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The Milk Tree
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25.01.2022 I'm sad I didn't get to to go to Sydney for the HerBusiness conference, but unpacking the beautiful gift box packed with so many goodies, whilst joining 300 beautiful women online, has been an incredible experience so far. HerBusiness is a MUST for anyone considering taking their business to the next level. #herbusinesslive2020 I love my new mug.
24.01.2022 Planning or having a baby? Please read and save this article about Group B strep (GBS). If you wondered why you are unable to get a straight answer from your care team, this is why.
23.01.2022 What an incredible WOMAN! : Her song has followed me from 1971 as a headstrong, frustrated, Dolly reading 9yr old, until now. From a time when your highest aspiration was to collect things for your GLORY BOX, and paid work was just a fill-in until someone married YOU. Not ever the other way around. I lived and breathed this song and it never fails to give me the same goosebumps, feelings of hope and floods my bloodstream with Oxytocin. I knew back then that there was more t...han the painted picture and low expectations for females living in the inner western suburbs of Melbourne. : Thank you Helen Reddy for being the bright light that reminded me a million times that "I am STRONG, I am INVINCIBLE, I AM WOMAN" and have been since my first breath. Just like you, I have shielded the "blows" got back up again and did it my way. See more
22.01.2022 All the feels . He kissed his "boo boo" to make it better.
22.01.2022 We are so incredibly lucky to be able to share in the absolute beauty of birth by simply clicking on a link. Internet access can be a catalyst for empowering women in so many ways that mere words cannot. Watch the simplicity and the graciousness of HypnoBirthing that created this beautiful transition earthside for this precious baby.
21.01.2022 Because it is a greyhound sort of day today I am going to take the liberty of some cross-promotion. This is the video I put up on my husband's website today. Big tick for OXYTOCIN because we can't stop laughing at Tilley the Health and Wellbeing Manager. PS I am addicted to Jib Jab.
21.01.2022 My heart goes out to each and every family who has had their whole world turned upside down and shaken, then shaken again. If you thought I was a bit quiet, it's because I have been working 32hrs a week as an MCH nurse since March. I put my private practice on hold so I could go where I could help best. I can't believe it has been 18 weeks working from our family room. : I want you to know that I genuinely hear you and I... see you. You may have been feeling so incredibly alone and I get it. I honestly get it. MCH nurses have big shoulders and even bigger bottomless hearts. I doubt there is anything we have not heard, seen or felt before. When we ask you how things are in your world right now, instead of saying they are ok because you think we won't want to hear, we will think less of you, or we don't have time, may I gently suggest that you do consider sharing how you are really feeling. Because it has been my experience so far, that the brave, beautiful women who have dared to share, have found the comfort and reassurance that their hearts are so needing at this time. We get it because we are living it right alongside you, often in the same community that you live in. This has never happened to any of us before. We are more connected than disconnected because it affects us all, at the exact same time. : I cannot tell you how immense a privilege it is to do the work that I do. : But I have never done it alone. I work within a team and there are supports for us as well. I have been a staunch advocate for this fantastic support service since their inception. I have been sharing COPE's website and Fb page with every woman who finds themselves chatting with me. Because I know their care and concern for you, continues long after I have finished for the day. Jump on their pages and share with a friend who might just need their form of medicine. Just in case you need it, I am sending you a great big hug
20.01.2022 Thank you, Hannah Dahlen, Professor of Midwifery. This certainly seems to be the consensus in Victoria from those about to, or have just birthed their babies, and the health care professionals who provide them with care and support.
20.01.2022 During World War I, more than 2286 Australian nurses served abroad. Twenty-five died in service while 388 nurses were decorated for their courage. We recognise ...the nurses work and their sacrifice. "I have never regretted that I took the notion into my head to take on nursing, for it has opened up opportunities that I would never have had." - Sister Jessie Tomlins #ANZACDay #ANZACDay2020 #LestWeForget
20.01.2022 If you don't follow Chris on his page Humans in Melbourne, you are missing out. Chris is a brilliant photographer and an exceptional human being. Didn't know about his newly established Office of Common Sense, but I can see the huge need for one.
19.01.2022 4.30pm is my favourite time of the day. I down tools, pop in my earbuds, press play on a Podcast, and take off for an hour-long power walk. After lockdown for 23hrs, I sure need this alone time. I find that this solo time is when I come up with my best ideas. But then without warning, the rain belted down just as the idea and answer I had been seeking popped into my head. I stood still on the corner of the T-intersection, the symbolism was not lost on me. "Oh my gosh that ide...a is perfect," I said out loud. : And as if to validate just how perfect, I had the sun/blue sky behind me and the most magnificent rainbow in front of me, a rainbow that became two rainbows, that I followed all the way home. If you can stop the monkey mind chatter, even for a short time, you allow your innate wisdom to surface. And just in case you don't "get it", the Universe shows off, just for you. See more
19.01.2022 Biological Nurturing or "laid back nursing" has often been touted by lactation professionals as great position for breastfeeding. It's thought to aid in better ...latching and promote exclusive breastfeeding. . Recently, in a study released this month, researchers described a randomized control trial conducted in an Italian hospital where they studied the effectiveness of biological nurturing compared with the more standard hospital breastfeeding practices. The researchers assessed for breastfeeding problems and exclusivity at discharge from the maternity ward, after one week, and at one and four months of age. . The results showed that when infants nursed in a laid-back position, it significantly reduced the risk of breast problems (engorgement, mastitis) and sore nipples. There was no statistically significant difference observed for exclusive breastfeeding at discharge and up to 4 months. For a link to the article: . If you have questions on how to nurse in this position, feel free to reach out to us @bfmedneo! . #laidbacknursing #biologicnurturing #engorgement #mastitis #bfmedneo #breastfeeding #ibclc #lactationconsultant #breastmilk #nursing #cleveland See more
18.01.2022 Like many colleagues, I wear a lot of professional hats. I am a childbirth educator, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Lactation Consultant, a Nurse/Midwife, and an MCH Nurse. At home, I am a wife of 32yrs and a Mum to three humans and one canine 4yr old child. I take my own health very seriously because they all depend on me to be around. : Today I had my annual flu vaccine. Trust me when I say it was a highly researched decision. I want to minimise the chance of passing the flu... onto another human be they kin or tiny client. I did say minimise not stop, so please no vaccine arguments here. I am more fully informed than you will ever know. I live with and care for an immunosuppressed person that an influenza infection or COVID-19 will most probably end his life. At 28. See where I am coming from? : I went totally prepared today. I am extremely healthy with no medical conditions. I take no medications, never have actually. I am vegetarian and supplement only with things I cannot get in food. I constantly populate my gut with a variety of good bugs. I make sauerkraut, kombucha, sourdough, sourdough starter muffins, pancakes, bikkies, etc. I am now making my own elderberry syrup. I eat foods that supply natural prebiotics. I buy as much organic food as we can access and afford. I swap my home-made goodies/meals with a couple of burly older local guys who gift me free-range eggs and organic veggies in return. My body is a hive of microbial activity and so is my immune system. I meditate daily and sometimes wish I could stay in that exquisite place forever. And I walk and walk and walk, whilst listening to business and health podcasts. I try to find things to laugh out loud at. And I LOVE people with all my heart, whether we share DNA or whether they have sought me out as a client. I am far from perfect and I love donuts and chocolate. : What's the point of this rambly self-serving rant you ask? Just know that your body will cope so much better with things that might assault your immune system like vaccines and medication if you are a WELL person. Change does take time but it IS possible to add in one new thing each week, or even day, if you are speedy like me. If money is tight, then look into laughter as a medicine, knit something for a charity because giving increases our oxytocin. Health is not just food. Giving is healing and healthy. There are plenty of opportunities to get skilled up, educated and connected during this downtime. Go on make one small change today and commit to it. : PS I meditated before I went into Council and for the 15min after the injection not because I am SO enlightened, but because it is impossible for me to DO nothing whilst waiting. Check out that light it's not a grey streak I promise. The Universe says I am on the right track. See more
18.01.2022 Flashbacks to the 90's and the 00's. : Three boys in 3 1/2 years and no quarantine/iso to blame for my amnesia at instantaneously knowing who was who. I can't even blame similarities as they looked absolutely nothing like each other.
17.01.2022 Is anyone else really enjoying the different ways people are sharing their creativity with the whole world? What I love the most is the "realness", if that's even a word. The human aspect of being able to peek into someone's home life and embracing and celebrating our "sameness". I think I am making up words now. We become so insular so quickly during busy times that we forget that every single person has a gift that in the right circumstances, they can openly share with the rest of us. Thank you technology for creating this opportunity.
15.01.2022 In pre-Covid times, it was rare that we even went on "holidays". Being full time carers, a holiday is pretty much "same same but different bedroom". We are privileged enough to have access to TImeshare, and yesterday our second week booked for this year was cancelled by the resort. The reason? Your postcode 3029 is high risk and we do not want you to come here. Was this somewhere awesome on the Sunny or Gold coast? Nope. The venue is beautiful but so not QLD, Nurmurkah, in r...egional Victoria. I know, I know, I get why they did it, I truly do. And we understand. But we are allowed to be disappointed as well. There are not that many things to look forward to as carers and like so many like us, we are invisible in real-time but most especially during a pandemic. : Please read this article, especially if you have NOT been living in 3029 for the last 6mths. How our lives have changed. See more
13.01.2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes : The number of times I have heard health professionals telling Mums that at 8mths the plan changes, food first, milk second. How can a small serve of anything replace the total nutrition of breastmilk or artificial baby milk? Especially at the age of increased mobility, think crawling, rolling around, pulling up and oh my goodness all those loud vocals. Think COMPLEMENT, not REPLACEMENT, and quality over quantity.
10.01.2022 There is no feeling or problem that is so big that sharing it with a trusted human, and knowing that you are safe in disclosing, cannot be reduced down into manageable chunks. There are lots of us trusted humans in plain sight if you look up and take a peek.
10.01.2022 When we know better, there is not one excuse that can ever be used, for us, as a collective, to not do better. Time starts right now.
10.01.2022 Diane Sheehan 4 minutes ago REASON FOR SIGNING I am a nurse. My colleagues are nurses. If you are fortunate enough to still have a position you are without a doubt working harder than you ever have in your career. The risks to your own wellbeing and that of your family are unprecedented in face to face work. The amount of new information that has had to be quickly learned and integrated is enormous and rapidly changing. Honestly, the annual fee is so small in comparison to the outcomes society gets in response to our collective work. Be fair for once, drop it because every single one of us working or not, deserves it.
10.01.2022 Thank you for sharing About Birth. The longer the baby is in utero the more of the vernix "wears away" and it can be one of the many signs that help to work out baby's gestation. My preterm babies were thickly coated with vernix at 29 and 32 weeks, my 36 weeker not so much, the vernix was concentrated in his creases and on his head and face. : **INTERESTING FACT: when I started Midwifery eons ago, Midwifery tutors advised the students to opportunistically rub the vernix of the newly born baby into our hands as it had water repellent and moisturising factors. No consideration was given that baby needed their own vernix for protection and that the only skin it should be rubbed into, are the parents. Just like cord blood, we should never have taken from babies what was designed to stay with them. For very good reason.
09.01.2022 Thank you Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thankyou for sharing Hannah Dahlen -women, midwives, politics of birth
08.01.2022 Thank you Professor Amy Brown - Breastfeeding Uncovered can never be enough reminders
07.01.2022 Out of the mouths of beautiful babes.
06.01.2022 I could not agree more : Thank you Monet Nicole-Birthing Stories
05.01.2022 Informed consent means informed consent. Thank you Aviva Romm, MD. If you are taking or considering the Pill for the contraceptive side effect or hormone-modulating effects, it will be worth your while to take the time to review current information. To avoid additional side effects that may be related to the deficiencies mentioned, an appt with a women's health nutritionist and/or naturopath would be without a doubt, the best investment in health care you could ever make. sense right! Prevention is always the best strategy and ultimately a huge cost saver in time and dollars. So why wouldn't you? : And for many of us who are health professionals working with postnatal women who are vegetarian, vegan, or report a nutritionally deficient diet, it is extremely important that we share up to date resources and information so that women CAN make informed choices. Here's a starting point for you, : Fresh Naturopathy - Trust me when I say Phebe is the whole package. She is exactly the person you need to be following on socials and making an appt with. The Milk Tree rating - 10/10 See more
04.01.2022 When our mind is fully open we learn so much about life and grace from the people of New Zealand.
03.01.2022 This is the cutest conversation ever!
02.01.2022 Nor are they "trained" to talk to them after they birth. From the day I started as a student Mothercraft Nurse, eons ago I know, I have always looked a baby in the eye and if they engage, I ask them for permission to "do things" to them. I spent 15yrs working in Special Care Nursery and it troubled me greatly that most procedures requiring touch, are painful. My own premmies had to endure untold pain and trauma in SCN. That is the truth. : ... So I have always asked before I suctioned their airways, inserted a nasogastric tube, took blood, turned them over in an isolette, assisted when a lumbar puncture is performed, removed the horrid dressing tape from their face, arms, legs, head etc. Always. : Their non-verbal skills are excellent and they are not hard to read once you know how. Sometimes I just had to wait for a few seconds or a minute or two and then they were ready for me to go ahead. It's a trust thing. Informed is best. It is expected in our adult world so I did not think it was any different in the little human world. Always. : As an MCH nurse and as a Lactation Consultant, I do the same. I always, not sometimes or when I feel like it, always, ask if it is ok to check their head measurement, to check their hips, to dangle them mid-air to check reflexes, to check for the startle reflex BEFORE I do it. Most of the time I forget that I do this instinctively and it is only when a Mum or a student comments and says "Wow you are talking to Jack like he really understands what you are saying, he is only 2 weeks he can't answer" that again I realise that this is not second nature or easy for others to do. But the question I ask them in return is.......... : But why wouldn't you? See more
02.01.2022 This is when the power of the internet for GOOD really shines through. : Goosebumps. : Birth is sacred. When birth became a commercialised business, we all lost sight of this basic fact.
01.01.2022 Dad of the Year? Maybe. Or community spirit lifter? No one will ever know how many people smiled watching what he did to make life a bit more bearable for himself, his family, his neighbours and the online community.
01.01.2022 Week 4 today of bunkering down at home. We live on 1200m2 but no, we do not have our own footy ground. Don't worry, I AM doing what I am told. A quick in and out shop at Woolies twice a week, I adhere to the 1.5m rule, I am working entirely from home and apart from a pathology lab, I have not been anywhere else. Different times. The antidote to my sadness, anxiety, isolation, fear, overwhelm, frustration, etc, is OXYTOCIN. And I do live what I preach. We have all been restri...cted in invoking some of the ways to pulse this exquisite chemical. I miss hugs, I miss touch, I miss babies, I miss their Mums, I miss laughing with colleagues, all things I cannot buy. : So I add in more of what I CAN do. I LOVE walking. I love huge walks alone with a Podcast for company, or with Tilley our adopted greyhound. I love walking with my son and chatting about how between us we will save the world. I love cooking. So after our big walk, we came home and made chocolate chip bikkies and hot chocolates. Voila! You can feel the OXYTOCIN pulsing in your bloodstream. (and the insulin but hey, I am still a health nut but this is my first pandemic lockdown) See more
01.01.2022 Oh James Blunt you made me cry. : When you choose to see the good that is happening all around us by genuinely kind, courageous and heart-centered people, you know that positive change will come from 2020. : We know that there never will be enough accolades for our health care professionals and we will be forever grateful for their courage and skills. But I hope we never forget the people still working even harder on their farms, in schools, policing, in supermarkets and p...etrol stations, councils, truck drivers, delivery people, and our essential service tradies. They are doing it for US. I hope we never ever forget that they kept everything going whilst we waited it out patiently at home. : See more
01.01.2022 Did you know that 20yrs ago I gave up smoking cold turkey with no chewy, patches, nada, just sheer will. : I know, I know, what was I even thinking in the first place? It was very different times. But hey, I did it and with all that money I was about to save, I put a whizz bang wickedly expensive and brand new on the market.....breadmaker. ... : And I paid it off each week with the money I chose to spend on good instead of stupid. I use it all the time to make bread, dough, pasta etc and it never fails. It also reminds me that even when presented with huge challenges AKA nicotine, I am strong and I can do anything I set my mind to. UPDATE : Don't you love it when your attached video and your post part ways? See more
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