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25.01.2022 COME FLY WITH ME! Imagine if you could fly to any reality you choose, check it out, play with it, change it around, set it up exactly the way you wanted before it came to manifest in your physical reality. Exciting prospect, isn't it? Then allow me to introduce you to the amazing process of Lucid Dreaming.... A Lucid Dream is a very unique experience because it connects you with the vast potential that you have as a human being. It lets you access the template for how you create your reality. But best of all, it makes you much more lucid in the most important dream of all, which is of course the physical reality you're experiencing right now. I'm very excited and honoured to be presenting this webinar on Lucid Dreaming. I know you'll get a lot out of it. It's free, just click the link below to register! With Love, Blair. P.S This is live on Wed 21st in the afternoon / evening in most time zones. If, when you go to register, the time doesn't suit you, then register anyway and I'll send you a link to the replay.

24.01.2022 How would the BEST version of ME handle this? When life is challenging, this is a wonderfully empowering question to ask. Asking this question unleashes a human ability so under-utilised and yet so powerful: the Imagination. To imagine how a future version of you would act is to teach yourself how to become that future version.... Imagine it, and become it. With Love, Blair.

22.01.2022 The Higher Self and The Higher Mind - these are terms we often use to refer to the part of us that we know to be wiser and more spiritually-orientated than our everyday physical mind with all its machinations. But what is the Higher Mind? Who is the Higher Self? And how do you experience any of them from down here in the realm of the physical? The way I see it working is that the Higher Mind and the Physical Mind work hand-in-hand in our lives. The Higher Mind is like the ver...sion of you who's sitting on the mountain top, with an amazing view over the entirety of your life, can see all possible paths you could take and knows which one is the best. The Physical Mind is the version of you who's down in the valley and can only see what's immediately around. The Higher Mind often calls out "Hey!! Go left!!" but the Physical Mind isn't always listening. There's a really simple way to experience your Higher Mind in everyday life. It's your IMAGINATION. Imagination is literally the conduit between the Higher Mind and the Physical Mind. When you imagine something, your Higher Mind is showing you a reality that you could choose to align with, and if that's the reality you prefer, then in conjunction with focused intent and action, you can begin to create this reality in your physical experience. That's the purpose of imagination - to help you navigate through the creation of your reality. Art is another way. Artistic expression is literally channelling your Higher Self. Visual arts, music, dance, writing, any time where your physical mind gets out of the way, that's your Higher Self taking the driver's seat for a while. So... Your Higher Mind and your Higher Self are pretty valuable resource in life. Are you using them enough? With Love, Blair.

22.01.2022 If you're anything like me, you've had the experience where being yourself got you into trouble. Something unexpected happened, someone got offended, things didn't work out. Maybe you decided that being yourself wasn't such a good idea after all. But what I've come to understand is this: When you stand in your truth, when you take action from a place of authenticity, even if the result is something you don't prefer, it always seems to turn out to be what you needed. So go be ...yourself and watch your reality re-align itself with your true nature. The re-alignment might be a bit bumpy at first, but the freedom to be yourself is worth it. Love, Blair.

19.01.2022 I’m sorry, but your parents, your teachers, your bosses, the people who seemed to know things when you were younger, they were all wrong. You ARE worthy. You DO deserve it. There’s NOTHING wrong with you. You’re not defective, impaired, broken, useless, you DO belong, you DO have value, you DO have purpose, you DON’T have to justify or prove yourself to anyone but yourself, there’s NO reason that someone else is more deserving than you. How do I know this? Because you EXIST. ...To my understanding, Creation doesn’t make mistakes, or create pointless things. So the mere fact that you exist tells me that you ARE worthy. That you HAVE value. That CREATION would not be complete without you. Okay, I used lots of capitals in this post, but I am intensely passionate about this. And so, as always, I have a question for you - what is it going to take for you to really, truly understand and accept your own value, your own worth? What would you need to see to accept that? What would prove it to you? Because self-worth is at the very core of a lot of the fear and negativity we’re seeing in the world at the moment. And if we can be an example of healthy self-worth to others, maybe this will change our world for the better? With Love, Blair.

19.01.2022 Come join the fastest growing Metaphysics community on the planet! Connect with like-minded individuals to discuss life, spirituality and metaphysics in a respectful, non-judgemental way. Ask life's big questions, get meaningful, practical answers.

19.01.2022 Many people assume that in order to change their world, they have to focus on what's wrong and rally against it. It's an assumption that hasn't served our society very well at all. What if you could use your natural creativity to shift to a new reality, one that was more aligned with what you prefer? In this free webinar, I talk you through some of the effective techniques for 'Shifting Realities' so you can move towards the life that is more aligned with your true self. Regi...ster here: With Love, Blair.

18.01.2022 The new year brings a slew of motivational messages into your social media timeline, like "New Year New You" and "Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever!" - I ought to know, I've been responsible for many of them in previous years. But there's one super-important process that I believe is missing in our approach to a new year, or any new start for that matter, and it's more fundamental than goal-setting, project planning, or new year's resolutions. It's setting your intent.... Setting your intent means different things to different people, so allow me to lead you through the process that I personally use to set my intent each and every calendar year. WARNING: This process may result in your life being changed forever. It's based on three very specific questions that, if you take the time to answer them honestly and thoughtfully, will take your awareness up and up in frequency until you hit the place where all things become possible. So join me for this, my first Live broadcast in 2020, and let's set our intent for an amazing year ahead. With Love, Blair. P.S This video was recorded live in my Practical Metaphysics group - you can join the group here:

18.01.2022 Live from the Gold Coast... A few thoughts about taking action, balancing body, mind and spirit, and why it's so important not to leave the PHYSICS out of Metaphysics.

16.01.2022 The meaning you choose to give those atoms whizzing around has such a profound effect on how you experience life. Most of the time, we're on autopilot and we give meaning to the world we observe unconsciously, automatically, based on our conditioning. That way, it seems as if we're not giving meaning at all, and what we observe comes with its own built-in meaning. When we're on autopilot, life happens to us. But we can also choose to be more conscious about the meaning of wha...t we observe. When a situation presents itself, do we buy into a fear-based, negative belief about what the situation means? Or could we define a positive meaning for the situation? Whether consciously or on autopilot, by definition, if you choose a negative meaning then you'll have a negative experience. If you choose a positive meaning, you'll have a positive experience. Both are completely valid choices. But the choice is yours, if you're willing to make it. With Love, Blair.

15.01.2022 Right now, we are a frightened world. But, I have a question about that. My question is: How much of your life are you prepared to give away to fear? I believe we have given ourselves an extraordinary opportunity to answer this question by co-creating the Coronavirus experience.... Join me for this very special Facebook Live where I'll break down exactly how this world-wide experience can serve us in a positive way. Bring your bogroll if you must, but don't miss this! With Love, Blair.

15.01.2022 SELF-WORTH is the CURRENCY with which you TRANSACT with LIFE. It's also one of the biggest things that people struggle with today. Self-worth is something that's at the very core of our being, it's one of our most fundamental belief systems, so fundamental, in fact, that it doesn't really enter our conscious awareness on a day-to-day basis. We only really uncover our self-worth story by experiencing its impact in our life - like when hardship strikes a blow and our inner dial...ogue kicks in and says "Yes, you deserved that because you're a bad person.". Guilt is another expression of low self-worth, because holding onto guilt is holding to the idea of unworthiness or non-deservability. These scenarios play out in our lives with monotonous regularity, I'm sure they'd be familiar to most of you. But despite the conditioning of our society, it's my firm belief that EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET is WORTHY to live a life of abundance, joy, excitement and passion. One of the core values of my mission in life - which is to empower people to create the extraordinary lives that they've always wanted - is the idea that no matter what, YOU ARE WORTHY. You're worthy for the simple fact that you exist. You're a part of Creation. Creation would not have split itself into the tiny fragment that is you for no reason. And CREATION WOULD NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT YOU!!! So you do have value, you do have worth, you are deserving of everything you desire in life. When you reconnect with your sense of self-worth, more things become possible because your reality won't be so busy reflecting unworthiness back to you. And when you're in touch with your self-worth, it gives an amazing example for others to do the same. BE AN EXAMPLE OF HEALTHY SELF-WORTH TO EVERYONE! With Love, Blair.

15.01.2022 It’s so easy to say, when you have a bad experience in life, that you’re not good enough, not deserving, not worthy, flawed or faulty. But deep down, I don’t think we really believe these things are true. Because when we explore the darkness, what is it that we always find?... More of ourselves. With Love, Blair. This video is an excerpt from a live session in Practical Metaphysics.

15.01.2022 We always seem to assume that when bad things happen, it means we’re bad, faulty, flawed, less than, unworthy, without value. But what if bad things were just there to prompt us to look within? With Love,... Blair. See more

11.01.2022 Listen. It took me a while to master the art of fully listening. I used to only partially listen, I was never fully there in a conversation, because my mind was too busy thinking about what I was going to say next. But finally, I began to trust that I would know what needed to be said when it needed to be said, and I found that listening to someone was actually a very rich experience that I'd been missing until that point. ... And when it was time for me to reply, I found that my statements had more depth, they rang truer in the hearts and minds of those I spoke to, because there was automatically a balance between heart, mind and higher mind that I never allowed before. Give it a try. The world needs more listeners. With Love, Blair.

11.01.2022 Hi All. I've opened a brand-new thing on the Practical Metaphysics website. It's a 4-week course, a Journey, called "THE FUNDAMENTALS". Pre-registration starts today and it's going to be an amazing journey through some of the most awesome practical metaphysical concepts. Are you up for the Journey? Because it's going to be amazing!! With Love, Blair.

11.01.2022 BEST WISHES FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON FROM THE NAKED COACH! To everyone I’ve interacted with this year, online and in-person, THANK YOU for the gift that you ARE. Enjoy the festive season - reconnect with the abundance of your life no matter what your circumstances. Have Joy. Merry Christmas from Aus!... With Love, Blair.

10.01.2022 We all seem to grapple with time these days, there never seems to be enough. You'll hear people say that "time seems to be speeding up" and it's like a huge acceleration that's making everyone's lives go faster. But if time is our creation, then surely this is something we can influence? Could there be a way that we can change our experience of time, so that it doesn't go so disagreeably fast? Or annoyingly slow? I think there is such a way. Join me for this Facebook Live ses...sion and I'll tell you all about it. See you there! With Love, Blair.

10.01.2022 Very excited to announce the creation of this brand new Group! It's a great way to connect with like-minded people and talk about Life, Metaphysics and Spirituality in a down-to-earth, practical way. Come join us! Have those big questions answered! No B.S allowed! With Love, Blair.

10.01.2022 Have Joy. You don’t need a permission slip. Joy is actually your natural state. The very energy from which you’re drawn, if you allow yourself to experience it, translates to the sensation of joy, love, excitement and passion. You don't need to wait for something to bring you joy. You're MADE of it.... Blair.

09.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! As 2016 draws to a close here in Aus I wanted to express my gratitude for your company on this great journey we're on. 2016 was certainly a year of upheaval, disruption and even shock for many people, but this is a reflection of the fact that we're moving into highly accelerated times. In all the upheaval, we have created an amazing opportunity to disconnect from the old ways of doing things and create something new for ourselves. Yes 2016 was a challenging y...ear but with every challenge comes opportunity - for growth, for change and for us to be more of who we are. 2017 will be the year that we begin the process of truly taking back our power and creating our lives to be what we prefer, because the systems we've been hiding under for years and years have begun to crumble and fall. In the next few days I'll be doing a 2017 Kick-Off video where we'll discuss these ideas in more detail. Keep an eye out for that. Until then, have a happy new year, stay safe, and I look forward to continuing our journey together in 2017! With great Love and best wishes for 2017, Blair.

06.01.2022 LET'S KICK-OFF 2017!! Right now is the perfect time to set your intent for 2017. Join me as I talk about the ways you can leverage 2016's craziness to make 2017 an amazing year!! Don't miss this!! Here's to an AMAZING 2017!... - Blair. See more

06.01.2022 Well, the Holiday season is upon us! And for many of us, that means it's time to reconnect with family. Sounds great, right? In the media you see images of happy family gatherings, a big roast turkey meal, everyone smiling and expressing the joy of the season! What could be better? There's only one catch though, and this statement sums it up: "No one can push your buttons quite like family."... So many of us have incredibly challenging experiences with family, that the holiday season can actually hold a sense of dread rather than joy. So join me for this Facebook Live session, where I'll talk you through some techniques that might help you get through this holiday season with minimal pressing of buttons! With Love and best wishes for the holiday season, Blair.

06.01.2022 Hi Everyone! I wanted to send you a brief note to say three quick things. Firstly, you may have noticed that I've been very, very quiet on this page since the start of 2017 - apologies for that - but the second thing is that I've been working on a very exciting project since then, called Practical Metaphysics. Those of you who know me and have worked with me will appreciate that the concepts, ideas and principle of Metaphysics are a big part of my life and the work I do, so I... created a discussion group here on Facebook, and more recently, a website dedicated to helping people explore and understand the awesome principles of Metaphysics. Thirdly, and to my absolute amazement, thousands of people from all over the world have joined the discussion group and are actively working with the principles of Metaphysics in their lives, and a whole global tribe has formed of people who are hungry to explore the Metaphysics of Life, Existence and what it means to be Human. So... If that sounds exciting to you, we would LOVE to have you join the tribe and participate in the exploration of Practical Metaphysics. To request to join the group, follow this link: The website, only just released, is here: http:// VERY EXCITED to see you there! With Love, Blair.

06.01.2022 [What’s YOUR Number?] Today I’m introducing a new concept - a tool that I call the Cycle of Change. In our lives, at any given moment, we always have several cycles going on. Some are big, long-term cycles, and others are short. Watch the video, and comment below to tell me what number most corresponds to where YOU’RE at in your most significant Cycle of Change at this moment.... 1 - Inspiration 2 - Taking Action 3 - Following your Excitement 4 - Experiencing Synchronicity 5 - The Inflection Point 6 - Acceptance 7 - Introspection 8 - Letting Go Can’t wait to hear from you!!! Blair.

05.01.2022 Adversity has a Part to Play We do our best to avoid adversity in our lives by making choices that we THINK will take us away from it. But when we make those choices, there’s no guarantee that our actions won’t go pear-shaped and bring us the very adversity that we were trying to avoid. There's no way of knowing 100%, so we just have to do our best at the time, and hope it works out. Given that we can’t eliminate adversity completely from our lives, I’m thinking we should emb...race it instead. After all, it seems like it actually has a pretty significant part to play. Some adversity, though, like abuse for example, is very difficult to embrace and very difficult to accept. But maybe it's not about accepting the adversity itself, maybe it's more about accepting that it's possible to grow from it, and that over the entire course of your life, the journey you take to transform it from dark to light is a hero's journey that requires great courage, great strength and great love, all of which you must already possess. With Love, Blair.

05.01.2022 ACCEPTANCE Acceptance of what IS is a hugely important part of the process of change. That might sound a little bit counter-intuitive, because accepting something is often taken to mean that you DON’T try to change it. But that’s only a short-term perspective. In the longer term, acceptance is absolutely critical to being able to change something in your life. Why? Because whatever it is, acceptance brings it out into the light. It puts it on the table, warts and all. It make...s it visible. It doesn’t deny that it’s real. Non-acceptance, on the other hand, leaves it in the dark, in the realm of the unacceptable, it’s invalidated and you don’t take ownership of it. And it’s very difficult to change something that you don’t own. With Love, Blair.

05.01.2022 This is new... The PARK is a closed group for parents or carers of at-risk kids. Issues such as self-harm, drug use, school refusal, absconding or suicidal thoughts can be all-consuming and have an affect on the entire family. So this a space where parents and carers in these challenging situations can connect with others on the same journey, to discuss, to support and to be there for each other. While we are not here to offer advice or solutions, our mission is most to share our experiences and our perspectives so that all of us know that we're not alone on this journey. Join us!

04.01.2022 Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to feel joy because we believe it won’t last. Let’s not do that anymore.

03.01.2022 If you've ever wanted to explore Metaphysics and Spirituality without all the fluff, then this is for you. It's a comprehensive 4-module course that takes you on a journey through some of the most amazing concepts in modern Metaphysics. But more than that, it gives you practical insights into how to apply that information in life. It is literally the instruction manual that we forgot to bring into our physical reality! This course has led to incredible personal development fo...r so many people - in fact, our community is over 25,000 strong and growing every day. You don't have to be a 'spiritual' person to appreciate this material, all you need is a natural curiosity for life, existence and what lies beyond. On the link below you'll find an introductory video from me with a walk-through of the topics we cover in the course. In my 30-plus year love affair with Metaphysics I've never before seen anything like it. I know you'll get a lot of value from it too. I look forward to seeing you on the course and hearing your feedback. With Love, Blair Robinson Founder of Practical Metaphysics.

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