The Perma Pixie in Belgrave, Victoria, Australia | Education
The Perma Pixie
Locality: Belgrave, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Urban lockdown life. After moving house again, and tending my heart, I am now starting projects and business ventures once more. This is a teardrop trailer currently being renovated, which I'm planning to sell in the spring to some folks that want a comfy camping quarters! It's been a fun project, but I am gearing up to build my tiny house! ... It's been a week of unpacking, making space, and renovating this trailer, in between building in the garden and crying intermittently. Today is greenhouse time ready for seedlings, before I start doing up the little bungalow that will become The Perma Pixie Headquarters to work on all my course content, medicines, patreon offerings and more! I love spring, even though my heart is sore, this season always gives the promise of hope and happiness. #diy #timber #renovation #reclaimedwood #building #spring #teardroptrailer #camping #caravan #rustictimber #thepermapixie
25.01.2022 Pine pollen tincture ready to decant. Life goes on in lockdown. I'm preparing myself for rebirth in the spring, to listen to my heart and learn to play and enjoy life in the sun, after a dark and brutal winter. ... The process of medicine making is the real medicine for me, and I weave my healing intentions into the remedies for my patrons, and so I can show you all my methods. I have a lot to learn about healing right now. I dedicate my life to learning about health and medicine, but when it comes down to feeling the discomfort of pain, I try and squirm my way free. Healing is embodying the journey of the soul, recognising the patterns, the process, the lessons. It's not about being better. It's about being. Allowing. Accepting. Moving through. Stepping through the shadow. It's a scar that tells a story. Here I have made a double extract pine pollen tincture using water and ethanol. I explain a bit about this in my patreon video, however I think the easiest way to make things with pollen is to mix the pollen into honey Heal well everyone, may you honour your process. #pinepollen #herbalmedicine #herbalharvest #forager #medicinemaking #doubleextract #thepermapixie
24.01.2022 The visceral embrace of medicine. Here is the Self-Love Anti-Anxiety massage oil I infused over a month ago now. I am straining it, squeezing it but not too hard, so that the resins don't come out and seperate in the oil, which could lead to rancidity. ... Patreons will be receiving this recipe, one I think we could all do with in these crazy times in the world. I'm feeling tired, very emotional and worn out, and I'm looking forward to a bath and this oil on my skin before bed Considering this is a self love oil - tell me, what does self love look/feel like to you? #makemedicinenotwar #herbalmedicine #anxiety #anxietymedicine #selfcare #infusedoil #herbaloil #medicinemaking #herbalist #permaculturist #homesteading #homedispensary #apothecary #thepermapixie
20.01.2022 Working the Medicinal Garden today. A day of collecting oat seed, cutting back oat straw for compost and mulch, clearing back plants that are choking out others, harvesting Calendula, cleavers, rosemary and nettle seed, top dressing with compost, planting more oats and planting Clary sage seedlings!! Such a beautiful day for it! ... Now in my workshop hanging bunches of cleavers, putting Calendula in the dehydrator and sieving nettle seeds to make medicines. I will be doing instructional videos on these things for patrons in the coming weeks! Next up in the garden: making the wicking bed for the greenhouse, planting red clover, transplanting medicinal herbs for the Mediterranean guild and north American guild. Medicinal ecosystems for community health resilience! #medicinalgardening #medicinegarden #herbalmedicine #herbgarden #permaculture #permaculturedesign #herbalism #resilience #communityresilience #solidarity #iloveplants #organicgardening #thepermapixie
20.01.2022 Next step of Perma Pixie HQ - a seedling house outside my studio/workshop. This was an ADHDer's worst nightmare in instruction form- but I stuck at it for two days and what do you know... I can actually follow instructions and not get distracted! Now I can plant all my medicinal seeds!! ... Soon it will be a green oasis I have loved being in the sun at my new home listening to music and working away at this little project! Tomorrow the seeds will be planted and the studio will be set up! Soon I will have many patreon offerings for this month, including pine pollen tincture to be sent out! And I will be working on medicines for my new shop and course content for online courses and patreon!! Yay Spring! #greenhouse #seedlings #seedlinghouse #gardening #medicinalgardening #medicinalseeds #permaculture #diy #thepermapixie
19.01.2022 Bottling liquid gold for patreons this month - Pine pollen harvested at Imbolc and decanted on Spring Equinox #pinepollen #pine #imbolc #seasons #seasonalmedicine #patreon #thepermapixie
19.01.2022 Hey Melbourne Peeps! Sick of online learning?! Well... come get your hands in the dirt! Due to this event being rescheduled because of the current Melbourne climate, there are now 3 more spaces available for this hands-on internship designed to give you real homesteading skills at a household level! ... So looking forward to being in the sun with people and a garden! <3
18.01.2022 Happy Beltane everyone! I'm excited about this rose petal Hydrosol that was made at Beltane, to infuse love into the world at such a hectic time! My light the way patrons will receive a rose Hydrosol Face Cream and Beltane ritual candles for this special seasonal event!... What do you wish to conceptualize to birth in the summer? It's important that we think about our place in the world as we re emerge, how we wish to spend our time and energy this season, what we want our actions to create in the world, our quality of life, our pace. What do you want to conceptualize this full moon at Beltane? #beltane #hydrosol #stihl #apothecary #patreon #herbalmedicine #thepermapixie
18.01.2022 The Perma Pixie is looking for some assistance this Spring/Summer with managing online orders and completing administrative tasks. If you are interested please send an email to [email protected] with the title 'Perma Pixie Shop' and a description of your passions, skills and reasons as to why you'd like to apply. You will receive an email with further details and prompts. ... Looking forward to a season of creating medicinal resilience!
17.01.2022 Liquid gold. Pine pollen double extract tincture. Made with wildcrafted pine pollen, extracted in H20 and ethanol. Pine pollen is renowned for its effects on hormones, mainly androgens, and also impacts the lymphatic system, assisting the immune response and allergies. It is a powerful tonic for the make reproductive system and libido (watch out, it's spring!) and contains a high amount of protein.... I'm in Perma Pixie HQ now, my own little studio to weave medicine dreams. Lots of new ideas! I'll be doing more videos, and Livestreams for patrons, in regards to health, both individual and on a community and societal level, foraging, gardening, Permaculture, medicine making, harvesting and drying... And whatever else I dream up! Tell me, what could I help you with this spring? What do you wish to know? #pinepollen #doubleextract #tincture #medicinemaking #herbalism #permaculturist #wildcrafting #forager #pine #homesteading #apothecary #homedispensary #thepermapixie
12.01.2022 Finishing off the wicking bed greenhouse today with @samuelwines - nice to be in the garden chatting in the sun! This is going to mimic a subtropical environment for tumeric and Rosella This consisted of digging 200mm down, placing black plastic in the hole, which will then be filled with scoria, geotech fabric on top and an overflow. This will create a water reservoir for the sun tropical plants. Soil will be placed on top of the fabric, which will be the growing medium. ... I am not the best builder, and my efforts today we're a little south of perfect, however I do give things a go and get things done! And it's nice to just enjoy the process. I am glad to be doing garden projects with people, keeps me alive. #greenhouse #medicinalgardening #herbalism #resilience #ecology #connection #gardening #thepermapixie
11.01.2022 The Herbal Apprentice Online Program for 2021 has been launched! - G I V E A W A Y - We are gifting one place in this course!... For your chance to attend this course free of charge please: - Like @thepermapixie and @willowherbnerd - Share this Post - Tag a friend you think may be interested <3 <3 <3 We have had such an amazing response from these online courses that we will be offering them each year as part of our online offerings. This course covers Herbal foundations, intro to medicinal gardening and medicine making basics. We teach from a pattern understanding perspective, very different to most herbalists, giving you the tools you need to continue your learning after the course finishes. We hope to see you as a Herbal Apprentice! #theherbalapprentice #courses #onlinecourses #herbalmedicine #grassrootsherbalism #medicinalgardening #willowherbnerd #alchemicalecology #thepermapixie
10.01.2022 Ready for the next face to face wild food and Medicine walk?! This weekend, to celebrate the return of @ceresjoesmarketgarden reopening it's Saturday market vibe with live music, we will meet here to start our foraging walk of the Merri creek! Empower yourself by learning how to be on relationship with your local environment and utilise plants for food and nourishment! ... Bookings at Workshops Hope to see you in full celebration of the Spring and end of lockdown!! #forage #wildfoodandmedicine #workshop #forager #wildfood #edibleweeds #local #eatlocal #wildcraft #permaculture #homesteading #thepermapixie
10.01.2022 Milk thistle is the lady of the liver Heavy hitter, cell knitter and cleansing bitter, Use the seeds or the leaves, For toxic relief, So the weed does it's deed and aids vitality! ... ... I am catching these flowers in the garden before they seed so they don't spread down the Merri creek. They will still seed in a brown paper bag, and the plant will keep growing so I can use it's flowers and leaves. ... But let's say a few words on how I feel about invasive species. I agree with removing species that are encroaching on endemic species and may threaten them to a point of vulnerability or extinction. What I do not agree with is going backwards, trying to conserve the local environments to the point they once were. I am devestated to see the amount of damage that has occured to bioregions of Victoria and their ecological vegetation classes, and I think we have a responsibility to preserve certain environs and foster the care of native species so we do not loose more of these habitats... However, I do agree with the Permaculture perspective of the book 'Beyond the War on Invasive Species' which suggests that certain species are now fullfilling a much needed niche in an ecosystem. It is not a symptomatic, but a systemic issue. The plants are trying to find innovative ways to solve systemic issues, and if we looked at addressing the issues on a systematic level, it would be easier to preserve native habitat without these new niche species trying to do it for us. So, I think of how we can move forward, learning from these species, whilst providing rehabilitation not only to the environs but the systems that compromise them. ... #endemic #nativespecies #invasivespecies #beyondthewaroninvasivespecies #niche #conservation #weeds #medicinalherbs #medicinalweeds #herbalism #permaculture #thepermapixie
06.01.2022 Hawthorn. Crataegus monogyna. Grief Medicine. .... So, in Melbourne, and many parts of the world, we are dealing with a collective grief perhaps never witnessed before. As people get sick, people are fearful, forests burn and we deal with a surreal isolation... Grief comes up. Not to mention our personal grievings. I have my fair share right now - but the way that not only humans, but living things connect through the common experience of suffering is mesmerising to me, and holds a certain bitter sweet beauty. I had an osteopath tell me that the body does not distinguish between physical and emotional pain and trauma- our body will always try and protect our heart, the most vital organ to our survival. Our muscles will literally contract and give our body a different shape due to the emotional pain we feel- how incredible is that?! All things can connect with us and open themselves up during times of grief, pain and suffering.... Including... You got it, plants! Hawthorn is renowned for its effects on the heart, tonifying cardiac muscle, and relaxing our nervous system. It helps to strengthen our heart, but not in a stoic patriarchal kind of way... It allows us to soften... Find the strength in our vulnerability, for this is what makes connection possible. Vulnerability. Trust. Love. With this comes pain. Sorrow. Longing. I love remembering plant allies in these situations, those that make it possible to connect with the medicine of a situation and keep moving. This plant is definitely useful for those feeling heartfelt sorrow right now. . #hawthorn #crataegus #grief #sorrow #healing #herbalism #herbalmedicine #love #thepermapixie
01.01.2022 Can I just say, as somehow deeply passionate about health - that it's OK to emerge out of the longest quarantine in human history during a global pandemic in not the best form? Having good habits and practices for your physical, emotional and mental health are great- but can we not make this another competition? It's ok if your hair hasn't been done, if you put on some weight, if you've been stressed out or sad... People have had a lot of grief this year. ... Let's make it about the real things- community, care, friends, love. Let's find people that love is through the struggles, support each other in community rather than perpetuating a neo-libral nightmare where we all have to be a certain way or look a certain way to be loved. Let's better ourselves for ourselves, not for societies version of who we should be. I miss you all. I love you. I don't care if your hair is done. #health #melbournelockdown #emerging #love #beyourself #selfcare #thepermapixie
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