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The Nurtured Bambino

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25.01.2022 FREE local delivery for all of our gorgeous products; lactation cookies, lactation hot chocolate mixes and a range of herbal tea products! . . . Raspberry Leaf Tea is currently on sale for 50% off too, that’s just $10/box until stocks last! ... . . . Get yours today, send me a message or click the link in bio See more

25.01.2022 C o r d . K e e p s a k e . Just as the umbilical cord is cut, a beautiful bond is made . Quite often I will have potential clients ask me What is a cord keepsake? What does it look like? ... . Here is just one example of what can be achieved for your cord keepsake... to some people this may seem like a bit of a strange thing to do, however most see the absolute beauty in it and love the special bond it represents. . Honouring the vital roles in which the umbilical cord (and placenta) play during each pregnancy, long before you saw those two lines on the test, your body has grown and created an entire new organ for the sole purpose of sustaining and growing this new life... the umbilical cord makes that essential connection between mother, placenta and baby . I am a birth nerd and obviously I think that is pretty cool Do you? . Women’s bodies are incredible and the umbilical cord (and placenta) deserve a whole lot more credit than they usually get See more

25.01.2022 Y E S ! Tag a mum below, who needs to read this post and realise they’re doing an amazing job! . .... Domesticity does not equal motherhood. Your success as a mother is not defined by domestic duties. Domestic duties are part of being an adult. While your children do need to be changed and fed, that’s not the summation of MOTHERHOOD. Anyone can change and feed children, including dads. You can hire someone to clean your house and feed your kids, and you’ll still be a mom. And if you weren’t a mom, you’d still have to clean your house, cook food, and do laundry

23.01.2022 Happy World Breastfeeding Week Did you know that when you give birth to your baby the sudden drop in progesterone (which occurs when the placenta is delivered) triggers the onset of breastmilk production? Did you also know that when your baby suckles at the breast during a breastfeed and when you hold your baby close Oxytocin (the happy, love, feel good hormone) is released. This hormone helps with establishing the nurturing, mother-baby bond, promotes a feeling of relaxa...tion can make you sleepy, is responsible for the let down reflex and helps to contract the uterus down to pre-pregnancy size/shape - which also reduces postnatal bleeding! Your body prepares for breastfeeding during pregnancy and the hormone Prolactin causes changes to the breast tissue, preparing your body to breastfeed. When your baby feeds (or you express/pump), prolactin is produced and stimulates your body to create more milk for your baby. It works on a supply and demand cycle, between you and your baby. This is why all mums who choose to breastfeed are strongly encouraged to feed or express regularly (even during the night when you are exhausted and would do anything for sleep ) Feeding regularly to establish your milk supply and initiating breastfeeding is particularly important when babies are premature, not latching/sucking well at the breast or if mum’s feel that their baby is not getting enough. Feeding at night time and in the early morning is particularly important, both for the baby and the mother’s milk supply, as this is when prolactin levels are at their highest and babies tend to feed more frequently. Any mum who has slept through or missed a feed will tell you that they don’t need a reminder ... your breasts will let you know Our bodies are incredible and there are so many wonderful facts about breastmilk and breastfeeding - so here’s to you breastfeeding and pumping mums! #worldbreastfeedingweek2020 #breastfeeding #breastmilk #hormones #lactation #mothers #babies #fedisbest #mumsarethebest

23.01.2022 RASPBERRY LEAF BLEND ... Raspberry Leaf Tea is made from the dried leaves (not the fruit) of the Raspberry plant; Rubus idaeus. It is a well-known traditional herbal remedy for the relief of menstrual cramps, to strengthen and tone the uterus in preparation for labour, to soften and prepare the cervix for labour and to induce or ease labour. Prepare for your labour with our RASPBERRY LEAF tea 50% off until stocks last... RUN, don’t walk!... . Message me for FREE delivery to the southwest, also! . #Repost @mamabodytea with @make_repost

21.01.2022 Just one of the beautiful framed memories our clients can have created using their umbilical cord keepsake Cherished and forever preserved, a unique and thoughtful way to honour the bond between mother and child Hard to believe this bub is now over 3 years old Where does the time go??

20.01.2022 Forever loving this sequence of photos

20.01.2022 A few weeks ago I posted a photo of a nuchal cord (cord around the baby’s neck) ... but have you ever heard of a nuchal hand before? It’s actually quite common, not a cause for concern and doesn’t change the course of the birth in any way.... ... instead j u s t b r e a t h e

18.01.2022 190 placenta capsules were delivered to a beautiful first time Mumma today . Featuring strawberry flavoured capsules & white chocolate and macadamia lactation cookies .... What a treat... just what every new mumma deserves to help nourish her bambino! . Would you like to order any of our lactation products or herbal tea blends ? . Brownie Mix 2 x Cookie flavours (+ GF option) Hot Chocolate Mix Herbal tea blends (x4) . DM me today to order, free southwest delivery within 30km of Bunbury . (Small travel fee applies outside this area or pickup is always available, as is postage) See more

18.01.2022 Just a little reminder... I only have a few spots remaining! #firstinfirstserved

15.01.2022 178 berry flavoured placenta capsules went out to a wonderful new mumma today . . I love offering this service to all women in the southwest of WA. The people I meet, the opportunities it opens up, and the places it takes me are amazing (see my latest instagram post for a sneak peek of some incredible local finds!). Forever grateful to be a nurse and a midwife in Australia and to call this beautiful part of the world home! .... . #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #southwest #placentaencapsulation #westisbest #yourlocalencapsulator #westernaustralia #oxytocin #family #love #birth #baby #postpartum #replenish #recovery #restore See more

14.01.2022 Love a peanut ball for labour and birth!

13.01.2022 Nuchal cords; occurring in 10-29% of fetus’ births with higher incidence of happening with increasing gestation. Peesay, (2017) Did your baby have a nuchal cord? Only my fourth baby did. #Repost @laurenanddouglas.birth with @make_repost... {Birth Details} I’ll be honest I didn’t even take in the fact that this baby was born with a double nuchal cord until I looked through the photos later - nuchal cords are quite common at birth, with most sources agreeing that up to 30% of babies are born with a nuchal cord. In most cases (like this one) the care provider will skilfully manoeuvre the baby to release it from its cord before you even have time to notice - In this instance - it took less than 6 seconds. . And also how about that splash?? . . #birthdetails #nuchalcord #birthbecomesher #tthmaternity #thisisbirth See more

13.01.2022 It is the second heart of a mother, because it is there, she forms the hearts of her children.

12.01.2022 Are you a new or expectant parent? Do you live in in Busselton, Vasse, Dunsborough, Yallingup, Margaret River or surrounds? Help us improve our maternity ser...vices over a cuppa on September 1 2020 at the Busselton Youth Centre. You can join us either in person or virtually just make sure you let us know when you RSVP. Remember, to ensure your safety and that of our staff we continue to adhere to strict infection control and physical distancing measures. As part of this, you will be asked about your travel history upon arrival. Numbers are limited and registration is essential. You can register via eventbrite https://busseltonhealthcampusmaternityservicesfeedback.even or phone 9753 6462 if you have any queries.

11.01.2022 At nine in the evening you may feel like you got nothing done all day long. But if I had been shadowing you, I could list a hundred quiet acts of caring that you are too tired to remember. - Patty Wipfler . . . Anna Rodelli . #newmama #1monthpostpartum #breastfeeding #breathe #iamenough #workingmama #liveinbeauty #themilkpantry #forbreastfeedingandpumpingmums #motherhood #breastfeedingmom #veganfood #glutenfree... . . . #Repost @themilkpantry See more

11.01.2022 What an incredible visual ! This makes total sense and I’ve seen it in action many times! Who remember if they made sounds and grunts during labour and birth? ... Do you think this worked for you? See more

09.01.2022 Dads.... Take the picture

07.01.2022 Have you been thinking of placenta encapsulation ? Is your baby due before the end of the year ? Then now is the time to BOOK ONLINE ... ( ) OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER have limited spots available and they are filling fast Contact me today for any enquiries ... but be quick! Ella Your local nurse, midwife and placenta encapsulation specialist

06.01.2022 R a s p b e r r y L e a f T e a There are so many misconceptions around the herb Raspberry Leaf Often women are scared to take it because they've been told it will induce labor or they take it from the first trimester (which is too early). Others think it's only useful for birth... The real truth is that Raspberry leaf is a uterine tonic. It strengthens the uterus and prepares your body for labor. We want strong efficient contractions so our labor is productive and doesn't stall, we also want effective contractions to deliver the placenta and then to contract back down to prevent postpartum haemorrhage The best time to take Raspberry leaf is from the second trimester. Start with 1 cup a day then slowly increase to 2-3 cups by the third trimester. Aim for loose leaf organic where possible We currently have Raspberry Leaf Tea on sale at 50% off, until stocks last, with free delivery available for women of the southwest #Repost @littleyarrow #raspberryleaftea #herbaltea #herbalteablends #secondtrimester #pregnancy #labour #birth #baby #born #contractions #uterus #uterinecontractions #labourandbirth #midwife #nurse #naturalremedies

05.01.2022 Wowza! That belly is all babies!! What a beautiful mum and such gorgeous babies x 4! . .... Tag your favourite multiple Mumma to share the love . . #multiplepregnancy #quadruplets #babies #pregnancy #birth #family #mother #love #oxytocin #birthnerd See more

03.01.2022 Ooops! Don’t you hate it when that happens? . . We have plenty of lactation-boosting products available to women of the southwest (or we can post Australia wide!). See below ... . . Choc Chip White Choc & Macadamia Hot Chocolate Mama’s Milk . . DM to order yours today . Psssst, placenta encapsulation has also been known to boost your own lactation naturally, and fill those boobies with oodles of milk for your bub! Book your encapsulation today! . . #lactationbooster #lactation #breastmilk #breastfed #expressing #mamasmilk #mamabodytea #boobiebiccies #lactationcookies #lactationhotchocolate #themilkpantry #galactagogues #milkfordays #swmumswa See more

03.01.2022 ** GLUTEN FREE LACTATION COOKIE MIX ** HALF PRICE - ONE ONLY!!! First in best dressed!... Gluten Free - Choc Chip Lactation Cookies by The Milk Pantry "We use beautiful rich chocolate in the choc chip mixes, sweet, smooth white chocolate and fresh Australian macadamia nuts in the White Choc and macadamia cookie mix. Our Cookie mixes contain our special blend of organic oats, flaxseeds and brewer's yeast. We've handpicked quality ingredients that are designed to nourish a breastfeeding mum and so that our customers can have absolutely delicious cookies. Baking fresh cookies has never been easier! You'll need 1/4 cup of butter or coconut oil and 1 egg 380g cookie mixes make approximately 15 cookies that are safe for the whole family to eat."

02.01.2022 Prepare the tissues This is truly beautiful !

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