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25.01.2022 Yes #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #generalpractitioners #medicine #2020 #todayistheday #dalailama #dalailamaquotes #buddhism

25.01.2022 A bit rude but I like it #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #flyingfucks #dontworry #mentalhealth #acceptance #presentmoment #whocares #generalpractitioner #paperplanes

24.01.2022 Mental health presentations have definitely increased this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. Finding support can be difficult. Beyond Blue has created a great mental well-being support service which may help get you started. Check it out!

24.01.2022 Walking this morning listening to a podcast on the COVID-19 vaccines. With so much hype in the media it’s hard to know what’s what right? I think lots of people are getting caught up in numbers and efficacy.. however we need to be thinking more about the endpoint and how these vaccines are going to reduce serious disease, admissions to hospital and death. That’s what it’s all about at the moment. ... We are lucky to have a choices coming to Australia. Rest assured they have to go through a rigorous process before they are approved. If you have any questions.. important to get your info from a reputable source like @who or or of course ask your GP #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #coronavirus #covid19 #coronavirusvacccine #pfizer #astrazeneca #novavax #immunsation

23.01.2022 Ever wondered what to do if your bun/toddler chokes? @birthbeat who offer all things antenatal/midwifery care online are offering a free masterclass this Thursday night. Jump on!! Every parent/carer should know what to do!! Link for registration in bio Picture of the amazing Edwina .. founder of @birthbeat ... #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #onlineeducation #birthbeat #midwifery #antenatalcare #choking #furst aid #emergency

21.01.2022 Why have we changed from the Pap Smear to the Cervical Screening Test? Why do we start screening at 25? What causes cervical cancer? ... Check out my latest interview with Neil Gill on Triple M Central West

20.01.2022 My first covid swab! I expected this to happen sooner but with all this hygiene and social distancing I have escaped illness until today. I woke during the night with a sore throat and runny nose. If you have respiratory symptoms like this or a fever then it is recommended you get a swab to test for COVID-19. The Australian Government is rapidly establishing GP respiratory clinics around the country to clinically assess people with mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms (a fever..., cough, shortness of breath, a sore throat and/or tiredness). What did this involve? I found a respiratory clinic in my area. You can find yours by going to or visiting your state or territory website contact-us/local-state-and-territory-health-departments. contacted the clinic for an appointment arrived at the clinic and followed instructions to call the nurse for triage taken into the clinic for my swab after washing my hands and putting on my mask getting a swab! No it didn’t hurt AT ALL! It felt wierd and tickly almost like I was about to sneeze. Definitely not an issue to keep our community safe. If I can you can too!! So remember follow instruction above if you have respiratory symptoms +/- fever. Stay safe. Wash you hands, wear a mask etc etc #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #covid_19 #respiratoryswab #nasalswab #staysafe #wearamask #socialdistancing #respiratoryclinic #generalpractitioner

19.01.2022 Let’s talk about bowel cancer. Why? Because it is the second most common cancer in both men and women in Australia!! The word bowel is another word for large intestine which is made up of the colon and the rectum. This is why bowel cancer is also called colorectal cancer. Most cancer comes from benign growths on the bowel wall called polyps. Risk factors include:... > Age (the incidence rises steeply after after age 50) > A family history of bowel cancer > Some hereditary conditions such as lynch syndrome > Smoking > Eating excessive amounts of red meats of processed meats > Drinking alcohol > Being obese Symptoms may include: A change in bowel habit with diarrhoea, constipation or the feeling of incomplete emptying thin bowel movements Blood in the stools Abdominal pain, bloating or cramping Anal or rectal pain a lump in the anus or rectum weight loss In Australia we have a bowel cancer screening program for those between the ages of 50-74. How does this happen? It’s easy.. you will automatically receive a kit in the post!! Poo in the post!! The instructions are pretty easy to follow. And I know it’s not fun playing around with poo but the alternative might mean a late diagnosis of cancer which in turn leads to a poorer prognosis. For those at a higher risk of bowel cancer (e.g with family members who have had bowel cancer diagnosed before the age of 50) you will need extra tests so please please see your doc if you think this may be you. #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #generalpractitioners #generalpractice #generalpractitioner #bowelcancer #bowelcancerscreening #cancerscreening #preventativehealth #polyps #bowel #poointhepost #smoking #obesity #colonoscopy #poo #stool

18.01.2022 This... something that goes so unnoticed. When couples are infertile and or have pregnancy losses the tendency is to go silent, retreat.. feel shame and embarrassment. No-one really talks about what it’s really like.. the trauma of watching others easily conceive, have their babies and in the world of social media it is simply everywhere.. unable to be escaped. It is not something that anyone can understand .. it is a lonely journey. But you can be mindful of what others may be going through; their struggles, their losses... be mindful; be kind .. here’s to all those struggling with infertility

16.01.2022 International dogs day 26/8/2020 My Donny is my BFF Keeps me sane... Keeps me happy #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #internationaldogday2020 #donatello #donny #aladiesbestfriend #goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldenretriever @ Orange, New South Wales

15.01.2022 Be a good human #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #bekind #beconsiderate #love #listen #empathy #goodhuman #bemindful

15.01.2022 Work Diabetes Day... so easy to screen for. A trip to your GP and a quick blood test. Much better off preventing this chronic disease than trying to manage. And as you can see the complications aren’t anything to ignore... they are serious and seriously affect quality and quantity of life!!!!

15.01.2022 Anyone else a people pleaser? Time to stop that shit and put yourself first. If you don’t look after yourself then who else will ? #themindfdoctor #mindfulness #selfish #selfless #selflove #selfworth

14.01.2022 Bittersweet.. first day of Kindy for my little man I thought I’d be ok but as he walked into the classroom the tears hit me and I was happy to have remembered my sunglasses I had tears of happiness and excitement for him but also a little sadness for myself. This will be my last first day of Kindy ... Thinking of all you mums and dads out there feeling it too #themindfuldoctor #mindfuless #firstday #kindergarten #bigschool #orangepublicschool #centralwestnsw #orangensw

14.01.2022 Osteoporosis... so what is it? bone is constantly being broken down and remodelled in a fine balance .. this is what gives it its strength when the breaking down process overtakes the remodelling the density of the bone is lost and osteoporosis occurs why do we care? Because weak bones means they can break with the slightest bump or fall ... calcium (from diet) and vit d (from sun ) are important when it comes to making bones exercise is also important... but not just any exercise.. weight bearing exercise risk factors for developing osteoporosis include age, sex, family history, chronic conditions, gut malabsorption, extremes of weight, smoking, drinking, and low calcium & vit D levels. we screen with a bone de@duty scan.. under Medicare every 5 years after 70; or with some medical conditions <70 years treat with lifestyle (diet, sunshine and exercise), supplements +/- medical treatments #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #generalpractitioners #generalpractice #osteoporosis #osteoporosisprevention #bonehealth #calcium #vitamind #exercise #menopause #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy

14.01.2022 The sun is finally shining in Orange!!Hard to believe it was only a few weeks ago we woke to a winter wonderland with snow everywhere!! It’s great to feel the sun on my skin and also know that I am increasing my Vitamin D levels. Did you know that the sun and it’s UV radiation is the best source of Vitamin D which is essential for controlling calcium levels in our bodies. This in turn is important for bone and muscle strength as well as overall health. But UV radiation also ...increases risk of sun cancers doesn’t it?!!! Yes it does so it is really important to get the balance right. Just a few minutes of sunshine each day will be enough for maintaining your Vit D levels and also will not increase your risk of developing sun cancers. Remember UV radiation levels are seasonal so you can get more sun safely in Winter than in Summer... especially in Australia. It can all get a bit confusing right? The SunSmart app is a great tool which reminds you when to wear sun protection in relation to local UV levels. So why do we care about having low levels? Low Vit D can result in muscle and bone pain, rickets in kids and osteomalacia (weak bones) in adults. While the sun is the best source of vitamin D, we can get small amounts in our diets in things like eggs and fish. If levels are low supplementation is also available. Oh and remember that there are some things that increase an individuals risk of Vit D deficiency including having darker skin and working indoors. Bottom line? Get some sunshine but do it safely. When the time is up slip, slop, slap wrap #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #spring #summer #sun #uv #uvradiation #vitamind #skincancer #sunsmart #slipslopslap #rickets #calcium #osteomalacia #osteoporosis

14.01.2022 Interestingly mental health is a term that is misunderstood. We often use mental health to describe mental illness when it actually is defined by WHO as a state of well-being. Facts about mental illness: mental, neurological and substance use disorders make up 10% of the global burden of disease ... about 1 in 5 children & adolescents in the world have a mental disorder! That’s right, 1 in 5!! 1/2 of all mental disorders start before the age of 14 depression is one of the leading causes of disability 800 000 people die of suicide every year!!! 1 person every 40 seconds Myths: people suffering from mental illness can not tolerate the stress of holding down a job; even those who are being treated. people with mental health Illnesses are just as productive as those without mental health problems personality or weaknesses cause mental health disorders no!!!!! It has nothing to do with personality or being weak. Many things contribute to mental illness including biological factors, life experiences and family history. people with mental health Illnesses should just snap out of it agh... I hate this one!!! I’m not even going to comment a pill will fix everything while medication is needed and can help for certain individuals; it is just as important to incorporate lifestyle and psychological therapy as part of the treatment plan. You can get better from mental illness!! #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #mebtalhealth #mentalillness #ruok #depression #anxiety #seretonin #psychology #lifestyle #generalpractitioner #generalpractice #beyondblue #blackdog #batyr

12.01.2022 Yes... this is the truth. #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #washyourhands #covid19 #2020 #virus #generalpractitioners #generalpractice

12.01.2022 This is a great initiative starting up now in orange.. starting the conversation is often the most difficult step

10.01.2022 Don’t forget to check out latest interviews on Triple M with Neil Gill. Last week we had a chat about kids mental health. (Search catch you then Dr Gabrielle Staniforth) ... #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #triplemcentralwest #triplem #centralwest #orangensw #mentalhealth #suicideawareness #depression #anxiety #beyondblue #batyr #generalpractice #generalpractitioner

08.01.2022 There are 2 types of Diabetes Mellitus 1. Type 1 - this is autoimmune where the immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin (we need insulin to turn glucose into energy ) Type 1 is usually diagnosed in childhood and requires insulin injections to treat. There is no prevention and no cure. 2. Type 2 - this is the most common type (around 90%) and is generally diagnosed later in life. Risk factors include age, ethnicity, family history, weight and if’ve had gestational diabetes). Lifestyle has a huge impact on type 2 Diabetes and is the cornerstone of treatment. Some people in the early stages are able to completely turn their diabetes around by improving their diet, losing weight etc. After lifestyle modifications other therapy may include oral tablets or insulin injections. Diagnosis is a simple blood test. So if you are at increase risk or have symptoms like increased urination, thirst, poor wound healing, fatigue... go see your GP #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #generalpractice #diabetes #diabetesaustralia #hba1c #insulin #metformin #lifestyle

06.01.2022 This speaks to me... there is so much dialogue around self care these days. Getting a massage; going away for the weekend; going out for dinner. But it’s often the simple, little things that make the most difference. The best thing I can do for myself in terms of self care is to say no when it doesn’t feel right. I’m someone that needs solitude to reboot after an action packed week of solving problems in GP land. #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #selfcare #reboot #boundaries #sayno #dowhatfeelsgood #generalpractitioners #mentalhealth #depression #anxiety

04.01.2022 Last week was Women’s Health Week - a week dedicated to all women across Australia to make health a priority. This is great timing given the year that 2020 has been... drought, devastating fires then the COVID-19 pandemic and all it has brought with it. Evidence is now emerging that women are putting their health to the side as they try and do the right thing by staying at home etc. ... Despite isolation, restrictions and so forth... health concerns still arise. It is still important to visit your GP for your cervical screening tests, mammograms, bowel screening and for any little niggles or complaints that may become apparent. This week also included @ruokday. A day highlighting the importance of mental health and recognising that those around us may be struggling. By asking a simple question a conversation may start and a life may turn around. Remember this should be a question to consider every day of the year.. #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #ruok #ruokday #mentalhealth #womenshealthweek2020 #womenshealthweek #preventativehealth #generalpractitioners #generalpractice #orangensw #centralwest #covid_19

03.01.2022 When a patient asks for a harmony test with gender... but then asks you NOT to tell them the gender for the entire pregnancy

02.01.2022 A great initiative that I will definitely be getting behind!!

02.01.2022 The thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine (hormone producing) gland that sits at the base of the neck. It uses iodine from our diet to produce thyroxine (T4 & T3). This hormone is important for ALL cells in our body. It is involved in metabolism (the way we use energy) Too much (hyperthyroidism) and everything goes on overdrive; too little (hypothyroidism) and everything slows down. ... Hyperthyroidism : Weight loss Irritability Poor sleep Heat intolerance Hand tremors Hypothyroidism (more common) Weight gain Poor concentration Dry skin & hair Cold intolerance Depression Lethargy Causes include autoimmune processes; inflammation; iodine excess/deficiency #thyroid #thyroxine #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #generalpractitioner #orangensw #centralwestnsw #thyroidcancer #hypothyroidism #hyperthyroidism #gravesdisease #hashimotosdisease #goitre #iodine

01.01.2022 This is an image outlining the procedure of a CST or cervical screening test. But I thought it was called a Pap smear? Yes... so it used to be called a Pap smear but it has now been replaced by the CST. Sorry girls.. this doesn’t mean the procedure has changed... it still requires the awkward lying in the bed under a sheet etc etc.. ... The difference is that the Pap smear looked for abnormal cervical cells whereas the CST looks for the presence of HPV (human papilloma virus) infection. Why has it changed? Well through years of research HPV has been identified as the main perpetrator for causing cervical cancer. So if we can pick up the presence of HPV before it causes a change in cells then we are 1 step ahead. Make sense? This is why when you have your CST and it is normal you don’t need another one for 5 years. Without the virus is is unlikely you will develop the abnormal cells that will progress to cervical cancer. So what happens if HPV is detected? It depends which strain is detected but you will basically be put into 2 streams.. a follow up CST in 12 months or a catch up with your friendly Gynae for further investigation. Remember the CST is a screening test which means we are trying to prevent cancer or catch it early. So that’s why it’s important you get it done (as embarrassing as you may think it is). Screening is available for women aged between 25-74. Remember if you experience anything abnormal in relation to vaginal bleeding, pain or discharge you should see your GP regardless of when your last CST was.

01.01.2022 Cardiovascular risk factors: A family history of premature cardiovascular disease (this mean a heart attack or condition requiring a stent) {men under 55, women under 65years) High cholesterol or high triglycerides (triglycerides are part of total cholesterol and are the bad fats) Metabolic syndrome (a clustering of at least three of the five following medical conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, and low serum... high-density lipoprotein (HDL)) Chronic kidney disease Chronjc inflammatory conditions such as lupus or psoriasis A history of premature menopause A history of pregnancy conditions such as pre eclampsia Ethnic group such as Indigenous Australians And of course... poor lifestyle while I turn leads to obesity, high cholesterol etc etc The great news is we (doctors) can screen for cardiovascular disease before an event such as a heart attach occurs. We can initiate treatment that can keep you healthy and avoid such events. A lot of these risk factors are silent .. or no symptoms.. The message? Go see your GP at least every year so they can work out what your at risk for and help prevent illness !! #themindfuldoctor #mindfulness #cardiovascularhealth #cardiovasculardisease #cholesterol #preventativehealth #metabolicsyndrome #generalpractitioners #generalpractice #keepmoving

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