The Oaks Medical Practice in The Oaks, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
The Oaks Medical Practice
Locality: The Oaks, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4657 1120
Address: 4/73 John St 2570 The Oaks, NSW, Australia
Likes: 431
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25.01.2022 Happy International Nurses Day to our wonderful RN Joanne! Thank you for the compassion, care and support you provide to our patients and their families. Not one to sit idle, Joanne often spends her downtime studying and updating her skills to convey the best care to our patients. We really appreciate you Jo
24.01.2022 Don't forget to take some time to check-in on your mental health this week. For more information, or to download the fact sheet visit:
23.01.2022 N E W ** F L U . C L I N I C ** D A T E S . The Oaks Flu Clinics last week were a huge success,with our Doctor and Registered Nurse working together to safely vaccinate many. We are holding two more next week on: MONDAY 20th (Fully Booked) & THURSDAY 23rd Our patients will need to phone our surgery 4657 1120 to book an appointment, you will not be able to book online.... . You will need to call the surgery when you arrive to check in and you will be required to stay for 15mins after your injection. . * If you are not eligible for the government funded vaccine, please make a booking with one of our doctors to obtain a script to purchase your vaccine before attending the fluvac clinic. . **The eligibility criteria for free influenza vaccines through the NIP in 2020 include: all people aged six months to younger than five years (this cohort is newly eligible in 2020) all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months and older pregnant women (during any stage of pregnancy) all people aged 65 years and older people aged six months and older with medical conditions that increase the risk of influenza disease complications. See more
22.01.2022 When attending our practice we'd appreciate if you could please wear a mask.
21.01.2022 The Oaks Medical Practice will be closed Sat 24th October and reopen Mon 26th October at 9am. We are open for both face to face and telehealth consultations. Please ensure you do not enter our practice without mask. We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy your weekend!
21.01.2022 Our days are busy but they are definitely worth it when we get deliveries like this! Thank you Blush and Blooms Floral Studio for your lovely gesture in recognising the amazing efforts of our wonderful staff during these stressful times. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.
20.01.2022 #gettingthroughthistogether
20.01.2022 Here is some important information from Diabetes Australia; Footcare is a really important part of diabetes management, in preventing diabetes-related feet and leg problems. Get to know your feet and check them every day. If you have trouble reaching your feet, use a mirror or ask a family member or carer to help. ... More information - Our practice also has a diabetes educator and a visiting podiatrist. Need more information? Feel free to contact us.
20.01.2022 Looking for medical care after hours? My Emergency Doctor, a new after-hours service funded by SWSPHN, is operating across South Western Sydney giving patients ...immediate, convenient access to emergency specialist doctors for diagnosis & treatment of urgent, non-emergency medical conditions. Find out more about after-hours services in SWS: See more
19.01.2022 Did you know the influenza vaccination is free for people living with diabetes? This year its more important than ever to get your annual flu shot, so don't wait. It's free. It's safe. It's easy. ... Call 46571120 and book your flu shot today!
19.01.2022 NSW Health is urging anyone who attended Picton Hotel on 4, 5, 9 and 10 July, especially those in the gaming room, to immediately self-isolate for 14 days, get tested and monitor for symptoms. A pop-up clinic will also be operational at Picton tomorrow (Tuesday 14) at Victoria Park, Menangle Road from 8.30am - 6pm.
19.01.2022 Every time you enter our practice, you must wear a fitted face mask. As restrictions ease and movement increases, the effectiveness of a face mask is even more important. Please help in keeping us safe and bring your mask to your appointment.
17.01.2022 There are several ways to reduce your risk of COVID-19
16.01.2022 W A I T I N G R O O M C H A N G E S Effective Monday 30/03/2020. Dear Patients, please be assured that our SURGERY IS STILL OPEN for face to face consultations. However, for your protection and the safety of our staff and to ensure social distancing is maintained we have now closed our waiting room. ... We will now ask you to wait in your vehicle, then phone our receptionist on 4657 1120 to let them know you have arrived. Our staff will then call you back when it is your turn to see the Doctor. If deemed necessary by our staff, our Doctor may visit you in your car. Our practice will also be offering phone consults for those eligible; more information to follow. We appreciate your patience and support as we navigate through this difficult time.
16.01.2022 Our practice will be closed Friday 10th April and re-open Tuesday 14th April at 9am. We hope our staff have a well deserved rest, especially after the visit they had today! HAPPY EASTER!
15.01.2022 Great advice from Diabetes Australia....... Let's be honest, this year has been rougher than most. Its been especially tough for many people living with all types of diabetes.... According to our research, more than 50% of people living with diabetes have experienced mental health challenges in the last year. The mental and emotional health challenges of diabetes are just as real as physical complications like eye, foot and kidney issues. Find out why were giving Australia a Heads Up on Diabetes by visiting
14.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that DR AMANDA CUSS will be joining Dr Ron Campbell, Dr Margaret Jozwik and Dr Skala Al-Dawoodi at The Oaks Medical Practice in August. Dr Cuss completed her medical training at University of Sydney with Honours. Prior to this she completed a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Immunology and Microbiology. Since graduating from medicine, she has gained further training in obstetrics and gynaecology, and general surgery (with experience in ...urology, vascular surgery, oncology and trauma surgery). Interest Areas: Womens health, Paediatrics, Chronic disease management, Skin checks, Skin cancer surgery and Preventative health. Please phone 46571120 for a booking or book online:
13.01.2022 Did you know your GP is still available for consultations during this challenging time? Our practice offers telehealth services, meaning you can consult your preferred GP about any type of health concern with a telephone, video or safe in-person appointment. Book online or phone 46571120.
13.01.2022 Our practice still offers phone consultations. Call 4657 1120 to make your appointment or book online. Its important anyone with symptoms gets tested for COVID-19. Encourage friends and family to get tested, even if their symptoms are mild.
12.01.2022 * D O C T O R - P R O F I L E * . Dr Ron Campbell B.Med (Hons) Newcastle University FRACGP, B.Pharm Sydney University, B.Sc Sydney University, Graduate Certificate in Medical Acupuncture Monash University, Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine Australian Institute of Applied Sciences . Dr Campbell has grown up and worked in the Macarthur & Wollondilly Shires as a community pharmacist from 1985 to 1997 and then as a General Practitioner from 1997. He has been servicing 2... local nursing homes in the Wollondilly area for over 15 years and been involved as team doctor for sporting teams over the years. . He has an interest in alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and herbal medicine which he uses to treat a variety of conditions if appropriate. He is currently completing a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) and has an interest in sports related injuries and nutrition. . Dr Campbell is available at The Oaks Medical Practice Tues, Fri morning and Sat. . He is also available at The Clinic Tahmoor Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri afternoon. See more
12.01.2022 Thanks to the team at Getmilk we now have our own website!
12.01.2022 In response to the COVID-19 case in Camden, a walk-in COVID-19 testing clinic has been set up at Camden Hospital (SWSPHN). For other testing options in South Western Sydney - Campbelltown Hospital Camden Hospital
10.01.2022 The Oaks Medical Practice will be closed Sat 31st October and reopen Mon 2nd November at 9am. We are open for both face to face and telehealth consultations. Please ensure you do not enter our practice without mask. We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy your weekend!
10.01.2022 If you have symptoms get tested! Anyone with respiratory symptoms like cough, sore/scratchy throat or shortness of breath & those with a loss of sense of smel...l or taste or unexplained fever should be tested for COVID-19. Find testing options in South Western Sydney Testing options information sheets are also available in: Assyrian - Vietnamese - Arabic - Simplified Chinese - Traditional Chinese - NSW Health Australian Government Department of Health See more
10.01.2022 NSW Health strongly recommends wearing a face mask if you cannot physically distance. This is especially important if you live, work in or visit South Western Sydney where there have recently been locally transmitted cases of COVID-19. Always carry a clean face mask and wear it: - When you can’t maintain 1.5 metres of physical distance from others (such as when using public transport, rideshares and taxis, in supermarkets and shops, places of worship and entertainment venues...) - If working in a cafe, restaurant, pub, club or other high-risk indoor areas - When caring for or serving vulnerable people - If COVID-19 symptoms develop while you are out of home - If you are out of home and contacted by NSW Health and told you are a close contact For more advice on when to wear a mask visit:
10.01.2022 Our practice will be closed Saturday 12th September and reopen Monday 14th September at 9am. Consultations remain available via telehealth or face-to-face. Please remember to wear a mask and contact us (phone 46571120) before entering the practice. We appreciate your assistance and apologise for any inconvenience. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
09.01.2022 Our practice will be closed Saturday 25th July and will reopen again at 9am on Monday 27th July. Face-to-face and phone consults remain available. Bookings can be made via phone 46571120 or online. Please ensure you phone us before arriving at our practice particularly if you have flu-like symptoms. We also ask you to please adhere to the precautions we have in place to protect yourself, others and our wonderful staff!
08.01.2022 TODAY IS WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY! 10th October 2020 Connect with your loved ones, do something that brings you joy, and most importantly - be kind to yourself
08.01.2022 * D O C T O R - P R O F I L E * . Dr Margaret Jozwik B.Med, FRACGP, Certificate in Skin Cancer Medicine . Dr Jozwik is a graduate of RACGP with extensive experience in emergency medicine and a special interest in Skin Cancer, Chronic Disease Management and lifestyle improvements. ... . She graduated from Medical school in 1983 in Poland. Dr Jozwik has many years of experience in all fields of General Practice. . She is fluent in Polish and English and can speak basic Russian and Italian. Dr Jozwik is available for bookings Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri. Call 4657 1120 or book online
07.01.2022 THE OAKS MEDICAL PRACTICE UPDATE 01/05/2020 Flu vaccinations We have plenty of stock of the government funded 2020 Flu Vaccine available. Face to Face Consultations - We continue to be able to provide face to face consultations here in the surgery. Please rest assured we are keeping our practice safe to visit with regular environmental cleaning, closed waiting room and thorough triage process.... Phone/Video Consultations - These are available to ALL patients. Existing patients can book online, new patients will need to phone 4657 1120 Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
07.01.2022 We might not be able to have a tropical island vacation, but we can still schedule a refreshing stay-cation to replenish our energy, motivation and outlook. Stay resilient by taking some time off.
06.01.2022 Our practice recognises that wait times for COVID-19 testing can be lengthy and frustrating. However, additional local services remain available for your convenience at Camden. Referrals can be obtained via phone consultation with any of our GPs on 46571120.
05.01.2022 Local doctors have backed calls urging people with chronic health conditions & acute medical issues not to neglect their regular healthcare & to continue to see... their GP or specialist during the COVID-19 pandemic. The doctors' calls echo an RACGP & Federal Government plea to all Australians to not put off seeing your GP. Read more - NSW Health Australian Government Department of Health RACGP See more
04.01.2022 Lest We Forget
04.01.2022 We had Saturday off for some well deserved R&R. However, we're back from 9am tomorrow and we're open next Saturday morning. Face to face or telehealth appointments are available all week. Bookings online or contact reception on 46571120. We hope you had a wonderful weekend! Please be mindful of the changes we've had to implement given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19.
04.01.2022 Important message from NSW Government..... Something as simple as holding a railing, pressing a lift button or using a parking meter, can lead to the spread of COVID-19. Dont forget to wash your hands to protect you and your loved ones. Its up to all of us to keep healthy and well.
04.01.2022 Our practice will be closed Saturday 6th June and reopen at 9am on Tuesday 9th June. Please remember our waiting room remains closed but our GPs are still available for face to face or telephone consults. Bookings available online or phone 46571120. Regards Practice Management.
04.01.2022 Happy New Year! We're refreshed and ready! We re-open at 9am tomorrow (Monday 4th January 2021). Please DO NOT enter our practice without your mask on! Our practice will continue to offer face-to-face, telehealth and phone consultations until further notice. Bookings are available online or via phone 4657 1120.... Please remember it is important for the ongoing control of COVID-19 in NSW that anyone in the state who has any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, continues to get tested immediately and self-isolates until a negative test result is received.
04.01.2022 * D O C T O R - P R O F I L E * . Dr Skala Al-Dawoodi B.Med . Dr Al-Dawoodi enjoys all aspects of General Practice with a particular interest in Skin cancer, completing a Dermatology Diploma with the Australian Institute of Dermatology in 2015, as well as skin cancer surgery with Healthcert in Dec 2017.... Her hobbies include reading books, music and travelling and she is fluent in English, Kurdish, Arabic and Persian. Dr Al-Dawoodi is available for bookings Mon, Wed and Fri. Call 4657 1120 or book online
04.01.2022 Our practice will be administering flu vaccines commencing tomorrow! Please note YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT. Your co-operation with this is extremely important. Our waiting room remains closed due to the current Covid 19 situation but our friendly staff are to here to help. ... To attend our flu clinic please phone 46571120 (from 9am Mon 6th April).
02.01.2022 Please ensure you wear a mask before entering our practice. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
02.01.2022 The Oaks Medical Practice will be closed Sat 3rd and Mon 5th October. We hope our patients all enjoy a safe and relaxed long weekend. We are back open for both face to face and telehealth consultations Tues 6th October 9am 4657 1120
02.01.2022 Everyone reacts to the impacts of COVID-19 differently. Even though there are many things you cannot control, there are many things you can do to improve your mental well-being.
01.01.2022 The Oaks Medical Practice team will be taking a break over the Christmas period starting at 1pm on Thursday 24th December and will return on Monday 4th January 2021. On behalf of our team we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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