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Jaime Laing | Personal coach

to load big map

Jaime Laing

Phone: +61 421 862 225


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to load big map

21.01.2022 Seek and you shall find . What you look for, you will find. Every time. . Are you looking for what you want or for evidence to continue receiving what you don’t want?... . . . . . #seekandyoushallfind #lookforwhatyouwant #findevidence #focusonwhatyouwant #seekknowledge #knowforyourself See more

20.01.2022 Never underestimate the power of small, consistent action. It is the small action taken daily continually that ADDS up to big results. "Rome wasn't built in a day" is true! . Break your goal down into smaller milestones. Then even smaller bite size chunks until you have small actionable steps that you can take consistently. . The Universe rewards those that commit to their goals in taking ACTION.... . What step/action can you take NOW and do repeatedly to get you closer? . . . . . . #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom #smallconsistentaction #action=rewards #yougoalsmatter #breakitdown #universerewardsaction #takeactiontoday #whatareyouwaitingfor #itsalreadyyours #actasif #dontjustwishit

19.01.2022 Are you looking for alternatives to the office? Have you found yourself in a position where you are seeking options for the new normal? An online opportunity that is virus-proof and in times of economic downturn continues to grow and get stronger. The Company: This global company has been in the industry for 20 years, with presence in over 50 countries. We are a Personal Development & Success Education company assisting people work smarter, not harder. A community of positive... and optimistic men and women sharing a passion for growth, success, abundance and knowledge. Personal Development is a 64 billion dollar industry and is an industry that continues to grow, even in the time we currently face. The Opportunity: Part Time or Full Time (you choose!). Lucrative compensation plan completely reliant on your efforts and work. Potential to earn executive level income. Full training is provided to qualified candidates. No experience necessary. Our 3-step key-turn business model is globally proven. You simply have to plug in and apply your work ethic. Successful Candidates: The ideal candidate for this opportunity is someone who is: Seeking financial success on their terms Looking and ready to make a positive change in their life Able to work independently, self motivated and driven to achieve their goals Positive, open-minded with strong work ethics and integrity Coachable and trainable whilst having strong leadership skills Ready to apply personal development to their life in order to be the best version of themselves. Why Should You Apply? If you are seeking to make positive changes in your life, escape the 9-5 and replace the office environment, this could be your answer. In your journey to success, change your life from the inside with our award winning personal development programs and help others do the same. Amazing opportunity to work on yourself and create the success you’ve always dreamed of. Interested? Apply today for more detailed information about this opportunity.

18.01.2022 S E L F - R E F L E C T I O N . Perfect spot to reflect and clear the mind. My mantra today, What is meant for you won’t pass you by. .... . . . . . #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom #clearthemind #selfreflection #universeworksinmysteriousways #111 #mypeacefulplace #beinspired #inflow #disconnecttoreconnect #alignwithyourpurpose #lovebeingacoastie

18.01.2022 Be your own superhero! Create the magic in your own life and take charge. . All too often outside influences can affect our attitudes and emotions - others opinions, the economy, past failures, hell even the weather! Notice how some - like children - just never seem bothered and just get on with it, in their own way? . My beautiful youngest is a constant reminder to me on just GOING FOR IT. Whatever it is. ... . She doesn’t overthink things. She just does what she feels like doing. She is solid in what’s right for her (yes even at 10 years of age!) She believes anything is possible - and regularly asks, Why not? She is completely confident in what she wants - as with this dress up day at school as your favourite Superhero! This is her very own version of WHAT a perfect superhero is and she called her Fire Flower! Love that . Where in your life could you create more magic? What can you do that is more in alignment with your passion, goals and vision? . Make Fire Flower Magic . . . . . #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom #superheros #beyourownsuperhero #dontcareaboutothersopinions #dowhatsbestforyou #makemagichappen #havefunwithit

14.01.2022 It’s so easy to talk the talk, but will you walk the walk? . You know what I’m talking about, right? We all know those who talk up what they’re doing but don’t ever follow through. . Talking won’t get you results. Action will. Put your energy into DOING what is needed to get the RESULTS you want. ... . Less talk and more ACTION. . . . . . #lesstalkmoreaction #takeactionnow #whatcanyoudotoday #youarewhatyoudo #carljungquotes See more

12.01.2022 The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~ Lao Tzu . It starts with just one step. From there Every.Single.Step is freeing you from the shackles that has kept you where you are. It gets easier the more steps you take. You become lighter along the way. What has held you back (or held you down) can no longer keep you from where you want to go. . The first step is the most critical. And maybe even the hardest. ... . Oh, but it is SO worth it. . Take.The.First.Step . . . . . #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom #thefirststepisthehardest #takethestep #thejourneyofathousandmiles #laotzu #itgetseasierwitheverystep #backyourself #ifnothingchangesnothingchanges #youvegottotakeaction

08.01.2022 You’ve set a goal, you’ve committed to taking big bold action, you sustain it for... a day, a week, a month.... and you don’t see results. . Disappointment kicks in. . I see this time and time again - and even catch myself doing it - where you’re pushing your limits, trying everything and you become despondent that nothing seems to be working. ... . Do not underestimate the value of CONSISTENT ACTION. Whilst we may want big change fast, it doesn’t always happen that way. . Think how much your life, business or health can improve just by a 1% increase in doing something consistently over the course of a year? . Now I’m not saying only do the bare minimum or 1% increase, but what I am pointing out that doing things consistently- even small action - adds up. . Consistency is key to your success in ANYTHING. . . . . . #consistencyiskey #takeactionconsistently #consistenteffort #italladdsup #compoundeffort #giveitago #believeinyourself See more

07.01.2022 "This is MY time and I am READY for the next step." ~ Denise Duffield-Thomas . Yes Yes YES Hand on heart, I am ready. . .... . . . #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom #denisedt #luckybitch #thisismytime #iamreadyforthenextstep #believeandachieve #releaseattachment #actwithoutattachment #youcanandyouwill #icanandiwillwatchme #mylifemygoals #financialabundance #teamofentrepreneurs #risingstar

05.01.2022 Next Level Freedom is a global e-commerce company in the Leadership Development & Success Education industry specialising in the field of Personal Development. Proudly representing award-winning online programs, we are currently experiencing strong ongoing growth and seek driven individuals keen to be a part of the new normal. Business associates share an entrepreneurial mindset and a desire to create big results through business acquisition and sales effort. The Opportunity:... Work remotely with just your phone & laptop, part time or full time Have your own success mentor to coach and assist you Uncapped earning potential, with up to 80% profit on product sales Full training & ongoing support from industry leaders 64 billion dollar Personal Development industry where our products have increased in demand considerably even in the current times we face No experience required, although a strong desire to learn and grow is Learn how to make an executive level income all from your own home Gain total control of your schedule and income whilst growing and developing yourself Surround yourself with like-minded, positive entrepreneurs who celebrate your success Responsibilities: - Be the student - remain coachable and open to new ways of doing business - Follow a simple, proven business model - Test, measure and research marketing methods - Conduct scripted phone interviews to prospective customers - Participate in 1:1 training and global team calls - Conduct yourself professionally with strong leadership skills Why You Should Apply: The ideal candidate for this opportunity is someone who is: Driven and ready to make a positive change in their life Able to work autonomously and is self-motivated Coachable, willing and a big thinker, looking for an executive level income Open, solution-oriented and determined to succeed Interested in Personal Development & Growth of their own and assisting others. Not suitable for Students looking for a job. 2 years minimum full time work experience required. This is not a job, but the ability to earn upfront profits product sales. Earning is uncapped - the more business generated the more you earn. Ready to Apply? If you are ready to learn more, Apply today. We will be in touch to conduct a brief phone interview where we will provide further information about the opportunity.

05.01.2022 Getting up before the sun even rises is not a natural thing except... when you are on a mission. They say the early bird catches the worm, and I must say, 5am starts have become my favourite time of day. . The quietness throughout the house, the peace and clarity within (as opposed to the end of the day when the fogginess kicks in), listening to the birds chirping is hypnotic and the sunrise ! Oh my. . This time of day is my most productive time of the day - no distu...rbances, no fogginess, no phone calls or competing priorities - just head down, bum up as we say down under . When are you most productive? I. It’s certainly was not an early riser, however with big goals that I’m working towards, it’s so easy to bound out of bed now! . Find when you are most productive then work everything else around that. When you find that sweet spot, magic happens. . #watchthisspace . . . . . . #worktowindaretodream #magichappens #businesscoach #nomoreexcuses #48hourauthor #earlybirdgetstheworm #5amsuccess #makeyourdreamsreality #spreadinghappiness #JaimeLaing #YourLifeYourWay #NextLevelFreedom

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