styles Modern Jive, some West Coast Swing and some Argentine Tango) and have become super-passionate about efficient ways of teaching dance, functional movement, dance philosophy and music cognition. In my ballet-mad younger days I was motivated by the exercise, by getting it right, by the sense of pride and achievement that that brings. I loved feeling that I had gotten 'better' and could do something that I couldn't do before. It was all about trying really hard as I pursued excellence. My framework and goals are a little different now. I ask myself the questions "Why dance? What is dance to me?" Fundamentally dance is movement in time to music. I used to feel that the joy of moving to music would get lost in distraction as I attended to the exercise and technique. I also believed that I would only love doing ballet as long as I could continually improve. Thank goodness that's no longer the case! Now ballet has become even more of an artistic freedom and creative outlet for me. It is my time to meditate on how my body feels, how it interacts with itself, with the floor, with the space, with the music. I can notice all these things without judging them as 'good' or 'bad', it just is, and I like how that makes me feel. I don't mind that my leg doesn't go as high as it once did, that my turnout or foot arch are not what they were, that many technical abilities have fallen away. Now I can simply enjoy being with myself and adding my movement to the music. It's a wonderful thing. Thanks to Michelle for providing a safe and supportive place to dance. *Side note: A little neuroscience and philosophy on why everyone should dance in whatever way they can. Did you know that the neurones of your motor cortex (the part of your brain that lets you move) are literally touching the part of your brain that processes musical rhythms? As soon as your brain goes Ah-ha. That is music, it creates an internal model of the musical patterns and starts firing in time to it. This is called Beat Induction and it happens unconsciously to every human. It gives us a natural instinct to move with the music. This Groove Instinct leads to our Groove Response. In short, movement in time to music = dance.
03.01.2022 CLASSICAL BALLET CLASSES DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR ADULT AND MATURE AGE STUDENTS. Enjoy the physical, mental and social benefits of ballet in a friendly, relaxed, non competitive environment. A great way to maintain and improve your flexibility, balance and core strength. Classes suitable for: BEGINNERS... INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED MATURE AGE Come along and a trial lesson. Contact: [email protected] #adultballet#classicalballet#matureagestudents#returningdancers#advancedstudents#nevertooold#nevertoolate#loveofdance#beautypoiseandgrace#balance#flexibility#corestrength#friendshios#noncompetitiveenvironment#theballetstudio @ Glen Forrest, Western Australia, Australia See more
02.01.2022 THE BALLET STUDIO OFFERS ADULT BALLET CLASSES FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITY LEVELS. A new year of Adult Ballet is about to commence. Our classes are designed exclusively for adult and mature age students in a friendly, relaxed, non competitive environment. CLASS OPTIONS:... Wednesday evening 6:45pm to 7:45pm is a great class for those of you who danced when you were a youngster and have some dance knowledge and would like to return as an adult. This class is a gentle reintroduction back into the world of dance. Wednesday morning 10:00am to 11:00am is a perfect class for beginners and mature age dancers. We have ladies in their 50s to 70s who say this class is the highlight of their week. Monday and Wednesday evening 5:30pm to 6:45pm is for the Advanced dancer who has a high level of dance training. We offer an obligation free introductory lesson. To enquire: Please email [email protected] or send a message via messenger. Located in Glen Forrest We look forward to seeing some new faces in 2020. #adultballet#classical#matureagestudents#adultbeginners#advanceddancers#nevertooold#fitness#poise#flexibility#balance#corestrength#noncompetitiveenvironment#exclusivelyforadults#theballetstudio
01.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASSES Term 4 classes commence this Wednesday 21st October Beginner ballet classes Mature age ballet classes Advanced Open Classes ... There is a class to suit all ages and skill levels. Email the ballet studio to book an obligation free trial lesson. #ballet#classicalballet#beginners#matureagedancers#advanceddancers#adultballetclass#balletclass#balletlife#theballetstudio See more
01.01.2022 ADULT BALLET CLASS Final class for the term. Here is an energetic allegro the girls did this evening. Fun, fun, fun!! Classes resume in 2 weeks time. Wishing my wonderful students a lovely holiday. See you in a fortnight. #adultballetschool#adultballetstudents#classicalballet#balletclass#allegro#energetic#balletlife#balletclass#balletlove#theballetstudio
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