The Perinatal Loss Centre | Community
The Perinatal Loss Centre
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21.01.2022 Can you relate?
20.01.2022 In the first few months after Matt died, someone told me I would do better if I just turned away from the hole in my life. And as nicely as I could, which pro...bably wasn’t very nicely at all, I told them that the hole was my life; that I needed to find ways to stay with it, to stay beside that gaping hole, to find ways to stay present with it and not just skip over it. Pain and grief are part of life. They’re part of love. And no part of love just gets dismissed like it was nothing. If you’re in pain, I bet a lot of well-meaning people in your life have encouraged you to move forward, turn away from the pain, make a new start. These things are not helpful. I know people mean well, but there are things in life that need acknowledgment, not repair. There are some things that can’t be fixed. They can only be carried. Living alongside grief, caring for yourself inside grief those are the real challenges to your heart and mind. Instead of talking about how to get out of grief, we need to be in here with grief. Not turn away. What will help you in your grief is you, knowing yourself, listening to what is true for you, responding with care and tenderness to your own needs. Listening to your own heart will guide you through this. There’s no false goal of moving through and away from your loss as if it were just a blip on the radar screen instead of the whole radar itself. Of course you want a road map, especially when the pain is new and fresh and intense. But there is no map. There is only the compass of your own heart. Your way in this will be made by you and for you, not by anyone else. Finding ways to hear yourself that’s the true work. It’s not a solution, because there is nothing to be fixed. If you’d like more love and support as you live inside your loss, I invite you to join the #WritingYourGrief course. It’s the best place I know to be alone, together, with people who understand loss. Click this link to find the next open session: How about you? In what ways do you try to listen to your own heart inside your grief? Let us know in the comments. I love to hear from you.
17.01.2022 Thinking of your October babies.
16.01.2022 This looks like a beautiful online event for bereaved parents to join together and light candles for their angel babies. Keep up the great work The Pink Elephants Support Network.
09.01.2022 For anyone interested in this...
09.01.2022 If you're grieving, we are here to listen Call us Monday - Friday 9AM- 5PM 1800 642 066
07.01.2022 There is something meaningful and peaceful about lighting a candle in honour of a loved one who has died.
07.01.2022 Supporting a woman and her partner through pregnancy following a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death, requires an understanding of the impact of grief and loss on subsequent pregnancies and births. Pregnancy subsequent to loss can be filled with fear, anxiety and apprehension. Do you feel equipped in knowing what to say to a family in your care who has had a previous loss? Do you feel confident in supporting women through pregnancy, labour and birth after loss? For more information and training, please visit The Perinatal Loss Centre at
07.01.2022 We'll be holding you and your babies in our hearts on Thursday night when we light our candles. Thursday night 15th October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Lighting of candles happens at 7pm. All over the world. x
06.01.2022 This recognition of babies born before 20 weeks is a wonderful acknowledgement of the many babies so dearly loved and so sadly lost. Thank you Sands Australia for the important work you do.
05.01.2022 Our hearts go out to all women and couples who have experienced this devastation. A relationship with their baby Jack already formed. Parents fighting to keep their precious baby alive. So sorry Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.
04.01.2022 October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. On 15th October, bereaved parents, along with their friends and families, collectively remember their angel babies by lighting a candle at 7pm. At The Perinatal Loss Centre and the Antenatal & Postnatal Psychology Network, we light our candle to commemorate the babies whose much wanted lives ache in the hearts of their parents. We think of all the parents whose tears have been shed in our presence, and whose lives have cha...nged forever. If someone close to you has experienced the loss of a baby, please consider lighting a candle at 7pm on Thursday night 15th October. Text a photo of your candle to the bereaved parents. In this simple ritual, there is something deeply acknowledging for bereaved parents, in knowing that their treasured babies are being remembered. #babyloss #stillbirth #miscarriage #pregnancyloss #supportbereavedparents
03.01.2022 find help and hope at
03.01.2022 Dear Therapist, In the online course Perinatal Loss in Practice: What Therapists Need to Know, you will not only learn about perinatal grief and loss in general, but also about loss in the context of same-sex relationships. Typically, the journey to creating a family is more complex for same sex couples. Understand the psychological and societal barriers that can be faced, and understand grief and loss from the perspective of same-sex couples whose much wanted babies sadly... die. The course can be completed in your own time. Receive a certificate from Centre of Perinatal Excellence COPE. Receive your perinatal loss listing on COPE e-referral directory. Group and student discounts apply. Find out more: To register: #griefandlosstraining #perinatallosstraining #therapisttraining
01.01.2022 It’s been a difficult and unusual year, and even more so for families who have experienced the loss of a baby. The Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth is coordinating a global study called Cocoon to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted bereavement support for families. If you or someone you know has experienced loss during this time and would be willing to share your experience, please visit: Your re...sponse will play a valuable role in helping to improve future bereavement support for families worldwide. Thank you for your consideration. #COCOONGlobal See more