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The Point of Wellbeing in Benowa, Queensland, Australia | Acupuncturist

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The Point of Wellbeing

Locality: Benowa, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 5539 2362

Address: 21 Carrara Street 4217 Benowa, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Pregnancy loss, stillbirth and neonatal loss. A course in using Chinese medicine principles to support this really difficult time #tcm #grief #griefsupport #acupuncture #ttc #loss #babylosssupport #hugs #naturalhealthsupport #miscarriage #miscarriagesupport #stillbirthsupport

23.01.2022 Clinic is closed today so I can visit my beautiful sister’s baby shower in Emerald All back to normal from Tuesday. Enjoy your weekend x #babyshower #twinsisterpregnant #thepointofwellbeing #clinicclosedtoday #babygirl

23.01.2022 A very thoughtful and very welcome gift from a beautiful client Soooo toasty. So many women tell me how much better they feel having warm feet. Such a small but very important lifestyle change that supports women’s uterine health. You’ll notice improved lower back pain too if that’s something you suffer from #chinesemedicine #warmfeetwarmwomb #thepointofwellbeing #warmsoul #womenshealth

23.01.2022 Post Egg Pick Up Self Care * Day of egg pick up - do nothing! Sleep, movies, Netflix, book * Aim to eat easy to digest food to avoid adding to bloating and pain * Soups, slow cooked meat, chicken broth, ramen... * Avoid gluten, dairy and icy cold foods * Keep feet, back and low abdomen warm to keep blood vessels dilated and anti-inflammatory markers circulating * Broccoli is a great food for helping to detox high estrogen * Include prune juice, pear juice and increase fiber as constipation will increase abdominal discomfort * Back to low intensity exercise like walking from the day after EPU if you’re comfortable * Acupuncture post egg pick - I always suggest a treatment the day after egg pick up. I have a protocol for reducing pain and very appreciated #thepointofwellbeing #naturalivfsupport #posteggpickup #selfcare #ivfjourney #ivf #ivfsuccess #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity

20.01.2022 Coconut creamed rice - delicious and healthy breakfast, snack or dessert. I use aborio rice and tinned coconut milk and then add honey, cinnamon and vanilla. Right at the end I mix in an egg for added protein. Harriet loves it too. Top with any fruit, granola or even some yogurt. Soooo great for women’s hormones #creamedrice #healthyfood #goodforyourhormones #thepointofwellbeing #healthybreakfast #dessert #foodformedicine #nourished

19.01.2022 Thanks @acupuncturediaries for this gem #aculove #thepointofwellbeing #selfcare #relax

19.01.2022 Next seminar topic - a topic I’m really interested in. Failed Implantation. Reproductive Immunology is a fast growing area in medicine and natural health and Sally Charles is one of the best to learn from #ttc #implantationfailure #ivfsupport #miscarriage #autoimmuneprotocol #naturalivfsupport #anewapproach

18.01.2022 Oh love it. Which one are you? Does it match your sign? I’m a Taurus and treatments are never long enough Thanks for sharing @acupuncturediaries #justforfun #thepointofwellbeing #aculove #acufunny

17.01.2022 Lots and lots of love for this very funny, loving and patient daddy! In a houseful of girls, he’s going to need a lot of loving (and maybe beer!) Also laughing at him as a character in a Peppa Pig book! Harrie loves it Big love for all the special dad and ‘dad-like’ figures in your life #fathersday #daddypig #harrietmaewaters #housefullofgirls

17.01.2022 Celebrating the arrival of my first little niece and Harriet’s first cousin. Miss Maebel Elizabeth Thanks to everyone who has asked about Lauren - she’s doing really well. Very excited to be an Aunty x #welcomebaby #missmaebel #thepointofwellbeing

17.01.2022 A little update on baby Waters #2 - we’re half way! Pic one is currently baking and pic 2 is Harriet - quite different! I’ve been seeing a few women on the socials celebrating half way with Ben and Jerry’s ‘half baked’ ice cream....clever! Through all the women I’ve treated and even through my experience, I’m still just amazed at how incredible the female body is! But also how difficult getting to this point for many women and couples can be #babywaters2 #20weekspregnant #thepointofwellbeing #life

17.01.2022 25 weeks. Second time around definitely has different challenges and different things to be excited about. Feeling a little sad for the one on one time I will lose with Harrie but also can’t wait for her to be a big sister. Definitely less time for self care but also not working as as much as I was at the same time last pregnancy. With all the challenges I see women going through, I also feel incredibly lucky and grateful and even a little undeserving I can’t tell you how many beautiful women are struggling right now. It’s incredibly unfair. I just hope family pics bring more hope instead of dispair. Much love, Paige xx #25weekspregnant #secondtimearound #toddlerplus1 #thepointofwellbeing #harrietmaewaters #springishere

17.01.2022 Roast veggies! Sooo good. Tip: Add some lemon - delicious flavour. I always love garlic and onion roasted too Baking is usually a very drying type of cooking. This can dehydrate you if eaten too often, so pop your veggies in some good quality oil before putting on the tray. Makes them super crispy too #roastveg #easyfamilymeals #thepointofwellbeing #foodgloriousfood #foodforyourhealthandwellness

16.01.2022 Sunday afternoon tea and moxa #moxalove #differentkindofsundaysession #st365 #zusanli #energysupport #thepointofwellbeing #womenshealth

16.01.2022 Another warming breakfast option - porridge with stewed rhubarb and apple. Picked up some beautiful organic rhubarb at the farmers markets on the weekend. I may make some crumble to put on the rest Rhubarb is a good liver support and a helpful bowel mover. #winterbreakfast #warmsoul #womenshealth #thepointofwellbeing

16.01.2022 You don’t have to pick one or the other. They actually work really well together #adjunctive #naturalivfsupport #acupuncturesupport #fertilitysupport #fertilitytreatment #thepointofwellbeing

16.01.2022 Whichever one of you beautiful ladies sent me this, thank you! Fruit and chocolate, perfect balance I do wish I could thank you individually but I want you to know I am very appreciative! Much love xx #thankyou #secretadmirer #thepointofwellbeing #biglove

15.01.2022 I spend a lot of time laughing with women about our frustrating common trait of overthinking. Learning how to stop thinking would be amazing! Meditation is not always the answer but guided mindfulness may help. There’s heaps of apps/YouTube videos and community groups doing these so it’s not hard to find something. A new recommendation from a lovely client for those over thinkers doing IVF is the app - Mindful IVF. It’s got a guided mindful voice clip for pretty much any situation you could be going through #mindfulivf #overthinking #thepointofwellbeing

14.01.2022 My next course in the online Acupuncture-Fertility seminar. Debra Betts completed a PhD in acupuncture for pregnancy loss and found that acupuncture offers a great alternative to the western medicine approach of ‘wait and see’ for first trimester bleeding. Lowering stress, supporting immune system, reducing bleeding, offering emotional support can all help women in the first trimester #acupuncturefertilitytreatment #naturalfertilitysupport #thepointofwellbeing #ttc #miscarriageawareness #miscarriagesupport

13.01.2022 Oh too true! #mumma #thepointofwellbeing #whatissleep

12.01.2022 I've spoken to many of you about my concerns taking the supplement Elevit. It's filled with poor quality ingredients, fillers and whitening agents. I know it's the most common prenatal supplement. Here is some information you might find useful. There's just so many better options available, Paige

12.01.2022 I’ve seen this pic a few times this week and just love it Traveling the fertility road can be tough. Making sure it’s with people you can cry and laugh with will make the trip more bearable #thecompanyisthebestpart #ttc #ttcsupport #ttccommunity #ontheroadagain

12.01.2022 Sometimes the simple dinners are the best! Roasted vegetable salad with poached egg and fresh tomato. A great way to have a ‘warm salad’ in winter. #foodlover #wintermeals #simplepleasures #greatfood #thepointofwellbeing #foodforhealth

10.01.2022 Liver 3 - I am using this point sooooo much right now. It’s main function is to calm or ‘subdue’ stuck Liver Qi. Your Liver Qi is responsible for all energy in the body running smoothly. When it’s not, you can experience period pain, headaches, shortness of breath, irritability, PMS, irregular ovulation, poor digestion or constant sighing. We’re all experiencing some type of Liver Qi stagnation with lack of future plans, being at home, unable to connect as much as we would normally, less exercise, less laughter. All of these help move stuck Qi. Acupuncture of course is my favorite way to improve Liver Qi movement though #liverqilikestomove #liverqi #thepointofwellbeing #womenshealth #stuckathome #covid19 #feelingstuck #iliketomoveitmoveit

10.01.2022 Roast veggies - super easy to prepare and have on hand for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Great way to use up veggies that are looking a bit sad. I blitz these up with chicken broth and coconut cream for Harriet’s gnocchi (obsessed!) sauce too. Super easy dinner - just have with some poached eggs or baked beans. Yum! Always add oil - good for women’s hormones #breakfastideas #thepointofwellbeing #healthyhormones #easyhealthyfood #ttc #ttcsupport #egghealth

09.01.2022 I’ve been talking to a few women this week about the idea of ‘thinking positively’. It’s not always the answer. Sometimes you just don’t feel it and that’s ok, sometimes you just have to feel the discomfort, sometimes life can just be shit. Especially on the difficult rollercoaster of fertility, IVF and pregnancy. #notpositiveisok #ttc #ttcsupport #lifecanbeshitsometimes #thepointofwellbeing

08.01.2022 Really great advice when looking at fertility support, IVF and pregnancy especially after loss. Taking it one day at a time #onestepatatime #onestepcloser #ttc #ttcjourney #ttcsupport #thepointofwellbeing #perspective

07.01.2022 #feelbetter #breathe #thepointofwellbeing #simple #focusonwhatyoucancontrol

07.01.2022 Miscarriage, negative home pregnancy tests, negative blood tests after IUI or IVF...take your time to be ok. Remember that the ‘sun will rise and we will try again’ #fertilitysupport #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #ttcsupport #ttctribe #naturalfertilitysupport #naturalmiscarriagesupport #thesunwillrise #wegotthis

07.01.2022 Stewing fruit. Soooo good in winter. Also a great way to use up left over fruit or fruit almost going off. This one has rhubarb, strawberry and pear. Great to support digestion! Add to yogurts, under crumble, in porridge, on muesli, in smoothies...yum! I add a tablespoon or so of honey to balance the bitterness #winterfoods #digestivehealth #warmspleen #thepointofwellbeing #chinesemedicine #warmfoodwarmheart

07.01.2022 I have some exciting news to share...Miss Harriet will welcome a little baby sibling in December A COVID surprise A little shocked especially with the challenges we had falling pregnant the first time but beyond excited! I do apologise if it is triggering to see another pregnancy announcement for those struggling. We’re all on our own path to our own families and I so love being apart of yours x #grateful #crazyyear #pregnancyannouncement #bigsis #covidsurprise #thepointofwellbeing

07.01.2022 Porridge - such a versatile breakfast. You can have it gluten free, dairy free, add nuts, add seeds, add fruit, add yogurt, add coconut yogurt, add brown sugar (my fav and actually really good for bowels!), grated pear, strawberry, stewed fruit even roasted vegetables! Keep up with warm breakfasts even as the weather warms up - a great way to support metabolism or in Chinese medicine, your Kidney Yang. The same warm energy that supports progesterone and pregnancy health #breakfastlover #foodlover #foodforbabyhealth #ttc #ttccommunity #porridge #foodasmedicine #foodforthesoul

06.01.2022 So very strange not making any more bookings after today. It’s been bitter sweet saying goodbye to you all. Lots of pregnancies, pending births, pending blood tests and pending early scans coming up that I will miss. But I’m also incredibly excited to have some time before our little girl arrives. Thank you for all the well wishes, gifts and hugs. I’m feeling so very loved and lucky to be in such a beautiful community of gorgeous women! I will update you on bub’s arrival of course. Much love, Paige #matleave #havingalittleone #thepointofwellbeing #lastday #babygirl #feelingloved

06.01.2022 In August, I was supposed to be heading to Melbourne for a three day solo vacation...I mean conference (ha!) specifically for Acupuncture and Fertility. Instead it’s online of course and this is just one of the incredible talks. Imagine if Chinese medicine could one day be used to help screen patients and their IVF outcomes? So much more to be learnt in this space #energetics #pharmacology #tcm #integrativehealth #ivfsupport #naturalivfsupport #thepointofwellbeing #ttc

06.01.2022 So often the last few months I’ve felt completely overwhelmed. I haven’t posted much because I often feel the things I may have to share seem trivial in comparison to the deep challenges in the world at the moment. Children have a great way of helping with perspective. Milestones are still being marked off, babies are still being made and born and I’m constantly reminded that although my impact may be small in the world, it’s big to at least one little person and I’m so grateful. Miss Harrie has had the side off her cot removed and she cold not be more excited! We’re a little nervous Sending lots of love, Paige x #milestones #bigimpact #littlelove #biggirlbed #thepointofwellbeing

05.01.2022 36 weeks! Feels like still a few things to do before baby arrives but getting there. Miss Harriet is practicing bathing her dolls, popping her ‘babies’ in the baby swing and giving my belly lots and lots of kisses Just a reminder that next week is my last week before I go on maternity leave. If you need anything before then, please get in touch. Look forward to seeing you all before I go #thepointofwellbeing #36weeks #thirdtrimester #babynumbertwo #littlesister

05.01.2022 Pregnancy acupuncture for my beautiful twin sister Great position to open up the back...and access to watch tv! Everyone loves an acupuncturist in the family #aculove #moxalove #pregnancyacupuncture #thepointofwellbeing #sisterlove #auntypaige

03.01.2022 Bump buddies and best friends in womb You would have noticed the beautiful Sam is due not far behind me. Exciting end to the year at MyHealth Benowa! We were spoilt by work today with a delicious lunch and drop ins by beautiful clients. Thank you!! Feeling very loved #bumpsquad #bumpbuddies #feelingblessed #thepointofwellbeing #matleave #mumsanddaughters

03.01.2022 Four incredible women talking classic Chinese medicine, Chinese herbs for gynecology, support in pregnancy and post partum. Lots to bring into clinical practice #chinesemedicinestudent #cpd #thepointofwellbeing #chinesemedicineforfertility #chinesemedicineforpregnancy #chinesemedicineforpostpartum #naturalhealthsupport #ttc #ttcsupport

02.01.2022 If you’ve found it hard to find an ovulation thermometer for basal body temperature tracking...they’ve been sold out everywhere due to COVID-19 I’m pretty sure I’ve called every chemist on the coast and have been able to pick up just one. If you see them anywhere, please let me know! Pic attached. ... They’re important for body temps as they go to 2 decimals places. Would so appreciate it!

02.01.2022 I wonder how things would have been different the first time around if I’d known more. I might have coped better if I’d understood that some of what I was experiencing was just my brain this dynamic, empathy-teaching, humankind-shaping maternal brain doing exactly what it was supposed to do. Maybe, at the very least, it would have helped me to put down my smartphone at night and get some sleep.

01.01.2022 It seems more and more women are being diagnosed with iron deficiency or anemia in third trimester - me too! Symptoms can include tiredness or fatigue, shortness of breath, insomnia, sallow complexion, palpitations, muscle weakness. I’m all about root cause of disease rather than masking symptoms so I have some info below about how you can use diet, acupuncture and supplements to build blood and increase iron in pregnancy. Make sure you chat to your GP or OB about having fol...low up blood tests to track iron/ferritin. You need to start making these changes earlier than 36 weeks pregnant, but ideally throughout your pregnancy. Iron deficiency is a type of blood deficiency in Chinese medicine To build blood, you need iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 To make more red blood cells, you need adequate protein You also need copper, all the other B vitamins and vitamin C to help with iron absorption To build blood, you need to improve nutrition and improve absorption of nutrients With acupuncture, we improve digestive energy to help with absorption Acupuncture can also remove energy stagnations that could be negatively impacting digestion and absorption So some practical tips Take a good quality iron supplement Continue your prenatal supplement with all the good B vitamins throughout your pregnancy Avoid caffeine near iron consumption - reduces absorption Eat half an orange with your iron supplement/protein ingestion Add protein smoothie to daily food consumption - as an extra meal Include protein in all main meals Improve gut health - probiotics, fermented food, avoiding gluten, dairy and refined sugar Increase leafy greens in diet Not just for iron, for pregnancy health #irondeficiency #irondeficiencyanemia #pregnancysupport #thirdtrimester #thepointofwellbeing #mumsupport #whysotired #naturalhealthsupport

01.01.2022 Studies showing impact of stress on IVF outcomes. Lecture notes from a fertility specialist - Dr Nick Lolatgis. One of acupuncture’s main areas of support in fertility, IVF and pregnancy is its ability to calm and encourage relaxation. Really valuable treatment option alongside IVF #nomorestress #acupuncturecalms #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcsupport #ivfsuccess #ivfcommunity #ivfjourney

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