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25.01.2022 2020 sure has thrown us some plot twists hasnt it? If its making you feel powerless, how about creating some of your own plot twists that serve you or make you happy? What can you do to turn things around? Does a room need a fresh coat of paint? Do you feel like a new hairdo? Calling someone up out of the blue? Saying no to something you usually say yes to? Saying yes to something you usually say no to? Or just make it fun and yell plot twist if your kids are asking you why you are wearing your undies on your head!!
25.01.2022 Im not sure what it is that makes the beach so healing for me. Maybe its the salt water that cleanses my soul, maybe its the sun on my skin and the good nights sleep I get after a day of surf and sun. Maybe because I relax at the place of my childhood (I keep coming back to the beach I grew up on - Rainbow Bay) or maybe because its such a contrast to the hustle and bustle of my city life. Maybe its all of the above.... Whatever it may be, if you too know the place that keeps you sane, get there as much as you can. And if thats home for you then never ever take it for granted! And if you are unable to get to your special place right now, know that its waiting for you ever so patiently and you WILL be so grateful when you are there again one day soon.
24.01.2022 No Bake Healthy Choc Fudge. I proclaim that everyone needs some in the fridge for those sweet snack attack moments. And so easy that you can even get the kids to make it for you! Recipe can be found by clicking link below
24.01.2022 A boy and his dog....and his headband cos he wont let us get his hair cut I kind of like the length now because its a beautiful ginger colour and I love seeing it grow....but I worry hes going to put his neck out with the constant flicking of his head to get it out of his eyes Whats something your child has put their foot down on? Did you kind of admire the stubbornness at the same time as wanting them to obey? Parenting huh? I feel this is just the beginning....
24.01.2022 Just wanted to say we have seen a change in our daughter who has now been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. We first started using Cravings Control upon asking for help from Naughty Naturopath Mum. This blend really helped our daughter from non-stop eating, no matter what we did, she couldn't and wouldn't stop. We had her birthday party which usually ends up being meltdowns and mum stressing out but I gave Sarah-May Tantrum Tamer and Cravings Control directly and then popped... Slow Down & Let it Go in her water bottle. Wow! We had a happy little girl enjoying her own birthday party - what a change! Sarah-May had the worst day at school on Friday, she was buzzing so much so we gave her Slow Down and within 1/2 hr she had settled right down, we can't believe how quickly this can take effect. We want to keep using the blends along with melatonin as they are keeping her level at the moment. We can't say how much we appreciate and love our drops for a happy family and a happy little girl. We love all the support we get by message - so thank you, much appreciated. - Hollie You can make your own pack of blends up via our Single Blends Page on the website (or click on the link in comments below)
24.01.2022 Sometimes this is very hard to acknowledge and even agree with but it is true none the less. You are perfect just as you are in this very moment. You wouldnt be just as you are in this very moment if you werent supposed to be....and that is absolute perfection for your current journey that you are on. Imagine if we could stay with this truth at all times and operate from that knowing? Nothing is stopping us from this except ourselves. This Self Care Sunday, Id love you to settle into the perfection that is already you and see how less exhausting and comfortable that feels xx
23.01.2022 Both kids scored/kicked goals today in their Saturday team sports (afl and soccer) so they wanted to keep that thrill going and take on mum and dad in a game of beach soccer this afternoon on our first day of school holidays down the coast. The goals were marked by thongs on the sand and we had plenty of room to run and kick. We got puffed and sandy and it was a draw at 4 all! I will never take these days for granted. Thankful beyond measure in this tumultuous year and grateful for all the hurts, lessons, annoyances and joy filled moments that this parenting journey brings me. Sending love to everyone this weekend and hoping that smiles outweigh the scowls x
23.01.2022 What are you proud of today? Im proud of you because I KNOW you are working on all of these even if you stumble with some of them sometimes. I hope you are proud of you too! Have a great week everyone x Shared thanks to @ohhappydani
23.01.2022 What a beautiful photo of mums! We are all so different and we are all so beautiful. I know we are all doing our best to raise kind kids and I hope we are also doing our best to teach our kids how beautiful the human body is in whatever shape, size and colour it comes in. Our bodies are bloody miraculous when you think about what they do for us each day and thats the only focus we should have. Plus keeping it healthy, loving it and accepting it! Hope you get to show your body that you love it today and thank it for the gifts it has given you! X Image shared from @misterjoneshealth
22.01.2022 Ok, as promised, here are the pics of the finished new bathroom! And check out the before pics which I think is the best bit. Nothing like a transformation on a much used area of the house! And having a full length bath again for the first time in 10 years is a MASSIVE treat! Im going to be in an Epsom salts bath every night until the novelty wears off Big thanks to @tpkbathrooms for the great job (and no, we dont get a discount for mentioning them, its just good practice to recommend without anything in return except a job well done) Alisha x #notsponsored #bathroomreno
21.01.2022 Me every week: Next week will be calmer....It will all be smooth sailing... Meanwhile: squirrels raving away Hope I gave you a giggle and have a good Tuesday everyone xx
20.01.2022 I was taking a pic of my beautiful family yesterday when a lovely stranger asked if I would like to jump in the photo too. Now I know it would be easy to just smile and say no thanks because you know....COVID and all that guff and handing your phone to a complete stranger at the moment.....but I dont think like that and Im so glad I dont because I am now in a gorgeous shot with my fam bam and I will always remember this beautiful holiday in a very strange year. Thankyou lovely stranger for coming up to me and asking even though things be weird right now. Im glad we both trusted the universe and acted like we once always did
20.01.2022 We all go through self doubt and we all go through tough times. Its what makes us human. And its also what makes us better humans in the end. Youve got this Beautiful words thanks to @moonkissedmusings
20.01.2022 Leaving this here for the mums that might need to brush up on this look for the school holidays.... Have a great weekend x
19.01.2022 It's RUOK? day and I love that it gets people asking but I worry that maybe there is not enough honest answers because the question is being asked from far away. And maybe then we aren't following this question up enough? And how much easier is it to ask after someone else's health instead of properly checking in with ourselves if the question was then returned to us? I think a lot of us are on automatic pilot with our replies (let's not rock the boat or take up too much att...Continue reading
16.01.2022 This man shows up for us every day lovingly, quietly and supportively. He even makes US pancakes for breakfast on Fathers Day because thats what he likes to do every single Sunday. I feel so grateful that he is the other half to this parenting team and journey that we are on and I want to take this moment to wish Naughty Naturopath Dad a very Happy Fathers Day I couldnt do this without you Scotty, I think you are bloody brilliant and I hope the Bombers win for you today ...(especially cos we will be at the game and I want to see your smiley face get even smilier) Also wishing a Happy Fathers Day to all the other dads out there and sending love to those missing their dad or their partner today or those wishing they had a relationship with their dad. And sending a massive high five to the women who bring up kids acting as both mum and are simply incredible and I hope you are celebrating yourself today.
16.01.2022 Woohoo!! 50% off Tantrum Tamer!! Now is a time when Tantrums are rife in many households because it's end of year, end of term and we are all just at the end of our wits really aren't we!? Enter....Tantrum Tamer ... For child sized tanties as well as adult sized tanties, this blend is great to take if you just need to safely shift some of those big emotions that have been building in you or maybe launch a preemptive strike in your toddler/child/tween/significant other! The 30ml size bottle comes down to just $9.95 and the 50ml size comes down to just $13.95! These could come down even further if you have more single products in your cart as the bulk discount still applies! This means you could be getting a bottle of Tantrum Tamer for just $8.45!! We only have limited stock though so I'm doing this for just 24 hours! Be quick and stock up here Ps. Don’t forget our Silly Season gifts with purchase (and free shipping!) for all orders over $99
16.01.2022 It’s been a long lesson of mine to say the things I want to say to all manner of people in my life. I’m pretty vocal when it’s sticking up for someone else or voicing my opinion when it doesn’t hurt anyone but because of my people pleasing nature....saying the things that are best for ME has been hard. I know I’m not alone in this. I think many women of my generation and the ones before have been brought up to not rock the boat and to make sure to keep those around them happ...y sometimes at the expense of themselves. I am loving that this is less and less the case for the young girls and women growing up in today’s age. Around 3 years ago, speaking my truth became pretty bloody necessary and important for my emotional health (I turned 40 a few years ago so I’m sure that had something to do with it!) and now I speak up for my health. Even if it feels hard at the time, I speak up for me. Even if someone won’t like what I have to say, I speak up for me. Even if it makes me unpopular, I speak up for me. Even if it sounds ‘selfish’, I speak up for me. Even if I make things awkward or uncomfortable for someone else, I speak up for me. And you know something amazing? I don’t think I’ve had a single sore throat in the last few years! My throat chakra is clearer than it has ever been because I don’t let energy get stuck there any more. Because the things left unsaid stay with us forever. If you need some help with this and would like to work on any blocked energy at the throat chakra, please click on the link below to read more about my throat chakra flower essence blend which I called TRUTH. May we all keep working on speaking up for ourselves and continue being a better example for the younger generation. Alisha x
15.01.2022 Today marks the first day of NNMs 7th Bday celebrations! PLUS be in the draw to win a Complete Chakra Balance Pack!! To kick off the festivities in true 7th bday style, we are having a MASSIVE chakra blend sale! Seeing as we have 7 chakras and therefore 7 corresponding chakra flower essence blends, I am taking $10 off all single chakra blends (both the 30ml and 50ml sizes) and a whopping $70 off the 50ml Complete Chakra Balance pack and $60 off the 30ml pack size! Bu...t only for the next 7 days! Say what!!?? AND every day for the next 7 days, we are helping you get to know each of your 7 chakras here on facie and insta and starting off today with the first chakra and its corresponding flower essence blend: Grounding. If you like and comment each day on these chakra posts, you will be in the draw to win a complete chakra balance pack usually worth $177! So like this post and tell me below what helps you feel grounded. Check back tomorrow for our next post (can also enter on my insta page too!) and in the meantime you can shop our crazy Chakra blends sale below. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
14.01.2022 Sending this out to all the survivors. Have a beautiful day legends. Xx RP thanks to @tinybuddhaofficial
14.01.2022 Happy Friday Funny all! Have a great day #sorrynotsorry #sorrykaren
13.01.2022 Day 3 of of NNMs 7th Bday celebrations! PLUS be in the draw to win a Complete Chakra Balance Pack!! In case you hadnt heard, in true 7th bday style, we are having a MASSIVE chakra blend sale! Seeing as we have 7 chakras and therefore 7 corresponding chakra flower essence blends, I am taking $10 off all single chakra blends (both the 30ml and 50ml sizes) and a whopping $70 off the 50ml Complete Chakra Balance pack and $60 off the 30ml pack size! But only for the nex...t 7 days! Say what!!?? AND every day this week, we are helping you get to know each of your 7 chakras here on facie and insta and today we are highlighting the solar plexus chakra and its corresponding flower essence blend: Courage If you like and comment each day on these chakra posts, you will be in the draw to win a complete chakra balance pack usually worth $177! So like this post and tell me below what gives you courage? Check back tomorrow for our next post (can also enter on my insta page too!) and in the meantime you can shop our crazy Chakra blends sale below. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
13.01.2022 Beginners Blend Pack: Contains the blends Help and Slow Down and they are the two flower essence blends that I recommend and turn to when I need Help. Good to have on hand for yourself and the kids.... This pack also makes a lovely gift to send to someone who may need some extra help in the emotional support arena right now (and a reminder that all orders being sent to Victoria are being upgraded to express post for free at the moment) ~ Help Blend can help centre and bring you back to your body when your energy is scattered due to shock, panic, fear, distress and feeling stressed. It can be taken as often as needed and at 10 minute intervals until strength and calm is restored. ~ Slow Down Blend helps people who are always over committed with no time for themselves. Great for feelings of impatience, rushing, worry, mind chatter, irritability and scattered, erratic type behaviour. Positive outcome for taking this blend is relaxation, more clarity, calm and peace. Please click on the link in comments below to read more about this handy twosome x
11.01.2022 Finally finished my current read - The lieutenant by Kate Grenville. She is such an incredible writer (also wrote The Secret River which I rate highly) and even though I found this one hard going in some parts, a fictional novel based on historical events during the 1830s in Sydney Cove, it was such a beautifully written story that tugged at my European descended heart strings. Now Im onto The Yield by Tara June Winch. Anyone else read it? Or have any other book tips for me? Happy reading fellow book worms! X
11.01.2022 #help #slowdown #helpmist Title: Anxiety Miracle Rating: 5 Author: Libby ... My anxiety manifests itself in an extremely physical way in profuse sweating. I can encourage myself to push through whatever task it is that my nervous system is certain is a threat to me (most of these perceived threats are so completely ludacris it's embarassing) but the sweating, massive rolling drops of sweat streaming from the top of my head, saturating my face and soaking my clothes was something I just could not combat. I messaged Alisha who was so kind and understanding. On her recommendation I ordered Help blend, Slow down blend and Help mist. I felt an improvement in just 2 days. I have gone from feeling like I might have to quit my job to feeling like my anxiety sweats are manageable. I still have moments but I always have my blends with me, they are my saviour and my sanity. I'll be eternally grateful to come across Naughty Naturopath Mum x Find these blends and mists in links below x
10.01.2022 Today marks Day 2 of NNMs 7th Bday celebrations! PLUS be in the draw to win a Complete Chakra Balance Pack!! In case you hadnt heard, in true 7th bday style, we are having a MASSIVE chakra blend sale! Seeing as we have 7 chakras and therefore 7 corresponding chakra flower essence blends, I am taking $10 off all single chakra blends (both the 30ml and 50ml sizes) and a whopping $70 off the 50ml Complete Chakra Balance pack and $60 off the 30ml pack size! But only for... the next 7 days! Say what!!?? AND every day this week, we are helping you get to know each of your 7 chakras here on facie and insta and today we are highlighting the sacral chakra and its corresponding flower essence blend: Bliss If you like and comment each day on these chakra posts, you will be in the draw to win a complete chakra balance pack usually worth $177! So like this post and tell me below what makes you feel blissful? Check back tomorrow for our next post (can also enter on my insta page too!) and in the meantime you can shop our crazy Chakra blends sale below. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
10.01.2022 We felt so lucky to celebrate Fathers Day today in just the way our dad of the house wanted: seafood, beer and football And apart from his team losing in spectacular style (Essendon: what the hell was that?) he had an absolute ball. Whatever today was for you, I hope it wasnt too painful and I hope good memories were made. And just a final reminder, the free Male blend with all orders over $45 ends at midnight AEST tonight so if you would like some emotional support for the male in your household, please jump in quick. Sending love to all types of dads tonight and all the mums that do an amazing job of being dad as well xxxxxx
10.01.2022 Our 50% off Sale on the Tantrum Tamer blend has gone crazy since yesterday afternoon (not just my house that is suffering from kid and adult sized tantrums right now obviously?!) and I would hate for you to miss out on this deal so I thought I better pop back in and remind you that this sale has to end tonight! The 30ml size bottle comes down to just $9.95 and the 50ml size comes down to just $13.95! These could come down even further if you have more single products in your cart as the bulk discount still applies! This means you could be getting a bottle of Tantrum Tamer for just $8.45!! Quick sticks to the profile link in comments below as this is ending soon!!
08.01.2022 Had just finished some food shopping when Your the Voice by Johnny Farnham came on so I had to stay in the store pretending to browse until it was over. True story. Gotta get your pleasure when you can grab it these days. I left the store smiling so thats a win xx #thosebagpipesgetmeeverytime
07.01.2022 Have a great weekend everyone! Love, Fearless Champion xx Ps. Yes of course I want to know your high vibe name too so please drop it below! ... Found via @natnewagemum
06.01.2022 So thats what happened people. Happy Friday Funny and please, for the love of god, dont use this chant anymore so we can close the portal!!!
05.01.2022 And on a genetic level, all human beings are more than 99 percent identical. The world is amazing if we can remember what to concentrate on. Have a good day everyone Xxx
05.01.2022 Hey party people! I bought a new hat. It made me happy. I have been really mindful of not buying anything thats not absolutely necessary this year (besides books but they count as a necessity in my life) but Im down at the beach this week and forgot my hat so it was pretty fun and novel to go buy one! Who else strives for a more socially conscious and minimalistic existence these days? X
05.01.2022 Thank you Kristen for this pic and review and I have to say you are wrong because I think this IS a pretty photo! Its the first one Ive ever seen of my blends in a locker so thanks so much for sharing and thanks for the work you do. Sending you love and strength during this time of struggle and grief Just wanted to give you and your team a massive thanks! This is not a pretty photo but this is how I've gotten through the last few weeks. Im a teachers aide and always o...n the hop and 2020 in my work life has been challenging. But in the last 2 weeks I have lost 2 people in my life. 1 close friend helped shape the me of today and knowing my world wont have him in it anymore is painful. Knowing it was a mental health illness crushes me even more. My blends have helped me get through my days and help me to be kinder to myself and process all the things my husband and I are feeling with this sadness. So .... not a pretty photo but one I am so grateful to have . Thank you soooooo much! - Kristen (Blends pictured are Help, Protect and Courage and can all be found in the single blends section of my website if youd like to read up on each one. Link below)
05.01.2022 Last day of term 3 being celebrated with takeaway dinner (@grilldburgers) and The Secret Life of Pets 2. How is everyone else going? You survived another term right? Whether it was at home or at school, you are killing it by just getting through this year. Well bloody done
04.01.2022 Happy Friday Funny peeps! RP thanks to @bonjourbitchesblog
04.01.2022 Day 4 of of NNMs 7th Bday celebrations! PLUS be in the draw to win a Complete Chakra Balance Pack!! In case you hadnt heard, in true 7th bday style, we are having a MASSIVE chakra blend sale! Seeing as we have 7 chakras and therefore 7 corresponding chakra flower essence blends, I am taking $10 off all single chakra blends (both the 30ml and 50ml sizes) and a whopping $70 off the 50ml Complete Chakra Balance pack and $60 off the 30ml pack size! But only for the nex...t 7 days! Say what!!?? AND every day this week, we are helping you get to know each of your 7 chakras here on facie and insta and today we are highlighting the Heart chakra and its corresponding flower essence blend: Peace If you like and comment each day on these chakra posts, you will be in the draw to win a complete chakra balance pack usually worth $177! So like this post and tell me below what makes you feel peaceful? Check back tomorrow for our next post (can also enter on my insta page too!) and in the meantime you can shop our crazy Chakra blends sale below. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
04.01.2022 NEW BLOG! 5 WAYS TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR SOUL A Spring Cleanse ritual is something that I seem to do every year and it helps me so much to move forward and shift some of the stagnancy and cobwebby energy that Winter tends to leave in me. So I have a new blog to share with you called Five Ways to Spring Clean Your Soul and I'd love you to have a read especially if you feel ready to shift some old energy to make way for some luscious new Spring vibes. Even doing one of the... things I list will help but I guarantee you that you'll feel like working through the whole list once you get started. So whos ready to do an internal Spring Cleanse!? Youll feel so good! Lets go! Read here
02.01.2022 We are often asked to show more behind the scenes in our Brisbane based office and weve delivered! So heres some scenes behind your Naughty Naturopath Mum order.... For those of you that are new here, Im a naturopath, mum and business owner and I formulate and sell Flower Essence blends and mists which are emotional support remedies that are easy to take and use for the whole family. Naughty Naturopath Mum is turning 7 this year (my favourite number!) and I am so proud of... what we have built and how many people we have helped so far with currently well over 50,000 orders fulfilled! Please visit our website for all the info you need and have a read of the thousands of incredible reviews... And as you will see, we keep things all local and Aussie made and with the environment at the front of our minds when it comes to getting your emotional care packages off to you! Lots of love and good vibes, Alisha and the NNM Team xx Find our website here
02.01.2022 Woohoo! Our limited edition Spring Cleanse Pack is back in the store for a wee while And Ive discounted this pack heavily as I KNOW how much we all need a spring cleanse for our souls right now. These three blends will put back that spring in your step and have you feeling lighter and brighter ... 1. Cleanse Blend - This flower essence blend really supports the emotional channels of detoxing and letting go. 2. Energy Blend - This flower essence blend renews your vigour, enthusiasm and joy for life! When you feel a bit drained, jaded or not fully recovered from setbacks. 3. Cravings Control - Reaching for something that you wish you weren't? Need a little assistance to crush that craving that you know isn't really going to serve you in the long term? This is your blend! Find Spring Cleanse Pack in the link below
02.01.2022 Just leaving this here for anyone needing it this Self Care Sunday xx Shared from @empaths_oldsouls_introverts
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