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25.01.2022 Over half of the people reading this have dodgy Metabolic Health - are you one? Metabolic health is all about whats actually going on inside and often we overlook this critical area of our wellness often because the symptoms are not as obvious. We usually monitor and manage our wellness from what we see and feel and may miss the vital levels that contribute to our metabolic health. Understand the 5 key aspects that we need to be aware of and the impact of each and most impo...rtantly how to ensure our metabolic health stays in great shape! Watch the video here: Listen to the podcast here: Get support, guidance and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #metabolichealth #executives
25.01.2022 Working from home has it challenges! Does your core working behaviours click or clash with your WFH world? Here is a simple FREE quiz to understand your WFH behaviours and how to maximise your productivity. Its FREE and only takes a few minutes and you receive your WFH results Heres the link: Live your PEAKS Life today! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #DISC #behaviours See more
24.01.2022 Keto is amazing and will revolutionise the way you fuel your body! You will likely strip off unwanted fat, boost energy and feel awesome! BUT It is important to understand the different types of Keto and more importantly which one is best for you and the results you are wanting to achieve. Join us as we guide you through 5 types of keto to understand their purpose and place in your way of eating.... Watch here: Listen here: Live Your PEAKS Life Today! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #keto #fatloss See more
24.01.2022 We live in a toxic world! Unless you live your life in a bubble you are exposed to countless toxins every day, from environmental pollution, chemicals in our drinking water and oceans, plastic containers and packaging, xenoestrogens, pesticides, fertilisers, sun cream, the list goes on. Join us in this PEAKS life episode as we understand toxic risks and how to manage your wellness in a toxic world. Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Take control of your health, wellness and happiness and Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #toxic #wellness See more
23.01.2022 Keto is a high fat diet where we include a large % of healthy fats. Often we make the mistake of including non-keto shit fats by mistake and undoing all our good work! In this episode we walk through and show you all the recommended good healthy fats and understand their keto friendly properties and how to include into our keto lifestyle. Watch the video: Get support, guidance and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Life!... Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #Keto #fats See more
22.01.2022 It’s a great time to check in with your circadian rhythm! The benefits may surprise you! Discover here: Define, Plan, Execute, Accelerate & Live your PEAKS Life!... mindset~food~movement~sleep #leadership #executivecoaching #thepeakslife See more
21.01.2022 Time to have an in depth look at a traditional eating regime that is gaining popularity every day! What is the carnivore diet and is it for you? Understand the benefits and challenges of going carnivore and why BBQs take on a whole new appeal! Watch the video! Listen to the podcast: Ready to Live Your PEAKS Life? mindset~keto~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #carnivore #keto See more
21.01.2022 Wellness is a long game! It takes focus and commitment to sustain health, wellness and happiness! However the benefits are amazing and we all deserve to feel this good and be great role models for our children, family and friends! Get started on your journey with support, guidance and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #wellness #longgame See more
21.01.2022 Wellness takes commitment! Mindset: being in the right headspace to take the first steps! Keto: understanding how to refuel and nourish your body without sugars and carbs! Movement: finding an activity that you love and is right for your body! Sleep: discovering the power of restorative sleep on your wellness!... Then parking all your excuses, barriers and stories and just starting! Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #wellness #ditchthedadbod See more
20.01.2022 Whos your most important stakeholder? We spend so much of our time looking after our important stakeholders and forget to make sure that we are ok first! You cant look after others if you are not operating at 100% and in your best shape! You are the most important stakeholder in your life - you deserve the attention first! Get support, guidance and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Life!... Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #stakeholder #coaching See more
20.01.2022 How much longer? Until the break occurs? You are a successful professional with a career built on results and achievements. You have worked damn hard and deserve all the accolades, perks and responsibilities you receive. You are a strong can-do leader who drives deliverables and achieves targets!... How much longer, until the break occurs? You have largely ignored your health and wellness, with the exception of the occasional burst of exercise and healthy eating and deep down you know your body is living on borrowed time. You are not getting any younger and you have to work hard to stay ahead of your ambitious team members snapping at your heels! How much longer, until the break occurs and you miss out on the future that you deserve? You are thinking about the years ahead and know you need to make plans for a sustainable wellness, leadership, team, business future! How much longer, until the break occurs and you miss out on the future that you and your family and your colleagues and your team and your business deserves? Define, Plan, Execute & Live your PEAKS Life! keto~movement~sleep #leadership #executivecoaching #thepeakslife
19.01.2022 Ready to fast? The benefits are amazing and its not as difficult as you may think. In this episode we look at success strategies before, during and after fasting to reap the rewards you deserve. Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Get support, guidance and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #fasting #autophagy See more
19.01.2022 Selfish much? Time to think about others and the real impact of your selfish lack of health management! Live your PEAKS Life with support, guidance and accountability. Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep... #thepeakslife #keto #sleep See more
19.01.2022 This was a great opportunity to spread some hormone love! Lyn recently spoke to the Womens Fitness Business Leaders about the challenges women face with hormone health and the significant impact it can have on their lives. More than ever before women globally are struggling with weight gain, hormone imbalance, anxiety, stress and relationship challenges. They try popular diets, exercise routines and conventional strategies but these often dont work. I discussed practical li...festyle strategies including food, fasting, exercise and sleep that women can use to balance their hormones naturally so that they can lose weight, and get their mind, body and lives back. For more information Join our Facebook Group Eat for your Hormones' #hormones #menopause #eatforyourhormones
18.01.2022 Sugar addiction is soo easy! You simply spend your day surrounded by temptation and self discipline gives in to pleasure and the addiction begins! Sugar addiction and obesity are booming and so many are suffering simply because they have been locked down and unable to escape to a healthy distraction Understand the sugar addiction trap and learn some strategies to conquer your cravings - heres a great podcast: Define, Plan, Execute, Accelerate & Live your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep #leadership #executivecoaching #thepeakslife
14.01.2022 On this episode of The PEAKS Life, we talk to a truly inspirational lady, Tanya Sheckley. Her amazing courage, positive mindset and determination are an inspiration. Tanya is Founder and President of UP Academy, an elementary lab school which values innovation, empathy and strength and incorporates a unique neuro-development program for children with physical disabilities. UP Academy teaches communication, collaboration and problem solving skills to prepare students for a f...uture we cant imagine. Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #tanyasheckley #upacademy See more
14.01.2022 Time to chill out! Cold exposure is proven to boost the bodies wellness in a variety of ways, and even increases fat loss! Understand how to tap into the benefits of cold exposure and the amazing results you can expect In this fascinating PEAKS life episode Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Take the challenge and Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #icebaths #whm See more
13.01.2022 Heres a fun chat about the Keto snack market and why the big food companies are capitalising on the keto revolution and selling us non keto snacks with clever marketing. If you are a keto snacker. . . .this ones for you! Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Get guidance, support and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life!... Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #keto #junkfood See more
13.01.2022 Great leaders make great commitments! We set clearly defined goals, we make plans, then we execute with 100% commitment! The wellness challenge is no different and needs total commitment to work for you and your team. You cant get achieve just wellness you are either in or out. Make this, the year you made the personal and professional commitment to wellness and wellbeing your results will be amazing!... Define, Plan, Execute & Live your PEAKS Life! keto~movement~sleep #leadership #executivecoaching #thepeakslife
12.01.2022 Its easy to blame and make excuses! Start your new week with a fresh start and a commitment to the wellness you deserve! Get support, guidance and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep... #thepeakslife #keto #excuses See more
12.01.2022 Stop waiting for permission! From your kids, partner, friends, family, colleagues, team or work - you dont need their permission to take ownership of your health, wellness and happiness. Stop waiting and take action today - you deserve to be the best version of yourself and live the life you want. 2020 really Is the year of change in so many ways and it is the perfect time to take back control of your wellbeing. Get support, guidance and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Li...fe! mindset~food~movement-sleep #thepeakslife #wellness #executivecoaching See more
10.01.2022 Ready to smack a naysayer? Its frustrating, but it happens all the time! When you explain to someone that you are following a keto lifestyle, and they feel the need to give you their expert opinion on all things keto! In this episode we talk through strategies to confidently explain your keto journey and deal with the challengers effectively! Watch the video: ... Need guidance, support and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #keto #wellness See more
10.01.2022 Dont ignore the elephant in the room! Its been a shitty year! We have been locked down, quarantined, restricted and maybe all our good work has slipped and wellness routine has taken a beating! Your mindset has weakened! Your food has suffered! Your movement has been impacted!... Your sleep has been interrupted! And thats all ok - we have been going through a challenging time! BUT Lets not ignore the elephant any longer! Time to re-focus on our own health & wellness and get back on track! Reach out and ask for help and support. Live your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #mindset #wellness See more
09.01.2022 Will your resilience weather the storm? We have had so may challenges thrown at us to test our health and happiness. We need to be strong to survive and thrive - how is your wellness and wellbeing? Is it time to make the changes you know you need to make? Define: make the decison and understand what your ideal wellness looks like!... Plan: create a workable and sustainable plan that will give the results you deserve! Execute: start the journey and take those first important steps! Time to Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #resilience #protection See more
09.01.2022 Not sure where to start? Not clear on the first steps? Taking any action will give you clarity on where you need to go! Just start. Just take action.... Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #procrastination #action See more
09.01.2022 Sound familiar? One of the biggest challenges we face on our wellness journey is the desire, obligation or direct pressure to have a drink. Wellness is about making conscious choices and prioritising our health and that requires some tough decisions to be made that may not be easy or popular. Dont give in, the results will be worth it and you will earn the respect and success you deserve Full youtube here: Podcast here: Live your PEAKS Life Mindset~ Keto~Movement~Sleep #leadership #alcohol #thepeakslife See more
08.01.2022 Its not too late! Don't let go of your wellness goals - you deserve to feel amazing! Its not too late! To have amazing health, wellness and happiness - its all at your fingertips! Its not too late!... To be the you that you deserve to be - and love your life again! Reach out for support, guidance and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #wellness #lastchance See more
08.01.2022 How balanced is your wellness program? Too much or Too little? Get it right and supercharge your performance! Get it wrong and jeopardise the results you deserve! Understand your Minimum Effective Dose and achieve your wellness success... Full episode here: Listen here: Define, Plan & Live your PEAKS Life! #leadership #thepeakslife #success See more
07.01.2022 Are you a parent, grandparent, aunty, uncle or just love kids? Be very scared and concerned as we walk through the stats on kids obesity globally. Kids are getting fatter and sicker younger and their diets are the primary driver. Dont do selfish keto - share your knowledge and love and save our kids. Watch the video: Listen to podcast: ... Start today with guidance, support and accountability and Live Your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #kidsobesity #kids See more
07.01.2022 One of the keys to effective weight loss is cardio - or is it? Many simply include cardio into their weight-loss program out of habit and history and may be sabotaging their weight loss journey. In this episode we understand where cardio should be used and more importantly where a different type of movement is a better weight loss choice. Watch the video: Listen to the podcast: Get the right advice, guidance and accountability to Live Your Peaks Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #cardio #weightloss See more
07.01.2022 The Keto lifestyle shouldnt be that hard, but many complicate the process and still expect the same results. Here are our simple top 5 hacks for Keto success - if you follow these, you will achieve the results you deserve: These are non negotiable, so be sure you are committed to success and want results now! Live your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep... #thepeakslife #keto #ketogenic See more
07.01.2022 You may be tempted! They sound amazing and a great way to achieve all the awesome benefits of ketosis by simply drinking the magic formula. How healthy, safe and effective are exogenous ketones? Watch the video: ... podcast: See more
06.01.2022 Its a great day to infect someone with a smile! Brighten someone’s day with a healthy dose of genuine smiles and watch peoples spirits soar with appreciation. It is more important than ever to monitor and manage our personal wellness and those important to us. Keep the focus on great food, movement, sleep and minimising stress - that will make you smile! Define, Plan, Execute, Accelerate & Live your PEAKS Life!... keto~movement~sleep #leadership #executivecoaching #thepeakslife See more
05.01.2022 So many choices! Not sure whether keto or carnivore is best for your health - why not try ketovore? Both have some amazing benefits and passionate supporters, so what if we could have the best of both worlds. See the results of our experiment in this episode... : See more
04.01.2022 Fancy a drink? Understand how to be successful on keto but still enjoy the occasional drink. What to choose and more importantly, what to avoid! Dont undo all your hard work with a simple alcohol mistake! Watch the PEAKS episode: ... Listen to the podcast: Get guidance, support and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #alcohol #coaching See more
04.01.2022 Ready to energise and balance your body? Clear your mind and boost your immune system with effective structured breathing. Only a few minutes a day will give you amazing benefits for your mind and body! Heres some great tips to start to start your breathing journey. -watch the video! Prioritise your wellness and Live Your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #breathing #whm See more
04.01.2022 Ready to sparkle? Diamonds are created under immense pressure from an ordinary old lump of charcoal! Right now is your opportunity to sparkle and bring some happiness and leadership to your family, friends and colleagues. Its time to step up and show how well you manage the stress and pressures around you and refocus that into positive energy, happiness and wellbeing Are you choosing charcoal or diamond ? ... Define, Plan, Execute, Accelerate & Live your PEAKS Life! mindset~food~movement~sleep #thepeakslife #diamonds #leadership See more
02.01.2022 You deserve happiness! You deserve health, wellbeing and mental clarity! Your wellness is your right and your responsibility! Take ownership of your wellness and make the decision to change today! Get support, guidance and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life!... mindset~food~movement~sleep #wellness #executives #thepeakslife See more
01.01.2022 Are you ready? You have done all the thinking, planning and preparation! Now it is time to take a leap of faith and execute your plan! Wellness is all about action - your results come when you take action! Ready to leap?... Get support, guidance and accountability to Live Your PEAKS Life! Mindset~Keto~Movement~Sleep #thepeakslife #action #leapoffaith See more
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