The Nesting Place in Woonona, New South Wales, Australia | Photographer
The Nesting Place
Locality: Woonona, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 403 006 723
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25.01.2022 S P R I N G . The season of Spring signifies what is new in your life, or what is being birthed. It could be a new baby, a new job, a new business venture or a new relationship. Things that are growing and thriving in your life. These things bring you joy and hope. They challenge, motivate, and may even scare you at the same time.... A womans inner spring is her follicular phase, or the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Your inner spring is a place of becoming where you are in transition from the deep inner journey of inner winter and negotiating your way to the full expression of yourself in your inner summer. Its a place to start fresh. A place where everything feels possible. As you feel the energy rises, you feel the inner yes, a yes to yourself and a yes to life. You are held in a world of possibility and hope, and have a natural motivation and focus. . . . . #pregnancy #pregnancyphotoshoot #birth #birthofamother #spring #motherhoodphotography #doula #innerseasons #wombwisdom #divinefeminine #womancentredcare #documentyourdays #motherhoodunplugged #lifestylephotographer #fullbloom#womanhood #motherhood
25.01.2022 B A B Y S L E E P . I picked up the second book, the central premise of which was, "trust yourself and your baby". I remember the feeling of relief as I read those words, and the intuitive sense of their rightness. Head over to beautiful mama @jessicahodgens_ account to read her insightful & honest reflections on the ever-vexed issue of baby sleep.... . . . . #postpartum #babysleep #trustyourinstincts #matrescence #postpartumdoula #becomingmama #motherhoodunplugged #ittakesavillage #womanhood #motherhood #gentleparenting #attachmentparenting #cosleeping #innatewisdom #wombwisdom See more
24.01.2022 As women, we are raised to feel like we need to constantly apologise for being too loud, too difficult, too much, too different, blah blah blah. But I challenge you to stop apologizing. To allow yourself to just BE in all your wild and wonderful glory. . .... . . #womanhood #divinefeminine #wakingthewitches #wombwisdom #youaremorethanenough #selflove #smashthepatriarchy #sacredmotherhood #sacredpregnancy #sisterhood See more
24.01.2022 While every mythic journey requires us to make painful separations from the group, it is so we can learn to hear and follow our originality. We discover that the very things that make us different are attempting to distinguish our lives. Those aspects of yourself that you discarded, set aside, ignored, and discouraged are the very things to which you must cling. The collective depends on the aggrandizing of your rejected qualities. ... The sooner you begin adopting your own difference, the sooner love can rush in to support you in raising your voice above the monotonous hum of the mainstream. Toko-pa Turner, Excerpt from: Belonging ( . . #Belonging #divinefeminine #wakingthewitches #womanhood #motherhood #shaktirising #wombwisdom #trustyourintuition #smashthepatriarchy #burningwoman #doula #love
24.01.2022 SO MANY STORIES of women being pressured, coerced, scared and bullied when it comes to their labour and birth choices. Why is this allowed?? Honestly, some of the absolute bulls*t that Im hearing over and over again from women is making me so deeply upset and angry. Enough! Women should NOT have to be subjected to unbalanced information and scare tactics when it comes to their choices. Labour and birth should NOT be a battleground and your wishes deserve to be listened to a...nd respected. For too long this has been swept under the carpet. Women told all that matters is a healthy baby. Nope. Birth matters. How you are treated matters. How you feel matters. Your mama intuition matters. Your choices matter YOU matter. Remember that you always have a choice, even if you are made to feel that you dont have. And if you arent happy with your care provider, you can always change. And dont forget to hire yourself a Doula! . . . . #birthmatters #doula #labour #birth #positivebirth #womensrights #wombwisdom #womensupportingwomen #womencentredcare #divinefeminine #shaktirising #smashthepatriarchy #yourbodyyourbabyyourchoice
23.01.2022 Sacred Pregnancy I am trusting myself to open to the world. Of blessings pouring down and the strength of my heart pounding. Inside I hold a gift, of hope and sweet sweet innocence. A golden rainbows end is bursting from within. Creator of life, I am Abundantly divine, I am... Rooted in source Powerful life force. I am calming all the doubt, allowing only grace to surround and the gentle mother earth, to cradle me as I birth. Creator of life, I am Abundantly divine, I am Rooted in source Powerful life force. Surrender and remember, I alone hold the key to this ancient mystery. Surrender and remember, I alone hold the key, to this ancient mystery. Creator of life, I am Abundantly divine, I am Rooted in source Powerful life force." ~Nina Lee . . . #sacredpregnancy #ninalee #creatoroflifeiam #abubdantlifeforce #pregnancy #birth #motherhood #strength #womanhood #love #power #softness #doula #divinefeminine #wombwisdom #shaktirising
23.01.2022 These are my words, and those feelings are as clear as ever 16 plus years down the track, 2 spirit babies and 3 earthside children later. Trying to conceive when others around you are sharing their happy news is FCKING hard. Early pregnancy loss is FCKING hard.... Trying to be happy for others but feeling gutted and guilty about feeling this way is FCKING hard. Whatever your story, whatever your journey, you don’t have to do it alone. The more openly we can share with others that care, the less isolated and alone it can make us feel. Please reach out. . . . . #infertility #miscarriage #ttc #pregnancyloss #ivf #pregnancy #birth #womanhood #sisterhood #doula #consciousconception #rainbowbaby #community #connection #support
23.01.2022 This is my soul work!! If you’re a mama to be, or a mama and you’d like to work with me, I have one place available in June and limited availabilities from September until the end of 2021. Face to face and online support options are available.... Please reach out if you’d like to know more. . . . . #doula #pregnancy #postpartum #sacreddoula #womanhood #motherhood #divinefeminine #matrescence #sisterhood #shaktirising #peaceonearthbeginswithbirth #wombwisdom #womensupportingwomen #healingthemotherwound #birthdoula #homebirth #postpartumdoula #wakingthet#witches
23.01.2022 To look at the Goddess is to remember ourselves, to imagine ourselves whole. Its time to reclaim the Feminine. To connect with our intuition, our power and our flow. . .... . . #womanhood #femininepower #sisterhood #divinefeminine #wombwisdom #smashthepatriarchy #itstime #wakingthewitches #shamanichealing #womensmysteries #womensbodieswomenswisdom #doula #postpartumdoula #feminineyoga See more
23.01.2022 Challenge accepted! Thanks for the nomination @erikaelliottbirth . In honour of all women - whatever race, colour, religion, sexuality, age or status. And in awe of all of the strong, vulnerable, beautiful mamas Im blessed to connect with.... . . . . #womensupportingwomen #womensempowerment #thefutureisfemale #smashthepatriarchy #womanhood #sisterhood #loveeachother See more
22.01.2022 The transition from maiden to mother. The journey through pregnancy, labour & birth are key rites of passage in the life of a woman. And like any rite of passage, this involves the stages of separation(pregnancy), transition(birth) and re-incorporation(postpartum). Birth is our primal imprint and our experiences impact us for life.... Cultures all over the world honour the importance of birth as a sacred rite of passage which shapes not only the baby and the mama, but also the family and community. How will you choose to honour this sacred time? . . . . #sacredbirth #sacredpregnancy #sacredpostpartum #birthofamama #doula #sacredfeminine #transitionintomotherhood #riteofpassage #wombwisdom #wakingthewitches #birthmatters #womanhood #motherhood
22.01.2022 I HEAR YOU MAMA . I hear you... When you talk about the loneliness. When you speak of the isolation from not being able to go to the new mums groups.... When you express the overwhelm with your family unable to travel there to be with you to help out. As you cry tears of anxiety and fear. When you say youre exhausted from a lack of sleep and trying to juggle all of the demands of modern day motherhood. When you feel so confused by all of the external messages that you find it hard it hard to trust your own mama intuition. As you share your story and form important connections with other mamas. I hear your unconditional love, your struggles, your triumphs and your challenges. But most of all mama, I hear YOU. . . . . . #postpartum #postnataldepletion #pnd #pna #isolation #anxiety #postpartumdoula #doula #womanhood #motherhood #sisterhood #firstfortydays #wollongongdoula #newbornmama #love #yourenotalone #weareinthistogether #divinefeminine #ihearyou pregnancy #birth #birthofamama #motherhoodunplugged
21.01.2022 Join me for a day of ritual, connection & empowerment. . Honouring the sacred rite of passage that is pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Nourishing food, tea, yoga, creativity session and more.... Sharing womb wisdom between sisters. Bringing back the village. . . . . #pregnancy #sacredpregnancy #doula #wombwisdom #womanhood #sacredmotherhood #womenscircle #shaktirising #divinefeminine #riteofpassage #ritual #wakingthewitches
21.01.2022 For me, 2020 has been a huge year of transformation and going deep. I’m ready to flow with the new energy that the Age of Aquarius brings (moving toward a new way of working together, prioritising the good of community as a whole, yes please!). Today the Full moon is in Cancer, and the 13th moon of the year (13 being a sacred number belonging to the Divine Feminine & Goddess).... This last full moon of 2020 offersrelease and emotional cleansing and an intensely transformational year. Encouraging us to nurture the deepest parts of ourselves. To connect to our emotions, the cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. Now is the time to go within, to tend to your inner self, to reflect on all that has shifted, awakened, transformed and fallen away this year, and acknowledging the strength, love and gifts we’ve gained along the way. It’s time to welcome in the new consciousness that’s rising. Can you feel it too? . Divine . . . . #ageofaquarius #2021 #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #shaktirising #wakingthewitch #wombwisdom #sovereignty #doula #love #connection #moonmagic #motherearthlove
20.01.2022 Did you know that your menstrual cycle is both a monitor for your own wellbeing, and the worlds? . How does societys treatment of our menstrual cycles show up for Mother Earth? . From a young age we are taught to suppress our cycles with artificial hormones, to hide away the fact that we bleed each month, to push through each stage, even when our energy is low and all we want to do is rest.... But just like the earth is cyclical with her seasons, so are we as women. Once-upon a-time, people lived in rhythm with the earth and her seasons, respecting her, caring for her, but not now. Its time. Time for unwinding, reconnection, unlearning and a new way of being. . . . . #divinefeminine #womanhood #sisterhood #motherhood #connection #wombwisdom #mooncycles #healingmotherearth #sacredwomanhood #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #wakingthewitches
19.01.2022 Common Ground is an Aboriginal-led organisation that works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia to capture and share stories, and create learning material for wider Australia. The First Nations Bedtime Stories Challenge is a week of storytelling, that challenges families and schools to enjoy a week of learning about First Nations stories, gathering together to hear First Nations stories told by First Nations people. You can sign up and find ou...t more here - Shared from @blissbabyyoga . . . #firstpeople #indigenous #aboriginal #aboriginallivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #listening #learning #unlearning #bedtimestories
19.01.2022 The first feed. The undisturbed hour after birth. Just magic. . . . .... #postpartum #birthofamama #waterbirth #undistirbedbirth #breastfeeding #birth #firstfortydays #oxytocin #documentyourdays #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodphotography #motherhoodintheraw #womencenteredcare #wombwisdom #divinefeminine #wollongongdoula See more
19.01.2022 Insomnia during pregnancy is something I hear mamas-to-be talk about soooo often! . There are many reasons why sleeping soundly can be a challenge in pregnancy. Many women are excited and anxious about pregnancy and birth which can led to an overactive mind.... . Physical discomfort such as back pain and an increased belly size can make it hard to get comfortable. Heartburn, frequent urination and restless legs can also contribute. As hard as this all can be, rest assured it is a very normal part of pregnancy - and some even think part of preparing women for the frequent sleep disturbances of having a new baby! . . . #pregnancy #insomnia #ayurveda #rest #sleep #birth #postpartum #doula #postpartumdoula #wollongong #coalcoast #lawarra #naturalremedies #nutritionist #womanhood #motherhood #newmotherhood #spices #motherhoodunplugged
19.01.2022 We need to talk about this BEFORE we become mamas! Why is the huge transformation we go through after we give birth not something we learn about BEFORE we are in the midst of new motherhood, or AFTER when we reflect back on what we went through? I know that my postpartum experiences and journey into mamahood would have been much easier if Id known even a little bit about how much we change, grow and evolve. Why arent we learning about matrescence in the same way we learn ab...out the transformation we go through in adolescence? Lets start talk about this. Its way too important to wait until we are immersed in it. . . . #matresence #transformation #transitionintomotherhood #womanhood #firstfortydays #newmotherhood #motherhood #mamahood #doula #growth #sacredfeminine #metamorphosis #motherhoodunplugged #postpartum #rejuvenation #support #community #femininepower #womenswisdom #wollongongdoula #coalcoast #wollongong #growth #change #expansion #matresence See more
18.01.2022 Always was, always will be. . . . .... . #naidocweek #aboriginallivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #whiteaustraliahasablackhistory #reconciliation #sofuckingsorry See more
17.01.2022 New gift cards coming soon! I am honestly surrounded by THE most beautiful women. So grateful to have been gifted these custom designed images by one of my very special mamas. . . . .... #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #postpartumdoula #motherhood #divinefeminine #sacredmotherhood #love #gratitude #wombwisdom #sisterhood See more
17.01.2022 A N C E S T R A L L I N E A G E This image represents the birth story of all who came before me. It represents those who are to come. The symbol at the top is a woman. Strong.... Staunch. Powerful. Under this woman is her uterus. The most powerful organ of all. The creator of life. The birth giver. Incredible. Each ovary is a flowering gum of a Eucalyptus tree. Those beautiful eucalypts which line the Dungula (Murray River in Yorta Yorta language). Strong and resilient trees, holding thousands of years of stories and power. The strong line of the Matriarch. The symbols being born from these ovaries are stars (my Ancestors) and those who came before. Beautiful the amazing @yarli_creative #womenshealth #aboriginalartist #aboriginalhealing #aboriginalart #yarlicreative #empoweringwomen #melbfringe #redthread #ancestrallineage #wombwisdom #womanhood #motherhood #sisterhood #aboriginalaustralia #firstnations
17.01.2022 You get to decide who you are. . . . .... #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #love #motherearth #divinefeminine #womanhood #motherhood #loveeachother #peace #community See more
17.01.2022 Winter Solstice/New Moon/Solar Eclipse Also the beginning of Cancer season. Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness, or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. In Pagan times the winter solstice was referred to as Yule and was a celebration of the Goddess (Moon) energy.... The energy of Cancer takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, which starts with feeling, then shifts to understanding, to knowing, until we arrive at healing. This Season is a time to allow our emotions to rise, to see them, to honor them, and to learn from them. It takes courage to feel and first requires we put down our distractions and sit with all the uncomfortableness, which eventually leads to growth. Solar Eclipses are powerful times that allow us to see the road we have traveled, what we are leaving behind, and where we are going. Its a period of reflection when we can fully process the lessons of the past six months. This weekend, sit with any emotions you are experiencing. Set an intention to feel them, but then release them. Notice which ones want to stick around and ask them what they have to teach you. What messages are you emotions bringing you at this time? What are they helping you understand? Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons. This is the first New Moon of Cancer Season. Set the intention to work with Cancers energy from one New Moon to the next, creating daily practices to focus on emotional understanding. Consider writing the statement I feel each day and letting your feelings run onto the paper. From emotions comes our intuition. The deeper you feel, the more you unlock your divine wisdom, which will lead you to the path forward. Release any need for a concrete plan. Its 2020, after all- anything can happen. Instead, learn to trust your intuition and know you can rely on it. You can rely on yourself in the face of any challenge. The energy of Cancer reminds us of just how strong we really are and encourages us. @spiritdaughter . . . . #newmoon #wintersolstice #solareclipse #cancerseason #reflection #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #ritual #wakingthewitches #wombwisdom
15.01.2022 WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK . This years theme is supporting breastfeeding for a healthier planet. Breastfeeding is the perfect package of nutrition, health & emotional comfort for your baby (and Im not trying to shame non-breastfeeding mamas here!). ... definitely doesnt always come easily. In fact, most new mamas will struggle at times in their early breastfeeding journey, and some with more ongoing challenges. The best thing a new mama wanting to breastfeed can have is good support. And dont just try and push through, reach out, youre not alone! I had challenges with breastfeeding with each of my 3 babes, but it was also one of the most beautiful parts of motherhood in the end for me. . Remember its a learned skill that takes time, for both you and your baby. . . . . #worldbreastfeedingweek #breastfeeding #normalisebreastfeeding #motherhood #newbornmama #motherhoodunplugged #documentingmotherhood #oxytocin #skintoskin #mamamilk #thefirstfortydays #postpartum #doula #postpartumdoula #wollongongdoula
13.01.2022 Giving birth doesnt automatically make a mother out of a woman. It takes time to find your feet in motherhood. . Birth brings about a series of dramatic changes in a new mamas physical being, in her emotional life, in her status within the group, even in her own female identity. . We all know about the huge changes that come along with the transition of children in the teenage years. So why is there no acknowledgement or support of this huge period of growth and change t...hat women experience as they become mothers? . My hope is that this is slowly but surely changing mamas. . . . #motherhood #pregnancy #birth #birthofamama #matrescence #danaraphael #womanhood #growth #change #firstfortydays #support #doula #postpartum #postpartumdoula #findyourtribe #wollongongdoula #coalcoast #illawarra See more
13.01.2022 Welcome to The Nesting Place. The heart of my business is nurturing, nourishing & helping new mamas to grow. Gently guiding women through pregnancy, birth & into new motherhood.... Id love to support you too.
13.01.2022 Finishing off 6 weeks of nurturing in-home postpartum care with a nourishing veggie curry. Topping off a massage and a hot shower, doesnt get much better than that in the early days of mamahood!! . . . .... . #postpartum #postpartumcare #postpartumdoula #firstfortydays #ayurveda #goldenmonth #becomingmama #matrescence #nurturenourishgrow #womanhood #motherhood #newbornmama #madewithlove See more
12.01.2022 POSTPARTUM NOURISHMENT Why is it so important? Only 9 or so months of growing a human, labouring & birthing your baby (whichever way this happens), breastfeeding around the clock, healing from birth, looking after another little one or more... Postnatal depletion is HUGE in our modern day culture! Mamas trying to do it all, without the supportive village that is such an important element in this transformative time.... Now, more than ever, mamas are feeling isolated, overwhelmed and anxious with the current state of the world. So what can we learn from the cultures that DO honour and respect the sacred postpartum period? Extended rest for mama, at least for the first 40 days postpartum (the golden month) Support from other trusted women Nourishment through foods that are easy to digest, warming and promote breastmilk supply Keeping mama warm Soothing touch with massage These cultures have the lowest rates of postpartum depression and anxiety too. As you nourish your baby, you are nurtured, nourished and cared for too, the way its meant to be. . . . . . #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #sacredpostpartum #firstfortydays #breastfeeding #womanhood #motherhood #divinefeminine #support #goldenmonth #postpartumcare #doula #wollongongdoula #bringbackthevillage #sacredfeminine #wombwisdom #womancentredcare
12.01.2022 M A M A S M I L K . Ok so lets be real, breastfeeding doesnt always look like can be bloody hard sometimes! The first few weeks of feeding can be filled with challenges. amazing is it once things start to flow? So much more than satisfying your babys hunger, breastfeeding also provides comfort, reassurance, security and enhanced bonding.... Normalising breastfeeding is so important. Mamas need to feel supported and comfortable, no matter how long they want to feed for! . . . . #breastfeeding #normalisingbreastfeeding #mamasmilk #postpartum #motherhood #fourthtrimester #doula #breastmilk #firstfortdays #motherhoodphotography #mamalove #newborn #motherhoodunplugged #documentyourdays
12.01.2022 Do you practice yoga? Are you are of how to practice in a womb-friendly way? Most of us are aware that inversions arent recommended when we are menstruating, but did you know there are many other ways we should be taking our womb into account when we practice? . From pre-conception, to pregnancy, postpartum, peri-menopause and menopause, we need to practice womb-friendly yoga! Not just follow the traditional forms that were developed by men, for mens bodies. . Im to be sharing a brand new sacred feminine womb yoga course soon. Just another way to help you connect with your divine feminine power. . . . . #yogaforwomen #sacredfeminine #divinefeminineenergy #wombwisdom #womanhood #sisterhood #cycleawareness #feminineflow #womensupportingwomen #mooncycle #wakingthewitches #sacredmotherhood See more
11.01.2022 Heres to all the men stepping up In fatherhood. Thank you for holding space in a conscious, loving and connected way for your partners and your families. For being hands on with parenting, even if its not the way you were raised. For helping to raise the future generation of secure, connected and caring kids.... For your unconditional love. And to all of those whove lost their fathers, sending extra love to you today as you navigate all the many feels. . . . . #dadsday #parenthood #fatherhood #fathersday #consciousparenting #family #raisingtinyhumans
10.01.2022 Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here. Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right.... . . . . #motherhood #postpartum #motherhoodjourney #motherhoodphotography #documentyourdays #lifestylephotography #doula #mamalove #matrescence See more
10.01.2022 What an absolute honour its been watching this divine mama unfold in her motherhood journey over this past year. Just magik! . . . .... . #birthofamama #matrescence #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #divinefeminine #wombwisdom #sacredmotherhood #womensupportingwomen #pregnancyphotography #motherhoodphotography #sisterhood #womanhood #coalcoast #coalcoastpregnant #documentyourdays #documentingmotherhood #fullbloom #wollongongdoula #transformation #maidentomother See more
10.01.2022 What does being a powerful woman look like to you? I remember when I was young, I wanted to be a powerful corporate woman when I grew up - you know, the one in the shoulder padded suit and high heels? See that was what I viewed as a strong woman. Not my mum that was at that time a stay-at-home mum. Reflecting back as a grown woman, I can now see how much my ideals were shaped by our patriarchal culture and what we are taught to see as strong, valuable and admired by society.... Slowly Ive been unlearning and unstitching. Delving deep to peel back the layers. What I do know is that woman are powerful and strong, just as they are in all their magic. . . . . #divinefeminine #strongwomen #womanhood #motherhood #sisterhood #sacredfeminine #wombwisdom #mooncycles #smashthepatriarchy #wakingthewitches #feminineyoga #bodylove #selflove
09.01.2022 The decision is always yours to make, even if there are times that we are made to feel like it’s not up to us. Your body. Your baby. Your birth/postpartum/way of parenting...... = Your choice. . . . . #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #sovereignty #divinefeminine #wombwisdom #womencentredcare #shaktirising #trustyourintuition #sacredwomanhood #yourchoice See more
06.01.2022 There is so much more to birthing a baby. So many deep layers of transformation, of both growth and of shedding. Birth is only just the beginning mama. The beginning of who you are becoming. Allow yourself to unfold. . .... . #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula #birthofamama #matrescence #firstfortydays #divinefeminine #shaktirising #shamanichealing #womanhood #motherhood #postpartumdoula #femininewisdom #wombwisdom #womensbodieswomenswisdom See more
06.01.2022 Can you remember who you were before they told you who you should be? That knowing, that calling within. That voice telling you to listen deeper, and to trust. Above all, to trust yourself. The world will try to pull you off course, to pull you away, but all you really need to know is that it’s all within you.... It’s more powerful than anything you can imagine. It’s the Divine. Right there, inside you. Can you feel it? Coming alive, opening, enveloping you with love. It’s time to trust, to surrender, to find your way home. . @kelly_ryan_creative . . . . #divinefeminine #shaktirising #wombwisdom #womensupportingwomen #womencentredcare #shamanichealing #wakingthewitches #doula #sacredpregnancy #sacredmotherhood #divinefeminineenergy #motherearth #love #trustyourintuition #trustyourinstincts #birth #postpartum #wollongongdoula #sisterhood #womanhood
06.01.2022 Beautiful mamas-to-be . I have 2 sacred places left for my prenatal yoga & birth course beginning next Wednesday evening, 26th August in Thirroul. . Much more than just a yoga class, join me to sit in circle with other likeminded women and learn about the deep transformation that is pregnancy, birth and postpartum.... Because when women come together, amazing things happen. . Divine image @spiritysol . . . . #pregnantcoalcoast #pregnancy #birth #birthofamama #prenatalyoga #womenacircle #birthpreparation #womanhood #motherhood #divinefeminine #shaktirising #wombwisdom #doula #wollongongyoga #sisterhood #transformation #smashthepatriarchy #wakingthewitches
05.01.2022 A L L T H E F E E L S . Deep grief. This is how I’m feeling at this very moment in my motherhood journey. Learning to say goodbye to the old relationships I had, the mama I was, that they needed me to be, for so many embrace the next stage.... My ‘babies’ are almost all teenagers now. And it’s fcking hard! Not in the same way as being immersed deeply in the early years of mothering little people. But in a totally different way. Of feeling sadness instead of breathing space when they’re not here with you. Of not being able to interact with them in the same way that you always have. Of not being able to protect them from the harshness of the outside world. Feeling like an outsider in their worlds, instead of at the heart. Learning to dig deep and to trust that they’ll be they spend more and more time with their friends and out in the world without you by their side. This motherhood gig is tough!! All kinds of wonderful too, but so many intense feels. So many different, transient stages of both great joy and great sadness. For now all I can do is cross my fingers and hope they’ll be ok! Hug those little people mamas, and don’t listen when anyone tells you to do anything that your mama instinct doesn’t feel right doing. . . . . #motherhood #ritesofpassage #mamafeels #ittakesavillage #doula #motherhoodunplugged #realmotherhood #matrescence #womanhood #sacredmotherhood #allthefeels #unconditionallove #trust #mamalove
05.01.2022 No, Its actually NOT just about having a healthy baby. Birth trauma is REAL. And it happens every day across the globe. How you are made to feel during your labour and birth matters.... Maternal mental health matters! This is NOT OK. This culture of fear, bullying and control when it comes to womens bodies, their choices and their rights needs to change. If you are experiencing trauma from your birth experience, I am SO SORRY that this happened to you. Please reach out for support, youre not alone and there is help for you. #birthtraumaawarenessweek2020 #obstetricviolence #maternalmentalhealthawareness #itsnotok #wombwisdom #wakingthewitches #womensbodieswomenswisdom #birthtrauma #birthhealing #doula
05.01.2022 We all have the wild woman within us. Sometimes, she just needs to be reawakened. . . . .... #wildwoman #wildfeminine #sacredfeminine #womanhood #sacredmotherhood #sacredpregnancy #sacredbirth #doula #motherearth #shamanichealing #wakingthewitches #feminineyoga #shaktirising #smashthepatriarchy See more
04.01.2022 For so many years I starved my body, and my soul, trying to fit into what society shapes us to think we should be to be valued as a woman. For years I suffered from an eating disorder, trying to stuff my feelings deep down whilst being complimented on my skinny frame. How could nobody know? Why was I being complimented for being extremely underweight and exercising myself into the ground? Not anymore. Im done. Ive woken up.... Funny but I thought I was healed many years ago, but I always still felt that niggle of guilt when I didnt exercise, or when my clothes felt a bit snugger than they did the last time I put them on. FUCK THAT!!! My value will no longer be tied into the size of clothes I wear, or whether Ive exercised or not, or whether everyone agrees with me, or even likes me. Because now I can see, see how this is how society has taken away our power as women. Forcing us to shrink down in more ways than one. As Lucy H. Pearce (Burning Woman) says; Were told its our job to hide and suppress, so that we can present whats acceptable. My life and my work is about calling bullshit on that. . . . . . #lucyhpearce #burningwoman #divinefeminine #womanhood #sisterhood #shaktirising #wakingthewitches #womancraft #wombwisdom #womenempowerment #loveyourself #doula #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #motherhood #sacredfeminine
04.01.2022 The world has much to learn from indigenous peoples and their relationship with the planet we all share. The Taut Batu performs a ceremony every seven years to cleanse the world and restore the cosmic balance. The principal on which they base their life is called Ingasiq, which means compassion. This underlies all their actions and emphasizes the importance of behaving with generosity and sympathy towards others. Lets not forget to be ...compassionate towards ourselves as much as we are for others. Humanity can overcome by unity, generosity, and empathy towards others. Shared from @adventurous_midwives Photo/content by@alegraally) . . . . . #tautbatu #midwifery #IndigenousMidwifery #oralhistory #babiesaroundtheworld #motherhoodacrosscultures #NoTribesNoNatureNoFuture #tribalvoice #storytelling #motherhood #tribe #Indigenous #IndigenousWomen #IndigenousMotherhood #anthropology #culturalanthropology #socialanthropology #visualanthropology #trekkingphotography #instatrekking #natgeotravel
03.01.2022 Always . . . .... #followyourdreams #love #soulshine #womanhood #motherhood #divinefeminine #shaktirising #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #doula See more
03.01.2022 So often we are made to feel like the decisions arent ours to make. That we have to ask permission, or be told what we can do when it comes to our pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Ah no...Im here to tell you that you dont have to ask permission. You dont have to do what you get told. There is no allowed or not allowed. Your body. Your baby. Your choice.... . . . . . #birthchoices #empoweredbirth #sacredpregnancy #wombwisdom #womenswisdom #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #wakingthewitches #womanhood #motherhood #sacredpostpartum #womancraft #womancentredcare #innatewisdom See more
03.01.2022 Have you ever dreamt of packing up the family and hitting the road? This beautiful family (plus their papa who was off catching waves when we did this shoot) are about to take off in their amazing cruiser. Livin the dream. Because lifes short. . . . .... #buslife #family #love #livinthedream #bohostyle #wildandfree #freerangekids #letthembelittle #letthembewild #coalcoastbaby #coalcoastkids #southcoastphotographer #naturallightphotography #wollongongphotographer #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodphotography See more
02.01.2022 This beautiful little soul turns 1 today. She was born at home, into her daddys arms, unexpectedly. It was one of THE most amazing birth experiences I have ever been present for. So much love for this whole bloody family, second time of supporting them all through this transition into parenthood. What an honour it is. Love you guys xx . . . .... #doula #homebirth #sacredpregnancy #sacredbirth #sacredpostpartum #wombwisdom #womencentredcare #healingbirth #babygirl #postpartumdoula #womanhood #motherhood #divinefeminine See more
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