The Nest Midwifery Practice in Perth, Western Australia | Pregnancy care centre
The Nest Midwifery Practice
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
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25.01.2022 Just saw this image and feel in love and had to and love and more love...such fluidity and serenity and peacefulness... (From Midwives Do it Better Facebook page- no mention of where its from on there)
25.01.2022 Such a beautiful birth story I was lucky enough to be a part of.
24.01.2022 My landmark in the hills to a baby just the middle of the night it was a little harder to find.
24.01.2022 To the man who will never come close to knowing what it is to give birth and will be required to be more than he know how to be in moments.... When you feel at a loss and like there is nothing for you to do...that you cant help her...that shes so far away from you in the throws of a world you feel you cant get close to....sometimes just hold her hand and make her feel safe and loved. Sometimes this is all she needs to get thru what to her in a moment feels to be the impo...ssible.....just to feel you nothing to do, nowhere to be, words not needed...just you...there...strong and present....her her body works soft but strong, vulnerable and secure ...and in other moments her mind screams to her of hopelessness and despair. Know the power in your belief in her. She feels it come thru your hands, through your breath, through the warmth of your skin. She feels it in your body movements as you adjust your position even tho her eyes are closed and she feels so far away. With you holding her and you holding belief in her ...her hopeless can become hopeful...and she can find her inner knowing she can, is and will do it...she can find the strength to birth to the little one you made together...the little one who is your child together and who will forever be a bond between you. From a woman who has birthed. (Reposted - and so much more appropriately with an amazing photo shared from this gorgeous family.)
24.01.2022 Just sent to me by a beautiful new mamma. Ha ha.
23.01.2022 Women never cease to amaze me....and the love of my bed with very heavy eyelids never fades... Another beautiful little soul entered the world at home in the wee hours of this morning after three days of making gentle waves to come in. The cool still autumn night air, the waxing moon, a clear sky and trees all around - beauty upon beauty.
20.01.2022 We not only give birth to our babies we give birth to ourselves. We touch our power and feel our instincts ignite. Its only when the conscious self starts to doubt we slip - but its all learning. We have the knowledge of all the women before us humming waiting to rise! You can say no! Words from the beautiful Jasmin that she sent to a mamma with fear in her heart about birth...that she then sent to me to share...
20.01.2022 The art of midwifery is finding peace and confidence in holding space....
20.01.2022 The midwifes midwife... Today I met with 4 amazing women...they say behind every great man is a great woman. Well behind every great midwife are other great midwives. I really could not do what I do without their love knowledge understanding compassion commitment experience insights and empathy. We are this for each other...on call 24/7 for each other....just as your own midwife is for you. We are not here to do the big things in life alone....and the love and gratitude I have for these women is more than I have words for.
19.01.2022 Its rare thing for me to feel...but this midwife is actually one tired many beautiful beautiful births and amazing families and incredibly amazing women and all the beautiful bits of life in between...time for a little rest and down time to reset for when the next little ones start nudging their way earth side...
19.01.2022 That moment when it all starts to be real...the waiting is no longer and the unknown becomes known and your heart grows to the size of the universe with no boundary known to human kind.... (Thankyou to Cat Fancote - Capturing Birth and Courtney and Glen and little Augie for this beautiful captured moment to share.)
19.01.2022 How amazing is this organ!! So repulsive yet so beautiful and rich and raw...without our very own one none of us would be here... I was called to a birth in all of a rush and my partners 10 year old daughter was with me and had no choice but to come...first time in all my years as a mum and as a midwife that this has happened... Baby was here when we got there and she graciously sat barely noticed in the hall with me amongst the peaceful calm of the atmosphere when a baby is... born at home in the gentle space that birth can be...and was privy to the working groans of a woman birthing a placenta and the first cries of a newborn... She also got to check out the placenta with me...not so sure she loved that bit but was educational none the less...
18.01.2022 Research demonstrates more and more that for a normally progressing birth, if we leave well alone, women innately know how to birth their own babies in a way that preserves and enhances their mind, body and spirit....
16.01.2022 This beautiful photo courtesy of Drea who captured this precious moment, and the beautiful mamma and midwife Kieran who shared these images with me to use and I was lucky enough to be with her for the birth of her first babe. A huge Thankyou!!
14.01.2022 Ive just gotta say Im so over the term Natural and all it connatates...especially in birth and parenting....but every where. To me natural is the most bizarre social comment on how far removed we have come from the physiological function of our own body...that we have to call it state that it is...and that there is even an argument against it or that you are judged for being it. Its as if somehow natural is an icon dressed in organic cotton boho and... bare foot on the beach with long blonde wavy hair and big white teeth and a quinoa salad wearing her baby in a sling and breastfeeding after water birthing at home or in a birth centre... ...and yes I say this after two home water births myself, about to go to the beach with my dog as I wait on a woman in early labour, with a plant based choc kidney bean cake about to come out of my oven....but I dont do it because its natural or because its a fad or because its cool or hip or beautiful or causes a reaction...I do it because the longer Im alive the more I see that the physiology of my body works best when I support it to the best of my ability...and labour and birth are just another part in our physiological makeup programmed for us to survive as a species. For optimal physiological birth to occur optimal physiology needs to be supported. How we do this...we eat live unprocessed whole food, we love, we breathe, we rest, we move our bodies, we put our feet in the soil and find time to surround ourselves in trees and beach and ocean, and we continue to grow our hearts and minds...its really that simple...and yes sometimes we need help for this to occur...but no where near as much as exists right now...but thats a story for another day...
14.01.2022 Nearly time to say goodbye to this gorgeous family after our 8 month journey of feeling her grow in her mammas belly and being there as she made her way into the world and then for the six weeks after birth to come to see her smile and grow gorgeous fat rolls and sparkly special!!
14.01.2022 It's rare thing for me to feel...but this midwife is actually one tired many beautiful beautiful births and amazing families and incredibly amazing women and all the beautiful bits of life in between...time for a little rest and down time to reset for when the next little ones start nudging their way earth side...
11.01.2022 10 signs it might be time to think about looking for another birth care provider... 1. You feel worried about asking a question 2. You ask them if you are allowed to.... 3. You dont feel you can say no without fear of having your care abandoned or being told off or dismissed ... 4. When you ask something directly you are left with the experience of being fobbed off 5. You have the experience you are not given enough time 6. You are fearful of not being listened to 7. You think well weve paid the deposit so I guess we have to stay... 8. You leave each appointment with unanswered questions 9. You adjust your expectations of labour and birth because your care provider tells you its to be that way...rather than because you feel it is right for you and your baby 10. Your gut tells you something just doesnt feel right... Its never too late to change. There are always options. Your birth is with you forever... If this is you and you want to talk about maternity care options know you can flick me an email or give me a call. There is no one right way...and there are always choices. Abbey x
10.01.2022 To all those mammas out there who are tired of being told they are doing it wrong, tired of feeling unsupported in their tiredness, tired of being accused of spoiling their baby or making a rod for their own back, told to get over it, find themselves doubting themselves, and their babies....READ THIS!! Its gorgeous and such a light breath of fresh air. X
10.01.2022 Its hard to find good evidence supportive of the healing effects of sunlight these days given there are such serious implications associated with over exposure to the suns rays...but this set up here...its a sunning spot made by a mamma a few days after birth. She gave minutes of sun to her labial grazes and the small tear to her perineum that were starting to feel more tender than less...two short sessions in the sun and the tenderness and redness had completely gone...... The suns light kills bad bacteria. The German solders after WWI knew of the discoveries that had been made in 1903 by the Nobel Prize winner, Niels Finsen. They used sunlight to disinfect and heal wounds. (From )
09.01.2022 Live in Perth....want to know more? Come along!!
09.01.2022 Its amazing to think how the different practice or guidelines of a practitioner or hospital can impact how a woman may birth her baby...and how lack of access to information can sway decisions made... I was with a woman who had declined GBS swabs at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Her reasons were many which I wont go into right now but to paint the picture she was well researched and well cognisant of what she had read and the realistic consequences... As fate would have it her wat...ers broke before labour began. Her back up hospital had a policy of 18 hours and then transfer in for antibiotics and induce labour if GBS unknown...if she was positive they would have wanted her in by 6 hours... Then again, as fate would have it, this hospital was on bypass at 16 hours when I rang to let them know she had reluctantly consented to come in.... She was not yet in labour. This was her first baby. I then rang the next closest hospital which was now her back up - they laughed and said we dont want to see her til 24 hours...our policy is different - she was relieved and grateful to feel a hospital policy was supporting what she most wanted...which was to stay at home. At 24 hours I dutifully asked her if she wanted to transfer this stage she was pushing and declined... she had birthed her baby by 24.5 hours. I notified her new back up hospital and was greeted with congratulations - we are here if you have any concerns but otherwise carry on. She had birthed her little man safely at home in the pool and tucked up into her own bed with her beautiful husband and precious new son and her cat. She felt tired but amazing and empowered and like she had made the best decisions for her and her baby. Before I left that night we spoke of signs and symptoms of infection and that 96% of babies show these signs within 12 hours of birth. I left them 7 hours after birth healthy and happy and was back first thing that next morning. They knew to call me at any stage if any concerns. As she had had no internal exams, birthed in her own environment and only just reached 24 hours of ruptured membranes before birthing her little guy into the pool and who breastfed heartily not long after...all was as it should the evidence will support...and continued to be... Of course there is no fairy tale ending to motherhood and life continued with the normal ups and downs of early parent hood...but all within the realms of normal...and all from a strong base of self belief and uninterrupted bonding that lead to strong healthy attachment with their baby, and belief in herself as a mother that is the ultimate in a solid platform from where to begin the hardest and most rewarding journey of your life...
09.01.2022 That moment where you feel you have known this soul for your whole life and cant ever imagine being without them...
08.01.2022 That all too well known rhetoric that we either engage in ourselves or listen silently on to...that well known supposed question that few have the courage to speak up to....that question thats not really a question but a statement wrapped in judgment and the simple lack of understanding of the impact of a womans experience of the birth of her babe that lasts so much longer than the dark night of the soul as it travels thru the evolutionary throws of labour and then birth....Continue reading
08.01.2022 A big sister intent on finding a heart beat in her mammas tummy with me. So beautiful - that already formed connection between big sister and her unborn sibling...and such joy and excited anticipation...
07.01.2022 Birth is a time of wild oceans within...where the outside world needs to hold supple and strong as she finds her way, untamed, thru uncharted territory that is so unknown but somehow so familiar ....a place where she is all and nothing and everything in between...and a place only she can go...and we must wait for her... Its a place where she comes to know herself to the edges of the vessel of her being...where she finds the child she grew within and brings them with her all the way from her outer realms to her centre...and then out into the world where the space is held for her to return as a mother newly found for her child and a woman newly found to herself... (Thankyou beautiful mamma for sharing your photos- so beautiful)
07.01.2022 Any guesses for what has been set up by a mamma a few days after birth in a beautiful mid morning sunny spot...
07.01.2022 On the road again...out in the bush almost today...this will be flowing with water by the time i say goodbye to this family...... Today I visited the homes of four newborn families and a very nearly newborn family. Not only do I do the bits of weighing babies and feeling tummies and listening to unborn heart beats and helping with breastfeeding amongst many other doings...we also share tears, laughter, memories, hopes, easy bits and not so easy bits...and ways to find a thru that is right for them individually... Its such a special, amazing, often all consuming yet incredibly rewarding way of life...I cant call it a job...its not like a job where you clock on and off and hand over and switch are it...and they are it for get down times and busy times and you learn ways to put your family first and yourself first where you can...because when a baby is coming there is no other first - and the rest of your world comes to know and respect that...which is not always easy...but always respected because there really is no other... And yes I am I feel weary ... but tiredness will mean nothing if my phone should ring to say a baby is nudging its way earth side...
06.01.2022 Life is never dull as a midwife working with women being committed to them thru their pregnancy, birth and the new mamma baby period. Recently I had just been to see a woman who was in early labour. Things were moving extremely gently. My daughter had a ball coming up and had asked me a week prior to go shopping for shoes and makeup and jewellery. I made an educated guess that we would be ok to do this - that I wouldnt be called to the birth for at least 2 hours... I picked...Continue reading
05.01.2022 I just found this on a friends instagram - she's a birth doula and a belly dancer...she has four children and teaches women to dance thru their labour and birth...and she's amazing - but that clearly goes with out saying given any one of her above credentials . Rachel is her name...and as soon as I saw the words I remembered her saying something similar to me once when I was doubting myself... As I read it I am reminded of all the women I've worked with in pregnancy who have... doubted themselves and their capacity to birth...and when they listened to that voice within and were supported and encouraged to do so they found their way thru... As I read it I am reminded of the women in labour I've been with who have doubted themselves to find their way and trust in the exposed and vulnerable feeling that labour is of being safely broken open into themselves as mother...but with safety and gentleness around them they found their way thru As I read it I am reminded of all those women I've worked with who have held new borns and doubted themselves and their ability to mother despite already being one...and with gentle and sometimes not so gentle nudging to remember to follow their hearts and their ever growing knowledge of them selves, have found their way to the solid ground of the mother within them... ...the unique divine infused being they were and are designed to be... As I read this I am reminded this is all of us...we all need reminding of this sometimes.
01.01.2022 I just found this on a friends instagram - shes a birth doula and a belly dancer...she has four children and teaches women to dance thru their labour and birth...and shes amazing - but that clearly goes with out saying given any one of her above credentials . Rachel is her name...and as soon as I saw the words I remembered her saying something similar to me once when I was doubting myself... As I read it I am reminded of all the women Ive worked with in pregnancy who have... doubted themselves and their capacity to birth...and when they listened to that voice within and were supported and encouraged to do so they found their way thru... As I read it I am reminded of the women in labour Ive been with who have doubted themselves to find their way and trust in the exposed and vulnerable feeling that labour is of being safely broken open into themselves as mother...but with safety and gentleness around them they found their way thru As I read it I am reminded of all those women Ive worked with who have held new borns and doubted themselves and their ability to mother despite already being one...and with gentle and sometimes not so gentle nudging to remember to follow their hearts and their ever growing knowledge of them selves, have found their way to the solid ground of the mother within them... ...the unique divine infused being they were and are designed to be... As I read this I am reminded this is all of us...we all need reminding of this sometimes.
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